Downtown Development Authority Minutes 12-12-2023

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                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON


                             REGULAR MEETING MINUTES

                                     December 12, 2023

Chairperson M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 10:32 AM and roll was taken.

I.     MEMBERS PRESENT:              B. Tarrant, Jr, M. Bottomley, S. Black, J. Rieger, M.
       Kleaveland, J. Seyferth, K. Reid, J. Moore
          MEMBERS ABSENT: H. Sytsema, J. Wallace, B. Hastings, D. Pollock,

          STAFF PRESENT: C. Alexander, Development Analyst/Downtown Manager, J.
                       Hines, Development Analyst, S. Wilson, Treasurer, W. Webster,
                       development services, D. Alexander, community engagement.
          OTHERS PRESENT: K. Pershbacher

Motion by J. Seyferth second by J. Moore, to approve the regular meeting minutes for November,
2023Voice vote, all approved.

IV.    BRA BUSINESS- Contessa Alexander

         A. Adelaide Pointe- Reimbursement Request #6 - Contessa gave an update of
            Request #6. Invoices have been reviewed by staff. This payment will not be paid
            out now, actual payments will be made as tax capture becomes available.
                a. J. Moore made a motion to approve the 6th request for reimbursement
                   submitted by Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC for eligible activities and
                   supported by K. Reid.
            Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, M. Bottomley, S. Black, J.
            Moore, J. Riegler, J. Seyferth
            Nay: None
V.     DDA agenda items- Contessa Alexander

          A. DDA financial report – Contessa updated the financial statement as of November
             30. Estimated fund balance as of December 31, 2023 is projected to be
                 a. J. Moore made a motion to accept the November 30, 2023 DDA and
                     events financial statements. K. Reid supported
             Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, M. Bottomley, S. Black, J.
             Moore, J. Riegler, J. Seyferth
             Nay: None
          B. Façade Grant Revision – Contessa updated committee on suggesting brick
             staining vs. painting.
                 a. J. Moore motioned to accept the updated Façade Grant Application. S.
                     Black supported
             Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, M. Bottomley, S. Black,
             J. Moore, J. Riegler, J. Seyferth
             Nay: None

          C. Holidays in The City – Discussion only – Contessa and Dave updated the
             committee on supported projects. Would like to see more focus on Third St, Pine
             and Terrace in the future.

VI.    OTHER BUSINESS: John Riegler announced his resignation and that this is his last

VII.   Adjournment at 11:16AM

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