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CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) / BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (BRA) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 12, 2023 Chairperson M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 10:32 AM and roll was taken. I. MEMBERS PRESENT: B. Tarrant, Jr, M. Bottomley, S. Black, J. Rieger, M. Kleaveland, J. Seyferth, K. Reid, J. Moore MEMBERS ABSENT: H. Sytsema, J. Wallace, B. Hastings, D. Pollock, STAFF PRESENT: C. Alexander, Development Analyst/Downtown Manager, J. Hines, Development Analyst, S. Wilson, Treasurer, W. Webster, development services, D. Alexander, community engagement. OTHERS PRESENT: K. Pershbacher II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by J. Seyferth second by J. Moore, to approve the regular meeting minutes for November, 2023Voice vote, all approved. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS – No Public Comments IV. BRA BUSINESS- Contessa Alexander A. Adelaide Pointe- Reimbursement Request #6 - Contessa gave an update of Request #6. Invoices have been reviewed by staff. This payment will not be paid out now, actual payments will be made as tax capture becomes available. a. J. Moore made a motion to approve the 6th request for reimbursement submitted by Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC for eligible activities and supported by K. Reid. Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, M. Bottomley, S. Black, J. Moore, J. Riegler, J. Seyferth Nay: None V. DDA agenda items- Contessa Alexander A. DDA financial report – Contessa updated the financial statement as of November 30. Estimated fund balance as of December 31, 2023 is projected to be $140,066.24 a. J. Moore made a motion to accept the November 30, 2023 DDA and events financial statements. K. Reid supported Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, M. Bottomley, S. Black, J. Moore, J. Riegler, J. Seyferth Nay: None B. Façade Grant Revision – Contessa updated committee on suggesting brick staining vs. painting. a. J. Moore motioned to accept the updated Façade Grant Application. S. Black supported Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, M. Bottomley, S. Black, J. Moore, J. Riegler, J. Seyferth Nay: None C. Holidays in The City – Discussion only – Contessa and Dave updated the committee on supported projects. Would like to see more focus on Third St, Pine and Terrace in the future. VI. OTHER BUSINESS: John Riegler announced his resignation and that this is his last meeting. VII. Adjournment at 11:16AM
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