Downtown Development Authority Minutes 02-13-2024

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                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON


                             REGULAR MEETING MINUTES

                                     February 13, 2024

Chairperson M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 10:33 AM and roll was taken.

I.     ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT:                    B. Tarrant, K. Reid, M. Bottomley, B.
       Hastings, S. Black, D. Pollock, J.Seyferth, J. Wallace
          MEMBERS ABSENT: M. Kleaveland, H. Sytsema, A. Boyd, J. Moore

          STAFF PRESENT: J. Hines, Development Analyst, S. Wilson, Treasurer, W.
                       Webster, development services, D. Alexander, community
                       engagement, J. Eckholm, Director of Development Services
          OTHERS PRESENT: K. Pershbacher, J. Rooks, T. Puffer, J. Puffer, J. Cook District
                       6 County Commissioner, M. Baird, Muskegon County Deputy

II.    Approval of the meeting minutes of January 9, 2024 - K. Reid motioned to approve the
       minutes from January 9, 2024 and supported by B. Hastings. All approved

III.     Public comments on agenda items - None

IV.      BRA agenda items – Jake Eckholm

          A. Adelaide Pointe- Reimbursement Request #8 - Jake gave a brief update one that
              these reimbursements will come in monthly. We have asked for an extra week of
              lead time prior to making the agenda to ensure the 3rd party consultant has plenty
              of time to make sure all of the requested reimbursements are eligible activities.
          J. Seyferth made a motion to approve the 8th request for reimbursement submitted by
          Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC’s for eligible activities. B. Tarrant supported.
          Roll Call:
          Yays: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, J. Wallace, M. Bottomley, B. Hastings, S. Black, D.
          Pollock, J. Seyferth
          Nays: None

V.     DDA agenda items- Dave Alexander

          A. Public presentation: Semi-annual DDA report and public engagement -Dave
             shared the Notice that was publicized as required and mailed to the taxing
             authorities nearby. J. Cook and M. Baird from Muskegon County were
          B. DDA financial report – Dave gave the update on financials, events, developments,
             Façade Grants and business changes. There are two things to vote on today. 1.
             Annual budget update that shows the changes outlined from last month both on
          the revenue side and expense. B. Tarrant motioned to approve the adjusted 2023-
          2024 fiscal year DDA budget as presented by staff and accept the January 31,
          2024 DDA and events financial statement. Supported by J. Seyferth.
      Roll Call:
      Yays: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, J. Wallace, M. Bottomley, B. Hastings, S. Black, D.
      Pollock, J. Seyferth
      Nays: None

      C. Shaw Walker Development Agreement for approved EGLE Loan (Jake
          Eckholm). Jake explained the grant. I move to approve the development
          agreement between Shaw Walker Opportunity Zone Business 1 LLC, Shaw
          Walker Opportunity Zone business 2 LLC and Shaw Walker Opportunity Zone
          Business 3 LLC and Muskegon Downtown Development Authority. Supported
          by J. Seyferth. Roll Call:
      Yays: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, J. Wallace, M. Bottomley, B. Hastings, S. Black, D.
      Pollock, J. Seyferth
      Nays: None
               a. Jon Rooks was able to give an update that to date over $1MM has been
                  spent on soft costs. An architect has been hired and are approximately
                  60% done with the prints. An extension was granted and should be done
                  with design studies in early May. The first 342 units are planned to begin
                  in 2024 for Phase I.
      D. 2024 Legacy Project events – Trunk-and-Treat, GLOW and New Year’s Ball
          Drop (Terry and Joy Puffer) – Terry Puffer and Joy Puffer gave an update on the
          events.$40,000 was spent on the GLOW event. New Year’s Eve ball drop was the
          first event downtown and produced 21 sponsors, spent approx. $25,000. New
          projects are in the planning stages for JUNETEENTH parade, City Boy Pantry
          event so far. A proposal requesting funds and support should be put in writing
          and added to the budget and voted upon.
      E. Discussion on potential changes to the DDA Façade Grant program -Discussion
          only. Options to revise the grant, adding or subtract funds, rephrasing the grant

VI.   Adjournment at 11:42AM

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