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CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) / BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (BRA) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES March 12, 2024 Chairperson M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 10:33 AM and roll was taken. I. Roll Call: Present: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, H. Sytsema, A. Boyd, M. Bottomley, B. Hastings, S. Black, J. Moore, K. Thornton Absentg: M. Kleaveland, J. Wallace, D. Pollock, J. Seyferth II. Welcome new BRA-DDA board member Kaja Thornton. The Clerk’s office swore Kaja in as a new board member. III. Approval of the meeting minutes of February 13, 2024- A motion to approve the February 13, 2024 minutes was made by B. Tarrant and supported by B. Hastings. All in Favor IV. Public comments on agenda items – None V. BRA agenda items - Jake Eckholm A. Adelaide Pointe- Reimbursement Request #9 – B. Tarrant made a motion to approve the 9th request for reimbursement submitted by Adelaide Point QOZB, LLC for eligible activities. S. Black supported. Roll Call: B Tarrant: Yes K. Reid: Yes H. Sytsema: Yes A. Boyd: Yes M. Bottomley: Yes B Hastings: Yes S. Black: Yes J. Moore: Yes K. Thornton: Yes VI. DDA agenda items- Dave Alexander A. DDA financial report – H. Sytsema motioned to approve the minutes from February 13, 2024 and supported by B. Hastings. All in Favor B. DDA Façade Grant amendments for 2023-24 – Discussion on whether to start the increase of the grant to $25,000 now or wait until new fiscal year. K. Reid made a motion to direct staff to include a maximum grant of $25,000 as it designs a 2024- 2025 façade grant program. B. Hastings supported. Roll Call: B Tarrant: Yes K. Reid: Yes H. Sytsema: Yes A. Boyd: Yes M. Bottomley: Yes B Hastings: Yes S. Black: Yes J. Moore: Yes K. Thornton: Yes C. Eagles #668 Façade Grant application for 621 W. Western Avenue – A request of $15,000 for restoration of the exterior brick at Western Ave and 7th Street.- B. Hastings made a motion to approve the Eagles #668 request for $15,000 in a DDA façade improvement grant with the applicant complying with all City of Muskegon building codes and permits and having no outstanding financial obligations: Roll Call: B Tarrant: Yes K. Reid: Yes H. Sytsema: Yes A. Boyd: Yes M. Bottomley: Yes B Hastings: Yes S. Black: Yes J. Moore: Yes K. Thornton: Yes D. 2024 Legacy Project funding request – Lakeshore Legacy requested a donation of $15,00 for the 2 upcoming 2024 events. GLOW lighting-$10,000 and New Year’s Eve Ball Drop - $5,000. A discussion on sponsorship vs. donation. Also, DDA does not intend to donate or sponsor individual events . Brad Hastings motioned to approve the $15,000 sponsorship to the Lakeshore Legacy Project for 2024 GLOW with the stipulation that they give some attention to 3rd Street and Pine Street. H. Sytsema supported. Roll Call: B Tarrant: Yes K. Reid: Yes H. Sytsema: Yes A. Boyd: Yes M. Bottomley: Yes B Hastings: Yes S. Black: Yes J. Moore: Yes K. Thornton: Yes VII. Adjournment at 11:42 AM
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