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CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) / BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (BRA) December 12, 2024 M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 10:34 AM and roll was taken. I. Roll Call Presenet: K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, A. Boyd, M. Bottomley, B. Hastings, J. Seyferth; J. Dornbos, S. Black, J. Moore, K. Thornton Absent: B. Tarrant, H. Sytsema, J. Wallace Jr II. Approval of minutes of 11/12/24– J. Moore motioned to approve the revised minutes to include the motion from 11/12/2024, approving the façade grant application of $13,815 for the Lakeshore Museum Center and supported by A. Boyd. All in favor III. Public Comments – None IV. A. Brownfield Plan Amendment- Harbor 31 Hotel, Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC - Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC has submitted a Brownfield Plan Amendment for the Harbor 31 Hotel redevelopment at 181 and 201 Viridian Drive. The project involves constructing a five-story hotel with 126 rooms, and 146 parking spaces. K. Reid motioned to approve the resolution for the Brownfield Plan Amendment for the Harbor 31 Hotel and further request staff to set a public hearing before the Muskegon City Commission to consider adoption of the plan with the condition pending ADA compliance designs. Supported by A. Boyd Ayes: K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, A. Boyd, M. Bottomley, B. Hastings, J. Seyferth; J. Dornbos, S. Black, J. Moore, K. Thornton Nays: B. Reimbursement Request – Viridian Shores, Viridian Shores Co, LLC - Viridian Land Shores Co, LLC has submitted Reimbursement Request #1 for 150 Viridian Drive, residential development at the former Teledyne Continental Motors industrial facility. J. Seyferth made a motion I move to approve the 1st reimbursement request submitted by Viridian Land Shores Co, LLC for eligible activities and supported by S. Black. Ayes: K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, A. Boyd, M. Bottomley, B. Hastings, J. Seyferth; J. Dornbos, S. Black, J. Moore, K. Thornton Nays: V. DDA Agenda Items- A. Acceptance of 11/30/24 Financial Report- A motion to approve the financial statement for November 30, 2024 by B. Hastings and supported by J. Seyferth Ayes: K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, A. Boyd, M. Bottomley, B. Hastings, J. Seyferth; J. Dornbos, S. Black, J. Moore, K. Thornton Nays: B. ‘24-‘25 Budget Reforecast- At the last meeting, we briefly discussed the need to reforecast the budget. This reforecast is necessary to include the committed Façade grants, totaling $54,394.96, which have not yet been reimbursed to the applicants due to project incompletion. Additionally, $1,300 has been added to the interest income line item. A motion to accept the reforecast budget for FY ’24-’25 by K. Reid and supported by J. Black Ayes: K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, A. Boyd, M. Bottomley, B. Hastings, J. Seyferth; J. Dornbos, S. Black, J. Moore, K. Thornton Nays: C. DDA Marketing Plan – Discussion Only VII Adjourn at 12:00 pm
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