Lakeside Business Improvement District Agenda 03-15-2023

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                     CITY OF MUSKEGON
                      BOARD MEETING

DATE OF MEETING:                         March 15, 2023
TIME OF MEETING:                         9:00 a.m.
PLACE OF MEETING:                        City Hall Room 203, 933 Terrace St, Muskegon, MI


I.      Roll Call

II.     Lakeside BID-CIA minutes, 11-16-22

III.    BID financial statements 2-28-23

IV.     Review of winter services ... snow removal and holiday decorations

V.      Discussion of upcoming spring and summer.

VI.     Lakeside BID renewal and options

VII.    Lakeside business developments

VIII.   Adjourn


        The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing
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        attend the meeting, upon twenty-four hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary
        aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or calling the following:

                                                 Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk
                                                         933 Terrace Street
                                                       Muskegon, MI 49440
                                                          (231) 724-6705
                                TTYffDD: Dial 7-1-1 and request that a representative dial 231-724-6705
                           CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
                                    BOARD MEETING
                                 November 16, 2022 9:00am
                                   MEETING MINUTES

Meeting called to order at 9:06am by M. Flermoen.

MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Flermoen, K. Fearnley, L. Hopson, M. Lyonnais, R. Jenkins
MEMBERS ABSENT: D. Ghezzi, L. Mikesell (excused), A. Serio, A. Chambers
OTHERS PRESENT: D. Alexander, S. Pulos

Motion by R. Jenkins, second by K. Fearnley to approve the Lakeside BID Meeting Minutes from 5-18-22.
Vote: 5 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

The financial statements show that you have $46,205.63 in your account at the end of October. My estimate
is that you will start next calendar year with approximately $15,000 remaining in your account entering the
third year of the three year BID special assessments. That includes paying for all of this winter's snow
removal, an estimate of your contribution to the holiday tree lights, support of Lakeside holiday event and
Visitors Guide for next year. Not included is a payment from the Lake Hawks for the basketball hoops and
$4,473 you are banking in the CIA account.

Motion by L. Hopson, second by K. Fearnley to acknowledge the status of the finances cmrently.
Vote: 5 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Information from the Oct. 27 special meeting was presented in the meeting packet. There was not a quorum
but those present directed Dave Alexander to work a deal with Preferred Lawn Care for a scaled back tree
wraps for this holiday season on Lakeshore Drive. Work on the 30 trees had to be ordered and staiied for the
lights to be up by Thanksgiving week. The contract includes lights, installation, removal and storage for this
season. The lights are the BIDs and can be reinstalled next season at a reduced overall cost.

In the meeting packet a signed agreement was presented to the board with Preferred for a total price of
$6,593.61, of which a down payment of $3,296.81 was paid from Lakeside BID funds. The final half
payment will be due before the end of the year. The BID now has to determine how much of the total it will
support in collaboration with the Lakeside District Association and the Lakeside Neighborhood Association.

Motion by R. Jenkins, seconded by L. Hopson, to authorize the Lakeside BID to support the contract with
Preferred Lawn Care for $2,000 in conjunction with funding from the LDA and the Lakeside Neighborhood

Roll Call Vote
L. Hopson: Yes            M. Flermoen: Yes       K. Fearnley: Yes
M. Lyom1ais: Yes          R. Jenkins: Yes
2023 will be the third and last year for the Lakeside BID special assessment. Lakeside BID should go into
the year with approximately $15,000 and receive approximately $24,944 of special assessment revenues
from 2023. The Lake Hawk owe the BID about $2,000 for basketball hoops. The groups biggest expense
will be the last contract for sidewalk snow removal with Berry Ghezzi for $26,880 for winter 2023-24. That
will take service up to April 15, 2024.
Motion by L. Hopson, seconded by K. Fearnley, to approve the 2023 budget and work plan as
recommended by staff:

Fund balance Dec. 31, 2022: $15,000 (estimate)
Revenues 2023

Special assessments: $24,944
Lake Hawks: $2,000
Total: $26,944
Expenses 2023
Sidewalk snow removal: $26,880
Marketing-events: $1,000
Holiday decorations: $3,500
Landscaping: $500
Contingency: $10,064
Total: $41,944
Fund balance Dec. 31, 2023: 0

Roll Call Vote

L. Hopson: Yes            M. Flermoen: Yes       K. Fearnley: Yes
M. Lyonnais: Yes          R. Jenkins: Yes

This is the first year that the tax increment authority has generated revenues. The estimate from the city
treasurer is that next calendar year the Lakeside BID will have $7,473. The CIA board's desire has been to
hold those funds as bridge funding when the BID goes away. The main costs for the CIA going forward
would be for sidewalk snow removal.

Motion by L. Hopson, seconded by R. Jenkins, to approve the 2023 budget and work plan as recommended
by staff:

Fund balance Dec. 31, 2022: 0
Revenues 2023

Property tax increments: $7.474
Total: $7,473
Expenses 2023

Sidewalk snow removal, future services: $7,473
Total: $7,473
Fund balance Dec. 31, 2023: 0
Roll Call Vote

L. Hopson: Yes            M. Flermoen: Yes     K. Fearnley: Yes
M. Lyonnais: Yes          R. Jenkins: Yes

The 2023 Lakeside BID Meeting Schedule (meetings all at 9am) was proposed to be as follows:

   March 15 th
   May 17th
   September 20th
   November 15 th

A motion was made by L. Hopson, seconded by A. Serio, to approved the 2023 Lakeside BID meeting

Vote: 5 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Meeting adjourned by M. Flermoen at 9:49 am.
                          Lakeside Business Improvement District/

                       Lakeside Corridor Improvement Authority

                                 Agenda item Ill for 3-15-23

                             Financial statement as of 2-28-23

Requesting party: City Economic Development

Outline of request: Staff is asking the Lakeside BID board to review and accept the BID financial
statement as of Feb. 28, 2023.

Background: The Lakeside BID ended 2022 with fund balance of $33,057 and after two months
of 2023 a fund balance of $17,778. All winter obligations for snow removal and Christmas
decorations have been met.

Staff comments: The BID anticipates receiving $24,000 in late spring for its last special
assessments. In addition, the Lakeside CIA will receive $7,473 for the first-year tax increment
revenue. In total, Lakeside will have $49,251 in available fund in 2023. The only standing
obligation is the $26,880 for next season's sidewalk snow removal, leaving $22,271 for
discretionary spending.

Staff recommendation: To accept the Lakeside BID financial statement as of Feb. 28, 2023.

Suggested motion: I move to accept the Lakeside Business Improvement District financial
statement as of Feb. 28, 2023.
03/06/2023 03:58 PM                                      GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON                              Page :              1/2
User: jessica.rabe
DB : Muskegon                                        TRANSACTIONS FROM 01/01/2023 TO 02/28/2023
Date          JNL  Type         Description                                   Reference tt            Debits         Credits              Balance

Department 000
01/01/2023                      286-000-001 CASH IN BANK                                     BEG. BALANCE                              33 , 057 . 64
01/06/2023     CD        CHI<   ELITE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT                 30359 (A)                         13 , 440 . 00       19 , 617 . 64
01/27/2023     CD        CHI<   PREFERRED LAvlN CARE & SNOW PLOWING                545627                               975 . 00       18 , 642 . 64
01/31/2023     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                               8667              10 . 77                        18 , 653 . 41
02/ 1 0/2023   CD        CHI<   HARBOR HOUSE PUBLISHERS                            54 5672                             875 . 00        17 , 778.41
02/14/2023     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                               8660              16.11                          17 , 794.52
02/14/2023     GJ        JE     TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL ENTRY : 866(                8664                               16 . 11       17 , 778.41
02/28/2023                      286-000-001                                  END BALANCE                26 . 88    15 , 306.11         17 , 778.41

   UNCLASSIFIED: Unclassified
                                                                                                                   15 , 306 . 11
                                                                                                                   15, 3 06.11
                                                                                                                                       17 , 778 . 41
TOTAL Assets                                                                                            26 . 88    15 , 306 . 11       17 , 778.41

Fund Equity
Department 000
01/01/2023                      286-000-399 FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED                           BEG . BALANCE                            (45 , 790.88)

02/28/2023                      286- 000 - 399                               END BALANCE                  0 . 00          0.00         (45 , 790 . 88)

   UNCLASSIFIED : Unclassified                                                                                                         (45 , 790.88)


TOTAL Fund Equity                                                                                                                      ( 45 , 790.88)

Department 000
01/01/2023                      286-000-451 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS                               BEG . BALANCE                             (1 , 838 . 24)

02/28/2023                      286 - 000 - 451                              END BALANCE                  0.00            0.00          (1 , 838.24)

   4100 : TAXES     &   SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS                                                                                             (1 , 838.24)

           FI NES & PENALTIES
01/01/2023                      286-000-665-004970 INTEREST INCOME                            BEG . BALANCE                                (111.42)
0 1 /31/2023   GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                              8667                                10.77             (122 . 19 )
02/14/2023     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                              8660                                16 . 11           (138.30)
02/14/2023     GJ        JE     TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL ENTRY : 866(               8664               16 . 11                            (122 . 19)
02/28/2023                      286-000-665 - 004970                         END BALANCE                16.11            26.88             (122.19)

   4700: FINES & PENALTIES                                                                              16.11            26 . 88            (122.19)

           LICENSES & PERMI TS

01/01/2023                      286-000-684 MISC.    &    SUNDRY                              BEG . BALANCE                             (4 , 593 . 00)

02/28/2023                      286 - 000 - 684                              END BALANCE                  0 . 00          0.00          (4,593 . 00)

   4200: LICENSES & PERMITS                                                                                                             (4 , 593 . 00)

TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000                                                                                                 26. 88

TOTAL Revenues                                                                                          16 . 11          26 . 88        (6 , 553.43)

Department 704 LAKESIDE BID

01/01/2023                      286-704-801 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                              BEG . BALANCE                             19 , 275 . 90
01/03/2023     AP        INV    LAKESIDE BID SECOND AND FINAL SNOW RE                2309        13 , 440.00                            32 , 7 1 5 . 90
01/12/2023     AP        INV    LAKESIDE BID CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS                  43816             975.00                            33 , 690.90
01/3 1 /2023   AP        INV    LAKESIDE BID VISITOR GUIDE 2023                  NUS31128             875.00                            34 , 565 . 90
02/28/2023                      286- 704-801                                 END BALANCE         15,290.00                0 . 00        34,565 . 90

   5300 : CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                                                     15 , 290 . 00                        34 , 565 . 90

TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 704 LAKESIDE BID                                                              15 , 290.0 0

TOTAL Expenditures                                                                                 15 , 290 . 00                        34 , 565 . 90
03/06/2023 03:58 PM                      GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON                      Page:       2/2
User: jessica.rabe
DB: Muskegon                            TRANSACTIONS FROM 01/01/2023 TO 02/28/2023
Date         JNL   Type   Description                         Reference fl            Debits    Credits       Balance

TOTAL FOR FUND 286 LAKESIDE BID                                                    15,332.99   15,332.99         0.00
03/06/2023 03 : 57 PM                                  GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON                              Page :             1/2
User: jessica.rabe
DB : Muskegon                                         TRANSACTIONS FROM 01/01/2022 TO 12/31/2022
Date          JNL   Type        Description                                 Reference II             Debi ts       Credits              Balance

Department 000
01/01/2022                      286-000-001 CASH IN BANK                                    BEG. BALANCE                              (1 , 600.80)
01/14/2022     CD        CHK    CHRISTMAS CREATIONS BY BAILEY                    543716                           5,100.00            (6,700.80)
01/21/2022     CD        CHK    ELITE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT               265 14 (A)                        13 ,440.00          (20,140 . 80)
01/31/2022     GJ        JE     TRANSFER FROM WTR FUND TO LAKESIDE B:               752 1        35,000.00                            14,859 . 20
01/31/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             7637              2 . 76                          14,861.96
02/25/2022     CD        CHK    HARBOR HOUSE PUBLISHERS                          543963                           1,650 . 00          13,211 . 96
02/28/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             7727                5 . 85                        13 , 217.81
03/09/2022     CR        RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING : 03/09/ 2022 MR                               2 ,550.00                           15 ,767.81
03/31/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             7792                6.04                          15 ,7 73 .85
04/18/2022     CR        RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING : 04/18/2022 SPEC                                  414 . 04                        16 , 187.89
04/19/2022     GJ        JE     POST LAKESIDE BID COLLECTIONS TO CIT'              7777          23 , 276.82                          39 , 464.71
04/30/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                            8071                11. 51                         39,476.22
04/30/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                            81 46               11. 51                         39,487.73
04/30/2022     GJ        JE     TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL ENTRY : 807:             8147                               11.51           39,476.22
05/13/2022     CD        CHK    MUSKEGON LAKESHORE CHAMBER OF COMM             27750 (A)                             231.78           39,244.44
05/31/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                            8076                16 . 40                        39,260.84
05/31/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                            8142                16.40                          39 , 277.24
05/31/2022     GJ        JE     TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL ENTRY : 807 1            8143                               16.40           39 , 260 . 84
06/10/2022     CD        CHK    LOUISE HOPSON                                    544450                              146 . 00         39 , 114 . 84
06/10/2022     CD        CHK    MARK FLERMOEN                                    544451                              341. 2 9         38 , 773.55
06/30/2022     CR        RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING : 06/30/2022 SPEC                              2 , 000 . 00                        40,773.55
06/30/2022     GJ        JE     DIST OF FUNDS FROM 2021 SETTLEMENT                  7994          4 , 999 . 61                        45,773.16
06/30/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             8096               17.72                          45,790.88
06/30/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON I NVESTMENTS                            8144               17. 72                         45,808.60
06/30/2022     GJ        JE     TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL ENTRY : 809 1             8145                              17.72           45 , 790.88
07/01/2022                      2022 - 23 Fi scal Year Begin                                                                          45,790.88
07/31/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             8352               19 . 08                        45,809.96
08/31/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             8354               19.09                          45,829 . 05
09/30/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             8451               19 . 10                        45 , 848 . 15
10/06/2022     CR        RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING : 10/06/2022 SPEC                                  376.58                          46,224.73
10/31/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             8511               19.18                          46 , 243.91
11/01/2022     CR        RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING : 11/01/2022 SPEC                               1 ,461.66                          47 , 705 . 57
11/14/2022     CD        CHK    BANK OF AMERICA                                29984(E)                           3,420 . 81          44,284 . 76
11/30/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                            8618                18 . 86                        44 , 303.62
12/02/2022     CD        CHK    ELITE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT               30053(A)                          13,440.00            30,863 . 62
12/07/2022     CR        RCPT   LAKESIDE BID                                  100764987            2,000.00                           32,863.62
12/12/2022     CD        CHK    BANK OF AMERICA                                30260(E)                           2 , 415 . 09        30 , 448.53
12/19/2022     CR        RCPT   LAKESHORE HOLIDAY LIGHTS                      100766347            2,593.00                           33,041.53
12/31/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                            8666               16.11                           33,057.64
12/31/2022     GJ        JE     TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL ENTRY : 866 1            8668                               16 . 11         33,041.53
12/31/2022     GJ        JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                            8669              16.11                            33,057 . 64
12/31/2022                      286-000-001                                END BALANCE           74,905 . 15     40,246.71            33 , 057 . 64

   UNCLASSIFIED : Unclassified                                                                   74,905 . 15     40 , 246 . 71        33,057 . 64
TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000                                                                         14,905.15       40,246. Ii

TOTAL Assets                                                                                     74 , 905.15     40 , 246.71          33,057 . 64
Fund Equity
Department 000
           Uncl assified
01/01/2022                      286-000-399 FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED                         BEG. BALANCE                              (3,979.75)
07/01/2022                      2022 - 23 Fiscal Year Begin                                                                          (45 , 790.88)
12/31/2022                      286 -000-399                               END BALANCE                  0 . 00          0 . 00       (45 , 790 . 88)

   UNCLASSIFIED: Unclassified                                                                                                        (45,790.88)

TOTAL Fund Equity                                                                                                                    (45,790.88)
Department 000
01/01/2022                      286-000-451 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS                             BEG. BALANCE                              (9 , 885.83)
04/18/2022     CR        RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING : 04/18/2022 SPEC                                                  414.04         (10,299 . 87)
04/19/2022     GJ        JE     POST LAKESIDE BID COLLECTIONS TO CIT'               7777                         23,276 . 82         (33,576.69)
06/30/2022     CR        RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING : 06/30/2022 SPEC                                              2 , 000 . 00       (35,576.69)
06/30/2022     GJ        JE     DIST OF FUNDS FROM 2021 SETTLEMENT                  7994                          4,999.61           (40,576.30)
07/01/2022                      2022 - 23 Fiscal Year Begin                                                                                  0 . 00
10/06/2022     CR        RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING : 10/06/2022 SPEC                                                376 . 58             (376.58)
11/01/2022     CR        RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING : 11/01/2022 SPEC                                              1,461.66            (1,838.24)
12/31/2022                      286 - 000-451                              END BALANCE                                                (1 , 838 . 24)
                                Cumulative Net Debits and Credits:                                      0.00     32,528.71           (32,528 . 71)

   4100 : TAXES     &   SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS                                                                      32,528 . 71          (1,838 . 24)
03/06/2023 03:57 PM                                       GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON                                  Page :             2/2
User: jessica.rabe
DB: Muskegon                                             TRANSACTIONS FROM 01/01/2022 TO 12/31/2022
Date         JNL   Type          Description                                     Reference II               Debi ts       Credits             Balance

01/01/2022                       286-000-665-004970 INTEREST INCOME                                 BEG . BALANCE:                              (2 1. 56)
01/31/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                   7 637                              2.76              (24. 32)
02/28/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                   7727                               5 . 85            (30.17)
03/31/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                   7792                               6.04              (36. 21)
04/30/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                   8071                              11. 51             (47 . 72)
04/30/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                   8146                              11 . 51            (59 . 23)
04/30/2022   GJ           JE     TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL       ENTRY : 807 :             8147              11. 51                             (47 . 72)
05/31/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                   8076                              16. 40             ( 64 . 12)
05/31/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                   8142                              16 . 40            (80. 52)
05/31/2022   GJ           JE     TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL       ENTRY : 807(              8143              16 . 40                            ( 64 .12)
06/30/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                   8096                              17 . 72            (81.84)
06/30/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON I NVESTMENTS                                  6144                              17. 72             (99 .56)
06/30/2022   GJ           JE     TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL       ENTRY : 8091              8145              17. 72                             (81.84)
07/01/2022                       2 022 - 23 Fi scal Year Begin                                                                                     0.00
07/31/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                 8352                                19 . 08            ( 19 . 08)
08/31/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                 8354                                19 . 09            (38.17)
09/30/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                 8451                                19 . 10            (57.27)
10/31/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                 8511                                19.18              (76. 45)
11/30/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                 8618                                18.86              (95 . 31)
12/31/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                 8666                                16.11             (111.42)
12/31/2022   GJ           JE     TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL       ENTRY : 8661            8668                16 . 11                            (95 . 31)
12/31/2022   GJ           JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                                 8669                                16 .11            (111.42)
12/31/2022                       286-000-665 - 004970                            END BALANCE                                                   (111 . 42)
                                 Cumulative Net Debits and       Credits:                                    61. 74         233.44             (171. 70)

   4700 : FINES   &   PENALTIES                                                                              61 . 74        233.44             (111.42)

        LICENSES      &   PERMITS

01/01/2022                       286-000-684 MISC.       & SUNDRY                                   BEG. BALANCE                                   0 . 00
02/16/2022   MRB          BILL   SUMMARY MRB 02/16/2022                                                                  2 , 550.00         (2 , 550 . 00)
07/01/2022                       2022 - 23 Fi scal Year Begi n                                                                                     0.00
12/07/2022   CR           RCPT   LAKESIDE BID                                       100764987                            2 , 000 . 00       (2 , 000.00)
12/19/2022   CR           RCPT   LAKESHORE HOLIDAY LIGHTS                           100766347                            2 , 593.00         (4 , 593 . 00)
12/31/2022                       286-000-684                                     END BALANCE                                                (4 , 593 . 00)
                                 Cumulative Net Debits and Credits:                                            0 . 00    7 , 143 . 00       (7 , 143.00)

   4200 : LICENSES & PERMITS                                                                                             7,143 . 00         (4 , 593 . 00)

TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000                                                                                                39 , 905. 1 5

TOTAL Revenues                                                                                                61 . 74   39 , 905 . 15       (6,542 . 66)

Department 704 LAKESIDE BID
01/01/2022                       286-704-801 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                   BEG . BALANCE                           15 , 487 . 94
01/11/2022   AP           INV    LAKESIDE BUSINESS DISTRICT : HOLIDAY DI                 0017            5,100 . 00                         20,587 . 94
01/18/2022   AP           INV    LAKESIDE SIDEWALK SNOW CLEARING : 2/2                INV2145          13 , 440.00                          34 , 027 . 94
02/23/2022   AP           INV    1/2 PAGE AD : LAKESIDE BID : D. ALEXANDER           MUS26605            1 , 650 . 00                       35,677.94
05/11/2022   AP           INV    ONE DAY IN MUSKEGON BROCHURES - 25% l                   1862                231.78                         35 , 909.72
06/07/2022   AP           INV    LAKESIDE BID; FACEBOOK ADS REIMBURSE ; l              FB ADS                146.00                         36 , 055.72
06/07/2022   AP           INV    LAKESIDE BID : LANDSCAPING REIMBURSE F<          SPRING 2022                341. 2 9                       36 , 397.01
07/01/2022                       2022 - 23 Fiscal Year Begin                                                                                        0 . 00
11/14/2022   AP           INV    SQ PREFERRED LAWN CARE A - holiday (              10 / 27 / 2022        3 , 420 . 81                         3 , 420 . 81
11/29/2022   AP           INV    LAKESIDE SIDEWALK SNOW CLEARING                        INV2306         13,440.00                           1 6 , 860 . 81
12/12/2022   AP           INV    SQ PREFERRED LAWN - holiday service1              12/05/2022            2 , 415 . 09                       19 , 275.90
12/31/2022                       286-704 - 801                                   END BALANCE                                                19 , 275 . 90
                                 Cumulative Net Debits and Credits:                                     40 , 184 . 97          0.00         40 , 184.97

   5300 : CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                                                          40,184 . 97                         19 , 275.90

TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 704 LAKESIDE BID                                                                   40 , 184 . 91

TOTAL Expenditures                                                                                      40 , 184.97                         19,275.90

TOTAL FOR FUND 286 LAKESIDE BID                                                                        115 , 151.86     80 , 151.86                 0.00
To: Lakeside BID-CIA board members

From: Dave Alexander, BID manager

Date: March 13, 2023

Re: Need for BID renewal and process

The three-year Lakeside Business Improvement District special assessment ends
Dec. 31, 2023. City staff recommends renewing the BID for another three years of
transition to the Corridor Improvement Authority. The CIA will not generate
enough revenues in 2024, 2025 and 2026 to maintain current BID activities of
sidewalk snow removal, Christmas decorations, minimal marketing and event
support. The packet includes the BID and CIA budgets for 2023.

The BID currently has an assessment rate of 5 cent per square foot of assessed
commercial property, capped at $2,000 and 2.5 cents per square foot of assessed
automotive or utility property, capped at $1,000. That produces approximately
$24,000 a year. The CIA is producing revenues significantly faster than initially
estimated. However, the CIA should only be reaching the $24,000 of annual
revenues by 2027. Staff hopes to have an updated CIA tax increment table at the
Wednesday meeting.

Since the CIA will provide the Lakeside District new revenues over the next three
years, the BID board might want to consider reducing the special assessment rate
to 4 cents and 2 cents per square foot, which would generate roughly $19,200.
This might be advantageous in selling a renewal in the district. The board might
also consider recommending that this be the last renewal of the BID and the
special assessments would will end in 2026.

Staff is looking at a consensus from the BID board on the question of a renewal,
for how long and at what rate. Staff will then begin working on the
documentation and process for renewal. Your packet includes a memo outlining a
potential process and dates for renewal.
             Lakeside Business Improvement District

                     Three-Year Renewal Process

• The BID board would consider renewal at how many years and at
  what special assessment rate at its May 17, 2023 meeting.
• City staff would prepare documentation for final BID board
  recommendation to the Muskegon City Commission at the June
  21, 2023 BID meeting.
• The Muskegon City Commission must conduct two public hearings
  and take two affirmative votes by Oct. 31 to have proposed
  special assessments on the winter tax bill in 2024.
• All of the needed renewal documentation will need to be sent by
  July 1 to City Assessor David Becker at the Muskegon County
  Equalization Bureau for a needed benefit analysis letter. That
  letter will be need to be provided the city by Aug. 1.
• City staff will provide a BID update, the renewal recommendation
  and overview of the process for the Muskegon City Commission at
  the Aug. 14 work session.
• The two public hearings would be Aug. 29 to approve the district
  and the assessment rate and Sept. 26 to approve the special
  assessment roll.
• For the Aug. 29 public hearing there needs to be two notices
  placed in The Chronicle Sundays Aug. 12 and Aug. 19.
• For the Aug. 29 public hearing, a notice of the public hearing to
  property owners needs to be mailed by Aug. 17.
• For the Sept. 26 public hearing there needs to be two notices
  placed in The Chronicle Sundays Sept. 9 and Sept. 16.
• For the Sept. 26 public hearing, a notice of the public hearing to
  property owners mailed by Sept. 14.
To: Lakeside BID board

From: Dave Alexander

Re: 2023 budget and work plan

Date: 11-10-22

The BID special assessments stated that you would be spending in the Lakeside District on
spring/fall cleanup, landscaping, sidewalk snow removal and marketing for attractions in the

2023 will be the third and last year for the Lakeside BID special assessment. You should go into
the year with approximately $15,000 and receive approximately $24,944 of special assessment
revenues from 2023. The Lake Hawk owe the BID about $2,000 for basketball hoops. Your
biggest expense will be the last contract for sidewalk snow removal with Berry Ghezzi for
$26,880 for winter 2023-24. That will take service up to April 15, 2024.

The expenses for marketing-events and landscaping are estimates based upon past years. The
entire landscaping line item might dramatically change with the information from the city's
landscaping bids.

You have $10,064 to spend on non-budgeted items in 2023 or have your fund balance roll over
to the CIA starting in 2024.

You need a motion to approve or amend the 2023 budget and work plan. Here is the staff

Fund balance Dec. 31, 2022: $15,000 (estimate)

                                                 Revenues 2023

Special assessments: $24,944

Lake Hawks: $2,000

Total: $26,944

                                                 Expenses 2023

Sidewalk snow removal: $26,880

Marketing-events: $1,000

Holiday decorations: $3,500

Landscaping: $500

Contingency: $10,064

Total: $41,944

Fund balance Dec. 31, 2023: 0
To: Lakeside CIA board

From: Dave Alexander

Re: 2023 budget and work plan

Date: 11-10-22

This is the first year that the tax increment authority has generated revenues. The estimate
from the city treasurer is that next calendar year you will have $7,473. The CIA board's desire
has been to hold those funds as bridge funding when the BID goes away. The main costs for the
CIA going forward would be for sidewalk snow removal.

You need a motion to approve or amend the 2023 budget and work plan. Here is the staff

Fund balance Dec. 31, 2022: 0

                                                 Revenues 2023

Property tax increments: $7.473

Total: $7,473

                                                 Expenses 2023

Sidewalk snow removal, future services: $7,473

Total: $7,473

Fund balance Dec. 31, 2023: 0
30 Year TIF Table Lakeside Corridor Improvement Authority
Estimates 1.5% Annualized Average Taxable Value Increment
       Year                  TV                TV Gain            TIF Revenues
  2021 (Base Year)   $    6,594,883 .00   $                   $
       2022          $    6,693,806.25    $      98,923.24    $       ~~            ~7J L/?3
       2023          $    6,794,213 .34   $     199,330.34    $         5,016.59
       2026          $    7,104,561.96    $     509,678.96    $        12,827.19
       2027          $    7,211,130.39    $     616,247.39    $        15,509.22
       2028          $    7,319,297.35    $     724,414.35    $        18,231.48
       2029          $    7,429,086.81    $     834,203 .81   $        20,994.57
       2030          $    7,540,523.11    $     945,640.11    $        23,799.11
       2031          $    7,653,630.96    $   1,058,747.96    $        26,645.72
       2032          $    7,768,435.42    $   1,173,552.42    $        29,535.03
       2033          $    7,884,961.95    $   1,290,078.95    $        32,467.68
       2034          $    8,003,236.38    $   1,408,353.38    $        35,444.31
       2035          $    8,123,284.93    $   1,528,401.93    $        38,465.60
       2036          $    8,245,134.20    $   1,650,251.20    $        41,532.20
       2037          $    8,368,811.22    $   1,773,928.22    $        44,644.81
       2038          $    8,494,343 .38   $   1,899,460.38    $        47,804.10
       2039          $    8,621,758.53    $   2,026,875.53    $        51,010.78
       2040          $    8,751,084.91    $   2,156,201.91    $        54,265.56
        2041         $    8,882,351.19    $   2,287,468.19    $        57,569.17
        2042         $    9,015,586.45    $   2,420,703.45    $        60,922.33
       2043          $    9,150,820.25    $   2,555,937 .25   $        64,325.78
       2044          $    9,288,082.55    $   2,693,199.55    $        67,780.29
       2045          $    9,427,403.79    $   2,832,520.79    $        71,286.62
        2046         $    9,568,814.85    $   2,973,931.85    $        74,845.54
        2047         $    9,712,347.07    $   3,117,464.07    $        78,457.84
        2048         $    9,858,032.28    $   3,263,149.28    $        82,124.33
        2049         $   10,005,902.76    $   3,411,019.76    $        85,845 .82
        2050         $   10,155,991.30    $   3,561,108.30    $        89,623 .12
        2051         $   10,308,331.17    $   3,713,448.17    $        93,457.09
   PLAN TOTALS                            $   3,713,448.17    $     1,344,687.77

                                              ---                       ?'"

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