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CITY OF MUSKEGON LAKESIDE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT- CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MEETING DATE OF MEETING: June 14, 2023 TIME OF MEETING: 9:00 a.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Hall Room 204, 933 Terrace St, Muskegon, MI AGENDA I. Roll Call II. BID financial statements, 5-31-23 III. Lakeside BID renewal- Update IV. Fall Event V. Adjourn AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT POLICY FOR ACCESS TO OPEN MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ANY OF ITS COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES To give comment on a live-streamed meeting the city will provide a call-in telephone number to the public to be able to call and give comment. For a public meeting that is not live-streamed, and which a citizen would like to watch and give comment, they must contact the City Clerkâs Office with at least a two-business day notice. The participant will then receive a zoom link which will allow them to watch live and give comment. Contact information is below. For more details, please visit: The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the meeting, 24- hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or calling the following: Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk at 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling (231) 724-6705 or TTY/ TDD: Dial 7-1-1 and request that representative dial 231-724-6705 06/06/2023 04:22 PM GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON Page: 1/2 User: jessica.rabe DB: Muskegon TRANSACTIONS FROM 01/01/2023 TO 05/31/2023 Date JNL Type Description Reference # Debits Credits Balance Fund 286 LAKESIDE BID Assets Department 000 Unclassified 01/01/2023 286-000-001 CASH IN BANK BEG. BALANCE 33,057.64 01/06/2023 01/06/2023 CD CHK ELITE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT 30359(A) 13,440.00 19,617.64 01/27/2023 CD CHK PREFERRED LAWN CARE & SNOW PLOWING 545627 975.00 18,642.64 01/31/2023 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 8667 10.77 18,653.41 Total for Jan 10.77 14,415.00 02/10/2023 02/10/2023 CD CHK HARBOR HOUSE PUBLISHERS 545672 875.00 17,778.41 02/14/2023 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 8660 16.11 17,794.52 02/14/2023 GJ JE TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL ENTRY: 8660 8664 16.11 17,778.41 02/28/2023 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 8789 7.59 17,786.00 Total for Feb 23.70 891.11 03/31/2023 03/31/2023 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 8891 7.41 17,793.41 Total for Mar 7.41 04/30/2023 04/30/2023 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 8914 7.41 17,800.82 Total for Apr 7.41 05/24/2023 05/24/2023 GJ JE POST LAKESIDE BID COLLECTIONS TO CITY 8917 14,927.94 32,728.76 Total for May 14,927.94 05/31/2023 286-000-001 END BALANCE 14,977.23 15,306.11 32,728.76 UNCLASSIFIED: Unclassified 14,977.23 15,306.11 32,728.76 TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000 14,977.23 15,306.11 TOTAL Assets 14,977.23 15,306.11 32,728.76 Liabilities Department 000 Unclassified 01/01/2023 286-000-202 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BEG. BALANCE 0.00 01/03/2023 01/03/2023 AP INV LAKESIDE BID SECOND AND FINAL SNOW REMOV 2309 13,440.00 (13,440.00) 01/06/2023 CD CHK ELITE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT 30359(A) 13,440.00 0.00 01/12/2023 AP INV LAKESIDE BID CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 43816 975.00 (975.00) 01/27/2023 CD CHK PREFERRED LAWN CARE & SNOW PLOWING 545627 975.00 0.00 01/31/2023 AP INV LAKESIDE BID VISITOR GUIDE 2023 MUS31128 875.00 (875.00) Total for Jan 14,415.00 15,290.00 02/10/2023 02/10/2023 CD CHK HARBOR HOUSE PUBLISHERS 545672 875.00 0.00 Total for Feb 875.00 05/31/2023 286-000-202 END BALANCE 15,290.00 15,290.00 0.00 UNCLASSIFIED: Unclassified 15,290.00 15,290.00 0.00 TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000 15,290.00 15,290.00 TOTAL Liabilities 15,290.00 15,290.00 0.00 Fund Equity Department 000 Unclassified 01/01/2023 286-000-399 FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED BEG. BALANCE (45,790.88) 05/31/2023 286-000-399 END BALANCE 0.00 0.00 (45,790.88) UNCLASSIFIED: Unclassified (45,790.88) TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000 TOTAL Fund Equity (45,790.88) Revenues 06/06/2023 04:22 PM GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON Page: 2/2 User: jessica.rabe DB: Muskegon TRANSACTIONS FROM 01/01/2023 TO 05/31/2023 Date JNL Type Description Reference # Debits Credits Balance Department 000 TAXES & SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 01/01/2023 286-000-451 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BEG. BALANCE (1,838.24) 05/24/2023 05/24/2023 GJ JE POST LAKESIDE BID COLLECTIONS TO CITY 8917 14,927.94 (16,766.18) Total for May 14,927.94 05/31/2023 286-000-451 END BALANCE 0.00 14,927.94 (16,766.18) 4100: TAXES & SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 14,927.94 (16,766.18) FINES & PENALTIES 01/01/2023 286-000-665-004970 INTEREST INCOME BEG. BALANCE (111.42) 01/31/2023 01/31/2023 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 8667 10.77 (122.19) Total for Jan 10.77 02/14/2023 02/14/2023 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 8660 16.11 (138.30) 02/14/2023 GJ JE TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL ENTRY: 8660 8664 16.11 (122.19) 02/28/2023 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 8789 7.59 (129.78) Total for Feb 16.11 23.70 03/31/2023 03/31/2023 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 8891 7.41 (137.19) Total for Mar 7.41 04/30/2023 04/30/2023 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 8914 7.41 (144.60) Total for Apr 7.41 05/31/2023 286-000-665-004970 END BALANCE 16.11 49.29 (144.60) 4700: FINES & PENALTIES 16.11 49.29 (144.60) LICENSES & PERMITS 01/01/2023 286-000-684 MISC. & SUNDRY BEG. BALANCE (4,593.00) 05/31/2023 286-000-684 END BALANCE 0.00 0.00 (4,593.00) 4200: LICENSES & PERMITS (4,593.00) TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000 16.11 14,977.23 TOTAL Revenues 16.11 14,977.23 (21,503.78) Expenditures Department 704 LAKESIDE BID CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01/01/2023 286-704-801 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BEG. BALANCE 19,275.90 01/03/2023 01/03/2023 AP INV LAKESIDE BID SECOND AND FINAL SNOW REMOV 2309 13,440.00 32,715.90 01/12/2023 AP INV LAKESIDE BID CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 43816 975.00 33,690.90 01/31/2023 AP INV LAKESIDE BID VISITOR GUIDE 2023 MUS31128 875.00 34,565.90 Total for Jan 15,290.00 05/31/2023 286-704-801 END BALANCE 15,290.00 0.00 34,565.90 5300: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,290.00 34,565.90 TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 704 LAKESIDE BID 15,290.00 0.00 TOTAL Expenditures 15,290.00 34,565.90 TOTAL FOR FUND 286 LAKESIDE BID 45,573.34 45,573.34 0.00
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