Community Relations Minutes 09-10-2018

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                        Monday, September 10, 2018
                                 5:30 PM
                              933 Terrace St
                            Muskegon, MI 49440
                        City Commission Chambers

Present: Gawron, Johnson, Warren, Hood, Rinsema-Sybenga

1.   Minutes
     Motion by Commissioner Warren, second by Commissioner Johnson to
     approve the minutes for the Monday, June 11, 2018 meeting.
                                 MOTION PASSES

2.   Community Development Block Grant-Citizen District Council
     Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Mayor Gawron to accept
     the resignation of Tom Pastoor and appoint Eleanor Canter.
                                 MOTION PASSES

3.   Citizen Police Review Board
     Motion by Mayor Gawron, second by Commissioner Johnson to accept
     the resignations of Ellouise Hieftje and Carlos Flores and appoint Teresa
                                    MOTION PASSES

4.   Construction Code Board of Appeals
     Motion by Vice Mayor Hood, second by Commissioner Johnson to
     appoint Brion Boucher.
                                MOTION PASSES

5.   Housing Commission
     Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Vice Mayor Hood to
     accept the resignation of Maxine Lenear and affirm City Manager’s
     recommendation of Ken Grant.
                                MOTION PASSES

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM

                                       Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk

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