Community Relations Minutes 06-10-2019

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                             Monday, June 10, 2019
                           City Commission Chambers

1.   Minutes:

     Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Mayor Gawron to approve the
     minutes for the March 11, 2019 meeting.
                                MOTION PASSES

2.   Acceptance of Resignation:

     Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Mayor Gawron to accept the
     resignations from Teresa Emory with the Citizens Police Review Board, and
     from William Krick with the Housing Code Board of Appeals. .
                                 MOTION PASSES

3.   Appointments:

     Motion by Commissioner Warren, second by Commissioner Hood to table the
     appointment of Neighborhood Association Representative to the Citizens Police
     Review Board to the next meeting.
                               MOTION PASSES

     Motion by Commissioner Turnquist, second by Commissioner Hood to appoint
     Kim Burr as A Citizen to the Housing Code Board of Appeals.
                                MOTION PASSES

     Motion by Mayor Gawron, second Turnquist to table the appointment of
     Mayor/City Commission Appointment for the District Library Board to the next
                              MOTION PASSES

     *Amended on July 8, 2019-Discussion took place regarding the composition of
     the Farmers Market Advisory Board to include 2 citizens and a City
     Commissioner to serve as a non-voting liaison.

     Motion Commissioner Warren, second by Commissioner Johnson to table the
     Farmers Market Advisory Board and appointments to the next meeting.
                              MOTION PASSES

     Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.
                               Ann Meisch, City Clerk

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