Community Relations Minutes 03-11-2019

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                   CITY OF MUSKEGON
                             Monday, March 11, 2019
                            City Commission Chambers

1.    Minutes

            Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Warren to
      approve the minutes for the February 11, 2019 meeting.
                                 MOTION PASSES

2.    Appointment Local Officer’s Compensation Commission

                   Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Vice Mayor Hood to
      appoint Marty Ferriby as a Citizen.
                                 MOTION PASSES

3.    Appointment Historic District Commission

                     Motion by Commissioner Warren, second by Commissioner
      Johnson to appoint Kimi George as a Person who resides or has occupational
      or financial interest in one or more of the historic districts.
                                    MOTION PASSES

Meeting adjourned at 6:54 pm.

                                                            Ann Meisch, City Clerk

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