Community Relations Minutes 01-11-2021

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                          Monday, January 11, 2021
                          City Commission Chambers

Present: Rinsema-Sybenga, Johnson, Hood, German, Emory, Ramsey
Absent: Gawron

1.   Minutes

     Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Ramsey to
     approve the minutes for the December 7, 2020 meeting.
                                MOTION PASSES

2.   Resignation

     Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Ramsey accept
     the resignation of Mary Jamieson-Board of Review Citizen-Term Expires
                                MOTION PASSES

3.   Appointments
     A) Board of Review
        Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Emory to
        reappoint Jane Clingman-Scott (Citizen) and Ralph Burr (Citizen).
                             MOTION PASSES

         Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner German to
         appoint David Mendendorp (Citizen) and Pamela Smith (Citizen).
                             MOTION PASSES

     B) Business Improvement District
         Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Ramsey to
         appoint Andy Maciejewski, Jaime Charron, and Dan Castle (Assessed
         property owners or representatives).
                               MOTION PASSES

     C) Citizen’s Police Review Board
         Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Johnson to
         reappoint Ron Hayward (Neighborhood Assoc Rep), Robert Roundtree
         (Citizen at large), Faye Redmond (Citizen at large), Rozelia Patino
         (Member of minority based organization), William Muhammad (Member of
         minority based organization), and Ann Craig (Neighborhood Assoc Rep).
                         MOTION PASSES

D) Civil Service
    Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Vice Mayor Hood to
    reappoint David Wendtland (Citizen).
                        MOTION PASSES

E) Community Dev Block Grant/CDC
     Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Emory to
     reappoint Jeremy Lenertz (Citizen at large).
                         MOTION PASSES

     Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Emory to
     appoint Paul Kurdziel (Citizen Ward 4).
                          MOTION PASSES

     Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Emory to
     appoint Perry Dennie (Citizen Ward 3).
                         MOTION PASSES

     Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Emory to
     appoint Jennifer Ross (Citizen Ward 1).
                          MOTION PASSES

     Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Emory to
     appoint Ationza Smith (Citizen Ward 2).
                          MOTION PASSES

F) Construction Code Board of Appeals
     Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner German to
     reappoint Wade VandenBosch (Construction Manager) and Lane Bensten
     (Mechanical) and appoint Joshua Ohst (Public Health).
                         MOTION PASSES

G) Downtown Development Authority
    Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Vice Mayor Hood to
    reappoint Don Kalisz and Mike Johnson (Members who have interest in
    property in the district.)
                            MOTION PASSES

H) Election Commission
     Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner German to
     reappoint Betty Roberts (Citizen).
                         MOTION PASSES

I) Equal Opportunity Committee
       Motion by Vice Mayor Hood, second by Commissioner German to
       appoint Bennie Chambers (Ward 1) and Tonya Pell (Ward 3).
                          MOTION PASSES
J) Farmers Market Advisory Board
       Motion by Vice Mayor Hood, second by Commissioner Johnson reappoint
       John Zandstra (Seasonal Farmer), Woody VanBlargan (Seasonal Food
       Vendor), and Kim Martens (Seasonal Farmer).
                          MOTION PASSES

K) Historic District Commission
      Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Emory to
      reappoint Steven Radtke (Member of local preservation society).
                           MOTION PASSES

      Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Emory to
      appoint David Gregersen (Citizen).
                         MOTION PASSES

L) Housing Code Board of Appeals
     Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Vice Mayor Hood to
     reappoint Randy Mackie (Citizen) and Kirk Kolberg (Citizen).
                         MOTION PASSES

M) Income Tax Board of Review
      Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Emory to
      appoint Patrick Kiely (Resident).
                           MOTION PASSES

N) Lakeside Business Improvement District
      Motion by Vice Mayor Hood, second by Commissioner Ramsey to
      reappoint Mark Flermoen and Richard Ghezzi (Assessed property
      owners or representatives).
                          MOTION PASSES

O) Local Development Finance Authority
      Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Emory to
      reappoint Kevin Ricco (Citizen/Interest in District).
                         MOTION PASSES

      Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Johnson to
      appoint Virginia Taylor (Citizen/Interest in District).
                           MOTION PASSES

P) Local Officer’s Compensation Commission
      Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Johnson to
      appoint Michael Hughes (Citizen).
                         MOTION PASSES

Q) Planning Commission
      Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner German to
      reappoint Joe Doyle (Citizen) and Tim Michalski (Citizen).
                         MOTION PASSES
             Motion by Commissioner Ramsey second by Commissioner German to
             table discussion on open citizen position until the Commission Meeting
             on January 26.
                                 MOTION PASSES

      P) Zoning Board of Appeals
            Motion by Vice Mayor Hood, second by Commissioner German to
            reappoint William Bowman (Resident) and appoint Jill Montgomery
            Keast (Planning Commission Member)
                               MOTION PASSES

             Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Johnson to
             appoint Michele Ribesky (Resident).
                                MOTION PASSES

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
                                Ann Meisch, City Clerk

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