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LEGISLATIVE POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, December 2, 2024 5:30 P.M. Conference Room 204 MUSKEGON CITY HALL 933 TERRACE STREET MUSKEGON, MI 49440 AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes for August 28, 2024 III. Old Business – Staff updates on outstanding action items from prior LPC Meetings 1) New Charter Park Designations 2) Waterfront PUD Zoning Change 3) Pursuit of DNR Time-Sensitive Land Acquisition Grant IV. New Business 1) Legislative/ARPA Updates – Pete Wills 2) Update on Regional Transit Authority – LeighAnn Mikesell 3) City Down Payment Assistance Program – Commissioner Kilgo 4) Muskegon County Mutual Aid Box Alarm System – Director Kozal V. Public Comment Adjourn CITY OF MUSKEGON LEGISLATIVE POLICY COMMITTEE Minutes Wednesday, August 28, 2024 5:30 pm Present: Commissioners Johnson, St.Clair, Kilgo, Gorman, and Kochin. Absent: Commissioners Keener and German. Approval of Minutes Vice Mayor St.Clair moved, Commissioner Kilgo seconded, to approve the minutes of May 22, 2024. MOTION CARRIED. Traffic Studies – LeighAnn Mikesell and Dan VanderHeide LeighAnn Mikesell and Dan VanderHeide gave an overview of what is generally learned from a traffic study and how its results can inform City planning and development. This includes the study area, time of day and year, impact of irregular events, etc. The various grading systems for roads within traffic study terminology was explained (e.g., roads are generally designed to perform at a C Level, and roads that perform at an A Level are more often than not overbuilt and encourage speeding). Commission were asked for some guidelines for the consultant. Legislative Updates - Pete Wills Pete Wills reviewed several State proposed bills with City Commissioners. The City reached Gold certification in the Michigan Green Communities Challenge. A $75,000 Community Energy Management Grant has been secured to offset the development of a Climate Action Plan. The $18 million state enhancement grant is expected to be awarded to support the redevelopment of the former Shaw-Walker building. Disaster declaration for Muskegon County was discussed. It is expected that the Governor’s Office and legislature will reconsider Muskegon County’s request. The Governor signed the FY25 state budget which included $549.7 million in statutory revenue sharing for cities, villages, townships plus the new $75 million for the public safety and violence prevention fund. The City is expected to receive approximately $467,000 to support operational expenses within the Public Safety Division. Commission discussed Short Term Rental legislation. Special Event Policy Updates – Mayor Johnson Mayor Ken Johnson and Commission discussed potential changes to the City’s Special Event Policy. It was asked if large events at Pere Marquette Park should be required to use a shuttle service. General consensus was for shuttle service use. Discussion was held on multiple events overlapping, should there be a limit on events on the same day. Discussion was held on what size of the event. It was asked if new events should be allowed when other events are already scheduled. This was set aside – no consensus. Public Access to Waterways and Natural Resources – Mayor Johnson Mayor Ken Johnson asked if we should have a standardized approach on establishing policy or setting expectations for public access to natural resources and waterways. Discussion was held on signage, parking, ADA parking, and if rustic bike and foot is adequate. There was a consensus on signage. Parking Fees – Jonathan Seyferth Jonathan Seyferth explained that staff has begun to discuss Beach Parking rates and tools available to us now that Verizon has installed cellular equipment covering Pere Marquette Beach. Discussion was held on dynamic pricing, different prices for different times, days or events. It was asked to have staff come back with a proposal for increased parking fees and also a free day. Commission were in agreement. Joint Norton Shores/Muskegon City Commission Meeting – Jonathan Seyferth Jonathan Seyferth asked if Commission would be interested in a joint meeting with Norton Shores. Commission stated that they would. City Manager will get it set up. Meeting Date for 4th Quarter Legislative Policy Committee Meeting Mayor Ken Johnson stated that City Hall will be closed on 11-27-24 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. The meeting was rescheduled to Monday, December 2, 2024. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Kilgo, seconded by Vice Mayor St.Clair to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm. MOTION CARRIED ______________________________ Ann Marie Meisch, MMC City Clerk State / Federal Report, December 2024 Bill # Detail Status Position HB 4002 Increases the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) from 6% to 30%. Senate Committee NA HB 4003 Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act; include sexual orientation & gender identity or expression as a protected Senate Committee NA category. HB 4274- Creates Revenue Sharing Trust Fund; SB 182-183; the bills would dedicate 8% of the 4% sales tax and place Senate Committee, MML - yes 4275 it in a trust fund specifically for statutory revenue sharing. 11/2/23 HB 4605 Provide for distribution of sales tax revenue into public safety and violence prevention fund; 1.5% of the 4% Senate 6/12/24 MML - yes of sales tax revenue collected. HB 4606 Create public safety and violence prevention fund Senate 6/12/24 MML - yes HB 4688 Makes minimum staffing levels for all local units a mandatory topic of collective bargaining. House floor, MML - no 11/2/23 HB 4878 Would create the Michigan Fair Chance Access to Housing Act to generally prohibit a landlord from using an House Local Gov NA individual’s criminal record when evaluating the individual’s rental application at any stage in the 11/14/24 application process, except as provided by the act or under federal or state law. HB 4919 Would create the Bill of Rights for the Homeless Act, which would provide that homeless individuals must House Local Gov NA be granted the same rights and privileges as any other citizen in MI and would prohibit the denial of an 11/14/24 individual’s rights, privileges, or access to public services solely because the individual is, or is perceived to be, homeless. It creates a standard where previously established rights also apply to the homeless population – the right to move freely in public spaces, equal treatment by state and municipal agencies, 1 protection from employment discrimination, emergency medical care, confidentiality of personal records, the right to property and the ability to vote. HB 4965 Video Services Act; exempts providers of streaming services from paying rent for use of the public ROW, Senate MML - no otherwise shouldered by the taxpayer, and its obligation to support public/educational/government access. Committee The net effect of this will be a loss of some, most or perhaps all of the over $350,000 currently received by 10/24/23 the Muskegon in cable/video franchise fees which go to the General Fund, plus PEG support for local programming which includes cable/video access to government meetings, without which we lose a critical component of local government transparency. HB 5088- Create water rate affordability program; shutoff protection act, etc. Bill package would establish a low- House Natural MML - no 93 income water residential affordability program; funds would be used to aid low-income residents for Resources, Env, expenses related to water and sewer service; would establish standards and criteria for when a water Tourism service provider can shut off water supply; would regulate rental agreements to allow a tenant in a metered 10/4/23 or sub-metered rental property to request that a copy of the water and sewer bill be sent to both landlord and tenant. HB 5437- Short Term Rental package; HB 5438 is the main bill (statewide registry, health/safety measures; 6% excise House Local Gov MML - yes 5446 tax goes back to community hosting the STR. 2/14/24 5886 Modifies obsolete property rehabilitation act. 6056, Paid Sick Leave; Minimum Wage – addresses MI Supreme Court ruling stating the minimum wage should be 11/12/124 House NA 6057 increased to $12.30/hr and tied to inflation and effective 2/21/25. The new paid sick leave policy – which Reg Reform allows all employees one hour of paid sick leave time for every 30 hours worked – will go into effect 2/21/25. Under the new policy, an employee can use up to 72 hours or about nine eight-hour days of paid sick leave a year. 6095 Limits minimum residential parking space requirements House Econ Dev 6096 Prohibits site plan requirements for repeat studies House Econ Dev MML - no 6097 Permits duplexes in single family residential zones House Econ Dev MML - no 6098 Revises zoning ordinance amendment protest petition requirements. House Econ Dev MML - no 6108 Modifies regulations for mining of sand and gravel operations. House Reg MML - no Reform 6109 Modifies conditions under which zoning ordinance may prohibit mining. MML - no HB 5945 Would establish a local agency disaster relief program to assist in repairing/replacing local roads following a House Trans local or state declared emergency Comm SB 293 Housing and Community Development Fund – expands the program to including housing projects for House floor, MML - yes middle-income households and no longer require the program to restricted to downtown areas. 6/26/24 SB 353, Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) reform package; expansion of eligibility, streamline House NA 880, 881 operations, increases annual funding, ensures equitable access to funding. Committee, 6/26/24 2 SB 480 Land Division Act - It's an amendment to the Land Division Act that would increase the allowable number of House Local Gov NA parcels that the first 10 acres of a parent parcel or tract could be divided into. Currently that number is 11/8/23 four. The amendment would increase it from four to 20. SB 660 The bill would allow a local unit to create a stormwater management utility by adopting a stormwater Senate floor NA management plan and a stormwater management utility fee ordinance. The intent is to build up 11/9/23 stormwater services in preparation for flood events. SB 893 New financial tool to transform Port Authority Property House Transpo NA 3 LOCAL ARPA Community Grants, as of 8/22/24 - 25 - total approved grants ($1.6M) - 8 - projects completed (Samaritas, Unity Beauty Salon, Tiki Boiz, Rake Beer Projects, Forrest Tax, Soul Filled Enterprises, Jackson Hill NA, McLaughlin NA) - 8 - have been paid the first installment payment, ie. 50% of the total award - 6 – have been paid the second installment payment, ie. 40% of the remaining balance - 2 – projects pending Climate Action - Contract signed with Fresh Coast Climate Solutions, based in Ann Arbor, to prepare our Government Operations Climate Action Plan. The Commission approved the contract of $49,000. The period of work will be 10/28/24-1/31/25. The executed agreement can be located here. - EGLE-Community Energy Management Grant – City has received $75,000 to offset the development of the Climate Action Plan. - U.S. Dept of Energy, Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant (EECBG) – City was approved to receive a $76,000 block grant towards the acquisition of two EV side-by-side vehicles for use by the Parks Dept throughout the year. The Commission approved the acquisition in September. Parks will take possession of the units the week after Thanksgiving. Grants Management Services - Contract signed with Wade Trim, Inc, based on Grand Rapids, to partner in providing Grant Management Services. - Services include, but are not limited to, identifying eligible grant opportunities, drafting proposals, and managing the application process. - The City is committed to utilizing grants to expand current operational activities including, but not limited to, program development, advocacy, capacity building, research, public awareness, and project implementation. - Grant assistance would be based on their approach of Evaluation (analysis), Identification (identify resources), Strategy (scoping and design), Pursuit (grant writing, marketing, advocacy) and Performance (grant admin, reporting, compliance). - The contracted period runs with the city’s fiscal year ending June 30, 2025. MEDC RAP 1.0 grant ($6M) - The MEDC recently approved an amendment to a portion of our ($6M) RAP 1.0 grant. Of the $1M portion of the grant, $410,000 was received to reimburse redevelopment work at the Arena in 2023. From the balance of funds remaining ($590,000), the MEDC has permitted the use of $167,500 to be directed towards the demolition and redevelopment of the 880 First St site. 4 STATE The GOP won control of the state House; three seats were flipped from D to R. House – 58-52 – unseated 4 House incumbent Democrats Senate – 19-18 U.S. Senator – Sen-elect Elissa Slotkin (former Congresswoman) According to the MI Secretary of State, a higher percentage of voters cast ballots in the 2024 election than any other Michigan election since the Bureau of Elections started keeping such information in 1948 with 78.1% of registered voters casting ballots. In terms of volume, the number of voters was also record setting with 5,666,805 showing up, based on unofficial numbers. That number is 87,488 more voters than voted in 2020. Third straight election cycle with high turnout. Overall, 20,000 new voters registered and voted on Election Day. More than 2.2M absentee ballots were cast, 1.2M voted in-person early, and more than 2M voted in person. Lame Duck Legislative Session (potential issues that may be addressed before 12/31/25) - Revenue Sharing and Public Safety Trust Funds (HB 4274/4275 and HB 4605/4606) - Neighborhood Roads Fund (N/A) - Short-Term Rentals (HB 5438) - Minimum Staffing (HB 4688) - would make min staffing ratios in local gov a mandatory subject of collective bargaining for all PA 312 employees - Paid Sick Leave and Min Wage laws (HB 6056 and 6057) - Polluter Pay (SB 605-611) - Aggregates (HB 6108-6111) - Homeless Bill of Rights (HB 4919) - Housing Bill Package (HB 6095-6098) - Video Franchise Fees (HB 4965) 5 Shaw-Walker – The $3M state enhancement grant included in the FY25 budget, but vetoed earlier this year, could be reconsidered before the end of the year. The funds would continue to support the redevelopment of the former Shaw-Walker building. Disaster Declaration for Muskegon County – It is hopeful the Governor’s Office and legislature will reconsider Muskegon County’s Declaration of Emergency Request which occurred June 25th. The City incurred over $375,000 in expenses for cleanup efforts of our Public Works and Public Safety staff. State Budget – Earlier this summer the Governor signed the FY25 state budget which included $549.7 million in statutory revenue sharing for cities, villages, townships plus the new $75 million for the public safety and violence prevention fund. The budget authorized the expenditure of the funds for the creation of this new public safety trust fund. However, legislation (HB 4605/4606) which sets forth the policy expectations of this fund needs to be approved and signed into law before the fiscal year begins on October 1st. The City is expected to receive approximately $467,000 to support operational expenses within the Public Safety Division. Additionally, similar efforts to codify needed language establishing the new revenue sharing trust fund are ongoing as well. (HB 4274 and 4275) Operational and Capital Expenditures – Can’t use to replace or supplant reoccurring resources. 6 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission – Legislative Policy Committee Commission Meeting Date: December 2, 2024 Title: Homebuyer Assistance Program Submitted By: Ward I Commissioner, Jay Kilgo Department: City Commission Brief Summary: Seeking a detailed discussion about potential strategies to enhance and expand the City of Muskegon’s Homebuyer Assistance Program. The goal is to discuss and identify new opportunities and approaches that would allow us to reach and support a greater number of residents who are aspiring to become homeowners. By exploring additional funding options, program modifications, and community partnerships, aiming to make homeownership more accessible and impactful for those in our community. To collaborate on ideas and solutions to broaden the program’s reach and effectiveness. Detailed Summary & Background: Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Goal 2: Economic Development and Housing and Business – Additional attainable housing units and increased rates of home ownership. Amount Requested: n/a Budgeted Item: n/a Fund(s) or Account(s): n/a Budget Amendment Needed: n/a Recommended Motion: Discussion only. 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