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WATCH Agenda Item Review Form us GO Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: June 22 nd , 2021 Title: City of Muskegon / Muskegon Public Schools Cost Sharing Agreement Submitted By: Leo Evans Department: Public Works Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of a cost sharing agreement with Muskegon Public Schools related to completion of several utility relocations required to facilitate construction of the MPS High School and MPS Middle School capital projects. Detailed Summary: Staff has worked with Muskegon Public Schools to identify several city owned utility lines that required relocation to allow for capital projects to take place at the Muskegon High School Campus as well as the proposed Muskegon Middle School Campus. At the High School campus there are existing active sanitary sewer line and an existing active storm sewer line located in the vacated Jefferson Street ROW north of Southern Avenue that require removal and rerouting to allow for work at the high school site. At the proposed Middle School campus there is an existing active storm sewer line located in the vacated Clinton Avenue ROW south of Dale Avenue that requires rerouting to allow for planned work at the middle school site. Staff worked with MPS and our Engineers (Prein & Newhof) to develop a solution that could be constructed in conjunction with the ongoing work on Peck Street to eliminate the utility conflicts and allow for the MPS projects to continue without interruption . The total cost for this work is estimated at $571,627 .01 ($505,127.01 Construction Contract+ $66,500 Engineering). Of that total Muskegon Public Schools is responsible for $468 ,980.36 and the City of Muskegon would be responsible for $102,646 .65 due to staff recommending an alternative routing at the High School site that better fits in with the long term management of the utility system . MPS has also reviewed this document and is agreeable to the terms. A change order to incorporate this work into the Peck Street project will be prepared at a later date and brought for consideration by this board as it relates to adding this work into the ongoing project via a change order. Amount Requested: $ O Amount Budgeted: $ O Affirmative Action (231 )724-6703 MUSKEGON FAX (231)722-1214 Assessor/ Equalization Co. (231)724-6386 FAX (231)724-1129 Cemetery/Forestry (231 )724-6783 FAX (231)724-4188 West Michigan's Shoreline City City Manager (231 )724-6724 FAX (231)722-1214 Letter of Understanding Between Clerk (231 )724-6705 The City of Muskegon & Muskegon Public Schools FAX (231 )724-4178 Comm. & Neigh. Muskegon Public Schools is undertaking a number of capital projects on their campuses throughout Services the city. Two of those projects (High School and Middle School) require the relocation of existing (231)724-6717 FAX (231)726-2501 City of Muskegon utility facilities to allow for construction. Computer Info. Technology Muskegon Public Schools and the City of Muskegon acknowledge that the relocation of these lines is (231 )724-4126 necessary to complete the planned upgrades. Further, Muskegon Public Schools and the City of FAX (231)722-4301 Muskegon acknowledge that the expense to relocate these lines in the most cost effective manner Engineering (231 )724-6707 possible is the financial responsibility of Muskegon Public Schools. Lastly, Muskegon Public FAX (231)727-6904 Schools and the City of Muskegon acknowledge that the designs presented by Muskegon Public Finance Schools and included as Exhibit A and Exhibit B represent the most cost effective manner of (231)724-6713 FAX (231)726-2325 accomplishing the needed relocations. Fire Department (231 )724-6795 FAX (231 )724-6985 The City of Muskegon agrees to the following: Human Resources Co. (Civil Service) (231 )724-6442 • To incorporate additional work into the ongoing Peck Street project (92010) outlined in the FAX (231 )724-6840 attached Exhibit E (Final Plans) that will eliminate the utility conflicts on both the middle Income Tax school and high school sites during the 2021 construction season. (231 )724-6770 FAX (231 )724-6768 Mayor's Office • To incorporate the work into the ongoing Peck Street project in accordance with the city (231 )724-670 I purchasing policy via a change order with the total amount as outlined in the attached Exhibit FAX (231)722-1214 F (Estimated Construction Costs). Planning/Zoning (231 )724-6702 FAX (231 )724-6790 • To accept and amendment to the Engineering Services Agreement with Prein & Newhof to Police Department complete the engineering for this additional work as outlined in Exhibit G (Engineering (231)724-6750 FAX (231)722-5140 Amendment). Public Works (231)724-4100 • To finance the cost of the work, and upon completion to invoice Muskegon Public Schools for FAX (231 )722-4188 their reasonable portion of the actual cost of the completed work. SafeBuilt (Inspections) (231 )724-6715 FAX (231)728-4371 • To keep Muskegon Public Schools updated of the project status and allow for feedback and comment from Muskegon Public Schools during the project progress. Treasurer (231 )724-6720 FAX (231 )724-6768 • To fully vacate any remaining utility rights held by the City of Muskegon that were required Water Billing (231 )724-67 I 8 for lines to be abandoned as shown in Exhibit C (High School) and Exhibit D (Middle FAX (231)724-6768 School). Water Filtration (231)724-4106 FAX (231)755-5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 MUSKEGON West Michigan's Shoreline City Muskegon Public Schools agrees to the following: • To turn over control of the utility relocation projects to the City of Muskegon. • To reimburse the City of Muskegon for the actual cost of the work upon completion of the work and final invoicing from the City. Muskegon Public Schools will not be responsible to reimburse for the additional block of Sanitary Sewer work on Southern between Sanford and Peck as this option was selected by the City as prefe1Ted over the original design presented by MPS. • To accept as private utilities under Muskegon Public Schools ownership any utility lines remaining in service within the vacated utility easements and right-of-ways. These lines are shown approximately in Exhibit C and Exhibit D. City of Muskegon ATTES~ ~~ -v--._ Ann Meisch, City Clerk Muskegon Public Schools BY Bill O'Brien, President- Board of Education ATTEST Lynnette Marks, Secretary-Board of Education City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 MUSKEGON WeBt Michigan's Shoreline City \1uskegon Public Schools agrees to the following: • To turn over control of the utility relocation projects to the City of Muskegon. • To reimburse the City of Muskegon for the actual cost of the work upon completion of the work and final invoicing from the City. Muskegon Public Schools will not be responsible to reimburse for the additional block of Sanitary Sewer work on Southern between Sanford and Peck as this option was selected by the City as preferred over the original design presented by MPS. • To accept as private utilities under Muskegon Public Schools ownership any utility lines remaining in service within the vacated utility easements and right-of-ways. These lines are shown approximately in Exhibit C and Exhibit D. City of Muskegon ATTEST Dx-7 Q_~ Lynnette Marks, Secretary - Board of Education City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Stl'eet, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 hltp:// 7 s.... PROPOSED BUILDING FFE•626.80 . . ( I M a., ♦ ~i~ ./.(/.(.(,(,c'..(/,.~;;_//,l//,Z-'//i/~///.(/.(,'.'.~///,//////////// 1f,~7~(l···;.;-L ,•J/-?' ~!~ /<.:>; - ,: ._:. .; i ··;;,,;f:_·:2,-22L"" c:!11' __ C..'~ ::g V.../ _.,,_ . . . ,. , // /7/7. SCALE1"c20' s....ii:E a.,j ;, Ji ;, ~ ;:c ,e -~ ;;/ .< O p:: ') / ~o• ;; . /4:~~ ~ '. . . . .. ·..·. ----·-·- / / / 1?-"-0,W "-'1:,.~':P"" ri:r~~, _ -:.. ·:•.,· -. 7/./ //' .J: · 7 . -~-.'/.; ;, / ' . ' / ; ;7;77):;;//;;;/;;~////;;.;7//T///1///~ }J:.:. _:. /:·r /< r /,,j_ ;::: II <:: ;.-• /.-;;:- /. "'z Cl) ~ 0 ;:: c::i ;) .-~-//> :0 , i5 0 jj '':;J:; 0 <( - r;$ ,., ~ / j' 7/ ; 1// •:'' . /· (:) z i5 _, 5 /1 EXISTING BUILDING CD /;.1/ _, Cl) ~ FFE .. 629.17 oz 3: EXISTING BUILDING FFE,.627.30 /l.L; (§ oO eg~ wii=" OIO .I°'r5 ~£2 ·r "~I / ?'. ~ _, rn 8I (.) rn (.) ::; CD ::, a "' Cl. ~ ~-- z 0 :a, (:) w ~ ffi~ ~::J ; ::, ;;:a, :a, •·:_., z j .[!!!:_, .-. .- - - ":~':':.:'.:o~•i~:~ . 1 - -:· ... _ ...... .:ANITARVtEWrn00.1$11,t . IIEH(CCAPAO!:.P.L MUSKEGON PUBLIC Cl. (.) rn w rn ;;:; 0 N "'~ SCHOOLS "'(:)w ~ ::, o. ....-., COUJN OCPRCK~~ 80 W. SOUTHERN AVE ~.o .__ ""?'"'o_,.., MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN 49442 <( iif ,;•:Jl::::~r~E/ --~~~7•./;?i~t~ 20-oe-01 o ~~6:~~~~~~~t/~u~~1~ ~~:. ~E z t~r~l;~·~ ~["1..IC[Wl~~•TO~ ..... !!I... .,..., ............... ,,, ......,........... .,,, ...,.,,,.,._.,, ..... ....,.,........ . HOLLAND ENGINEERING ~ 0 cj ¢:;a;: " 10~ ........,..,,... ~~~1::~;_~, FD .,,,.....,......._,,.,,,_, Hollond. "1lUll~•n ~G<2l-J7e4 1,<( "N"' l:ll!'IW•'1U7 T61.,.l0:MOJO F61o-;\!/2--21t6 "°' a(:) iu~ ,._ ,., ,., ·-, I (oJ_ l 1 _J L .., "·7-/zesf 17 '" "' , , ;:, 1 I I I ! I ! L II Ii j MUsKEaoN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Weslshore ESE 25J4 Block Creek Rood MA•ff Vo BJA O.\T£; 02/2 1/2 1 - , HACKLEY HOSPITAL SITE tfos kegon, Ml 49444 a,a,:co,rn 0 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY ::1,..., 0 8 1700 CUffON!JTTEE/' artOFMUSKEOON, Ph: {2J1) 777-::5447 Fox: (231) 773-)453 TWO E-moi!: O..Cli'.U£: I\'.> MUSK.EGON C0WTY. MCHGAN TOPO City of Muskegon Utility Map Date: 3/11/2021 6--~-•-.------ e Storm Manhole m Approximate area of vacated utility easements 9 Sanitary Service Points and rights by City of Muskegon. Any utilities e Sanitary Manhole remaining in these areas become private utility ~ Sanitary Gravity Main lines under the responsibility of MPS N 11 - • - • Force Main Engineering Department © City of Muskegon Utility Map Date: 3/11/2021 e Storm Manhole m • Sanitary Service Points Approximate area of vacated utility easements and rights by City of Muskegon. Any utilities e Sanitary Manhole --!I- Sanitary Gravity Main remaining in these areas become private utility lines under the responsibility of MPS N 11 - • - • Force Main Engineering Department © 1=~m~,.r~":a.-Z"'' o.=m1 ro,, Dl'~CJ!ll!O!l,.Y roNaltll:PUHTIJI ti.., ;~ i ~:\! ~- i:.,,11,ih•i !t:i, j. ~ ..: : .7 • \TT~~r~r=~1 ~~n '!'& ~::i~ ~t!!!a;;;~~ .. ~3':~;f~3jZ 3~ ,i!,!•1,~i : ~~3..:2~1:li~~ ~"'~l~~§,~h !i '::i??~~:;i:~~ ~ ~~~~~';=';~~~ ~~ ::.; :._ 77~,.s ! 11, :; b id..:~S ~ ~';~~~ [ :'I ';: , ~i 1 ,: '- ~ !i .;i ~~ 1-~~~~~u::r:;;;~~i:ii~,i; ~~!!~ !: m ~,. . ~ s~ { ;c.,:i, ~, - ,_, '! ·i $-z z • • • • • ..irASDN & STRONG'S ADPrrjo11 ·io CITY or 11usK£GDN ,~,: J:~-=-1 ,! 1'1' 11 MASDN Sc STP.DNG'S A[l[IJTJDN TD CITr DF MUSKEGON TOPOGRAPHY TEXT NOTE I 2e I I i' TlJ'OOIW'lfYttxl'S'TA'!IOICANDcm1£1S ~=~~ 000,-00 h, ·~~~.,. 0 I,' I 1 ., MMDV~l'I.Nl:lrtllAC'/IONrlDIS. PROPOSED PAVEMENT LEGEND l'IU'll:ltl)~'r, □ CIISIDtWN.X.COIC.'/BH>I ==~lll0l M0n=t;f'!la'0:m)PA"01MCH ~~~. 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SOIL EROStON CONTROL LEGEND \e~~~r=~I l \ 1 ~ · II I l/ MDRl'i'IS BRD'S AIWITIDN TD CITY DF MUSl ;1::.i::-::-c:;,:;,::ir;_~ :i: PECK STR££ "a, i'l"M&mJN -cr'.tMl'IIN..r ~IOO'T.,!lf¢"'•amuJ a•1e.·. ~{; S8-S 625 625 620 620 STORM O +0.50:C 615 51_~ u-- l'lt(F'.:1,111'1.ur,.-,o: 610 ""'"' 12/13,M 610 ij ~ ; 605 ~ e!~·· el a1 ~ ~C.!I. 605 ! ~~. ~{ a ,. i~ 600 ;;~~ ! hi: IH S~t.--;-------;i;\"cSS,.___ _ _---1---}-; 600 { ~~" .__,___,__,..._......,,;_.,__,.___,,_...,.__.,__,~ : -!:! ?l~i:~ ~ ~- ·--" ,r-·- 1-- ; ~ ---- ~ J ijl s! ;; ~! &I ~ V ~ B ~ JI J2 .,. J5 ~ '" OA'lr 111 - CITY OF' MUSKEGON P~o.n:T073~0 ~ ~ NO. II C V j :; I O N , IJY l""'"""S.1""'""'~-----,. ~=*::? 1- :;: ;;_.::,=-~ J.J.S. !~ : ~ ~ l''QRMA~ IIAl,Vl< .... ,i - OC1 IUll(ttlCNCaJNTY.Mc«WI r:m ' • ,w ~,:,AR. ·,o Prei:n&'Newhof STilEET IMPROVEMEN'TS ~mo nuaunm -~ ";.-:::::::--.::.:.~.:.:•=: ~-n-.,...... -·:-~ :i::.. ..~ =· •=:t'""''"""""" .. ="""'"" I OT, ""MAR. """H. 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PlllVA1C IXl02-00 WAlER MAIN CONS1RUCTION N0lES ·~~~.,. <> ® TD CITY OF MUSl ISIMIIWITNn'-i,,.1PlAllJ i; ,,' I,, N1L..-AYM..A!UlltC:l'Ql,.llW'.:Tl#:l,n:t(IIIIJ"")o:•1. ~ i •~,, ~ '• ~lO!lllDVlJf'TLOCA-DrlWIT.wti,,.ltJIAUI ~ ~ ~Q [iff:i,,, ~~:~ ~ ,_lONSf/.11ATOIIFW'IQ. &IMIMTIUIHU,,..IV, ~~~ ,,'·[ ., ,,., Mltlll'l'U:n,i,.r.-amr .. ... ::11;.. I.~ 1 _,./.1!111C.iiU:mw.1atN,1.m:-.M%1llOlHC a,, [ SWIM'l'IA11M.,,CNGl''IIID; ;~j i} ii ~ili[~i~l ~•ij; 2~t. ;i~j!~ii l!i!ri11t·11"i!1.t'i~ ,[ ~I.INCN OIC •• ... ...,..,, ... ~.......,. 16w32 rC.VI\ ;)11'\C.C.I ! -- 1::;-·~·~,~:'::1 : ~ ~t~~ ; ! 'i '. 22 , • ~ I ;a~~ t ~~t/JYCAY,,.,,CCIINOl '::l;l::l:l:t:t,l,;,; ..•..• ---· ~ DALE AVENUE •/CU'ID' ~ (14',J, RtCHT ,c,r,, #' A!l'HM.Y PAIO/Off WD1H ~ amrJQ .,, ~ fF IIMY 625 625 620 620 615 615 610 610 605 605 600 600 ·--" i ,~ 10 11 12 1J UY IDA1t:l'"'- Cl1Y OF' MUSKEGON l'RO.l';CftlO. J.J.~ ® ------- Mlr.llCCOON IXlUNTY, IIIQtCAN 2190730 ~ -C,,A-..r-'MT .-0-KW!llllW!IDWKOJOT ~ ~of S"TREET IMPROVEMENTS -.WUSlffllS C:ii',:.:::::.,.. '=-":'::=-"~~_:r 5CAl..l:'.ll t ,·-.arr. 1•- "40°HQIZ (camlJICI ATO< roO'T Hmt'IIU) M.R.H. I !'.l:lgbM,cn;wSurrcyvn•~bll-I..abontmy 1-- MAY'21 DALE AVENUE 29or 31 1=~:#~'fr"'t~~· .. .,,..1 t -.iu= . ' ~, ,R .l ~~-~- __ 1:W~~ : .n ~·· ,· -l"".. ~ t lo x ;:: ....... :l :i!i1o';!l 7 , n, "'1)l(AN1' UNtJO! "W' IN tn 7 1=~~~C~citAJ-11; "-aj ~ ' ... :I! i-.. , f f~ "· ".. "•,•• "'f•' •'' •,•wrP!IT"fiilFl< -..:1::1:;~:1 .. QQ"~:t~~ :l ~-•' 11 li ,.,,... ,. 1 ~' ,., ~' '! i ,,.•,. 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" srRaNG?s ,.., '- AIJJJITIDN TD t-:Jrr'iiFii1.isf:i:JiiN *I 1'1111 J:I .ii~ 11 1 E ~ tl~~ .. ;. ·..... ~~ ~ 71!~ 11 i ~, :;1 ! 2~~~;~~if t! ~~~ !!ti!i' ~i !dd~E~~ ~l'•i ism g~~'ll'' 'l rt•I @!i.!~1 ~•·wlll l !i,1hi!i ~I n~~;=:m11; it:.i im -----····· -····~, ~~ ~,~ ~~:;:?~ !! ~111!:l'l'J ::z::11::i~;;-i::?~:i~~l'J: 31;::t1Jl;>l::l::IUr.1~:,,,,t1::1.1lll1'1 ~ SOUTHERN A VENUE ~I za--.11?'~:1o=:r.,:;;;~.arrrtlf) 625 11 n 1111 ~-•-• I 625 15" STORM O +0..30% a., ......... QIDI) 620 620 615 615 610 610 605 605 600 '~1,,,, 11m; 600 as ,. ~s !; .Ii ii !~ 5g ig .Ii 1J 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -- DT IDA1tl-· J.J.~ CITY OF' MUSKEGON 2190730 _J.. 1111-11111 SlllfflS . {® ------- ----IT•--~ ,....,,.~~-~ .......,..,,.•-,nw•_,. -c.ii'.:.::';::.... __ ___ __ 1•-411'HOl!l.(CON1'0JICATON!:l'00Tlfffl:l!VM.$) ,._ •:\'Ut'T. MAY'21 coo~... ~ICAN WU5!Cm0N STREET IMPROVEMENTS M.R.H, MAY'21 SOUTHERN AVENUE 30Cf'32 I"' I"' =~::.:"'J~~y~ ,. .,,..I ,ounlCIIMA'IOIUtfl~lm!U:f, ~-~~ I,»,"* war Cl\. 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NASDN & STRDNG?S AIJIJITIDN TD CITY DF NUSKEGDN @ J /f--' .~12. ~,am · .. ,1,•, ::i ., "t ~ , '; ;-. !.1., J:!'W,!'Si,!~' r,,::i:: : : 1:i11:iHl.'.:- ~ 11 l i ; ! . t N -~~· ...J - - B....lJl:llR! - ~~it ~~~l[TIIZII ==~m:r,i,•11, r•=-~~-=-.,- .,,,,1t1tscr,,ci: TOTAUlllG:ita:T WAlD o P.rei:n&"Newhof ""-"· I - - - · - · " " " ' " " " " ~:..._ ·20I I STREET IMPROVEMENTS TIPICAL CROSS SECTIONS I3 2 °' 3 2I Prein&Newhof Engim:crs • St1r\'cyors • En\'i ronmcn1al • l .ahorntory Estimate of Probable Cost Owner: City of Muskegon Project Title: Muskegon Public School Project- Southern Avenue and Dale Avenue Date: Project#: June 8, 2021 2190730 Dale Item No. Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Amount Southern Avenue- Jefferson to Sanford 6 Dr Structure, Rem 9 Ea $250.00 $2,250.00 7 Sewer Rem, Less than 24 inch 490 Ft $7.00 $3,430.00 9 Sewer, Abandon, Less than 20 inch 65 Ft $5.00 $325.00 II Curb and Gutter Rem 366 Ft $3.50 $1,281.00 12 Pavt, Rem 320 Syd $5.50 $1,760.00 13 HMA Surface, Rem 1,500 Syd $2.50 $3,750.00 14 Sidewalk, Rem 40 Syd $5.00 $200.00 16 Erosion Control, Inlet Protection, Fabric Drop 9 Ea $170.00 $1,530.00 17 Machine Grading, Modified 3.8 Sta $2,500.00 $9,500.00 18 Aggregate Base, 9 inch, Modified 1,500 Syd $12.00 $18,000.00 19 HMA,5EI 170 Ton $82.80 $14,076.00 20 HMA,4E3 170 Ton $81.98 $13,936.60 22 Driveway, NonreinfConc, 6 inch 70 Syd $40.00 $2,800.00 23 Curb and Gutter, Cone. Det F4 366 Ft $14.00 $5,124.00 24 Sidewalk, Cone, 4 inch 150 Sft $3.00 $450.00 26 Sidewalk Ramp, Cone, 6 inch 120 Sft $5.50 $660.00 27 Detectable Warning Surface 10 Ft $48.00 $480.00 pagelof6 S:\20/912190730 City ofM11skegon\COR1Est 2021-06-08 Mi'S - Dale and Southt!m Prein&Newhof E11gi11cc1-s • St1rvcyors • Elt\'i n>11111cntal • l.almr r)' Item No. Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Amount Dale Avenue 6 Dr Structure, Rem 2 Ea $250.00 $500.00 7 Sewer Rem, Less than 24 inch 60 Ft $7.00 $420.00 8 Sewer Rem, 24 inch and Greater 30 Ft $10.00 $300.00 II Curb and Gutter Rem 330 Ft $3.50 $1,155.00 12 Pavt, Rem 46 Syd $5.50 $253.00 13 HMA Surface, Rem 622 Syd $2.50 $1,555.00 14 Sidewalk, Rem 22 Syd $5.00 $110.00 16 Erosion Control, Inlet Protection, Fabric Drop 4 Ea $170.00 $680.00 17 Machine Grading, Modified 3.3 Sta $2,500.00 $8,250.00 18 Aggregate Base, 9 inch, Modified 622 Syd $12.00 $7,464.00 19 HMA,5EI 72 Ton $82.80 $5,961.60 20 HMA,4E3 72 Ton $81.98 $5,902.56 22 Driveway, NonreinfConc, 6 inch 46 Syd $40.00 $1,840.00 23 Curb and Gutter, Cone. Det F4 330 Ft $14.00 $4,620.00 24 Sidewalk, Cone, 4 inch 100 Sft $3.00 $300.00 26 Sidewalk Ramp, Cone, 6 inch 95 Sft $5.50 $522.50 27 Detectable Warning Surface 5 Ft $48.00 $240.00 28 Turf Restoration 3.3 Sta $500.00 $1,650.00 52 Sewer, Cl E, 12 inch, Tr Det B 56 Ft $50.00 $2,800.00 56 Sewer, Connect to Ex. 12" 2 Ea $650.00 $1,300.00 62 Dr Structure, 48 inch dia Ea $1,700.00 $1,700.00 63 Dr Structure, 60 inch dia 4 Ea $3,400.00 $13,600.00 page 5 of6 S:\20}912190730 City ofAluskegon\('ORiEst 2021-06-08 MI'S-Dale and ,\'0111hem Prein&Newhof E11gi11ccrs• St1rn:yors • En\·i n>nn1c11ral • l .almratt>I)' Item No. Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Amount 64 Rebuild Dr Strncture, 60 inch dia -1 Ea $4,000.00 -$4,000.00 65 Dr Structure Cover, Type B 5 Ea $800.00 $4,000.00 66 Dr Structure Cover, Type K I Ea $975.00 $975.00 115 Sewer, Cl E, IO inch, Tr Det B 8 Ft $45.00 $360.00 118 Sewer, Connect to Ex. IO" I Ea $600.00 $600.00 Extra Dr Structure, Doghouse, 84 inch Dia I Ea $9,818.51 $9,818.51 Extra Sewer, Cl E, 36 inch, Tr Det B 719 Ft $129.61 $93,189.59 Extra Sewer, Bulkhead, 12 inch 3 Ea $375.00 $1,125.00 Extra Sewer, Connect to Ex. 36" I Ea $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Dale Avenue Subtotal: $168,441.76 Southern Avenue (Jefferson to Sanford) Subtotal: $234,038.60 Southern Avenue (Sanford to Peck) Subtotal: $102,646.65 Total Project Construction Cost: $505,127.01 page 6 of6 S:\2019\2190730 City ofMmkegm1\COR1Hst 2021-06-08 Ml\\' -Dale and .\'outlwm Prein&Ne-whof Engin ee rs ■ S11n'eyors ■ Environm e ntal ■ Laboratory March 23 , 2021 2190730 Mr. Leo Evans, P.E. City of Muskegon 1350 Keating Avenue Muskegon,MI49442 RE: Peck Street and Muskegon Public Schools Revisions Dear Leo: At your request we have prepared the following proposal for three revisions that you have requested for the Peck Street project. The cost for the Arthur revision is based on actual costs spent to complete the revisions, the other two items are based on the information provided by you to us for the scope of work. Arthur Street Redesign: After bids were received the City requested a realignment of the Arthur/Peck intersection. This revision has been completed and is awaiting final Change Order pricing from the Contractor. With this revision we also included the necessary plan revisions to revise the Southern and Peck Street intersection to be a four way stop per your request. The total fee for this work is $4,500. Southern A venue Sanitary Sewer Extension: The Muskegon Public Schools has requested that the 8-inch sanitary sewer extending through the vacated Jefferson Street right-of-way be rerouted so that it no longer extends north of Southern A venue. This will allow for an addition to the high school to be completed. At your request we have prepared a fee to complete the design and construction phase for extending a new 8-inch sanitary sewer from Peck Street to Jefferson Street on Southern A venue. This will intercept the Jefferson Street sewer and send it north into the new Peck Street sanitary sewer. This work will require full reconstruction of the roadway of Southern Avenue from Peck to Sanford Street as well as replacement of the existing storm sewer in this block. Our proposal includes topographic survey, design, permitting, drafting, two weeks of full-time construction observation and construction phase administration to add this project to the Peck Street project. This fee is not set up to provide a standalone project outside the current Peck Street project. Our proposed fee for this work is $34,700. The construction work for this sewer would require closing Sanford Street, which is the detour route for the Peck Street project. We will have to work with the Contractor to open Peck Street for a time to allow this work to be completed prior to the school year. We have estimated the construction cost to be approximately $233,000. Dale A venue Storm Sewer: The Muskegon Public Schools has requested that the 36-inch storm sewer extending tlu·ough the Clinton Street right-of-way be rerouted to allow for construction of a proposed middle school building. At your request we have prepared a proposal to complete design and construction phase services for this project to reroute the 36-inch storm from Clinton Street west on Dale A venue to Peck Street, and then south on Peck Street to Larch A venue. 49 IO Stariha Drive Muskegon, Ml 4944 I t.231-798-010 I f. 231-798-0337 Mr. Evans March 23, 2021 Page 2 Our proposal includes topographic survey, design, drafting, two weeks of full-time construction observation, and construction phase administration to add this project to the Peck Street project. This fee is not set up to provide a standalone project outside the current Peck Street project. Our proposed fee for this work is $31,800. We have estimated the construction cost for the Clinton Street storm sewer reroute to be approximately $242,000. The summary of the proposed fee amendment is: Arthur Redesign: $4,500 Southern Sanitary Sewer: $34,700 Dale Storm Sewer: $31,800 Total: $71,000 If approved, we will forward you a Professional Services Agreement Amendment for the proposed work. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this further, please let us know. Sincerely, Prein&Newbof Matthew R. Hulst, P.E. Barbara E. Marczak, P .E. C: Dave Baker, City of Muskegon
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