Approved Agreements and Contracts 2020-2023 Janitorial Services Contract 01-14-2020

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           West Michigan's Shoreline City
                                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

  INVITATION FOR BIDS ...................................................................................................................................... 2
  NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ........................................................................ .3
  DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... .4

SECTION 1 ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
  1.0 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ..................................................................................................................... 8
SECTION 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
  1.1 BIDDER'S CHECI(LIST ............................................................................................................................... 15
  1.2 TRANS MITTAL LETTER FOR BID PROPOSAL ...................................................................................... 16
  1.3 BIDDER CERTIFICATION & AGREEMENT ............................................................................................. 17
  1.4 MANAGEMENT PLANS QUESTIONNAIRE ............................................................................................. 19
  1.5 BID PROPOSAL ............................................................................................................................................ 21
  1.6 BID BOND ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
  1.7 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF PRIME BIDDER ............................................................................... 24
  1.8 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS .............................................................................................. 25
  1.9 DISADVANTAGED CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT .................................................................................... 26
  1.10 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS ................................................................................... 27
  1.11 DBE/MBE/WBE PROCUREMENT POLICY ............................................................................................. 29
  1.12 ADDENDUM NO I ...................................................................................................................................... 32
  1.13 BID TABULATION .................................................................................................................................... .33

 2.0 A WARDEE CHECI(LIST .............................................................................................................................. 35
 2.1 DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARATION ........................................................................................................... 36
 2.2 AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................................................... .37
 2.3 PERFORMANCE BOND .............................................................................................................................. .39
 2.4 LABOR & MATERIALMAN'S BOND ....................................................................................................... .41
 2.5 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF SUBCONTRACTOR ........................................................................ 43
 2.6 LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION IN LIEU OF PERFORMANCE BOND .......................................... 44

SECTION 1 ............................................................................................................................................................. 46
 3 .0 PROJECT PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................................ .4 7
SECTION 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 55
  3.1 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION .............................................................................................................................. 56
SECTION 3 ............................................................................................................................................................. 57
  3.2 ADOPTED LABOR STANDARDS PROVISIONS ...................................................................................... 58
  3.3 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE .............................................................................................................. 59
  3.4 ANTI-I(ICl(BACI( ACT ................................................................................................................................ 60
SECTION 4 ............................................................................................................................................................. 61
  3.5 PREVAILING WAGE DECISION ................................................................................................................ 62
 4.0 SPECIAL SPECIFICA TIONS ........................................................................................................................ 64
 4.1 CLEANING STAND ARDS ........................................................................................................................... 67
 4.2 GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................................. 69
 4.3 RESPONSIBILITIES AND SCHEDULES .................................................................................................... 71
 4.4 FLOOR PLANS & DIMENSIONS ................................................................................................................ 74

   PRE-BID DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................ Appendix Page
    ADDENDUA1 NO. 1 ...... ................................................................................. .............................. Appendix Page
     SECTION 4.2 REVISED ............................................................................................................... Appendix Page
     SECTION 4.3 REVISED ............................................................................................................... Appendix Page
     SECTION 4.4 REVISED ............................................................................................................... Appendix Page
     DETAJLEDFLOORPLANS.......................................................................................................... Appendix Page
   SIGNED BIDDER DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................. Appendix Page
     TRANSMITTAL LETTER FOR BID PROPOSAL ........................................................................ Appendix Page
     BIDDER CERTIFICATION AND AGREEMENT ........................................................................ Appendix Page
     BID TABULATION ...................................................................................................................... Appendix Page
     BID BOND PROPOSAL ....................................................................... ;....................................... Appendix Page
     GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY.. ......................................................................................... Appendix Page
     NON-COLLUSION AFFIDA VJT OF PRIME BIDDER ............................................................... Appendix Page
     LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS .............................................................................. Appendix Page
     DISADVANTAGED CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT ...................................................................... Appendix Page
   SIGNED AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS ....................................................................................... Appendix Page
     AGREEMENT .............................................................................................................................. Appendix Page
     PERFORMANCE BOND ............................................................................................................. Appendix Page
     LABOR & MATERIALMAN'S BOND .......................................................................................... Appendix Page
     POWER OF ATTORNEY ............................................................................................................. Appendix Page
     NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF SUBCONTRACTOR ......................................................... Appendix Page
   CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ............................................................................. Appendix Page
   ATTORNEY APPROVAL LETTER .............................................................................................. Appendix Page
                                             City of Muskegon
                                    2020-22 Janitorial Services


                                                                                                                 City of Muskegon
                                                                                                        2020-22 Janitorial Services

                                                 INVITATION FOR BIDS

Project: 2020-2022 Janitorial Services

The City of Muskegon, Michigan will receive sealed bids until 2:00 p.m. local time on
Tuesday, December 17, 2019, at the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon,
Michigan, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for the following
items of work to include:

Janitorial and Cmpet Cleaning Services at the following sites: City Hall, including the Muskegon Police
Department (933 Terrace St.), and the Public Service Building (1350 E. Keating)Jor a p eriod of three
(3) y ears.

Electronic copies of Plans and Specifications may be obtained on or after Friday, November 22, 2019
from the City of Muskegon website, or by request to the Engineering Depa1tment via phone or email;
231.724.6707 or Printed copies can be obtained by request from the
Engineering Depaitment located at 1350 E. Keating Ave, Muskegon MI, 49442 for a cost of $40.

An amount equal to five percent (5%) of the Bid must be submitted with each Bid Proposal in one of
tlu·ee forms acceptable to the City of Muskegon.

Contract documents may be examined at the following locations:
   • Public Services Building, 1350 E. Keating Ave., Muskegon MI 49442
   • City of Muskegon website:
   • Grand Rapids Builders Exchange

Attention is called to the fact that the City requires: the Contractor consider hiring local work force
insofar as possible, not less than the salaries and wages set forth in the Specifications must be paid, 14%
minority and 6.9% female are the goals established for patticipation in each trade, the Contractor must
ensure employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against based upon their race,
creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicapped condition nor veteran background, and all
pertinent regulations must be complied with. Bids may not be withdrawn within sixty (60) days after bid
opening. The City of Muskegon reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities or
irregularities in the bidding.

A Pre-Bid Conference will be held in the Conference Room at the City of Muskegon Public Services
Building located at 1350 E Keating Avenue at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, at which
time and place any questions regarding this Project should be presented. Minutes from the Pre-Bid
Conference will become an Addendum to the Contract.
                                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN
                                                             By: Ann Meisch, City Clerk
PUBLISH: 11/22/2019
                                                          ADA POLICY
The City will provide necessary appropriate auxiliary aids services, for example, signers for the hearing impaired, audio tapes for
the visually impaired, etc., for di sabled persons who want to attend the meeting, upon twenty-four hour notice to the City.

                                                      Ann Meisch, City Clerk
                                                    City of Muskegon, City Hall
                                             933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440
                                               (231) 724-6705 or TDD (231) 724-6773

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Executive Order 11246

1. The Bidder's attention is called to the "Equal Opportunity Clause" and the "Standard Adopted Equal
   Employment Specifications" set forth in Pait 3, Section II, of these Documents.

2. The goals and the timetables for minority and female paiticipation, expressed in percentage terms for
   the Contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are
   as follows:

                  TRADE                MINORITY               FEMALE
                   ALL                                 14%                                6.9%

     These goals are applicable to all the Contractor's construction work (whether or not it is Federal or
     Federally-assisted) performed in the covered area. If the Contractor performs construction work in a
     geographical area located outside of the covered area, it shall apply the goals established for such
     geographical area where the work is actually performed. With regard to this second area, the
     Contractor also is subject to the goals for both its federally involved and non-federally involved

     The Contractor's compliance with the Executive Order and regulations in 41 CFR Pait 60-4 shall be
     based on its implementation of the Equal Oppo1tunity Clause, specific affirmative action obligations
     required by the specifications set forth in 41 CFR 60-4.3(a), and its efforts to meet the goals. The
     hours of minority and female employment and training must be substantially uniform throughout the
     length of the Contract, and in each trade, and the Contractor shall make a good faith effo1t to employ
     minorities and women evenly on each of its projects. The transfer of minority or female employees
     or trainees from contractor to contractor or from project to project for the sole purpose of meeting the
     contractor's goals shall be a violation of the Contract, the Executive Order, and the regulations in 41
     CFR Pait 60-4. Compliance with the goals will be measured against the total work hours performed.

3. The Contractor shall provide written notification to the Director of the Office of Federal Contract
   Compliance Programs within 10 working days of award of any construction subcontract in excess of
   $10,000 at any tier for construction work under the Contract resulting from this solicitation. The
   notification shall list the name, address and telephone number of the subcontractor; employer
   identification number of the subcontractor; estimated dollar amount of the subcontract; estimated
   starting and completion dates of the subcontract; and the geographical area in which the contract is to
   be performed.

4. As used in this Notice, and in the Contract resulting from this solicitation, the "covered area" is the
   City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, and State of Michigan.

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                                                                                     2020-22 Janitorial Services


Whenever used anywhere in these Documents, the following meanings shall be given to the terms

ADDENDA or ADDENDUM -Any changes, revisions, additions or clarifications of or to the Contract
Documents which have been duly issued by the City to Bidders prior to the time of awarding or executing
the Contract Agreement.

AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE - Any person or persons authorized to represent the City of
Muskegon by its governing body for the purpose of directing or having in charge the work embraced in
this Contract, acting directly or indirectly through the responsible paity having general charge of this
work, and/or for monitoring, coordinating and inspecting the work and activities involved.

BID or BID PROPOSAL-The written offer of the Bidder, on the form furnished by the City, for the
work proposed.

BID BOND/GUARANTY - The security required in these Documents and furnished by the Bidder as a
guaranty of good faith to enter into a contract for the work proposed.

BIDDER or PRIME BIDDER - That individual, corporation or firm submitting a proposal for
consideration by the City to perform the work proposed in these Documents.

CITY - CITY OF MUSKEGON - The City of Muskegon and/or its authorized representative(s); also may
be referred to in portions of these Documents as owner, grantee, local public agency, or local government.

CITY COMMISSION -The governing body of the City of Muskegon which retains the right of final
approval of all contractors, subcontractors, contracts and payments under any contracts.

CONTRACT - The Agreement executed by the City and the Contractor, of which this section is a part.

CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - Means and shall include the executed Agreement, any Addenda,
Invitation for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, signed Bid Proposal, all Parts and Sections of the General,
Technical and/or Special Specifications, any drawings, maps, plans, etc., and any forms or formats and
documents included within the book forming these Documents.

CONTRACT PERFORMANCE - The act of complying with these Contract Documents to the successful
completion of the Project by performing the work necessary to do so.

CONTRACT PRICE - That figure agreed upon through the bidding procedure as acceptable to the City
and indicated as such in the Agreement executed by the Contractor and the City.

CONTRACT TIME-The date for completion or length of time until completion, of the work embraced
in this Contract as stipulated in the Agreement executed by the Contractor and the City.

CONTRACTOR or SUCCESSFUL BIDDER - The person, corporation or firm whose bid was accepted
by the City, resulting in the execution of the Agreement to perform the work under the terms of these

DRAWINGS/PLANS - Approved drawings or reproduction of drawings pertinent to the construction or
details of the work covered by this Contract.

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                                                                                   2020-22 Janitorial Services

LABORA TORY - The testing laboratory of the City or any other laboratory which may be designated by
the City for the purpose of inspecting, examining and determining the suitability of materials and the
quality of the products used in the performance of this Contract.

presented by the Bidder to the City for consideration in lieu of a performance bond where applicable and
in strict accordance with Part 1, Section I, paragraph 17(e), and the instructions in these Documents.

PERFORMANCE/LABOR AND MATERIALMEN'S BONDS - The statutory bonds, executed by the
Contractor and a surety, guaranteeing the performance of the Contract and the payment of all lawful
indebtedness pertaining thereto.

PREY AILING WAGE DECISION - That document, received from the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development or the State of Michigan Department of Labor as requested by the City, detailing the
current wage rates which, if included in this Contract, are binding upon the Contractor and all
subcontractors as the minimum wages to be paid during the life of this Contract.

SITE-Also referred to as PROJECT SITE or PROJECT AREA, indicating the location of the Project as
generally described in these Documents.

SUBCONTRACT -An agreement executed by the Contractor with another individual, corporation or
firm for work or a portion of the work embraced in this Contract. (An asterisk(*) in the right-hand margin
indicates subcontract language or requirements throughout Patts 1, 2 and 3 of these Documents.)

SUBCONTRACTOR- A person, corporation or firm supplying labor and/or materials for work at the
Site of this Project for the Contractor under a Subcontract.

SURETY - The corporate body which is bound with and for the Contractor for the performance of this
contract and for the payment of all lawful indebtedness pe1taining thereto.

SPECIFICATIONS - GENERAL - Refers to specifications pertinent to the performance of any City
Project anticipated to exceed $2,000, as provided in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of these Documents.

SPECIFICATIONS - TECHNICAL - Refers to those Specifications pertinent to this Project and includes
information regarding materials, products, etc., as provided in PART 4 of these Documents.

SPECIFICATIONS - SPECIAL - Refers to special information items pertinent to only this Project and
includes Project Description, location, measurements, maps, drawings, etc.

SPECIFICATIONS - (without particular included as above) Refers to General Specifications, Technical
Specifications and/or Special Specifications outlined in this Document.

WORK ON (OR AT) THE PROJECT or PROJECT SITE- Work to be performed under this Contract at
the location of this Project, including transportatiqn of materials and supplies to or from the Site by
employees of the Contractor and/or Subcontractors.

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                                  City of Muskegon
                         2020-22 Janitorial Services

           PART 1-BIDS

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                                             2020-22 Janitorial Services


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                                                                                                 City of Muskegon
                                                                                        2020-22 Janitorial Services

                                     1.0 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS

1.0.1      BIDS

    a. Bidding documents to be submitted must remain attached within this Contract Document.
    b. All bids submitted shall be on forms provided without alterations or interlineations and shall be
       subject to all requirements of these Instructions to Bidders and all the forms and Documents
       immediately following these Instructions in Section 2, Bid Proposal.
    c. All Bid Proposals submitted for consideration shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope which is
       clearly labeled "Bid Documents" with the Project name and/or number, the name of Bidder, the
       date and time of Bid Opening written on the envelope to prevent premature opening.
    d. If unit prices are requested, the Unit Price for each of the several items in the Bidder's proposal
       shall include its pro rata share of overhead so that the sum of the products obtained by multiplying
       the quantity for each item by the unit price represents the total bid. Should conditions make it
       necessary to revise the quantities, a limit will then be fixed for such increased or decreased
       quantities. Should the net monetary value of all such changes increase or decrease the original price
       by more than twenty-five percent (25%) negotiated price change shall be allowed, if warranted.
       Any bid not conforming to this requirement may be rejected.

1.0.2      BID GUARANTY

    a. No Bid will be considered unless it is accompanied by a Bid Guaranty of not less than five percent
       (5%) of the amount of the Bid to ensure the execution of the Contract and the furnishing of surety
       bond or bonds by the successful Bidder, as required by the Contract Documents. Cash deposits will
       not be accepted. Negotiable U.S. Government Bonds (at par value) and certified checks or bank
       drafts, made payable to the City of Muskegon, may be used, or a bid bond in the format provided
       which shall be secured by a guaranty or a surety company listed in the latest issue of U.S. Treasury
       Circular 570, and shall be within the maximum amount specified for such company in said Circular.
    b. Revised Bids submitted before the opening of Bids, whether forwarded by mail or telegraphic
       communication, ifrepresenting an increase in excess of two percent (2%) of the original bid, must
       have the Bid Guaranty adjusted accordingly; otherwise the Bid will not be considered.
    c. The Bid Guaranty of unsuccessful Bidders, or the amount thereof, will be returned as soon as
       practicable after the awarding of the contract. The Bid Guaranty of any Bidder withdrawing his/her
       Bid in accordance with the conditions set fo1th in Paragraph 13 hereof will be returned promptly.
    d. When telegraphic modifications of Bids are received as provided above, Bidders are cautioned that
       such modifications shall make the Bid as modified or amended subject to rejection if not explicit
       and/or in any sense are subject to misinterpretation.


           No alternative bids will be considered unless alternative bids are specifically requested.


    a. No oral interpretation will be made to any Bidder as to the meaning of the Documents or any part
       thereof. A request for any interpretation will be in writing to the City of Muskegon, and any such
       request received seven (7) or more days before the scheduled Bid Opening will be considered.
    b. Every interpretation made will be in writing in the form of an Addendum to the Contract itself and,
       when issued, will be on file in the City Clerk's office at least five (5) days prior to the Bid Opening
       for each Bidder's review.

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                                                                                      2020-22 Janitorial Services


    a. Site Inspection. Each Bidder will assume the responsibility for visiting the site of the proposed
       work and for fully acquainting himself/herself with the conditions existing there relating to
       construction and labor, and should fully inform himself/herself as to the facilities involved, the
       difficulties and restrictions attending the performance of the Contract.
    b. Knowledge of Bid and Contract Documents. The Bidder is responsible for thoroughly examining
       and familiarizing himself/herself with the Bid and Contract Documents, any Drawings,
       Specifications and Addenda.
    c. Addenda to Contract Documents. All Bidders will assume the responsibility to make inquiry as to
       the Addenda issued, knowing that all such Addenda become part of the Contract. All Bidders shall
       be bound by any Addenda whether or not it was received or reviewed.
    d. Claims on Basis of Failure to Receive or Review Information. A successful Bidder, through the
       execution of this Contract, shall in no way be relieved of any obligation due to his/her failure to
       receive or examine any form or legal instrument, or due to the failure to visit the site and acquaint
       himself/herself with the existing conditions.
       The City Commission will be justified in rejecting any claims submitted on the basis of 5.a, b, or c

particularly called to the requirement for ensuring that employees and applicants for employment are not
discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin, nor because the employee
or applicant is a disabled or Viet Nam era veteran or otherwise handicapped, as outlined in Part 3, Section
2 of these Documents.

of Bidders is patticularly called to the requirements covered in Patt 3, Section 4 of these Documents
concerning the payment of not less than the prevailing wage and salary rates specified, and in regard to the
conditions of employment with respect to cettain categories and classifications of employees. These rates
of pay are the minimums to be paid during the life of this Contract.

The City of Muskegon requires that the Contractor must hire local trades and labor employees from the
City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon and/or this SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area) for the
duration of this Project, insofar as these are available to perform the necessary work. Supervisory and/or
technical staff officials are exempt from this requirement.

It is therefore the responsibility of the Bidder to inform himself/herself as to local labor conditions, labor
supply, overtime compensation, health and welfare contributions, and prospective changes or adjustments
of rates.

1.0.8 SUBCONTRACTORS* - Any Bidder submitting a Bid shall include a list of proposed
subcontractors on the form provided in Part 1, Section 2 of these Documents.

The attention of Bidders is called to the Contractor's liability for all subcontractors as provided in the
various sections and paragraphs on these Documents, generally indicated by an asterisk (*) in the right-
hand margin.


    a.     Each Bidder submitting a bid for work, or any portion thereof, covered by these Documents, shall
           execute an Affidavit to the effect that he/she has not colluded with any other person, firm or

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       corporation in regard to any Bid submitted, in the same or similar format as provided in Part 1
       Section 2 of these Documents.
    b. The successful Bidder shall secure an Affidavit to the same effect from any proposed subcontractor,
       before executing any subcontract, in the same or similar format as provided in Part 1, Section 2 of
       these Documents.


    a.     The work to be performed under this contract is subject to the requirements of section 3 of the
           Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 170lu (section 3). The
           purpose of section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by
           HUD assistance or HUD-assisted projects covered by section 3, shall, to the greatest extent feasible,
           be directed to low- and very low-income person, particularly persons who are recipients of HUD
           assistance for housing.
    b.     The parties to this contract agree to comply with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR part 135, which
           implement section 3. As evidenced by their execution of this contract, the parties to this contract
           certify that they are under no contractual or other impediment that would prevent them from
           complying with the part 135 regulations.
    c.     The contractor agrees to send to each labor organization or representative or worker with which the
           contractor has a collective bargaining agreement or other understanding, if any, a notice advising
           the labor organization or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under this
           section 3 clause, and will post copies of the notice in conspicuous places at the work site were both
           employees and applicants for training and employment positions can see the notice. The notice
           shall describe the section 3 preference, shall set forth minimum number and job titles subject to
           hire, availability of apprenticeship and training positions, the qualifications for each of the
           positions; and the anticipated date the work shall begin.
    d.     The contractor agrees to include the section 3 clause in every subcontract subject to compliance
           with regulations in 24 CFR part 135, and agrees to take appropriate action, as provided in an
           applicable provision of the subcontract or in the section 3 clause, upon the finding that the
           subcontractor will not subcontract with any subcontractor where the contractor has notice or
           knowledge that the subcontractor has been found in violation of the regulations in 24 CFR part 135.
    e.     The contractor will certify that any vacant employment positions, including training positions, that
           are filled (1) after the contractor is selected but before the contract is executed, and (2) with person
           other than those to whom the regulations of 24 CFR part 135 require employment oppotiunities to
           be directed, were not filled to circumvent the contractor's obligations under the 24 CFR part 135.
    f.     Noncompliance with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR, part 135 may result in sanctions, termination
           of this contract for default, and debarment or suspension from future HUD assisted contracts.
    g.     With respect to work performed in connections with section 3 covered Indian housing assistance,
           section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450e) also
           applies to the work to be performed under this contract. Section 7(b) requires that to the greatest
           extent feasible (i) preference and opportunities for training and employment shall be given to
           Indians, and (ii) preference in the award of contracts and subcontracts shall be given to Indian
           organizations and Indian-owned Economic Enterprises. Parties to this contract that are subject to
           the provisions of section 3 and section 7(b) agree to comply with section 3 to the maximum extent
           feasible, but not derogation of compliance with section 7(b).

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    1. Who are Section 3 residents? - Residents of public housing and low income person who live in the
          area in which a HUD-assisted project is located.
    2. What is a Section 3 business? - A business that is owned by Section 3 residents; or employs Section
          3 residents in full-time positions; or subcontracts with businesses which provide economic
          opportunities to low income persons. (CDBG)
    3. What types of economic opportunities are available under Section 3?                                a.
          Administrative/Management: accounting, bookkeeping, payroll, purchasing, research, word
          processing b. Services: appliance repair, carpet installation, catering computer/information,
          florists,janitorial, landscaping, manufacturing, marketing, photography, printing, transportation
          C. Construction: architecture, bricklaying, carpentry, cement/masonry,
          demolition, drywall, electrical, elevator construction, engineering, fencing, heating, iron works,
          machine operation, painting, plastering, plumbing, surveying, tile setting.
    4. Who will award the economic opportunities? Recipients of HUD financial assistance and their
          contractors and subcontractors are required to provide economic opportunities to the greatest
          extent feasible, consistent with existing Federal, State and local laws and regulations.
    5. Who receives priority under Section 3? - a. For training and employment: persons in public and
          assisted housing; person in the neighborhood; pmiicipants in HUD Youthbuild programs;
          homeless person b. For contracting: business which fit the definition of a Section 3 business.
    6. How can businesses find Section 3 residents to work for them? - By recruiting in the neighborhood
           and public housing developments to tell them about available training and job opp01iunities.
          Distributing flyers, posting signs, placing ads, and contacting resident organizations and local
          community development and employment agencies to find potential workers are a few effective
          ways of getting jobs and people together.
    7. How can businesses & low income people find out more about Section 3? Contact the Fair Housing
           and Equal Opportunity representative at your nearest HUD office.
    8. What if it appears an entity is not complying with Section 3? - There is a complaint process. Section
           3 residents and business concerns may file complaints if they think a violation of Section 3
           requirements has occurred where HUD-funded project is planned or underway. Complaints will
           be investigated; if appropriate, voluntary resolutions will be sought. A complaint that cannot be
           resolved voluntarily can result in an administrative hearing.
    9. Will HUD require compliance? - Yes. HUD investigates complaints and monitors the performance
           of recipients and contractors. HUD examines employment and contract records for evidence of
           actions taken to train and employ Section 3 residents and train and employ Section 3 residents
           and to award contracts to Section 3 businesses.
    10. How can Section 3 businesses or residents complain about a violation of Section 3 requirements?
          =-They can file a complaint in writing to the local HUD Office or to: The Assistant Secretary
           for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, U.S. Depatiment of Housing and Urban Development
           451 Seventh Street, SW, Rm. 5100 Washington, DC 20410-2000. A written complaint should
            a.      Name and address of the person filing the complaint;
            b.      Name and address of subject of complaint (HUD recipient contractor);
            c.      Description of acts or omissions in alleged violation of section 3;
            d.      Statement of corrective action sought.


    a.     Upon request, each Bidder shall submit a Statement of Bidder's Qualifications in accordance with
           the information requested in Pmi 1, Section 2, and, when specifically requested by the City, shall
           submit a detailed Financial Statement, pmiicularly in lieu of a Performance Bond.

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    b. Any Bidder shall furnish any data and information requested by the City Commission in its attempt
       to determine the ability of the Bidder to perform his/her obligations under the Contract.

1.0.12 TIME FOR RECEIVED BIDS - Bids received prior to the advertised hour of opening will be kept
securely sealed. The official whose duty it is to open the Bids will decide when the specified time has
arrived, and no Bid received thereafter will be considered.

1.0.13 WITHDRAW AL OF BIDS - Bids may be withdrawn on written or telegraphic request dispatched
by the Bidder in time for delivery in the normal course of business prior to the time fixed for opening;
provided that written confirmation of any telegraphic withdrawal over the signature of the Bidder is placed
in the mail and post-marked prior to the time set for Bid opening.

1.0.14 OPENING OF BIDS - At the time and place fixed for the opening of Bids, the City Clerk will cause
to be opened and publicly read aloud every Bid received within the time set for receiving Bids, irrespective
of any irregularities therein. Bidders and other persons properly interested may be present in person or by

1.0.15 AWARD OF CONTRACT- If the Contract is awarded, it will be awarded to the responsible Bidder
submitting the lowest Bid complying with the conditions set forth in these Documents. The successful
Bidder will be notified at the earliest possible date.


    a. The City Commission reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and to waive any informality in
       Bids received, whenever such rejection or waiver is in its own best interest.
    b. The City Commission may consider as irregular and reject any Bid on which there is an alteration.
    c. The City Commission shall have the right to take such steps as it deems necessary to determine the
       ability of the Bidder to perform his/her obligations under the Contract.
    d. The right is reserved to reject any Bid where an investigation of the available evidence and/or
       information provided does not satisfy the City Commission of the Bidder's capacity to carry out
       the terms of the Contract.


    a. Subsequent to the award and within ten (10) days after the Documents have been presented for
       signature, the successful Bidder shall execute the Agreement and deliver the requested number of
       copies to the City of Muskegon.
    b. Execution of the Agreement will require completion of the work in accordance with the Contract
       in its entirety.
    c. Upon delivery of the executed Contract Documents, the successful Bidder shall furnish the requisite
       bonds, in the penal sum not less than the amount of the Contract as awarded, as security for the
       faithful performance of the Contract and of the payment of all persons, firms or corporations to
       whom the Bidder as Contractor may become legally indebted, except as provided in paragraph (e)
    d. Such bonds shall be completed in accordance with the Instructions in Part 1 Section 2, and shall
       bear the same date as, or a date subsequent to, that of the Agreement.
       The surety bond shall be signed by a guaranty or the surety company listed in the latest issue of the
       U.S. Treasury Circ. 570, and the penal sum shall be within the maximum specified for such
       company in said Circular.
    e. In cases where this Contract is $50,000 OR LESS and the successful Bidder is unable to, or chooses
       not to, provide the appropriate Performance Bonds, the Bidder may submit four letters of sincere

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       recommendation as to his/her prior performance to the City Manager for consideration in lieu of a
       Performance Bond, in basically the form described in Part 2 of these Documents.
       This action must be taken prior to the execution of the Contract Agreement and the four letters must
       be accompanied by a statement from the Bidder, which contains the minimum requirements
       indicated for "Statement of Bidder's Qualifications". Upon City Manager and/or City Commission
       acceptance of the letters in lieu of the Performance Bond, the Contract Agreement shall be so
    f. Failure of the successful Bidder to execute such number of Contract Documents as requested, to
       supply the required bonds or letters of recommendation with the Bidder's statement, and/or to meet
       the prescribed time limits, shall constitute a default.
    g. Upon such default, the City Commission may either award the Contract to the next lowest
       responsible bidder or re-advertise for bids.
       The Commission may further charge against the defaulting Bidder the difference between the
       amount of his/her Bid and the amount for which a Contract for the work is subsequently executed,
       irrespective of whether the amount then exceeds the amount of the Bid Bond.
       If a more favorable bid is received by re-advertising, the defaulting Bidder shall have no claim
       against the City of Muskegon.

1.0.18 COMMENCEMENT NOTICE TO PROCEED - The Contractor shall commence work only upon
delivery of a Notice to Proceed from the City. In the event the said notice is not delivered within ten (10)
days of the date of this agreement, then the dates for completion and any other performance dates shall be
adjusted without further agreement so that the performance and completion dates shall be delayed the
number of days in excess of ten (10) after the execution of the contract during which the City did not deliver
the notice.

1.0.19 CONTRACT DURATION - This contract is for three (3) years from the date of "Notice to
Proceed." Bids shall show first, second, and third year expected costs. A price for an optional fomih (4th )
year is also requested. Year four (4) may be awarded as an optional extension of the contract for a period
of one year at the end of the year three (3) upon mutual agreement of the City and the contractor.

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                              1.1 CONTRACT BIDDER'S CHECKLIST


                               The following forms MUST be completed:

                                                                                    Yes   No

           1. Transmittal Letter for Bid Proposal
              (must acknowledge addenda received)

           2. Bidder Certification and Agreement

           3. Management Plans Questionnaire

           4. Bid Proposal

           5. Bid Bond (must be 5% of total bid)

           6. Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Bidder

           7. List of Proposed Sub-Contractors

           8. Disadvantaged Contractor Affidavit (if applicable)

           9. Statement of Bidders Qualifications (if applicable)

           Actual Completion of All Required Forms is the Sole Responsibility of the Bidder


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                         1.2 TRANS MITTAL LETTER FOR BID PROPOSAL

                                       Bidder/Company Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

                           Name & Title of Head of Company _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

                                                 Street Address
                                                City, State, ZIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

MUSKEGON, MI 49443-0536

Project Title: 2020-2022 Janitorial Services

Dear Awarding Agent,

         Having examined the Bid Specifications and Contract Documents, including all forms and
instructions, and the site of the proposed work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding
the construction of the proposed project, including the availability of materials and labor, and having
received and reviewed the following Addenda:

       I/We hereby propose to furnish all labor, materials and supplies, and to construct the project in
accordance with the Contract Documents and at the prices indicated in the attached Bid Proposal.
Submitted prices are to cover all expenses incurred in performing the work required under the Contract
Document, of which this letter and attached Proposal are a part.

        In accordance with the Instructions to Bidders, all appropriate documents, forms, etc., have been
properly completed and are attached hereto, along with the Bidder Certification and Agreement, List of
Subcontractors, Non-Collusion Affidavits, and the proper Bid Guaranty.

      I/We hereby respectfully submit the attached Bid Proposal for consideration by the City of
Muskegon on the above-referenced Project.

                                                                           Signature of Bidder/Representative

                                                                           Printed Name and Title

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                             1.3 BIDDER CERTIFICATION AND AGREEMENT

       The Undersigned hereby agrees:

           That he/she has examined the Bid Specifications/Contract Documents, including specifications,
           forms and instructions;

           That he/she has received and reviewed the following Addenda:

                                     ADDENDUM NO. I (PRE-BID CONFERENCE MINUTES)

           That he/she has examined the Site of the proposed work and is familiar with all of the conditions
           surrounding the construction of the proposed project and the availability of materials and labor.

PART II.                    The Undersigned hereby agrees:

           That he/she will enter into a contract to furnish the labor, materials, tools and construction
           equipment necessary for the full and complete execution of the work at and for the prices indicated
           in his/her official Bid Proposal, if said Proposal is accepted by the City;

           That, at the time of execution of said Contract, he/she will furnish requisite bonds with such sureties
           (or letters ofrecommendation accompanied by a Bidder's Statement) for the faithful performance
           of the Contract, for the payment of all materials used therein, and for all labor expended thereon in
           accordance with the forms and instructions provided;

           That he/she will construct the project in accordance with the Contract Documents within the
           specified time.

PART Ill.                   The Undersigned hereby agrees:

           To commence work within 10 days after the date of the "Notice of Award" from the City.

           To comply with all applicable Adopted Guidelines and requirements, wage rates, labor standards,
           equal opportunity requirements, subcontract (or) requirements, and any other specifications
           indicated or referred to within these Contract Documents.

           The Undersigned herewith attaches an Affidavit in proof that he/she has not entered into a collusive
           agreement with any person in respect to this Bid or any other bid, or the submitting of bids for the
           Contract for which this Bid is submitted.

           The Undersigned is prepared to submit a Statement of Bidder's Qualifications, a financial
           statement, and/or any information requested by the City.

           However, once work has commenced the project shall be completed without interruption of normal
           working days unless authorized in writing by the Engineer.

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      In regard to non-segregated facilities, the Undersigned certifies:

           That he/she does not maintain or provide for any employees any segregated facilities at any of
           his/her establishments;

           That he/she does not permit employees to perform their services at any location, under his/her
           control, where segregated facilities are maintained;

           That he/she will not maintain or provide for employees any segregated facilities at any of his/her
           establishments, and that he/she will not permit employees to perform their services at any location
           under his/her control where segregated facilities are maintained.

           The Undersigned hereby agrees:

           That a breach of this section of the Bidders Ce1iification will be a violation of the Equal Oppo1iunity
           clause in any contract resulting from acceptance of this Bid.

           That he/she will obtain identical certification from proposed sub-contractors prior to the
           award of subcontracts exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the
           Equal Opportunity clause (unless already obtained for specific time periods), and that he/she
           will retain such certifications on file.

           [As used in this section of this Bidder Certification, the term "segregated facilities" means any
           waiting rooms, work areas, restrooms, and washrooms, restaurants and other eating areas, time
           clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation
           or entetiainment areas, transportation and housing facilities provided for employees which are
           segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, color, religion or
           national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise.]

           NOTE: The penalty for making false statements in offers is prescribed in 18 U .S.C. 1001.

           SIGNED: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _DATED: _ _ _ __

                   (Printed name)



                   (Company/Bidder Street Address)

                   (Company/Bidder City, State Zip)

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                                 1.4 MANAGEMENT PLANS QUESTIONNAIRE

    A. In order to assist in evaluating the bids for this job, it will be necessary to have the following
       information about your management plans for this job:

           1. How many employees would work at this job site?

                a. Public Service Building        _ _ _ _ _ _ employees
                b. City Hall                      _ _ _ _ _ _ employees
                c. All Sites Total                _ _ _ _ _ _ employees

           2. How many HOURS per DAY would each work at this job site?

                a.   Public Service Building      _ _ _ _ _ _ hours per day
                b.   City Hall                    _ _ _ _ _ _ hours per day.
                c.   All Sites Total              _ _ _ _ _ _ hours per day

           3.   How many HOURS of Supervision would be supplied to this job?

                a.   Public Service Building      _ _ _ _ _ _ hours per day/week
                b.   City Hall                    _ _ _ _ _ _ hours per day/week
                c.   All Sites Total              _ _ _ _ _ _ hours per day/week

           4. How much would you expect to pay for cleaning supplies, equipment, rentals, and
              insurance to service this job?

                a.   Public Service Building      _ _ _ _ _ per month
                b.   City Hall                    - - - - - per month

                This does not include additional labor brought in for scrubbing-waxing-window
                cleaning, light fixtures, etc.

           5. If you were awarded this contract, what % (Percentage) of your total business would
              this contract represent*:

                Public Service Building    1% or less     5%      10%     25%    50%      75%       ALL

                City Hall                  1% or less     5%      10%     25%    50%      75%       ALL

                ALL Sites                  1% or less     5%      10%     25%    50%      75%       ALL

                *The above information is to be given in sufficient detail to show your ability to manage
                this contract work profitably for the expected life of such contract.

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   B. If you have not done business with the City of Muskegon before, at least not in the category
      of janitorial services, there may be a special evaluation.

           BIDDERS- Please list governmental contracts currently held or held within the past two
           (2) fiscal years:


    C. A site visitation is recommended to all bidders before submission of bids to familiarize
       yourself with the general condition and layout of premises as well as any special conditions
       which may be unique for this location. Contact the Engineering Depa1iment at the
       Depa1iment of Public W arks to set up a visit: 231-724-6707.

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                                          1.5 BID PROPOSAL

The Bidder hereby agrees to perform all work described in the attached documents for the sums as
described below:

                                         Separate Sites
Public Service Building (DPW)
1350 E. Keating Ave.

                               Year I

                               Year 2 - - - - - - - - - - -

                               Year 3

                     Year 4 (Optional)

933 Terrace Street
                               Year I

                               Year2 - - - - - - - - - - -

                               Year 3

                     Year 4 (Optional)

The City of Muskegon may award a contract for each site or as a group containing all sites. The
optional year four (4) may be awarded to the Contractor by the City at the end of year three (3)
upon mutual agreement of the City and the Contractor. The award(s) will be made in the manner
determined to be the most beneficial to the City of Muskegon.

Each site covered by the contract is to receive a monthly invoice at a uniform rate derived by taking
the appropriate yearly rate and dividing by twelve (12).

NOTE: Changes in the rate from year to year will be on the contract anniversary date, not at the
beginning of the calendar year.

Contractors Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Contractors Signature/Title:

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                                                   1.6 BID BOND

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we the undersigned,

                                                                                            as PRINCIPAL, and
                             (Name of Principal)
                                                                                            as SURETY are held
                              (Name of Surety)
and firmly bound unto the City of Muskegon, Michigan, in the penal sum of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dollars,($_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____, lawful money of the
United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs,
executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.

THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the Principal has submitted the

Accompanying Bid, dated _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 20 _ _ _ __

for - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall not withdraw said Bid within the period specified for
withdrawal; and shall within ten (I 0) days after the prescribed forms are presented for signature enter into
a written Contract with the City of Muskegon in accordance with the Bid as accepted, and give bond with
good and sufficient surety or sureties, as may be required for the faithful performance and proper fulfillment
of such Contract; or

In the event of the withdrawal of said Bid within the period specified for withdrawal, or the failure to enter
into such contract and give such bond within the time specified; and if the Principal shall pay the City of
Muskegon the difference between the amount specified in said Bid and the amount for which the City of
Muskegon may procure the required work or supplies or both, if the latter be in excess of the former.

THEN the above obligation shall be void and of no effect; otherwise shall remain in full force and vittue

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above-bounded patties have executed this instrument

Under their several seals this- - - - - - - day of- - - - - - -, 20- - - the name and
corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents signed by its undersigned
representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body.

In presence of

                                                      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(SEAL)
                                                                   (Individual Principal)

                                                                   (Business Address including Zip Code)

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(Business Address including Zip Code)                     Attest:



(Corporate Principal)

(Business Address including Zip Code)                     Attest:


Attorney-in-fact, State of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , certify that I am the _______________

Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within Bond; that

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , who signed the said Bond on behalf of the Principal was then

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of said Corporation; that I know his/her signature, and his/her
signature thereto is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested to for and in behalf of
said Corporation by authority of this governing body.

                                                           By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

                                                           Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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                           1.7 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF PRIME BIDDER

State of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
                                    ) ss.
County of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , being first duly sworn, deposes
and says that:

        I. He/She is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                             (owner, partner, officer, representative, agent)

             of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , the Bidder that has submitted the attached Bid
             to the City of Muskegon;

        2. He/She is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Bid and of all
           pertinent circumstances thereto;

        3.   Such Bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Bid;

        4. Neither said Bidder nor any of his/her officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees
           or parties in interest, including this affiant, has in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed,
           directly or indirectly, with any other Bidder, firm or person to submit a collusive or sham Bid in
           connection with the Contract for which the attached Bid has been submitted, or to refrain from
           bidding in connection with such Contract; nor has in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by
           agreement, collusion, communication or conference with any other Bidder, firm or person to fix
           the price or prices in the attached Bid or any other bid; nor to fix any overhead, profit or cost
           element of the Bid price or the bid price of any other bidder; nor to secure through any collusion,
           conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement any advantage against the City of Muskegon or any
           person interested in the proposed Contract; and

        5.   The price or prices quoted in the attached Bid are fair and proper, and are not tainted by any
             collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement on the part of the Bidder or any part of
             its agents, representatives, owners, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant.


                                                                            Printed Name and Title

Subscribed and sworn to before me

This _ _ _ _day of _ _ _ _ __, 20 _ _


My Commission expires _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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                           1.8 LIST OF PROPOSED SUB-CONTRACTORS

To be submitted by each Bidder with Bid Proposal in accordance with Para. 8, Part 1, Section 1. Before a
subcontract is executed by the successful Bidder, the subcontractor must be approved by the City of
Muskegon and the required documents executed in accordance with the Contract Documents.

1.         NAME OF FIRM

           FIRM ADDRESS

2.         NAME OF FIRM

           FIRM ADDRESS

3.         NAME OF FIRM

           FIRM ADDRESS

4.         NAME OF FIRM

           FIRM ADDRESS

5.         NAME OF FIRM

           FIRM ADDRESS

6.         NAME OF FIRM

           FIRM ADDRESS

7.         NAME OF FIRM

           FIRM ADDRESS

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                           1.9 DISADVANTAGED CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT

Please provide the name(s) of all Disadvantaged subcontractors from whom you solicited bids for this project
and additional information below.

Disadvantaged Contractor:         Contact Person:           Contact Method/Date:     Decision (Yes or No):

l. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Of the Disadvantaged Contractors listed above, please indicate why they will not be used on this project.

Disadvantage Contractor:                                    Decision/Reason:

1.- - - - - - - -

2._ _ _ _ _ _ __


4.- - - - - - - - -

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To be submitted by the Bidder upon specific request of City of Muskegon unless in connection with Letters
of Recommendation in lieu of Performance Bond as provided in Section I. The Statement of Bidder's
Qualifications as follows must accompany the four Letters.


Each of the following items must be responded to in writing, and the information provided thereby must be
clear and understandable. Upon completion, the Statement must be signed by the Bidder in front of a Notary
Public and notarized. The Bidder may supply such additional information as desired after responding to
each of these items:

I.         NAME OF BIDDER (Company, individual, etc.)





6.         SCHEDULE OF OUTSTANDING CONTRACTS, showing amount of each contract and the
           anticipated completion date of each.


           If so, WHERE AND WHY?

           If so, WHERE ANY WHY?

           cost of each and the month/year completed. Indicate which, if any, have provided your company
           with a Letter of Recommendation.





15.        LIST BANK REFERENCES. If a detailed financial statement is available attach it to this statement.

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17.        INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT: "The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests
           any person, firm or corporation to furnish any information requested by the City of Muskegon in
           verification of the recitals comprising this Statement of Bidder's Qualifications."


                  Dated this_ _ _ _ _day of_ _ _ _ _~ 20_

                  COMPANY/BIDDER NAME




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                         1.11 DBE/MBE/WBE PROCUREMENT POLICY

                            1.11.1 POLICY STATEMENT: 2014-31 (e)

It is the policy of the City of Muskegon to assure that small disadvantaged business enterprises
(DBE), minority business enterprises (MBE), and woman-owned business enterprises (WBE) are
given the opportunity to participate in contracting and procurement for supplies, construction,
equipment and services under federal contracts and collaborations.
This policy applies to all contracts/procurement for supplies, construction equipment and services
under any federally contracted grant or cooperative agreement. The purpose is to ensure
nondiscrimination in the solicitation, either by competitive bidding or negotiation, and award and
administration of federally assisted contracts and collaborations.
Entities contracting or sub-contracting with the City of Muskegon shall comply with regulations
relative to nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs as amended from time to time
(hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made
a pa1t of this contract.
During the performance of any contract, the contractor, for itself, its assignees and successors in
interest (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor") agrees, as follows:

                        1.11.2 STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION

The contractor, with regard to the work performed by it during the contract, shall not discriminate
on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in the selection, retention, and treatment of
subcontractors, including procurements of supplies, construction, equipment and services.

                                   1.11.3 FAIR SHARE GOALS

All methods of solicitation shall include the following language to meet "Good Faith Effo1t"
requirements as stated in the general provisions of EPA 's 40 CFR 33 of the Federal Regulation:
               This contract is subject to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) "fair
               share policy," ·which includes EPA-approved "fair share goals "for Disadvantaged
               Business Ente,prise (DBE), Minority Business Ente1prise (MEE) and Woman
               Business Ente1prise (WEE) firms in the Construction, Supplies, Equipment, and
               Services procurement categories. EPA 's policy requires that applicants and prime
               contractors make a good faith effort to award a fair share of contracts,
               subcontracts and procurements to Minority Business Enterprise and Women-
               Owned Business Ente1prise firms. Although EPA 's policy does not mandate that
               the fair share goals be achieved, it does require applicants and prime contractors
               to demonstrate use of the six affirmative steps, and adhere to the current fair share
               goals for the State of Michigan.

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                                   1.11.4 GOOD FAITH EFFORTS

(1) The City of Muskegon shall ensure DBE/MBE/WBEs are made aware of contracting
opportunities to the fullest extent practicable through outreach and recruitment activities by
maintaining a solicitation list of DBE/MBE/WBE businesses and notifying them whenever they
are potential sources.
                (a) Maintain and update a listing of qualified DBE/MBE/WBEs that can be solicited
                for construction, equipment, services and/or supplies on the City of Muskegon
                (b) Provide listings to all interested parties who request copies of the bidding or
                proposing documents.
                (c) Contact appropriate sources within our geographic area to identify
                DBE/MBE/WBEs for placement on our business listings.
                (d) Utilize other DBE/MBE/WBE listings such as those of the States Minority
                Business Office, the Small Business Administration, Minority Business
                Development Agency (MBDA) of the Department of Commerce, EPA OSDBU,
                DOJ,       HUD,       DOT       and     Department        of    Homeland        Security.
                (e) Solicitation lists are available for review at all times via the city website.
(2) The City of Muskegon shall make information of forthcoming opportunities available to
DBE/MBE/WBEs and arrange time for viewing of contracts and establish delivery schedules,
where requirements permit, in a way that encourages and facilitates participation by DBEs, MBEs,
and WBEs in the competitive process. This includes, whenever possible, posting solicitations for
bids or proposals for a minimum of 30 calendar days(federal projects) and 10 calendar days(local
projects), before the bid or proposal closing date.
                (a) Develop realistic delivery schedules which may provide for greater
                DBE/MBE/WBE                                                                participation.
                 (b) Adve1tise through the minority media in order to facilitate DBE/MBE/WBE
                 utilization. Such advertisements may include, but are not limited to, contracting and
                 subcontracting opportunities, hiring and employment, or any other matter related
                 to the project.
                 (c) Adve1tise in general circulation publications, trade publications, State agency
                 publications and minority and women's business focused media concerning
                 contracting opportunities on our projects. Maintain a list of minority and/or
                 women's business-focused publications that may be utilized to solicit
 (3) The City of Muskegon will consider in the contracting process whether firms competing for
 large contracts could subcontract with DBE/MBE/WBEs. The City of Muskegon will divide total
 requirements when economically feasible and practical into smaller tasks or quantities in order to
 increase oppmtunities for participation by DBE/MBE/WBEs in the competitive process.
                 (a) Perform an analysis to identify portions of work that can be divided and
                 performed                  by               qualified               DBE/MBE/WBEs.
                 (b) Scrutinize the elements of the total project to develop economical units of work
                 that are within the bonding range of DBE/MBE/WBEs.
                 (c) Conduct meetings, conferences, and follow-ups with DBE/MBE/WBE
                 associations and minority media to inform these groups of opportunities to provide
                 construction, equipment, services and supplies.

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(4) The City of Muskegon will consider and encourage contracting with a consortium of
DBE/MBE/WBEs when a contract is too large for one of these firms to handle individually.
               (a) Notify DBE/MBE/WBEs of future procurement opportunities so they may establish
               bidding solicitations and procurement plans.
               (b) Provide DBE/MBE/WBEs trade organizations with succinct summaries of solicitations.
               (c) Provide interested DBE/MBE/WBEs with adequate information about plans,
               specifications, timing and other requirements of the proposed projects.
(5) Use the services and assistance of the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Minority
Business Development Agency (MBDA).
                (a) Use the services of outreach programs sponsored by the MBDA and/or the SBA
                to recruit bona fide firms for placement on DBE/MBE/WBE bidder's lists to assist
                these firms in the development of bid packaging.
                (b) Seek out Minority Business Development Centers (MBDCs) to assist recipients
                and prime contractors in identifying DBE/MBE/WBEs for potential work
                opportunities on projects
(6) If the prime contractor awards subcontractors, the prime contractor is required to take the steps
in subparagraphs (1)-(5) of this section.

                             1.11.5 DOCUMENTA TI ON/REPORTING

The contractor shall provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or directives
issues pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of
information, and its facilities as may be determined by the appropriate federal agency to be
pertinent to asce1iain compliance with such Regulations or directives. Where any information
required of a contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish
this information, the contractor shall so ce1iify to the appropriate State or Federal Agency, as
appropriate, and shall set fo1ih what efforts it has made to obtain the information.

                                   1.11.6 NON - COMPLIANCE

Contractors, sub-contractors, and other associated entities failing to comply with the federal
regulations legally required under contracts associated with Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Department of Justice (DOJ), Depaiiment Of
Transportation (DOT), or Depaiiment of Homeland Security (DHS) that have been granted to the
City of Muskegon, may result in delayed closings, withholding the release of funds, or
commitment cancellation.

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            1.12 ADDENDUM NO I


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            1.13 BID TABULATION


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           PART 2 - AGREEMENT

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                                    2.0 AW ARDEE CHECKLIST


                              The following forms MUST be completed:

                                                                                    Yes   No

           1. Agreement

           2. Performance Bond

           3. Labor & Materialman's Bond

           4. Non-Collusion Affidavit of Sub-Contractor

           5. Letters of Recommendation (if applicable)

           Actual Completion of All Required Forms is the Sole Responsibility of the Bidder

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                                    2.1 DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARATION

1.         Individual sureties, partnerships, or corporations not in the surety business will not be acceptable.

2.         The name of the Principal shall be shown exactly as it appears in the Contract.

3.         The penal sum shall not be less than that required by the Specifications.

4.         If the Principals are partners, or joint ventures, each member shall execute the bond as an individual,
           with his/her place of residence shown.

5.         If the Principal is a corporation, the bond shall be executed under its corporate seal. If the
           corporation has no corporate seal, the fact shall be stated, in which case a scroll or adhesive seal
           shall be affixed following the corporate name.

6.         The official character and authority of the person(s) executing the bond for the Principal, if a
           corporation, shall be certified by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary thereof under the corporate
           seal; OR
           There may be attached copies of such corporation records as will evidence the official character
           and authority of the officer signing, duly certified by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the
           corporation, under the corporate seal, to be true copies.

7.         The current Power-of-Attorney of the person signing for the surety company must be attached to
           the bond.

8.         The date of the bond MUST NOT BE PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE CONTRACT.

9.         The following information must be placed on the bond by the surety company:

                   a.       The rate of premium in dollars per thousand; and
                   b.       The total dollar amount of the premium charged.

10.        The signature of a witness shall appear in the appropriate place, attesting to the signature of each
           party to the bond.

11.        Type or print the name underneath EACH SIGNATURE appearing on the bond.

12.        An executed copy of the bond must be attached to each copy of the Contract (original counterpart)
           intended for signing.

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                                                    2.2 AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT, made this                * day of         20        * by the City of Muskegon

And between
{a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of MI CHI GAN];

or [a partnership consisting of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ];

or {an individual trading as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ];

Hereinafter called the "Contractor", and the CITY OF MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN:

WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the City of Muskegon, for the consideration stated herein, mutually agree as

ARTICLE 1. Statement of Work. The Contractor shall furnish all supervision, technical personnel, labor, materials,
machinery, tools, equipment, and services, including utility and transportation services, and perform and complete all
work required for the construction of the improvements embraced in this Contract, NAMELY:

Janitorial and Ca,pet Cleaning Sen)ices at the following sites: City Hall, including the ~Muskegon
PoliceDepartment (933 Terrace St.), and the Public Service Building (1350 E. Keating), for a period of
three (3) years.

and required supplemental work for the completion of this Project, all in strict accordance with the Contract, including
all Addenda.

ARTICLE 2. The Contract Price. The City of Muskegon will pay the Contractor for the performance of this Contract
and the completion of the work covered therein an amount in current funds not to exceed$
Article 3. Contract. The executed contract shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following:

Invitation for Bids                                            Section I - Project Pe,formance
Part 1- Bids                                                   Section 2 -Affirmative Action
Section I - Instruction to Bidders                             Section 3 Labor Standards/EEOC/Anti-Kickback Act
Section 2 - Bid Proposal                                       Part 4 - Project Special Specifications
Part 2 - Agreement                                             Part 5 - Appendices
Part 3 - General Specifications

This Agreement, together with other documents enumerated in this Article 3, which said other documents are as fully
pati of the Contract as if attached hereto or repeated herein, form the Contract between the parties hereto.

In the event any provision in any component pati of this Contract conflicts with any provision of any other component
pati, the Contractor shall contact the City immediately in writing for a determination, interpretation and/or clarification
of conflicting patis and priority of same. Said determination from the City shall be in writing and shall become an
Addendum to this Contract

*Date contract awarded by the City Commission

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this AGREEMENT to be executed in

Five   (5) original counterparts on the day and year first written above.

ATTEST:                                                          CONTRACTOR

Signature                                                        Signature

                                                                 Printed Name and Title

ATTEST:                                                           CITY OF MUSKEGON

Signature                                                        Mayor Signature

                                                                  City Clerk Signature


CERTIFICATION (if applicable)

I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, certify that I am the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the Corporation

named as the Contractor herein;

That _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , who signed this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor, was then

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of said Corporation;

That said Agreement was duly signed for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body, and is

within the scope of its corporate powers.


                                                                  Printed Name and Title

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                                          2.3 PERFORMANCE BOND

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

as Principal, a n d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Muskegon, its certain attorney, successors or assigns
(hereinafter called the Obligee ), in the full and just sum of
                                                          dollars($                              ) lawful money
of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs,
administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents:

WHEREAS, said Principal has entered into a certain contract with Obligee,
Dated _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 20_ _, (hereinafter called the Contract) for: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

and the specifications for said work shall be deemed a part hei·eof as fully as if set out herein:

(a)        If the Principal shall faithfully perform the Contract on his/her pait, as of the time and in the manner
           therein provided; shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred in or for the same, or growing out
           of the same, or for injury or damages to persons or property in the performance thereof; shall fully
           indemnify and save harmless said Obligee from any and all cost and damage which the Obligee
           may suffer by reason of the Principal's failure to do so; and shall fully reimburse and par the
           Obligee any and all outlay and expense which it may occur by reason of such default; and

(b)        If, after completion and acceptance of the work by the Obligee, the Principal shall promptly remedy
           any defects in the work due to faulty materials or workmanship which shall appear within the period
           of one year from the date of completion and final acceptance of the work, and pay for any damage
           to said Obligee, to the State of Michigan, or to any municipal subdivision or local authority thereof
           to which the rights and privileges of said Obligee have passed or been assigned, then this obligation
           shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and virtue.

The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration
or addition to the terms of the Contract to the work to be performed thereunder, or to the specifications
accompanying the same, shall in any wise affect its obligations on this Bond; and it does thereby waive
notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to the
work or specifications.

It is hereby further stipulated and agreed that, if the Principal is a non-Michigan Corporation, neither the
Principal nor the Surety shall be discharged from liability on this Bond, nor the bond surrendered, until
such Principal files with the Obligee a cettificate from the Michigan Department of Revenue evidencing
the payment in full of all taxes, penalties and/or interest, and a ce1tificate from the Unemployment
Compensation Commission evidencing the payment of all unemployment compensation contributions,
penalties and/or interest, due the State of Michigan from said Principal, or any non-Michigan corporation,
subcontractor thereunder, or for which liability has accrued but the time for payment has not arrived.

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THIS _ _ _ _ _ _D.A Y O F - - - - - - ~ 20 _ _

Individual Principals Sign Here:                 In the Presence of:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (SEAL)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (SEAL)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (SEAL)

Corporate Principals Sign Here:                   Attest:

(Printed Name and Title)                                    (Printed Name)

Surety Sign Here:                                 Attest:

(Printed Name and Title)                                    (Printed Name)

The rate of premium charge is $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ per thousand.

The total amount of premium charged is $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                             (to be filled in by the Corporate Surety)

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                                  2.4 LABOR & MATERIALMAN' S BOND

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

as Principal, and
as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Muskegon, its certain attorney, successors or assigns
(hereinafter called the Obligee) in the penal sum of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
dollars($_ _ _ _ _ _ _~ lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and
truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and
severally, firmly by these presents:

WHEREAS, said Principal has entered into a certain contract with said Obligee, dated_ _ _ _ _ __
20_ _ _, (hereinafter called the Contract) for: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

and the specifications for said work shall be deemed a part hereof as fully as if set out herein:

subcontractors to whom any portion of the work provided for in said Contract is sublet, and all assignees
of said Principal and of such subcontractors, shall promptly make payment for all material furnished, labor
supplied or performed, rental for equipment employed and services rendered by public utilities in or in
connection with the prosecution of the work, whether or not said material, labor, equipment or services
entered into become component parts of the work or improvement contemplated in said Contract, in any
amendment, extension of, or addition to said Contract, then the above obligation shall be void; otherwise,
it shall remain in full force and effect; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this Bond is subject to the following
conditions and limitations:

(a)        All persons who have performed labor, rendered services or furnished materials or equipment, shall
           have a direct right of action against the Principal and Surety on this Bond, which right of action
           shall be asserted in proceedings instituted in the State in which such labor was performed, services
           rendered or materials furnished (or where labor has been performed, services rendered or materials
           furnished under said Contract in more than one state, then in any such states). Insofar as permitted
           by the laws of such State, such right of action shall be asse1ied in a proceeding instituted in the
           name of the Obligee to the use and benefit of the persons instituting such action and any or all other
           persons having claims hereunder; and any other person having a claim hereunder shall have the
           right to be made a party to such proceedings, but not later than one year after the complete
           performance of said Contract and final settlement thereof, and to have such claim adjudicated in
           such action and judgment rendered thereon; PROVIDED HOWEVER, that the Obligee shall not
           be liable for the payment of any costs or expenses of any such suit.
(b)        The Surety shall not be liable hereunder for any damages or compensation recoverable under any
           workmen's compensation or employer's liability statute.
(c)        In no event shall the Surety be liable for a greater sum than the penalty of this Bond, or subject to
           any suit, action or proceeding thereon, that is instituted later than one year after the complete
           performance of said Contract and final settlement thereof.
(d)        As used herein: The term "Person" refers to any individual, firm or corporation which has furnished
           materials, equipment or public utility services to be used on or incorporated in the work, or the
           prosecution thereof, provided for in said Contract or any amendment, extension of, or addition to
           said Contract; and/or to any person engaged in the prosecution of the work provided for in said

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           Contract or any, extensions of, or addition to said Contract, who is an agent, servant or employee
           of the Principal or of any subcontractor, or any assignee of said Principal or any subcontractor; and
           also anyone so engaged who performs the work of a laborer or mechanic, regardless of any
           contractual relationship between the Principal or any subcontractor, or any assignee of said
           Principal or subcontractor and such laborer or mechanic; BUT shall not include office employees
           not regularly stationed at the site of the work.
(e)        It is hereby further stipulated and agreed that, if the Principal is a non-Michigan corporation, neither
           the Principal nor the Surety shall be discharged from liability on this Bond, nor the Bond
           surrendered, until such Principal files with the Obligee a ce1tificate from the Michigan Department
           of Revenue evidencing the payment in full of all taxes, penalties and/or interest due the State of
           Michigan from the Principal, or any non-Michigan corporation, subcontractor thereunder, or for
           which liability has accrued but the time for payment has not arrived.

The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or
addition to the terms of the Contract, to the work to be performed thereunder, or to the specifications
accompanying the same, shall in any wise affect the obligations of this Bond, and it does hereby waive
notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract, the work
thereunder, or the specifications.


THIS _ _ _ _ _ _DAY O F - - - - - - ~ 20 _ _

Individual Principals Sign Here:                               In the Presence of:

(Printed Name and Address)

(Printed Name and Address)

(Printed Name and Address)

Corporate Principals Sign Here:                                Attest:

(Printed Name and Title)                                                 (Printed Name)

Surety Sign Here:                                              Attest:

(Printed Name and Title)                                                 (Printed Name)

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State of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,
                                      ) ss.
County of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)_

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , being first duly sworn,
deposes and says that:

        1. He/She is
                       ---------  -----------------------
                               (owner, partner, officer, representative, agent)

             of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , the Bidder that has submitted the attached Bid
             to the City of Muskegon;

        2. He/She is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Bid and of all
           pertinent circumstances thereto;

        3.   Such Bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Bid;

        4. Neither said Bidder nor any of his/her officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees
           or parties in interest, including this affiant, has in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed,
           directly or indirectly, with any other Bidder, firm or person to submit a collusive or sham Bid in
           connection with the Contract for which the attached Bid has been submitted, or to refrain from
           bidding in connection with such Contract; nor has in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by
           agreement, collusion, communication or conference with any other Bidder, firm or person to fix
           the price or prices in the attached Bid or any other bid; nor to fix any overhead, profit or cost
           element of the Bid price or the bid price of any other bidder; nor to secure through any collusion,
           conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement any advantage against the City of Muskegon or any
           person interested in the proposed Contract; and

        5. The price or prices quoted in the attached Bid are fair and proper, and are not tainted by any
           collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement on the part of the Bidder or any pait of
           its agents, representatives, owners, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant.


                                                               Printed Name and Title

Subscribed and sworn to before me

This _ _ _ _day of _ _ _ _ _~ 20_ _


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In accordance with Section I, four letters of sincere recommendation may be presented to the City Manager
in lieu of a performance bond when this Contract is under the amount of $50,000 and the successful Bidder
cannot produce the appropriate performance bond.

To use letters of recommendation for this purpose, your intention to do so must be disclosed as part of your
bid, so that a decision on acceptability can be made prior to the contract award.

The four letters are to be presented prior to the execution of the Contract Agreement and must be
accompanied by the Statement of Bidder's Qualifications as outlined (Part I, Section 2, Bid Proposal). Each
of the four letters should contain no less than the following information:



I.         On letterhead of the recommending company, including name, address and phone ni.1mber of the
           recommending company.

2.         Include reference to the name of the company being recommended.

3.         Include a brief description of the type of each of the projects the recommended company performed,
           the total dollars contracted for each, and the date of construction start and completion under each

4.         Include a statement indicating how the company being recommended performed the work involved
           under the contracts, whether the recommended company accomplished the work satisfactorily and
           within the appropriate time limits of the contracts.

5.         Indicate if there was any default on the part of or litigation as a result of the recommended company.

6.         Indicate if, to the best of knowledge, all subcontractors and/or suppliers of labor or materials on
           each project were properly compensated by the company being recommended.

7.         Include a statement the same as, or similar to the following:

           "I, on behalf of my organization (or company by name) recommend this company (or the name of
           the company being recommended) as responsible and competent, and I believe they can capably
           perform construction work similar to that described in this letter in a timely and satisfactory

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           SECTION 1

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                                    3.0 FOR PROJECT PERFORMANCE

              a. The Contractor shall not assign or transfer, whether by an assignment or novation, any of
                 its rights, duties, benefits, obligations, liabilities or responsibilities under this Contract
                 without the written consent of the City of Muskegon; provided, however, that assignments
                 to banks, trust companies or other financial institutions may be made without said consent.
              b. No assignment or novation of this Contract shall be valid unless it expressly provides that
                 the assignment of any of the Contractor's rights or benefits under the Contract is subject to
                 a prior lien for labor performed, services rendered, and materials, tools and equipment
                 supplied for the performance of the work under this Contract in favor of all persons, firms
                 or corporations rendering such labor or services, or supplying such materials, tools or

             a. No official of the City of Muskegon who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of
                the City to negotiate, make, accept or approve, or to take part in negotiating, making,
                accepting or approving, any engineering, inspection, construction or material supply
                contract, or any subcontract, in connection with the construction of this Project shall
                become directly or indirectly interested personally in this Contract or in any part hereof.
             b. No officer, employee, architect, attorney, engineer or inspector of or for the City who is
                authorized in such capacity, and on behalf of the City, to exercise any legislative, executive,
                supervisory or other similar function in connection with the construction of this Project,
                shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this Contract or in any part
                hereof, any material supply contract, any subcontract, any insurance contract, or any other
                contract pertaining to this Project.

              a. The City of Muskegon shall designate and identify its Authorized Representative(s) and
              b. The Authorized Representative will be responsible for the execution of the work under this
                 Contract. The Authorized Representative will determine the amount, quality, acceptability
                 of materials, and fitness of the work to be paid for under this Contract. That Representative
                 will decide all questions which may arise in relation to said work and the construction
                 thereof. The City's estimates and decisions shall be final and conclusive, except as herein
                 otherwise expressly provided.
              c. Inspectors will work under the direct supervision of the Authorized Representative.
                 Inspectors will not be authorized to revoke, alter, enlarge or relax any of these
                 specifications nor to change the plans in any particular. The Inspector on the work will
                  inform the Authorized Representative as to the progress of the work, the manner in which
                  it is being done, and the quality of the materials being used. He/She will also call to the
                 attention of the Contractor any failure to follow the plans and specifications that may be
                  observed. He/She shall have the authority to prevent any material from being used, and to
                  stop any work from being done, which he/she believes does not conform to the plans and
                  specifications, until the Authorized Representative has an opportunity to inspect the
                  material or work. In no instance shall any action or omission on the part of the Inspector
                  relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of completing the work in accordance with the
                  plans and specifications.
              d. In case any question shall arise between the parties hereto relative to said Contract, the
                  determination or decision of the City shall be a condition precedent to the right of the

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                    Contractor to receive any money or payment for work under this Contract affected in any
                    manner, or to any extent, by such question.
               e.   The City shall decide the meaning and intent of any portion of this Contract or any
                    specifications therein where the same may be found obscure or in dispute. Any differences
                    or conflicts in regard to the work which may arise between the Contractor under this
                    Contract and other contractors performing work for the City shall be adjusted and
                    determined by the City.

                The City may award, or may have awarded, other contracts for additional work in the
                vicinity of this Project; and the Contractor shall cooperate fully with such other contractors
                by scheduling his/her own work with that to be performed under other contracts as may be
                directed by the City. The Contractor shall not commit or permit any act which will interfere
                with the performance of work by any other contractor as scheduled.

              a. If the Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the work with such diligence as will ensure
                 its completion within the time specified, or as amended, in these Contract Documents, the
                 City may, by written notice, terminate the Contractor's right to proceed with the work.
              b. Upon such termination, the City of Muskegon may take over the work and prosecute same
                 to completion, by contract or otherwise, and may take possession of, and utilize in
                 completing the work, such materials, tools, equipment and plant as may be on the site of
                 the work and necessary to the completion thereof.
              c. The Contractor and the sureties to the Contract shall be liable to the City for any additional
                 cost incurred by the City in its completion of the work, and shall fmther be liable for the
                 liquidated damages for any delay in completion of work as provided by this Contract.

                The City of Muskegon, its authorized representative(s) and/or agents shall at all times have
                access to, and be permitted to observe and review, all work, materials, equipment, payrolls,
                personnel records, employment conditions, material invoices, and other relevant data and
                records pertaining to this Contract, however, that all instructions and approval with respect
                to the work will be given to the Contractor by the City of Muskegon through its Authorized

3.0.7      PATENTS
                The Contractor shall hold and save the City of Muskegon, its officers and employees,
                harmless from liability of any nature or kind, including costs and expenses, for or on
                account of any patented or unpatented invention, process article, or appliance manufactured
                or used in the performance of the Contract, including its use by the City of Muskegon.

              a. The Contractor will submit weekly a copy of all payrolls, basic records relating thereto,
                 and completed forms as requested, to the City's Affirmative Action Department
                 accompanied by a "Weekly Statement of Compliance". The prime Contractor shall be
                 responsible for the submission of copies of payrolls of all Subcontractors. *
              b. The Contractor shall submit to the City such schedule of quantities and costs, progress
                 schedules, payrolls, reports, estimates, records and other data as the City may request from
                 time to time concerning the work performed under this Contract.
              c. The Contractor shall withhold Muskegon City Income Taxes from each and every
                 employee who is subject to same, and shall pay Contractor's Income Tax due, if any.

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                  Contractor shall frnther require the same of each Subcontractor, consultant or other pay
                  with whom the contractor works or from whom contractor obtains goods or services for
                  the project. Payroll submissions required by this agreement shall include full information
                  showing said withholding. The City may withhold payments otherwise due to the
                  contractor to assure compliance with this agreement or cure noncompliance.

3.0.9      CLEAN AIR ACT
                The Contractor shall comply and shall require each of its Subcontractors employed in the
                completion of this project to comply with all applicable provisions of the Clean Air Act as
                amended by Public Law 91-604.*

          a. The Contractor shall give all notices required by and comply with all applicable laws,
             ordinances and codes of the local government. All construction work and/or utility
             installations shall comply with all applicable ordinances and codes including all written
             waivers. Before installing any work, the Contractor shall examine the drawings and the
             Specifications for compliance with applicable ordinances and codes, and shall immediately
             repmt any discrepancy to the City.
          b. Where the requirements of the drawings and Specifications fail to comply with such
             applicable ordinances and codes, the City will adjust .the Contract by Change Order to
             conform to such ordinances or codes (unless waivers in writing covering the difference
             have been granted by the governing body or depaitment) and make appropriate adjustment
             in the Contract Price or stipulated Unit Prices.
          c. Should the Contractor fail to observe the foregoing provisions and proceed with the
             construction and/or install any utility at variance with any applicable ordinance or code,
             including any written waivers (notwithstanding the fact that such installation is in
             compliance with drawings, Technical or Special Specifications), the Contractor shall
             remove such work without cost to the City, but a Change Order may be issued to cover
             only the excess cost the Contractor would have been entitled to receive if the change had
             been made before he/she commenced work on the items involved.
          d. The Contractor shall at his/her own expense secure and pay for all necessary permits to
             execute the work from each involved governmental unit, whether it be the City of
             Muskegon, townships, County or State of Michigan. In some cases, certain permits will be
             obtained by the owner and will be so identified within the Special Specifications. All other
             permits are the responsibility of the Contractor.
          e. The Contractor shall comply with applicable local and state laws and ordinances governing
             the disposal of surplus excavation materials, debris and rubbish on or off the Project Site
             and commit to trespass on any public or private prope1ty in any operation due to or
             connected with the improvements embraced in this Contract.

            Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in this Contract
            shall be deemed to be inserted herein, and the Contract shall be read and enforced as though
            it were included herein; and, if through error or otherwise, any such provision is not
            inserted, or is incorrectly inse1ted, then upon the application of either patty to this Contract,
            the Contract shall forthwith be physically amended to make such insertion or correction.
            This clause shall be included in all Subcontracts.*

         a. All notices, demands, requests, instructions, approvals, proposals and claims must be in

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            b. Any notice to or demand upon the Contractor from the City relative to any paii of this
               Contract shall be sufficiently considered given, and the service thereof completed, when
               said notice is posted, by certified or registered mail, to the Contractor at his/her last given
               address; or when said notice is delivered in person to the Contractor or authorized
               representative on the Project Site, at the office of the Contractor, or to any telegraph
               company for transmission with charges prepaid, in each case addressed to such office.
            c. All papers required to be delivered to the City of Muskegon shall be delivered to the
               Muskegon City Hall, to the attention of the Authorized Representative on this Project, and
               any notice to or demand upon the City shall be sufficiently given if so delivered, or if
               posted, by certified or registered mail, to 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49443,
               or to any telegraph company for transmission with charges prepaid, in each case to the
               same address. Any such notice shall be deemed to have been given as of the time of the
               actual delivery or at the time of actual receipt, as the case may be.

            It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to make timely requests of the City for any
            additional information not already in his/her possession which should be furnished by the
            City under the terms of this Contract, and which he/she will require in the planning and
            execution of the work. Such requests may be submitted from time to time as the need arises,
            but each shall be filed in ample time to permit appropriate action to be taken by all parties
            involved so as to avoid delay. Each request shall be in writing, listing the various items
            and the latest date by which each will be required by the Contractor. The first list shall be
            submitted within two (2) weeks after the Contract award, and shall be as complete as
            possible at that time. The Contractor shall, upon request, furnish promptly any assistance
            and information the City may require in responding to these requests. The Contractor shall
            be fully responsible for any delay in his/her work or to others arising from his/her failure
            to comply fully with the provision of this Article.

          a. Hold Harmless Agreements. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor and
             Subcontractors agree to defend, pay in behalf of, indemnify, and hold harmless the CITY
             OF MUSKEGON, all elected and appointed officials, all employees and volunteers, all
             boards, commissions, and/or authorities and board members, including employees and
             volunteers thereof working on behalf of the CITY OF MUSKEGON against any and all
             claims, demands, suits, or loss, including all costs connected therewith, and for any
             damages which may be asse11ed, claimed or recovered against or from the CITY OF
             MUSKEGON and their elected and appointed officials, employees, volunteers, or others
             working on behalf of the CITY OF MUSKEGON by reason of personal injury, including
             bodily injury and death, property damage, including loss of use thereof, and/or the effects
             of or release of toxic and/or hazardous material which arises out of or is any way connected
             or associated with this contract. The obligation to defend and hold harmless extends to
             Contractor's employees, agents, subcontractors, assigns and successors.
          b. The contractor, or any of their subcontractors, shall not commence work under this contract
             until they have obtained the insurance required under this paragraph, and shall keep such
             insurance in force during the entire life of this contract. All coverage shall be with insurance
             companies licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Michigan and acceptable to
             the CITY OF MUSKEGON. The requirements below should not be interpreted to limit the
             liability of the Contractor. All deductibles and SIR's are the responsibility of the
          c. The Contractor shall procure and maintain the following insurance coverage:

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                  i.     Workers' Compensation Insurance- The Contractor and Subcontractor shall
                         procure and maintain during the life of this contract, Workers' Compensation
                         Insurance, including Employers Liability Coverage in accordance with all
                         applicable Statutes of the State of Michigan.
                   ii.   Commercial General Liability Insurance - The Contractor shall procure and
                         maintain during the life of this contract, Commercial General Liability Insurance
                         on an "Occurrence Basis" with limits of liability not less than $1,000,000.00 per
                         occurrence and aggregate combined. Coverage shall include the following
                         extensions: (A) Contractual Liability; (B) Products and Completed Operations; (C)
                         Independent Contractors Coverage; (D) Broad Form General Liability Extensions
                         or equivalent, if not already included. Personal Injury, Bodily Injury and Property
                         Damage coverage's shall be included (E) Deletion of all explosion, collapse and
                         underground (SCU) exclusions, if applicable. The said insurance shall cover
                         liability caused by the activities of any subcontractor.
                  iii.   Automotive Liability - The Contractor shall procure and maintain during the life
                         of this contract Automotive Liability Insurance, including Michigan No-Fault
                         Coverage's, with limits of liability for third party claims of not less than
                         $1,000,000.00 per occurrence or combined single limit Bodily Injury and Property
                         Damage. Coverage shall include all owned vehicles, all non-owned vehicles and
                         all hired vehicles. The said insurance shall cover liability caused by the activities
                         of any subcontractor.
                  iv.    Additional Insured- Commercial General Liability and Automotive Liability
                         Insurance, as described above, shall include an endorsement stating the following
                         shall be "Additional Insureds" using the following language: "The CITY OF
                         MUSKEGON and all elected and appointed officials, all employees and
                         volunteers, all boards, commissions and/or authorities and board members,
                         including employees and volunteers thereof. It is understood and agreed by naming
                         The CITY OF MUSKEGON as additional insured, coverage afforded is
                         considered to be primary and any other insurance The City of Muskegon may have
                         in effect shall be considered secondary and/or excess.
                   v.    Cancellation Notice- All policies as described above, shall include an endorsement
                         stating that it is understood and agreed Thitty (30) days, Ten (10) days for non-
                         payment of premium, Advance Written Notice of Cancellation, Non-Renewal,
                         Reduction, and/or Material Change shall be sent to: CITY OF MUSKEGON
                         ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT", PO Box 0536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536
           d.   Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability- The Contractor shall procure and maintain
                during the life of this contract Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability with limits of
                liability not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and/or aggregate, combined single
                limit. Personal injury, Bodily injury and Prope1ty Damage coverage's shall be included.
                The CITY OF MUSKEGON shall be "Named Insured" on this coverage. Thi1ty (30) day
                notice of cancellation to the CITY OF MUSKEGON shall be required. Said insurance
                shall cover liability caused by the activities of any subcontractor(s) either by means of a
                rider attached to the Prime Contractor's Certificate of Insurance indicating this coverage
                for subcontractors; or the subcontractor(s) shall submit their own Certificate oflnsurance.
           e.   Proof of Insurance Coverage - The Contractor and Subcontractors shall provide the CITY
                OF MUSKEGON at the time the contracts are returned by him/her for execution, a
                Certificate of Insurance as well as the required endorsements. In lieu of required
                endorsements, if applicable, a copy of the policy sections where coverage is provided for
                additional insured and cancellation notice would be acceptable. Copies or certified copies
                of all policies mentioned above shall be furnished. Certificates and policies endorsing the
                City of Muskegon as additional insured as listed below:

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                   1.      Two (2) copies of Cetiificate oflnsurance for
                   11.     Workers' Compensation Insurance;
                  iii.     Two (2) copies of Certificate of Insurance for Commercial General Liability
                   iv.     Two (2) copies of Certificate oflnsurance for Automotive Liability Insurance;
                    v.     Original Policy, or original Binder pending issuance of policy, for Owner's and
                           Contractor's Protective Liability Insurance;
                  vi.      If so requested, Cetiified Copies of all policies mentioned above will be furnished.
            f.   If any of the above coverage's expires during the term of this contract, the Contractor and
                 Subcontractors shall deliver renewal cetiificates and/or policies to CITY OF MUSKEGON
                 at least ten (10) days prior to the expiration date.

          a. Except where the Contractor is an individual and gives his/her personal superintendence to
             the work, the Contractor shall provide a competent superintendent, satisfactory to the City
             of Muskegon, on the work at all times during working hours with full authority to act for
             the Contractor. The Contractor shall also provide adequate staff for the proper coordination
             and expediting of the work.
          b. The Contractor shall lay out his/her own work, and shall be responsible for all work
             executed by him/her under this Contract. He/She shall verify all figures and elevations
             before proceeding with the work and will be held responsible for any error resulting from
             his/her failure to do so.

         a. If, through acts or neglect on the part of the Contractor, any other contractor or any
            subcontractor shall suffer loss or damage on the work, the Contractor shall settle with such
            other contractor or subcontractor by agreement or arbitration, if such other contractor or
            subcontractor will so settle.
         b. If such other contractor or subcontractor shall assert any claim against the City of
            Muskegon on account of any damage alleged to have been so sustained, the City will notify
            the Contractor, who shall defend at his/her own expense any suit based upon such claim,
            and, if any judgment or claim against the City is allowed, the Contractor shall pay all costs
            and expenses in connection therewith.

         a. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to person or propetiy that occur as a
             result of his/her fault or negligence in connection with the prosecution of the work and
             shall be responsible for the proper care and protection of all materials delivered and work
             performed until completion and final acceptance, whether or not the same has been covered
             in whole or part by payments made by the City.
         b. The Contractor shall provide sufficient competent watchmen, both day and night, including
             Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from the time the work commences until final
             completion and acceptance, as needed.
         c. In an emergency affecting the safety of life, limb or propetiy, including adjoining property,
             the Contractor, without special instructions or authorization from the City, is authorized to
             act at his/her own discretion to prevent such threatened loss or injury, and he/she shall so
             act. He/She shall likewise act if instructed to do so by the City. Any compensation claimed
             by the Contractor on account of such emergency work will be determined by the City as
             provided in this Contract regarding Change Orders.
         d. The Contractor shall avoid damage as a result of his/her operation to existing sidewalks,
             streets, curbs, pavements, utilities (except those which are to be replaced or removed),

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                 adjoining property, etc., and he/she shall at his/her own expense completely repair any
                 damage thereto caused by his/her operation.
            e.   The Contractor shall shore up, brace, underpin, secure and protect, as may be necessary,
                 all foundations and other parts of existing structures adjacent to, adjoining, and in the
                 vicinity of, the Site which may be in any way affected by the excavations or other
                 operations connected with the execution of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
                 responsible for the giving of any and all required notices to any adjoining or adjacent
                 property owner or other party before commencement of any work. The Contractor shall
                 indemnify and save harmless the City of Muskegon from the damages on account of
                 settlements or the loss oflateral support of adjoining property and from all loss or expense
                 and all damages for which the City may become liable in consequence of such injury or
                 damage to adjoining and adjacent structures and their premises.

         a. The Contractor shall exercise proper precaution at all times for the protection of persons
             and property and shall be responsible for all damages to persons or property, either on or
             off the Site, which occur as a result of his/her prosecution of the work. The safety
             provisions of applicable laws and building, construction or demolition codes shall be
             observed, and the Contractor shall take, or cause to be taken, such additional safety and
             health measures as the City may determine to be reasonably necessary.
         b. Machinery, equipment and all hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the safety
             provisions of the "Manual of Accident Prevention of Construction", published by the
             Associated General Contractors of America, Inc., to the extent that such provisions are not
             in conflict with applicable local laws.
          c. The Contractor shall maintain an accurate record of all cases of death, occupational disease
             and injury requiring medical attention or causing loss of time from work, arising out of and
             in the course of employment on work under this Contract. The Contractor shall promptly
             furnish the City with reports concerning these matters.
          d. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Muskegon from any claims
             for damages resulting from personal injury and/or death suffered or alleged to have been
             suffered by any person as a result of any work conducted under this Contract.

          a. All disputes arising under this Contract or its interpretation, except those disputes covered
             by Federal Labor Provisions, whether involving law or fact, or both, or extra work, and all
             claims for alleged breach of Contract shall be presented by the Contractor to the City for
             decision within ten (I 0) days of commencement of dispute.
          b. All papers petiaining to claims shall be filed in quadruplicate. Such notice need not detail
             the amount of the claim but shall state the facts surrounding the claim in sufficient detail
             to identify and prove the claim, together with its character and scope. In the meantime, the
             Contractor shall proceed with the work as directed.
          c. Any claim not presented within the time limit specified in Paragraph (a) above shall be
             deemed to have been waived, except that if the claim is of a continuing character and notice
             of the claim is not given within then (I 0) days of its commencement, the claim will be
             considered only for a period commencing ten (10) days prior to the receipt by the City of
             notice thereof.
          d. After review of the claim, the City will decide upon action to be taken. Each decision by
             the governing body of the City of Muskegon will be in writing and will be mailed to the
             Contractor by registered mail, return receipt requested, directed to his/her last known

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           e.   If the Contractor does not agree with any decision of the City, he/she shall in no case allow
                the dispute to delay the work but shall notify the City promptly that he/she is proceeding
                with the work under protest, and he/she may then except the matter in question from the
                final release upon Request for Final Payment in substantially.

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                                        3.1 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION

                               (Federal Executive Order 11243)
                            Michigan: Elliot-Larson Civil Rights Act

The attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements for ensuring that employees and applicants
for employment are not discriminated against.

During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows:

The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of religion,
race, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, marital status, disability, sexual
orientation or gender identity, or status as a Vietnam Era Veteran. The contractor will take affirmative
action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated fairly during employment,
without regard to their religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, marital
status, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity, or veteran background. Such action shall include,
but not be limited to, the following: employment, promotion, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or
recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; selection for
training, including apprenticeship.

                                     LOCAL EMPLOYMENT EFFORT

The City of Muskegon requires that the contractor must hire local trades and labor employees from the City
of Muskegon, County of Muskegon and/or this SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area) for the
duration of this project, insofar as these are available to perform the necessary work. Supervisory and/or
technical staff officials are exempt from this requirement.

                          LABOR STANDARDS PROVISION

The attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements covered in these documents concerning
the payment of not less than the prevailing wage and salary rates specified, and in regard to conditions of
employment with respect to certain categories and classifications of employees.

All laborers and mechanics employed by this contract shall be paid unconditionally and not less than once
each week, and without subsequent deduction or the rebate on any account (except such payroll deductions
as are permitted by the applicable regulations issued by the City of Muskegon).

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                           3.2 ADOPTED LABOR STANDARDS PROVISIONS

The following clause is applicable unless this contract is exempt under the rules and regulations of the
Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965 (30FR 12319), as
amended. During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows:

( 1) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race,
     color, religion, sex or natural origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants
     are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color,
     religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following:
     employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or
     termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including
     apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous place, available to employees and
     applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contraction officer setting for the provisions
     of this nondiscrimination clause.
(2) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the
     contractor, state that qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to
     race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
(3) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective
     bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the agency
     contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments
     under Section 202 of Executive Order No. 1246 of September 24, 1695, and shall post copies of the
     notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment.
(4) The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965,
     and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor.
(5) The contractor will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order No. 11246 of
     September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant
     thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the
     Secretary of Labor for the purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules,
     regulations, and orders.
(6) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or
     with any of such rules, regulations or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended
     in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for fmther Government contracts in
     accordance with the procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and
     such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order No. 11246
     of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise
     provided by law.
(7) The contractor will include the provision of paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase
     order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to
     Section 204 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be
     binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to and
     subcontract or purchase order as may be directed by the Secretary of Labor as a means of enforcing
     such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provide, however, that in the event the
     contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a
     result of such direction. The contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to
     protect the interests of the United States.

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                                   (Incorporated by Reference)

   The Equal Employment Opportunity Clause required under Executive Order 11246, the affirmative
   action commitment for disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era, set forth in 41 CFR 60-250.4
   the affirmative action clause for handicapped workers, set fo1th in 40 CFR 60-741.4 and the related
   regulations of the Secretary of Labor. 40 CFR Chapter 60, are incorporated by reference in this purchase
   order. By accepting this purchase order, vendor certifies that it complies with the authorities cited
   above, and that it does not maintain segregated facilities or permit its employees to perform services at
   locations where segregated facilities are maintained, as required by 41 CFR 60-1.8

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                                       3.4 ANTI-KICKBACK ACT

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: The Contractor shall comply with the applicable regulations of the
Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor, made pursuant to the Copeland Anti-Kickback Act
(Title 40 U.S.C., Section 276c), and any amendment or modifications thereof, shall cause appropriate
provisions to be insetted in subcontracts to insure compliance therewith by all subcontractors subject
thereto, and shall be responsible for the submission of affidavits required by subcontractor thereunder,
except as said Secretary of Labor may specifically provide for reasonable limitations, variations, tolerance,
and exemptions from the requirements thereof.

Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act Policy
The Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act prohibits contractors or subcontractors engaged in building
construction or repair from persuading an employee to give up any part of the compensation to which he or
she is entitled under his or her employment contract.

NOTICE TO MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES: Any employee who offers or approves the offer ofa business
consideration must ensure that it is ethical and proper in all respects. The offer ofa business consideration
cannot reasonably be inte1preted as an attempt to gain an unfair business advantage or otherwise reflect
negatively on the reputation ofthe City ofMuskegon and/or the recipient. The business consideration shall
not violate this anti-kickback policy.

The City of Muskegon's (Muskegon) staff, representatives, and contractors are prohibited from receiving
unreasonable compensation from grantors, grantees, contractors, applicants, or any other person or
individual for the purpose of receiving preferential treatment of any kind. The guidelines below define
Muskegon's policy toward kickbacks and the penalties for offering kickbacks to Muskegon employees,
representatives or contractors.

Definition: "Kickback" for the purposes of this policy (excluding de minimis gifts), means substantial
money, fees, commission, gifts, gratuity, object of value, or offer of employment, which is provided or
offered, directly or indirectly, to any City of Muskegon employee, contractor or contracted employee,
vendor or vendor employee, or consultant for the purpose of improperly obtaining or rewarding favorable
treatment in connection with a City of Muskegon project or contract.

This policy prohibits any person or organization from:
Providing or attempting to provide or offering to provide kickbacks;
Soliciting, accepting or attempting to accept kickbacks; or
Including, directly or indirectly, the amount of kickbacks in any contract awarded by City of Muskegon,
contractors, or subcontractors.

Any employee found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to an investigation by the City of
Muskegon's Compliance Officer to determine if the policy was infringed upon.
Depending 011 the results of the investigation, appropriate discipline will be determined. The employee
may be subject to civil or criminal penalties as provided under U.S. law.

Any applicant, grantee, contractor, consultant, or vendor in violation of this policy will be prohibited from
participation in any City of Muskegon project, contract, or activity and may be subject to additional civil
or criminal penalties as provided under U.S. law (Title 40 U.S.C., Section 276c).

Muskegon reserves the right to recover damages from any person who knowingly engages in such
prohibited conduct and from any person whose employee, contractor, or subcontracted employee provides,
accepts, or charges a kickback.

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           SECTION 4

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                3.5 PREVAILING WAGE DECISION


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                                       4.0 SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS

4.0.1   GOVERNING ORDER - The Technical Specifications, which include the City of Muskegon Standard
Specifications for construction and materials shall govern the construction of this project except as modified by
these Special Specifications.

4.0.2 CITY'S RIGHT TO REDUCE OR INCREASE QUANTITIES - Reference is made to Part 3, Section I,
Number 38 of the General Specifications which gives the City the right to increase or decrease the total contract
price 25% without penalty.

4.0.3 PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT - The Contractor shall obtain permission from the Engineer or Project
Inspector before proceeding with construction of any of the following items:

    a. Concrete Curb and Gutter
    b. Trench Repair
    c. Base Course
    d. Leveling Course
    e. Wearing Course
    f. Concrete Pavement
    g. Concrete Walk
    h. Drive Approach

Permission will be granted upon confirmation that all necessary labor, equipment and material are on the site, and
the area is properly prepared.

Section I, Paragraph 17(e), four letters of sincere recommendation may be presented to the City Manager in lieu of
a performance bond when this Contract is under the amount of $50,000 and the successful Bidder cannot produce
the appropriate performance bond. To use letters of recommendation for this purpose, your intention to do so must
be disclosed as part of your bid, so that a decision on acceptability can be made prior to the contract award.

4.0.5 SALVAGE MATERIALS -The Contractor shall become the owner of all salvaged cast iron, brass and lead
products, including manhole and catch basin castings, goosenecks, stops, corporations, valve boxes, valves, and
hydrants. Determination of the disposal site and disposal of the salvaged material is the responsibility of the
Contractor. No payment shall be made for salvage disposal.

4.0.6 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES; TIME OF THE ESSENCE - The parties recognize that time is of the essence
of this agreement, and that the City will suffer financial loss and be entitled to damages in the event it is not
completed within the time stated above, and further if pmiial performance is not completed within the times
provided for partial performance, if a schedule is attached to this agreement or included herein. The pmiies also
recognize the delays, expense, and difficulties involved in proving actual losses suffered by the CITY if the work
is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof the CITY and the CONTRACTOR
agree that as liquidated damages for delay, (but not as a penalty) the CONTRACTOR shall pay the CITY Tlu·ee
Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for each day that expires after the time specified for substantial completion set forth
above, and the same amount for each day that expires after failure to complete pmtial performance if set fo1ih in a
schedule adopted in this contract. After substantial completion if the CONTRACTOR shall neglect, refuse, or fail
to complete the remaining work within the time specified above for completion and readiness for final payment or
any proper extension thereof granted by the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall pay the CITY Three Hundred
Dollars ($ 300.00) for each day that expires after the time above specified for completion and readiness for final

Only delays caused by labor disputes, fire, natural catastrophe or acts of God shall excuse the CONTRACTOR from
the above payments. When the effects of such interruptions have ceased, in the reasonable opinion of the CITY,
the said time limits shall be adjusted only for the period of delay caused thereby, and shall remain in effect as

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The foregoing provisions for liquidated damages shall, however, be in addition to and not in substitution for any
other rights or remedies which the CITY may have under this agreement or otherwise against the CONTRACTOR
by reason of its failure to complete construction within the time and in the manner required by this agreement.

4.0.7 DEFECTIVE MATERlALS AND WORl< - All materials which do not meet the requirements of the
specifications at the times they are to be used shall be rejected, unless otherwise authorized as acceptable by the

Any completed work that may be found to be defective before the final acceptance of the completed work shall be
corrected and replaced immediately in conformance with the Specifications.

The Contractor shall be responsible for any and all damages that the work may sustain prior to its acceptance, and
shall rebuild, repair, restore and make good at his own expense, all injuries and damages to any pottion of the work
by the action of the elements or from any cause whatsoever prior to its acceptance.

4.0.8 CORRECTING WORl( - Any unfaithful work or imperfect work or material that may be discovered before
the final acceptance of the work shall be corrected and replaced immediately on the order of the Engineer. In case
any material is rejected, it shall be immediately removed from the line of work and not again brought thereon. In
case the order for removal and replacing as specified above is not promptly complied with after written notice, the
Engineer shall be at libetty to remove and replace the same with proper materials, at the expense of the Contractor,
and the cost thereof shall be deducted from the amount due him. Any omission to disapprove the work or material
at the time of inspection or at the time of any estimate shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations. All
work or material of whatever kind which, during the progress of construction and before its final acceptance, may
become damaged shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor with good and satisfactory work and material.

4.0.9 RETENTION OF IMPERFECT WORl( - If any portion of the work done or material furnished under this
Contract shall prove defective and not in accordance with the Contract Documents, and if the imperfection in the
same shall not be of sufficient magnitude or importance to make the work unacceptable or impracticable, or will
not create conditions which are dangerous or undesirable, the Engineer shall have the right and authority to retain
such work instead of requiring the imperfect work to be removed and reconstructed but he shall make deductions
therefor in the payments due the Contractor as may be just and reasonable.

4.0.10 ACCIDENT PREVENTION AND SAFETY - The Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State, and
local laws and regulations governing the furnishing and use of all safeguards, safety devices, and protective
equipment. He shall also take any other needed actions on his own responsibility or as directed by the Engineer as
are reasonably necessary to protect the life and health of employees on the job, the safety of the public, and to
protect property during the construction of the project.

Recommendation of the current Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction, issued by the Associated General
Contractors of America, Inc., shall be used for guidance in specific situations which are not covered by Federal,
State, or local laws or regulations.

Special provisions in polluted areas. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining whether work in all
locations involved in this contract is subject to a governmentally required health and safety plan to protect workers
and others from the effects of hazardous materials in proximity of the work, in the ground or water resources
involved. In the event such a health and safety plan is required, the Contractor shall familiarize itself completely
with the plan and comply with all its requirements.

In the event there is no health and safety plan for hazardous materials, but the Contractor reasonably should
recognize that a health and safety plan is warranted, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify the city
before commencing work to obtain or produce, as city may require, a health and safety plan and implement it.

4.0.11 CONFINED SPACES - The Contractor shall have a Confined Space Policy and shall use all safeguards,
safety devices and protective equipment necessary to comply with the current Federal, State and Local laws and
requirements for practices and procedures for protection from the hazards of entry into confined spaces. Also, the
Contractor shall make available all necessary tools, equipment and/or man power for city personnel entering

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confined spaces to inspect the work performed or being performed by the Contractor. In the event Contractor
determines that confined spaces exist in the project, it shall notify in writing, before commencing work, the location
and existence of all confined places, providing sufficient documentation for city emergency personnel to respond
to any and all situations requiring entry into or dealing with confined spaces.

4.0.12 SUNDAY AND NIGHT WORK - Ordinarily, no Sunday or night work shall be carried on which will
require the presence of the Engineer or an inspector, except with the written permission of the Engineer. Sunday
and night work is permissible in an emergency to the extent required to meet the emergency, but the Contractor
shall notify the Engineer, as far in advance as possible, of his intention to carry on such emergency work and of the
time and place of doing it.

4.0.13 BID TABULATION SHEET - The Bid Proposal sheet in these contract documents was created in Microsoft
Excel. Any Contractor who would like to use this spreadsheet in preparing a bid may obtain an electronic copy from
the Engineering Office by calling the Engineering Department at (231 )-724-6707.

4.0.14 PUBLIC ACT NO. 57 OF 1998, SECTION 2 - A contract between a contractor and a governmental entity
for an improvement that exceeds $75,000.00 shall contain all of the following provisions:

    a.     That if a contractor discovers 1 or both of the following physical conditions of the surface or subsurface at
           the improvement site, before disturbing the physical condition, the contractor shall promptly notify the
           governmental entity of the physical condition in writing:

    b. A subsurface or a latent physical condition at the site if differing materially from those indicated in the
       improvement contract.

    c.     An unknown physical condition at the site is of an unusual nature differing materially from those ordinarily
           encountered and generally recognized as inhering in work of the character provided for in the improvement

    d.     That if the governmental entity receives a notice under subdivision (a), the governmental entity shall
           promptly investigate the physical condition.

    e.     That if the governmental entity determines that the physical conditions do materially differ and will cause
           an increase or decrease in costs or additional time needed to perform the contract, the governmental entity's
           determination shall be made in writing and an equitable adjustment shall be made and the contract modified
           in writing accordingly.

    f.     That the contractor cannot make a claim for additional costs or time because of a physical condition unless
           the contractor has complied with the notice requirements of subdivision (a). The governmental entity may
           extend the time required for notice under subdivision (a).

    g. That the contractor cannot make a claim for an adjustment under the contract after the contractor has
       received the final payment under the contract.

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                                           4.1 CLEANING STAND ARDS

The following directions outline the minimum acceptable standards for the activities to be performed.

A. Sweeping and damp mopping

    1. Dust mopping must be performed with a treated mop, using a wetting solution containing appropriate
       cleaning agent and a mild disinfectant. After sweeping and damp mopping operation, all floors must be
       clean and free from strings, bristles and di1t streaks.
    2. Leave no dirt in corners, behind radiators, under furniture, behind doors, on stairs or landings. Leave no
       dht where sweepings were picked up.
    3. Leave no dirt, trash or foreign matter under desks, tables and chairs.

B. Wet mopping and scrubbing

    1. The floors must be properly prepared, thoroughly swept to remove visible dirt and debris, wads of gum, tar
       and foreign substances from floor surfaces.
    2. Wetting solution shall contain an appropriate cleaning agent.
    3. At the stated frequencies, floor must be damp mopped and buffed between regular waxing operations.
       Prepare the floor by sweeping to remove all visible dirt and debris.
    4. The floor area will then be damp mopped and machine buffed to a polished appearance with a high-speed

C. Stripping and sealing

    1. Completely remove all dht, wads and other foreign substances in returning floor to its original smface.
    2. Apply a thin coat of sealer with caution to prevent streaking or bleaching of floor surface. This application
       in preparation for waxing must be according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The stripper, sealer
       and wax products must be compatible for this activity and wax must be a minimum of 25% solids.

D. Waxing and buffing

    1.     Apply wax in a thin, even, coat and machine buff with a high-speed buffer immediately after drying. The
           number of coats applied will depend on the type and condition of the floor.
    2.     Spray buffing may be used in lieu of step D-1, as long as all steps for sweeping and damp mopping are
           accomplished first.
    3.     All waxed surfaces must be maintained to provide safe anti-slip walking conditions.
    4.     Chairs, wastebaskets and other similar items must not be stacked on desks, tables or windowsills, nor used
           in place of stepladder.
    5.     All furniture readily movable by one person and intended to be moved frequently, must be moved during
           all floor cleaning operations and replaced in original positions upon completion.
    6.     Baseboards, walls, furniture and equipment must not be splashed, disfigured or damaged during these
           operations, but rather left in a clean condition.

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E. Rugs and carpeting

     1. After vacuuming, leave all rugs clean, free from dust balls, dirt and other debris. Prior to vacuuming, broom
        all edges not reachable by a vacuum. Leave nap on all carpeting lying in one direction.
     2. Perform vacuuming and shampooing with commercial grade equipment only.
     3. Remove spots and stains daily.

F. Dusting

     1. Do not move dusting residue from spot to spot, but remove directly from the areas in which dirt lies by
        most effective means appropriate; treated dusting cloths or vacuum tools.
        a) Leave no dust streaks.
        b) Leave corners, crevices, molding and ledges free of dust and cobwebs.
        c) Leave no oil spots or smudges on dusted surfaces caused by dusting tools.
     2. Horizontal surfaces include, but are not limited to, counter tops, file cabinets, tables, coat racks, etc.
        Telephones, keyboards, etc. must be lifted and dusted under. Do not disturb work papers.
     3. Dusting high and low includes, but is not limited to, partition tops, pictures, chair rungs, etc.
     4. Dust window blinds with treated dusting cloth. Use a mild cleaning solution to thoroughly clean blinds.

G. Damp wiping

     1. This consists of using a clean damp cloth or sponge to remove all dili spots, streaks, from walls, glass and
        other specified surfaces and then drying to provide a polished appearance.
        a) The wetting solution must contain an appropriate cleaning agent.
        b) When damp wiping in toilet areas, use a multi-purpose disinfectant/deodorizer.

H. Windows

     1.    Using a wetted solution containing an appropriate cleaning agent, clean windows using a sponge or soft
           cloth and/or squeegee tool.
     2.    When dry, windows should be free and clear of streaks and lint.

I.   Restrooms

     1. Washbowls, toilets and urinals must be cleaned and sanitized with a germicidal solution; cleaning both the
        inside and outside surfaces.
     2. Paper towel and soap dispensers must be refilled when necessary.
     3. Empty all trash from the restrooms.
     4. Clean floors throughout the restrooms.
     5. Dust all other surfaces and furniture in restrooms.

J. Miscellaneous

     1.    All hazardous conditions, such as burned out lights, loose railings, etc. must be reported by janitorial staff
           to contract supervisor, who must then
     2.    Outdoor ash/cigarette receptacles are either ashtrays, sand or dry receptacles. Contents of ash receptacles
           must be disposed of in a safe manner. Clean sand by sifting out and disposing of debris and replacing and/or
           replenishing sand in receptacles.

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                                            4.2 GENERAL PROVISIONS

A. Materials, treatments, etc.

    1. Contractor must supply all cleaners, finishes, etc. for the treatment of the various types of flooring and
       carpeting. Use only such materials as are recommended and approved by the flooring manufacturer.
    2. The City will supply the following expendable items: paper products (i.e. toilet paper, sanitary napkins, and
       hand towels), hand soap and garbage bags.
    3. The Contractor's prime responsibility is to protect owners property at all times and use only such materials
       and treatments as will enhance the appearance of flooring, etc.
    4. The Contractor may be required to submit a complete list by brand names and product numbers of all
       supplies to be used in fulfilling this contract. Right is reserved by the City to accept or reject these items.
       An acceptable substitute must be immediately furnished for any rejected items. Contractor shall provide
       the building supervisor with a copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of all materials brought into, used and/or
       stored in the building.

B. Mechanical and other equipment

    1. The Contractor must furnish all power equipment such as floor machines, vacuum systems and all other
    2. The City will furnish an area, when necessary, for storage of Contractor's equipment and supplies.
    3. The Contractor will be held solely responsible for all items stored on the premises.

C. Supervision and janitorial personnel

    1. Competent supervision is to be furnished by the Contractor and these services must be satisfactory to the
    2. All janitorial personnel having access to the facility(s) shall meet the approval of the City prior to having
       said access. All employees shall be of good moral character consisting of honesty and integrity and shall
       be subject to a full background check prior to approval by the City. The City will provide criminal
       background checks free of charge.
    3. All janitorial personnel shall wear, in plain sight, identification while in the facility(s). The identification
       shall be furnished by the contractor and shall consist of a recent photo, the employee's name and the
       company name.
    4. Keys to the building will be furnished by the City as necessary. Any such key must not be duplicated or
       taken from the building.

D. Billing

    1. Contractor is to submit billing at the close of each calendar month to the building supervisor.

E. Start-up equipment

    1.     Within 60 days from the start of the resulting contract, the Contractor is required to prepare all floors in
           conformance with the semi-annual specifications.

F. Hours of work

    1.     See the Responsibilities and Schedules pages, section A.

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G. Inspection and correction deficiencies

     1. A monthly inspection of the City Hall and the Public Service Building sites will be required. A supervisor
        from the contracting company and a building supervisor will need to conduct the inspection together. These
        meetings will be conducted between the hours of 7:00am and 3:00pm; on a day that is mutually agreed
     2. Any deficiencies found during the inspection must be corrected as follows:
        a) Within 24 hours for any daily, weekly, or monthly activity.
        b) Within 48 hours for any quarterly or semi-annual activity.
     3. Should the vendor fail to correct his deficiency within the time stated, a complaint to vendor will be filed
        by the City.
     4. When cleaning deficiencies are not corrected after one notification, the City shall reserve the right to hire
        other persons or firms to correct such deficiencies and shall deduct the costs thereof from contract payments.
     5. Repeated failure to correct deficiencies may result in cancellation of contract by the City.

H. Special provisions

     1. Pricing: All costs for supplying required insurances, employee fringe benefits, social security and
        governmental business taxes must be incorporated into bid price quoted for this service. Such costs may
        not be billed separately.
     2. References: In the event of an award, the successful bidder may be required to furnish references from
        recognized companies for who they are now rendering comparable services. This condition may be waived
        if bidder is currently holding City contract for equal services.

I.   Summary

     1. The program described above and in the specifications accompanying bids designed to cover operations
        more in the category of housekeeping than that of specific and detailed janitorial service. It must be
        understood that all tasks in the housekeeping line will be performed, whether included in the detailed
        specifications or not.

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                                    4.3 RESPONSIBILITIES AND SCHEDULES

This contract is to cover janitorial services for the Department of Public Works building at 13 50 E. Keating Ave.,
Muskegon, MI and the City Hall building at 933 Terrace St, Muskegon, MI.

A site visitation is recommended to all bidders before submission of bids to familiarize themselves with the general
conditions and layout of the premises as well as any special conditions which may be unique to this location. Please
contact the Engineering Depmtment for more information regarding buildings: 231-724-6707.

A. Schedule of access to buildings and security instructions

    Department of Public Works
    1. The building will be cleaned each workday evening, (Monday-Friday) beginning no later than 4:30 pm, but
       no earlier than 4:00 pm.
    2. Cleaning will be carried out at times so that governmental functions are not interrupted.
    3. At the completion of the days cleaning, the Contractor will be responsible for securing the building and to
       activate the alarm in the front office area.

    City Hall
    1. The hours of daily cleaning will be approximately 5 :00pm until 10 :00pm. Weekend cleaning will be done
        at 9:30am on Saturday and Sunday.
    2. Cleaning will be carried out at times so that governmental functions are not interrupted.
    3. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to lock all City Hall exit doors at 5:00pm; expect for evenings when
        meetings are being held past 5 :00pm, the Contractor will be notified in advance of such meetings.
    4. The Contractor will take the responsibility for night security and will insure all outside doors remain locked
        while they are in the building. The only exception is for night meetings, where the doors will be unlocked
        prior to and during the meeting times.

B. Supplies

    1. The Contractor will supply all chemicals normally incidental to the terms of this proposal. These chemicals
       are to include, but not limited to the following:

           a. Floor finishes and sealers
           b. Cleaning fluids
           c. Deodorizers and disinfectants
           d. Stainless steel polish
           e. Window cleaning fluids

    2. The Contractor will not supply the following expendable items; the City will provide these items:

           a. Paper products; i.e. toilet tissues, sanitary napkins, and hand towels
           b. Linen hand towels
           c. Hand soap
           d. Garbage bags

    3. The Contractor will provide all equipment and machinery necessary to perform all work described herein.

    4. The City will provide sufficient room for the storage of the Contractor's supplies and equipment.

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C. Frequency and scheduling of cleaning

Service to be provided five (5) days a week, Monday-Friday, at Public Service Building and City Hall. Below are
a list of tasks that shall be completed on a daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual, annual basis.

    Daily tasks

           1. Dust mop and wet mop all tile floors
           2. Vacuum and spot clean carpet
           3. Empty all waste receptacles, including outdoor receptacles, and replace liners as needed; disposing of
               waste in proper container provided by the City
           4. Empty recycling bins into cart
           5. Sift ashtray outside entrances and pick up cigarette butts and litter in the immediate vicinity of the
           6. Clean and disinfect all lunchroom tables
           7. Clean and disinfect entrance door glass, door handles and push plates
           8. Dust all accessible furniture, file cabinets, shelves, bookcase, etc.
           9. Clean and disinfect drinking fountains
           10. Clean blackboards/whiteboards, unless otherwise noted
           11. Clean and polish elevator metal
           12. Remove hand marks from doors, kick plates and switches
           13. Restrooms and locker rooms:
               a. Dust mop and wet mop
               b. Clean and disinfect toilets, urinals, sinks, fixtures and mirrors
               c. Refill soap and paper towel dispensers
               d. Empty waste receptacles
           14. Lounge and lunch rooms:
               a. Dust mop and wet mop
               b. Empty waste receptacles
               c. Clean and disinfect tabletops and chairs
               d. Clean and refill napkin/paper towel dispensers
               e. Clean sink and counte1tops
           15. Police Depaitment (6 days a week)
               a. Clean restrooms and locker rooms in accordance to the above restroom specs
                   (Three (3) restrooms in basement, two on 1st floor corridor, and one in back hall)
               b. Clean and disinfect desk areas
               c. Dust mop, wet mop and vacuum 1st floor corridor
               d. Empty all waste receptacles and replace liners, as needed
               e. Clean sink and refill paper towels in the Identification Offices

    Weekly tasks

           1.    Clean and disinfect main countertops and vertical fronts in offices
           2.    Vacuum upholstered furniture
           3.    Damp wipe plastic furniture
           4.    Damp wipe both sides of all doors
           5.    Remove spots and stains from furniture, as needed
           6.    All tile floors to be sprayed and buffed
           7.    Clean and disinfect desks (only desk areas that are cleared of papers)
           8.    Clean and disinfect telephones
           9.    Dust windowsills, file cabinets, counters and woodwork
           10.   Remove dust and cobwebs from ceiling
           11.   Fill floor drain traps
           12.   Restrooms and locker rooms:
                 a. Clean and disinfect shower room walls and floors
                 b. Dust and clean furniture
                 c. Wash and disinfect paititions

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   Monthly tasks

           1. Scrub and refinish tile floors
           2. Clean all interior windows/glass, including removal of tape residue
           3. Dust window blinds
           4. Clean ceiling diffusers
           5. Restrooms and locker rooms:
              a. Dust tops of lockers
              b. Clean ceiling exhaust grills
           6. Lounge and lunch rooms:
              a. Clean and defrost refrigerator
              d. Clean cabinets and stoves
              e. Clean ceiling exhaust grills
           7. Sweep garage at City Hall; more as needed with leaves in fall

    Semi-Annually (April & October) tasks

           1. Strip all hard surface floors and refinish*
           2. Clean all carpets, all carpets must be dry by next work day
              (May be called to clean high traffic areas additional times, as needed)*
           3. Wash all hallway walls
           4. Clean all exterior windows/glass
           5. Clean ceiling light fixtures
           6. Thoroughly clean fronts of desks, cabinets and other equipment
           7. Clean base trim

           *A schedule shall be provided to the building supervisors in advance so that staff can move any items that
           may hinder the contractors work.

    Annually (January) tasks

           1. Thoroughly clean window blinds
           2. Clean vaults in Assessor, Clerk and Finance Departments

D. Other important requirements

    1. The steam cleaning of carpets will be done on weekends, nights or holidays.
    2. The Contractor will be responsible for moving office furniture prior to cleaning and replacing when carpet
       is dry.
    3. Clean the Commission room early in consideration of evening meetings.
    4. Notify Maintenance Department of any observed maintenance needs.
    5. All personnel working on City premises are required to obtain clearance (Criminal Background Check)
       through the Muskegon Police Department. Personnel shall include contractor, employees and all sub-
       contractors. The contractor shall be required to provide a copy of their employees working on city premises
       clearances to the Director of Public Works.
    6. All workers will wear a picture ID badge furnished by the vendor.
    7. A listing of all equipment and chemicals to be used must be included with the bid. A Safety Data Sheet of
       materials and chemicals on site will be supplied to the City.

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                                                            City Hall Basement

                                                         Dim.1           Dim.2          Dim.3          Dim.4                                   Total
Room# Room Function               Carpet or Tile   !Ft In BY Ft In iFt In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In                               Sq Ft
     1   P.D. Computer Room       Tile              23 8 X 12             o:
                                                                     28 8 X 29 8          X              X                                     1134.44
     2   P.D. Command Center      Carpet            20 4 X 12 Qi           X              X              X                                      244.00
     3   P.D. Evidence            Concrete          35 8 X 27 91           X              X              X                                      989.75
     4   P.D. Evidence            Tile               8 0 X 15 9;l          X              X              X                                      126.00
     5   P.D. Evidence            Concrete            7 8 X 11 4' 3 8 X 9 4               X              X                                      121.11
     6 P.D. Radio Room            Tile              19 8 X 11 4!           X              X              X                                      222.89
     7 Storage                    Concrete               8 X 12 71 4 8 X 4 0              X              X                                      568.14
     8 Firing Range Entrance      Tile              14 0 X 9 4j            X              X              X                                      130.67
     9 Armory                     Tile              17 6 X 9 4             X              X              X                                      163.33
    10 Parking Garage             Concrete          78 6 X 45 4! 60 0 X 33 4.             X              X                                     5558.67
    11 Engineer Test Room         Concrete          19 0 X 17 4;           X              X              X                                      329.33
    12 Locker Room                Tile              94 8 X 12 0            X              X              X                                     1136.00
    13 Firing Range               Concrete          19 0 X 16     8;       X              X              X                                      316.67
    14 P.D. Women's Locker Room   Tile                 8     4   X   5    o'             X               X                X                      41.67
    15 P.D. Men's Locker Room     Tile                 8     4   X   5     0i 24       5 X 21   4.17   0 X 10     8'l     X                     743.89
    16 Unisex Restroom            Tile              8        4   X   5     o:            X       I       X
                                                                                                                          X                      41.67
    17 Engineering Storage        Tile             17        0   X 10      8;            X       f       X                X                     181.33
    18 Men's Restroom             Tile                 11    8 X 21        41            X               X                X                     248.89
    19 Janitorial Closet          Concrete              8    0 X 5         4i            X               X                X                       42.67
    20 Women's Restroom           Tile                 14    1 X 21 4'                     X             X                X                      300.44
    21 Clerk's Storage            Concrete              7    8 X 1210\                     X             X                X                       98.39
    22 Boiler Room                Concrete             37    6 X 22 6j13               8   X 9 0         X                X                      966;75
    23 Storage                    Concrete             12    0   x
                                                                 15        o:              X            X                 X                      180.00
    24 Storage                    Concrete                   8 X 15 Q;                     X            X                 X                      205.00
    25 Exercise room              Carpet               13    0 X 32 8!                     X            X                 X                      424.67
    26 Maintenance Office         Concrete           26 3 .. X       32    8j              X            X                 X                      857.50
    27 Cafeteria                  Tile               24 11 X         32    81              X            X                 X                      813,94
    28 Office                     Carpet             12 0 X          17    8;              X            X                 X                      212.00
    29 Storage                    Concrete         [13 8 X           17   . 8'I            X            X                 X                      241.44
    30 Air Handlers               Concrete         110 0 X           13    4' 26 2         X 36 2       X                 X                     1079.69
    31 IT Offices                 Concrete         [25 8 X            8    6i 10 0         X 8 6        X                 X                      303.17
    32 IT Storage                 Concrete           24 4 X          24    6'              X            X                 X                      596.17
    33 IT Offices                 Concrete           15 0 X           8    6'              X            X                 X                      127.50
    34 IT Storage                 Concrete           15 0 X          17    0
                                                                                           X            X                 X                      255.00
    35 IT Offices                 Elevated Floor     10 0 X          17    0               X            X                 X                      170.00
    36 Transformer Room           Concrete         124 4 X           11    QI              X            X                 X                      267.67
    37 Phone Comm. Room           Concrete         l1s 0 X           15    o!              X            X                 X                      225.00
    38 Computer Room              Elevated Floor   110 0 X           15    0,              X            X                 X                      150.Q0
       Corridor                   Tile             ! 8 0 X           44    o'l     8   0   X 10 0 8 0    X 16         8 0 X 16 0                 688.00
                                                   i                                                                                       l
                                                                                                                                           I   20503.44

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                                                             City Hall 1st Floor
                                                        i                       I                I
                                                        }        Dim.1          \
                                                                                        Dim.2  Dlm.3          Dim.4                      Total

Room# Room Function                       Carpet or Tile !Ft In BY Ft In j Ft In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In                  Sq Ft
     1 Neighborhood Policing Unit         Carpet         112 8 X 12 ol            X              X              X                         152.00
     2 Neighborhood Policing Unit         Carpet        127      4   X 16 olI             X           X                 X                 437.33
     3 Records                            Carpet            12   0   X    16   O!         X           X                 X                 192.00
     4 Records                            Carpet            16   0   X    16   o!         X           X                 X                 256.00
     5   Internal Affairs Office          Tile              20   0   X    16   0i         X           X                 X                 320.00
     6   P.O. Conference Room             Carpet            20   0   X    12   ol         X           X                 X                 240.00
     7   Records                          Carpet                 0  oiI
                                                                      X   46              X           X                 X                1288.00
     8   File Room                        Tile           10      0  41I
                                                                     X    12              X           X                 X                 123.33
     9   Interview Room                   Tile           10      0  oiX    9              X           X                 X                  90.00
    10   Traffic & Training Bureau        Carpet         14      8  ol
                                                                     .X   26              X           X                 X                 381.33
    11   J.R. Accounting                  Carpet        [22      6   X
                                                                    4!    20              X           X                 X                 457.50
    12   J.R. Accounting                  Carpet         22      6  4!X   32              X           X                 X                 72.7.50
    13 Detectives Office                  Carpet         53      8  4JX   32              X           X                 X                1735:22
    14 Detectives Office                  Carpet         12      0  0!X   12              X           X                 X                 144.00
    15 Traffic Conference Room            Carpet         16      3  ol!
                                                                      X   12              X           X                 X                 195.00
    16 Parking Enforcement Office         Carpet         21   X 10 o!
                                                                 4                        X           X                 X                 213.33
    17 Clerk's Back Room                  Tile          (15   X 16 2I
                                                                 0                        X           X                  X                242.50
    18 Clerk's Office                     Carpet/Tile   f48   X 32 4i
                                                                 0                        X           X                  X               1552.00
    19 Clerk's Office                     Carpet        l1s   X 16 21
                                                                 0                        X           X                  X                242.50
    20 J.R. Accounting Secretary          Carpet        122   X 12 oj
                                                                 6                        X           X                  X                270.00
    21 Detectives Office                  Carpet        !16   X 14 ol
                                                                 3                        X           X                  X                227.50
    22 P.D Women's Restroom               Tile          111   X 5 41
                                                                 4                        X           X                  X                 60.44
    23 P.O. Men's Restroom                Tile          ~11   X 5 41
                                                                 4                        X            X                 X                 60.44
    24 Voting Machine Storage             Tile          r1s   X 16 2!I
                                                                 0                        X            X                 X                242.50
    25 Treasurer & Water Billing Office
    26 Conference Room
    27 Commission Chambers
    28 Women's Restroom
    29 Men's Restroom
                                                              X 32 4112
                                                              X 12 o!
                                                              X 32 4!'
                                                              X 11
                                                        i 9 0 X 11 31'

                                                                                        0 X 12
                                                                                                 r   0 X 18 0
    30 Public Safety File Room            Tile          116 0 X 11      I
                                                                               s!         X           X                  X                186.67
    31 Water Billing Office               Carpet        f12 0 X 16 o:                     X           X                  X                192.00
    32 Chamber Conference Room            Carpet        t13 4 X 20 0i'                    X           X                  X                266.67
    33 Public Safety Office               Carpet        (33 4 X 20 o 1 12               0 X 11 8      X                  X                806.67
    34 Chief Office                       Carpet        112 8 X 12 ol                     X           X                  X                152.00
    35 Conference Room                    Carpet        120 8 X 11 oil                    X           X                  X                227.33
    36 Finance Office                     Carpet         20 8 X 11 0 1 16               8 X 26   0    X                  X                690.67
    37 Income Tax Office                  Carpet         16 0 X 12 ol                     X           X                  X                192.00
    38 Income Tax Office                  Tile           11 4 X 11 1oj                    X            X                 X                202.11
    39 Employee Relations Office          Carpet         10 0 X 8              s!         X            X                 X                 86.67
    40 Finance File Room                  Tile           11 4 X 11101                     X            X                 X                202.11
    41 Finance Director Office            Carpet         16 0 X 12 o)                     X            X                 X                192.00
         Corridor                         Tile            8 0 X 76 0i 8                 0 X 28 0      X                  X                832.00
                                                                                    I                                                    18363.03
                                                                                    1                                                I

             11/19/19                                                                                                           75
                                                                                                                                     City of Muskegon
                                                                                                                            2020-22 Janitorial Services

                                                          City Hall 2nd Floor
                                                          I                                                    f

                                                                                                               l          Dim.3            Dim.4
                                                                                                                                                          I       Total
Room# Room Function
                                            Carpet or Tile jFt In        BY         I
                                                                              Ft In Ft In BY Ft In             IFt       In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In               Sq Ft
     1 Mayor/City Attorney                  Carpet        !12        0   X    16 o!        X                   !            X                 X                    192.00
     2 File Room                            Carpet         I    8    0 X 12        o;            X             I            X                 X                     96.00
     3 Strategic Dev. Office                Carpet         112       0 X 12        ol            X             I            X                 X                    144.00
     4 City Manager                         Carpet         116       0   X 16      0             X             i            X                 X                    256.00
                                                                                     1                      '
     5 Comm. Neighborhood Services Office   Carpet         ;12       0 X 12        0 24        0 X 20      0 24           0 X.36   o. 52   0 X 16                 2320.00
     6 Comm. Neighborhood Services Office   Carpet         112       0 X 16        0             X
                                                                                                               !            X                 X                    192.00
     7 Economic Development Office          Carpet         t12       0 X 12        o!            X
                                                                                                               tX                             X                    144.00
     8 City Manager Secretary Office        Carpet              24   X 12
                                                                     0             0:12        0 X     8 0'24 0 X 12                          X                    672.00
     9 City Manager Restroom                Tile                 8 0 X 8 0                       X        lI    X                             X                      64.00
    10 City Manager Conference Room         Carpet              12 0 X 12 ol                     X              X                             X                    144.00
    11 Engineering File Room                Tile                   0 X 24 o:                     X              X                             X                    288.00
    12 Engineering Blue Print Room          Tile                12   0 X       8   o·            X
                                                                                                          t     X                             X                      96.00
    13 Vacant                               Carpet              12   X 16 0
                                                                     0                           X              X                             X                    192.00
    14 Vacant                               Carpet               8 0 X 16 o·J                    X              X                             X                    128.00
    15 Vacant                               Carpet          28       0 X 16        o'            X              X                             X                    448.00
    16 Vacant                               Carpet         [16       0 X 12        o'            X              X                             X                    192.00
    17 Vacant                               Tile           ; 8       0 X 12        o!            X              X                             X                      96.00
    18 File Room                            Tile           [ 8   X 12 0,
                                                                     0                           X                          X                 X                      96.00
    19 Conference Room                      Carpet         116 0 X 20 Oj                         X                          X                 X                     320.00
    20 File Room                            Tile           l20 0 X 16 o'                         X                          X                 X                     320.00
    21 Safebuilt Office                     Carpet         !12       0 X 16                      X                          X                 X                     192.00
    22 Vacant                               Carpet         [36       0    X 20 ol12 0 X                4   0                X                 X                    768.00
    23 Handicap Restroom                    Tile           18        0 X       8   ol            X                          X                 X                      64.00
    24 Planning Department Office           Carpet         124       0 X       4   ol 28       0 X 28                       X                 X                     880.00
    25 Elevator/Stairway Platform           Carpet         [12       0 X       8   01            X                          X                 X                      96.00
    26 Safebuilt Office                     Carpet         136       0 X 12        01 48       0 X 28               36    0 X 28    OJ        X                    2784.00
    27 Men's Restroom                       Tile           [16       0    X    8   0             X                          X                 X                     128.00
    28 Women's Restroom                     Tile           !16       0    X    8   o1            X                          X                 X               '     128.00
                                                                                           l                       ··.
    29 Municipality Director Office         Carpet         !12       0 X 16                      X                          X                 X                     192,00
     30 Planning Office                     Carpet         [16       0 X 12        o;            X                          X                 X                     192.00
     31 Planning Conference Room            Carpet         !12       0    X 12     o:!           X                          X                 X                     144.00
     32 Planning Office                     Carpet         [12       0 X 12        o:            X                          X                 X                     144.00
        Corridor                            Carpet         [ 8       0    X 56 0, 8 0 X 28                                  X                 X                     672.00
                                                           t                                                                                                      12784.00
                                                           ''                                                      i                 j

            11/19/19                                                                                                                                 76
                                                                                                                                City of Muskegon
                                                                                                                       2020-22 Janitorial Services

                                                            Public-- Services Building
                                                                     -----,---    ~
                                                                                                                                                     ·-·-              ·--·-

                                                            Dim.1                 I           Dim.2              Dim.3              Dim.4                     Total
Room# Room Function             Carpet or Tile   Ft        In BY Ft         In jFt          In BY Ft      In Ft In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In                   Sqft
     1 Parks - Carpenter Shop   Concrete            33      4   X     43     4i!                X               X            X                                1444.44
     2 Parks - Staging Area     Concrete            34      0   X     43     4i 68            0 X     33 4      X            X                                3740.00
     3 Parks - Equipment        Concrete            23      4   X     38     o:                 X               X            X                                   886.67
     4 Police Equipment         Concrete            38     10   X     42     o!                 X               X            X                                1631.00
     5 Weight Room              Tile                23      4   X     26     41!                X               X            X                                    614.44
     6 Police Equipment         Concrete            38     10   X     52     ,:i,               X               X     I      X                                 2032.28
     7 Lunch Rm                 Tile                49      0 X       27     81             8 8 X     15 4      X     'i     X                                 1488.56
     8 Men's Locker Rm          Tile                20      8 X       23     41            23 8 X      5 8 23 0 X 8 10' 13 4 X               6 8                  908.39
     9 Restroom                 Tile                  9     0 X         6    81                 X               X            X                                     60.00
    10 Water/Sewer Shop         Concrete            58      2 X       34     4i            18 8 X     19 0         x         X                                 2351.72
    11 Furnace Room             Concrete         I 8        8 X         7    4J       i
                                                                                                  X             X            X                                     63.56
    12 Highway                  Tile             Il 31      4 X       23         2i               X             X            X                                    725.89
    13 Water/Sewer Foreman      Tile             I 20       0 X       10         ol               X             X            X                                    200.00
    14 Entryway                 Tile                13      2 X       14         oi!              X             X            X                                    184.33
    15 Office                   Tile                  8     8 X       11         4!               X                X                    X                          98.22
    16 Office                   Tile                  8     8 X       11         4!               X                X                    X                          98.22
    17 Office                   Tile                  8     8 X       11         4i!              X                X                    X                          98.22
    18 Mini-Conference          Carpet                8     8 X       11         4j               X                X                    X                          98.22
    19 Water/Sewer Shop         Concrete            25      2 X       13         ol 38 10         X    23 8        X                    X                      1246.22
    20 Office                   Carpet              11      0 X       12         4!               X                X                    X                         135.67
    21 Office                   Carpet              11      0 X       12         4!               X                X                    X                         135.67
    22 Cubical Offices          Carpet              32      8 X       35         4:I 12 0         X    6 8         X                    X                     .1234.22
    23 Engineering Office       Carpet              22        X       20         3!               X                X                    X                         454.67
    24 Conference Room          Tile                23        X       15    ..
                                                                                 OJ   1
                                                                                                  X                X                    X                         345;00
    25 Women's Lockeroom        Concrete            25      6 X       15         O!               X                X                    X                     - _382.50

    26 Office                   Carpet              1:1.    0 X       12         4!               X                X                    X                         135.67
    27 Supply Rm                Concrete            20      8 X         5        4l 10        8   X     5 0        X                    X                         163,56
                                                                                   I                                          l
    29 Traffic Shop Area        Concrete            40      0 X       26         3: 25        0   X    11 4        X                    X                      1350.00
    28 Office                   Tile                  8    .6 X       13         4j                                X                    X                         113.33

    30 Mechanical Rm            Concrete             li     8 X         9        Oi
                                                                                 • J
                                                                                                  X                X                    X                         105;00
    31 IT Room                  Concrete             6      0 X         9        Oi               X                X                    X                          54.00
    32 Men's Restroom
    33 Women's Restroom
                                                            0 X
                                                            0 X
                                                                                 0 15         4
                                                                                                  X   8
                                                                                                           0 9 4 X 3 6!
                                                                                                                              I         X
    35 Warehouse                Concrete           68       7 X       81         7: 63        4   X 62     4     X                      X                      9543,03
    36 Traffic Department       Concrete           36      10 X       18    .0·1                  X              X                      X                         663.00
    37 Traffic Equipment        Concrete         ! 18       4 X       11         4i               X              X                      X                         207.78
    34 Office                   Tile             1 8        6 X       13         41               X              X                      X                         113.33
    38 Equipment Storage        Concrete         f 29       4 X       22         sj               X              X                      X                         664.89
    39 Equipment                Concrete         l 51       3 X        22        3! 66        7   X 29     8 80 1X72 4                  X                      8929,67
    40 Equipment Offices        Tile             I 14       8 X      .29         3j               X              X                      X                         435.11
    41 Equipment                Concrete         t16:1      7 X      142         sl 242       4   X 124    4     X                      X                    53182.67
                                                                                      'I                                                                     96663.48
                                                                                      l                                                                     -·,   ..
                                                 I              ·.

          11/19/19                                                                                                                              77
                                                                                                             City of Muskegon
                                                                                                    2020-22 Janitorial Services
                                                           1             'I'
                                                                                                            City Hall Building
                                                           □                                                       Basement


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                                                                                    25    26   27




                                                  t            37            38

                                                                                                            Room Numbers
11/19/19                                                                                                                    78
                                                                                                                                                                           City of Muskegon
                                                                                                                                                                  2020-22 Janitorial Services

                                                                      _, ~. "
 4.4 FLOORPLANS & DIMENSIONS                                                                                                                                              City Hall Building

                                                     l Ii


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                                                                                                             City of Muskegon
                                                                                                    2020-22 Janitorial Seruices
                                                                                                            City Hall Building
                                                                                                                     2nd Floor

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                                                                                                            Room Numbers
11/19/19                                                                                                                    80
                                                                                           City of Muskegon
                                                                                  2020-22 Janitorial Services
                                                                                     Public Service Building


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                                                                                                  Room Numbers
11/19/19                                                                                                  81
                                         City of Muskegon
                                2020-22 Janitorial Services


11/19/19                                                 82
                                   PRE-BID DOCUMENTS

December 9, 2019

This section includes meeting minutes and additional details from the December 3, 2019 Pre-Bid
Meeting, as well as answers to any questions that were asked during the meeting and tour. After receiving
feedback during this meeting, we have amended sections 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4; the revised versions of these
sections can be found in this section. Finally, the floorplans in the section more clearly show what rooms
need cleaned in each building and where the restrooms, stairwells and elevator are located.
                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                             Engineering Department

                                    ADDENDUM NO. I
                        JANITORIAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR 2020-23
                                                     Pre-Bid Meeting
                                              December 3, 2019@3:00pm
                                    Public Services Building, Large Conference Room

  ATTENDANCE                     COMPANY                                       EMAIL                           PHONE NO.

 Leo Evans                City of Muskegon                 leo.evans!                        231-724-6707
 Christy Cashin           City of Muskegon                          231-724-6707
 Joel Brookens            City of Muskegon                 ioel .brookenslmshorel                  231-724-6707
 Terry Spyke              City of Muskegon                 terrv.sovke(tv,                    231-724-6707
 Aaron Panek              Professional Building Services   aaronoanek.obs!                          989-297-2938
 John Zervas              Z ' s Green Clean                iohn!                              616-796-5482
 Kathy Harris             Goodwill Ind.                    kharris!                            231-578-7978
 Mitchel Zaverl           Z's Green Clean                  mitch!                             616-268-0814
 Alan Lucas               Blu Cleaning                     alucas(tv,                        616-438-8199
 Luis Clave!              Blu Cleaning                                                                         616-655-6026
 Greg Brouwer             West Michigan Janitorial         gbrouwer(tv,wmianitorial .com                       616-558-9552
 Dan Waswick              Customized Cleaning Services     daniel .waswick(tv,   616-240-4740
 Mike McIntyre            Grand Rapids Building                                 269-217-8001
 Pete Murdoch             Reliant Prof-Cleaning            Reliantinc21 (tv,                            616-846-5296
 Richard Hall             Reliant Prof-Cleaning            Reliantinc21 (tv,                            616-846-5296
 Jesse Dick               United Commercial Services           616-309-7354


The contract consists of the total cleaning of City Hall, Police Department, and the offices at the Public Service Building
(Department of Public Works). This contract will include the cleaning and maintenance of the carpets. The contract is for
three (3) years starting March 1, 2020, ending February 28, 2023 with the options of extending it a 4 th year. Inspections of
the cleaning will be done on a regular basis.

  1. If you make a mistake on the Bid Documents, please "Cross" out your mistake, enter the correct information and
     initial/date the area in question.
  2. NO late bids will be accepted.
  3. Bids will be accepted by our City Clerk's office (1 st Floor, City Hall) until 2:00 pm on Tuesday, December 17,
     2019. You do not have to be present for the opening of the bids.
  4. It is suggested that each bidder refer to the "Bidder's Checklist" to ensure that all required information is included
     with their bid.
  5. You may submit Bids with a total under each section for all three (3) years. If not, the City will calculate the
     Bid Bond is required at the time you submit your bid. Bid Bonds can be issued in one of the acceptable forms;
     which are by: Cashier's Check, or by completing the Bid Bond in Section 1.6, or on a Bid or Proposal (Surety)
     Bond issued by your Insurance Carrier.
  7. The "Local Preference" Policy- If a local contractors bid is within a range of 1% or less than the lowest submitted
     bid, the award preference may be given to the local contractor; within the city's corporate limits.
   8. Bid Bonds from the unsuccessful bidders are to be released upon award of contract and upon execution of the
       contract for the successful bidder.
   9. City Income Tax Law- The successful bidder must adhere to the City Income Tax guidelines, 1% for employees
       working and residing within the city limits and .5% for all others. The successful bidder must register with the
       Income Tax Department located on the first floor of city hall.
   10. This is NOT a Prevailing Wage Contract.
   11. The successful Bid will be recommended to the City Commission on or about January 7th , 2020.
   12. A Notice of Award will be issued to the successful low bidder on/or about January 15 th , 2020.
   13. Upon receiving, your "Notice of Award" the contractor will have 10 days (10 days includes weekends) from the
       date of the notification to execute their portion (Insurance and Bond Requirements) of the contract and return all
       contracts to the City of Muskegon Engineering Department for finalizing.
   14. Contractor shall contact the Engineering Department at 231-724-6707 with any questions/concerns during the life
       of the contract.
   15. Optional fourth (4t11) Year- Contractors have the option of including their bid price to provide four (4) years of
   16. The bidding price submitted should show cost per square foot and total cost.
   17. The Filtration Plant is currently not part of this contract.

  1. The current company proving janitorial services to the City of Muskegon is Reliant Cleaning.
          • Monthly Charge for City Hall Janitorial Services= $2940.00
          • Monthly Charges for Public Service Building Janitorial Services =$1013.00
  2. A list of maintenance items that the city provides can be found in the contract under the Specifications section.
  3. Fingerprinting is required to work in the Muskegon Police Department area of City Hall. Fingerprinting must be
     done at Muskegon County Clerk's Office (990 Terrace St, Muskegon, MI 49442). The cost to fingerprint is
     $25/person and will not be covered by the City of Muskegon.
  4. A background check is required to work at both City buildings. The City will not cover the cost of a background
     check, but the Muskegon Police Depaiiment will determine if contractor appointed background checks are
  5. Supervision- A supervisor must make regular site visits to each building to ensure that all contract requirements
     are being met according to outlined specifications.

   1. The total cleanable square footage at City Hall
          a. Basement: 12768 sq. ft.
          b. 1st floor: 17379 sq. ft.
          c. 2nd floor: 11968 sq. ft.
   2. Total cleanable square footage at Public Service Building
          a. 11738 sq. ft.
   3. Total square footage ofVCT flooring (flooring that will need buffed, stripped, wax per schedule
          a. Public Service Building: 5847 sq. ft.
          b. City Hall: 8870 sq. ft.
   4. Low Bidder Qualification-The City will also look into the longevity of the business, references, and quality of work
      from current/past customers, etc.
   5. There are approximately 225 employees in City Hall/Police Department and approximately 80 employees at the
      Public Service Building
   6. Sub-Contracting- Before sub-contracting any part of this contract, the company in question must be approved by
      the city following all sub-contracting guidelines.
   7. Janitorial Staff will be provided with a monthly "Calendar" that outlines dates/time on all meetings being held in
      City Hall (Commission Meeting, etc.) Janitorial duties should not interfere with these functions.
   8. Janitorial Staff will be responsible for locking doors at 5:00 pm Mon-Fri (Excluding days where meeting are being
      held after regular business hours)
          • The door entrance on Terrace St. (across from Burger King) shall be locked at 5:00 pm Monday-Friday
               (regardless of meeting)
          • The door in the basement shall also be locked at 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday.
Q: Who is the point of contact at each facility?
A: Call the Engineering Depmtment with all questions/concerns about both facilities: 231-724-6707.

Q: What is the cost of fingerprinting to work in the police department and does the City of Muskegon cover the cost?
A: Fingerprinting is required to work at City Hall building only. Fingerprinting must be done at Muskegon County
   Clerk's Office (990 Terrace St, Muskegon, MI 49442). The cost to fingerprint is $25/person and will not be covered
   by the City of Muskegon. A background check is also required to work at both City buildings. The City will not cover
   the cost of a background check, but the Muskegon Police Department will determine if contractor appointed
   background checks are satisfactory.

Q: How much cleaning equipment can or needs to be stored at each facility?
A: There is no requirement to how much equipment you store at each facility. There is a storage room at each facility
   specifically for janitorial needs. These storage rooms are marked with an asterisk(*) on the attached floorplans.

Q: Who is responsible for moving the furniture when the janitorial services schedules a cleaning and/or stripping the
A: The janitorial service must give the facility a week's notice of the cleaning/stripping date so the facility staff can
   move their furniture.

Q: Do the parking lot and stairways at City Hall need cleaned?
A: Yes, the parking lot will need swept once a month and trash emptied weekly. The stairwell by the elevator needs
   vacuumed, moped and handrails disinfected daily. All other stairwells need vacuumed, moped and handrails
   disinfected weekly.

Q: How many stairwells are at City Hall & the Public Services Building?
A: There are four (4) stairwells at City Hall and none at the Public Service Building.

Q: How many restrooms are at City Hall & the Public Services Building?
A: There are fourteen (14) restrooms at City Hall and five (5) restrooms at the Public Service Building.

Q: Do the elevators at City Hall need cleaned?
A: Yes, the elevator needs vacuumed and interior surfaces and exterior buttons need disinfected daily.

Q: In regards to the 5% surety bond, is 5% of the total cost of a tlu·ee-year contract due or 5% of one year?
A: The 5% surety bond must be based off the total cost of the three-year contract. Surety bonds can be submitted in the
   form of a check or by completing the Bid Bond form in Section 1.6 of the contract.

Q: Will the, currently, unused rooms at City Hall be included as part of the bid for City Hall?
A: Yes, because we hope to have those unused rooms up and running within the course of this three-year contract.

Q: Do the hallways at City Hall get waxed?
A: They will need buffed on a monthly schedule and stripped and waxed annually (only needs done twice within this
   contract). There is a new non-stick surface in two of the entryways that will only need vacuumed and mopped, not

Q: What were the bid tabulations for the 2014-17 janitorial contract?
A: See attached spreadsheet.
                                            4.2 GENERAL PROVISIONS

A. Materials, treatments, etc.

   1. Contractor must supply all cleaners, finishes, etc. for the treatment of the various types of flooring and
      carpeting. Use only such materials as are recommended and approved by the flooring manufacturer.
   2. The City will supply the following expendable items: paper products (i.e. toilet paper, sanitary napkins, and
      hand towels), hand soap and garbage bags.
   3. The Contractor's prime responsibility is to protect owners property at all times and use only such materials
      and treatments as will enhance the appearance of flooring, etc.
   4. The Contractor may be required to submit a complete list by brand names and product numbers of all
      supplies to be used in fulfilling this contract. Right is reserved by the City to accept or reject these items.
      An acceptable substitute must be immediately furnished for any rejected items. Contractor shall provide
      the building supervisor with a copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of all materials brought into, used and/or
      stored in the building.

B. Mechanical and other equipment

    1. The Contractor must furnish all power equipment such as floor machines, vacuum systems and all other
    2. The City will furnish an area, when necessary, for storage of Contractor's equipment and supplies.
    3. The Contractor will be held solely responsible for all items stored on the premises.

C. Supervision and janitorial personnel

    1.   Competent supervision is to be furnished by the Contractor and these services must be satisfactory to the
    2.   Fingerprinting is required to work at City Hall building only. Fingerprinting must be done at Muskegon
         County Clerk's Office (990 Terrace St, Muskegon, MI 49442). The cost to fingerprint is $25/person and
         will not be covered by the City of Muskegon.
    3.   A background check is required to work at both City buildings. The City will not cover the cost of a
         background check, but the Muskegon Police Department will determine if contractor appointed background
         checks are satisfactory.
    4.   All janitorial personnel shall wear, in plain sight, identification while in the facility(s). The identification
         shall be furnished by the contractor and shall consist of a recent photo, the employee's name and the
         company name.
    5.   Keys to the building will be furnished by the City as necessary. Any such key must not be duplicated or
         taken from the building.

D. Billing

    1.   Contractor is to submit billing at the close of each calendar month to the building supervisor.

E. Start-up equipment

    1.   Within 60 days from the start of the resulting contract, the Contractor is required to prepare all floors in
         conformance with the semi-annual specifications.

F. Hours of work

    1. See the Responsibilities and Schedules pages, section A.
G. Inspection and correction deficiencies

     1. A monthly inspection of the City Hall and the Public Service Building sites will be required. A supervisor
        from the contracting company and a building supervisor will need to conduct the inspection together. These
        meetings will be conducted between the hours of 7:00am and 3:00pm; on a day that is mutually agreed
     2. Any deficiencies found during the inspection must be corrected as follows:
        a) Within 24 hours for any daily, weekly, or monthly activity.
        b) Within 48 hours for any quarterly or semi-annual activity.
     3. Should the vendor fail to correct his deficiency within the time stated, a complaint to vendor will be filed
        by the City.
     4. When cleaning deficiencies are not corrected after one notification, the City shall reserve the right to hire
        other persons or firms to correct such deficiencies and shall deduct the costs thereof from contract payments.
     5. Repeated failure to correct deficiencies may result in cancellation of contract by the City.

H. Special provisions

     1. Pricing: All costs for supplying required insurances, employee fringe benefits, social security and
        governmental business taxes must be incorporated into bid price quoted for this service. Such costs may
        not be billed separately.
     2. References: In the event of an award, the successful bidder may be required to furnish references from
        recognized companies for who they are now rendering comparable services. This condition may be waived
        if bidder is currently holding City contract for equal services.

I.   Summary

     1.   The program described above and in the specifications accompanying bids designed to cover operations
          more in the category of housekeeping than that of specific and detailed janitorial service. It must be
          understood that all tasks in the housekeeping line will be performed, whether included in the detailed
          specifications or not.
                                   4.3 RESPONSIBILITIES AND SCHEDULES

This contract is to cover janitorial services for the Department of Public Works building at 1350 E. Keating Ave.,
Muskegon, MI and the City Hall building at 933 Terrace St, Muskegon, MI.

A site visitation is recommended to all bidders before submission of bids to familiarize themselves with the general
conditions and layout of the premises as well as any special conditions which may be unique to this location. Please
contact the Engineering Department for more information regarding buildings: 231-724-6707.

A. Schedule of access to buildings and security instructions

    Department of Public Works
    I. The building will be cleaned each workday evening, (Monday-Friday) beginning no later than 4:30 pm, but
       no earlier than 4:00 pm.
    2. Cleaning will be carried out at times so that governmental functions are not interrupted.
    3. At the completion of the days cleaning, the Contractor will be responsible for securing the building and to
       activate the alarm in the front office area.

    City Hall
    1. The hours of daily cleaning will be approximately 5 :00pm until l 0:00pm.
    2. Cleaning will be carried out at times so that governmental functions are not interrupted.
    3. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to lock all City Hall exit doors at 5:00pm; expect for evenings when
        meetings are being held past 5:00pm, the Contractor will be notified in advance of such meetings.
    4. The Contractor will take the responsibility for night security and will insure all outside doors remain locked
        while they are in the building. The only exception is for night meetings, where the doors will be unlocked
        prior to and during the meeting times.

B. Supplies

    1. The Contractor will supply all chemicals normally incidental to the terms of this proposal. These chemicals
         are to include, but not limited to the following:
         a. Floor finishes and sealers
         b. Cleaning fluids
         c. Deodorizers and disinfectants
         d. Stainless steel polish
         e. Window cleaning fluids

    2.   The Contractor will not supply the following expendable items; the City will provide these items:
         a. Paper products; i.e. toilet tissues, sanitary napkins, and hand towels
         b. Linen hand towels
         c. Hand soap
         d. Garbage bags

    3. The Contractor will provide all equipment and machinery necessary to perform all work described herein.

    4. The City will provide sufficient room for the storage of the Contractor's supplies and equipment. Janitorial
       storage is marked on the floorplans with an asterisk (*).
C. Frequency and scheduling of cleaning

Service to be provided five (5) days a week, Monday-Friday, at Public Service Building and City Hall. Below are
a list of tasks that shall be completed on a daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual, annual basis.

   Daily tasks

        1. Dust mop and wet mop all tile floors
        2. Vacuum and spot clean carpet
        3. Empty all waste receptacles, including outdoor receptacles, and replace liners as needed; disposing of
            waste in proper container provided by the City
        4. Empty recycling bins into cart
        5. Sift ashtray outside entrances and pick up cigarette butts and litter in the immediate vicinity of the
        6. Clean and disinfect all lunchroom tables
        7. Clean and disinfect entrance door glass, door handles and push plates
        8. Dust all accessible furniture, file cabinets, shelves, bookcase, etc.
        9. Clean and disinfect drinking fountains
        10. Clean blackboards/whiteboards, unless otherwise noted
        11. Clean and polish elevator metal
        12. Remove hand marks from doors, kick plates and switches
        13. Vacuum and disinfect interior surfaces and exterior buttons of elevator at City Hall
        14. Vacuum, mop and disinfect handrails in the stairwell by the elevator at City Hall
        15. Restrooms and locker rooms:
            a. Dust mop and wet mop
            b. Clean and disinfect toilets, urinals, sinks, fixtures and mirrors
            c. Refill soap and paper towel dispensers
            d. Empty waste receptacles
        16. Lounge and lunch rooms:
            a. Dust mop and wet mop
            b. Empty waste receptacles
            c. Clean and disinfect tabletops and chairs
            d. Clean and refill napkin/paper towel dispensers
            e. Clean sink and countertops
        17. Police Depmtment
            a. Clean restrooms and locker rooms in accordance to the above restroom specs
                (Three restrooms in basement, two on 1st floor corridor and one in back hall)
            b. Clean and disinfect desk areas
            c. Dust mop, wet mop and vacuum 1st floor corridor
            d. Empty all waste receptacles and replace liners, as needed
            e. Clean sink and refill paper towels in the Identification Offices

    Weekly tasks

        1.    Clean and disinfect main countertops and vertical fronts in offices
        2.    Vacuum upholstered furniture
        3.    Damp wipe plastic furniture
        4.    Damp wipe both sides of all doors
        5.    Remove spots and stains from furniture, as needed
        6.    All tile floors to be sprayed and buffed
        7.    Clean and disinfect desks (only desk areas that are cleared of papers)
        8.    Clean and disinfect telephones
        9.    Dust windowsills, file cabinets, counters and woodwork
        10.   Remove dust and cobwebs from ceiling
        11.   Fill floor drain traps
        12.   Vacuumed, moped and disinfect handrails in all stairwells at City Hall
   Weekly tasks (cont.)
      13. Restrooms and locker rooms:
          a. Clean and disinfect shower room walls and floors
          b. Dust and clean furniture
          c. Wash and disinfect partitions

   Monthly tasks

       1. Buff floors monthly
       2. Clean all interior windows/glass, including removal of tape residue
       3. Dust window blinds
       4. Clean ceiling diffusers
       5. Restrooms and locker rooms:
          a. Dust tops of lockers
          b. Clean ceiling exhaust grills
       6. Lounge and lunch rooms:
          a. Clean and defrost refrigerator
          d. Clean cabinets and stoves
          e. Clean ceiling exhaust grills
       7. Sweep garage at City Hall; more as needed with leaves in fall

   Semi-Annually (April & October) tasks

       1.   Wash all hallway walls
       2.   Clean all exterior windows/glass
       3.   Clean ceiling light fixtures
       4.   Thoroughly clean fronts of desks, cabinets and other equipment
       5.   Clean base trim

   Annually (January) tasks

       1.   Clean all carpets (only needs done twice within this contract)
            (Can be done on weekends, nights or holidays. May be called to clean high traffic areas additional times, as needed. All floors
            must be dry by next workday.)
       2.   Strip and wax floors (only needs done twice within this contract)
            (Can be done on weekends, nights or holidays. All floors must be dry by next workday.)
       3. Thoroughly clean window blinds
       4. Clean vaults in Assessor, Clerk and Finance Departments

D. Other important requirements

   1. The steam cleaning of carpets will be done on weekends, nights or holidays.
   2. The Contractor will be responsible for moving office furniture prior to cleaning and replacing when carpet
      is dry.
   3. Clean the Commission room early in consideration of evening meetings.
   4. Notify Maintenance Depaiiment of any observed maintenance needs.
   5. All personnel working on City premises are required to obtain clearance (Criminal Background Check)
      through the Muskegon Police Department. Personnel shall include contractor, employees and all sub-
      contractors. The contractor shall be required to provide a copy of their employees working on City premises
      clearances to the Engineering Department at the Public Services Building.
   6. All workers will wear a picture ID badge furnished by the vendor.
   7. A listing of all equipment and chemicals to be used must be included with the bid. A Safety Data Sheet of
      materials and chemicals on site will be supplied to the City.
                                                                                           City Hall Building

                                                                                                     Rooms that do not
                                                                                                     need cleaned


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                                                                                           Room Numbers
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                                     5                      6
                                                                 I                           I    I   l":'l?I   Rooms that d o not
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                                                                                                      ■         Restrooms
 7       I                                                                                        I

              ·~~,~·~~~              13b
              15                                        19

         22            r,i·
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                                                   7- -          I   38

              35a            Ll;J                                I
                                                                          39        I   41


                                                                                                 Room Numbers
                                                       City Hall Basement
                                                                      j                                                                   Rooms NOT
                                                   1     Dlm;1                Dim.2       Dim.3             Dim.4          Total          Needing to
Room# Room Function               Carpet or VCT                       I
                                                   [Ft In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In !Ft In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In           Sq Ft          be cleaned
     1 P.D. Computer Room         VCT                23 8 X 12      O' 28 8     X 29 8       X                X            1134..44
     2 P.D. Command Center        Carpet             20 4 X 12      O!          X            X                X             244.00
     3 P.D. Evidence              Concrete           35 8 X 27      9l          X            X                X                              989.75
     4 P.D. Evidence              VCT                 8 0 X 15      9I          X            X                X             126.ooj
     5 P.D. Evidence              Concrete            7 8 X 11      41 3 8      X9    4      X                X                              121.11
     6 P. D. Radio Room           VCT                19 .. 8 X 11   4!        X              X                X                              222.89
     7 Storage                    Concrete           43 8 X 12      7ii 4 8   X 4     0      X                X                              568.14
     8 Firing Range Entrance      VCT                14 0 X 9        4'       X              X                X             130.67
     9 Armory                     VCT                17 6 X 9        4!       X              X                X                              163.33
    10 Parking Garage             Concrete         i73 6 X 45        4 1 60 0 X 33    4      X                X            5558.67
    11 Engineer Test Room         Concrete         [19 0 X 17        4!       X              X                X                              329.33
    12 Locker Room                VCT              (94 8 X 12        oi       X              X                X            1136.00
    13 Firing Range               Concrete           19 0 X 16       8:
                                                                              X              X                X                              316.67
    14 P.D. Women's Locker Room   VCT              i 8 4 X 5         oi       X              X                X              41.67
    15 P.D. Men's Locker Room     VCT                 8 4 X 5        0;24 5 X 21      4f17 0 X 10 8           X             743.891
    16 Unisex Restroom            VCT                 8 4 X 5        o:       X             ,x                X              41,671
    17 Engineering Storage        VCT                17 0 X 10       8]       X             X                 X             181.33
    18 Men's Restroom             VCT              [11 8 X 21        4i       X             X                 X             248.89
    19 Janitorial Closet          Concrete         f 8 0 X 5         4l       X             X                 X              42.67
    20 Women's Restroom           VCT              !14 1 X 21       4!        X             X                 X             300.44
    21 Clerk's Storage            Concrete         f 7 8 X 12       10:       X             X                 X              98.39
    22 Boiler Room                Concrete         [37 6 X 22        6i13 8 X 9       0     X                 X                              966.75
    23 Storage                    Concrete         [12 0 X' 15       oi         X           X                 X                              180.00
    24 Storage                    Concrete         t13 8 X 15       oi       X              X                 X                              205.00
    25 Exercise room              Carpet           f.13 0 X 32       8i      X              X                 X              424.67
    26 Maintenance Office         Concrete         !26 3 X 32        8;      X              X                 X                              857.50
    27 Cafeteria                  VCT               t24 11 X 32      8i      X              X                 X              813.94
    28 Office                     Carpet           f12. 0 X 17       8]      X              X                 X              212.00
    29 Storage                    Concrete         [13 8 X 17.       81      X               X                X                              241.44
    30 Air Handlers               Concrete         [10 0 X 13        4j 26 2 X 36 2          X                X                             1079.69
    31 IT Offices                 Concrete         !25 8    ,c  8

                                                                     6110 0 X 8 6
                                                                                             X                X              303,17
    32 IT Storage                 Concrete          [24 4 X 24       6       X               X                X                              596.17
    33 IT Offices                 Concrete          (15 0 X 8        61      X               X..              X              127.50
    34 IT Storage                 Concrete          tis 0 X 17       ol      X               X                X                              255.00
    35 IT Offices                 Elevated Floor    110 0 X 17       61      X               X                X              170.00
    36 Transformer Room           Concrete          (24 4 X 11       o'      X               X                X                              267.67
    37 Phone Comm. Room           Concrete          i15 0 X 15       Qi      X               X                X                              225.00
    38 Computer Room              Elevated Floor    t10 0 X 15       ol   i
                                                                             X               X                X                              150.00
       Corridor                   VCT                 8 0 X 44       o: 8 0 X 10 0 8. 0      X 16 0       8 0 X 16 0         688.00
                                                                      l   j
                                                                          i                                            f     ·.       j
                                                              City Hall 1st Floor

                                                                                                                                                       i Rooms NOT
                                                         I         Dim.1                        Dim.2              Dim.4
                                                                                                                      Dlm.3                   Total    l Needingto
Room# Room Function                        Carpet or VCT [Ft      In BY Ft In , Ft In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In                  Sq Ft    i be cleaned
     1 Neighborhood Policing Unit          Carpet        [12        8 X 12      o:     X             X               X                          152,00
     2 Neighborhood Policing Unit          Carpet        f21        4 X 16 01          X             X               X                          437,33!
      3   Records                          Carpet        (12        0 X 16 0,          X              X              X                          192.00i
      4   Records                          Carpet        !16        0 X 16 0           X              X              X                          256.00J
      5   Internal Affairs Office          VCT           120       0   X   16   ol                  X                      X     X              320;00!
      6   P.D. Conference Room             Carpet        120       0   X   12   0                   X                      X     X              240.00
      7   Records                          Carpet        j2s       0   X   46   o·                  X                      X     X            1288.00i
      8   File Room                        VCT           110       0   X   12   4•                  X                      X.    X                           123.33
      9 Interview Room                     VCT            10       0   X    9   o'                  X                      X     X               90.00
     10 Traffic & Training Bureau          Carpet         14       8   X   26   Oi                  X                      X     X              381;33!
     11 J.R. Accounting                    Carpet         22       6   X   20   4l                  X                      X     X              457.50;
     12 J. R. Accounting                   Carpet            22    6   X   32   4j                  X                      X     X              727.50;
     13 Detectives Office                  Carpet            53    8   X   32   4!  j
                                                                                                    X                      X     X            1735.221
     14 Detectives Office                  Carpet            12    0   X   12   o:                  X                      X     X              144.00]
     15 Traffic Conference Room            Carpet            16    3   X   12   o'                  X                      X     X              195.00:
     16 Parking Enforcement Office         Carpet            21    4   X   10   o.                  X                      X     X                     i     213.33
     17 Clerk's Back Room                  VCT               15    0   X   16   21                  X                      X     X              242.50
     18 Clerk's Office                     Carpet/VCT    f48       0   X   32   4:                  X                      X     X             1552.00
     19 Clerk's Office                     Carpet        [15       0   X
                                                                       16       i                   X                      X     X              242.50 1
     20 J. R. Accounting Secretary         Carpet        122       6   x
                                                                       12       0,                  X                      X     X              210.00!
     21 Detectives Office                  Carpet        [16       3 X 14       oi                  X                      X     X              227.50'
     22 P.D Women's Restroom               VCT           111       4 X 5        41i                 X                      X     X               6o.44i
     23 P.D. Men's Restroom                VCT           Iii       4 X 5        4!                  X            I
                                                                                                                 {         X     X               60.44!
     24 Voting Machine Storage             VCT           115       0 X 16       2                   X            f         X     X                          242.50
     25 Treasurer & Water Billing Office   Carpet        i65       0 X 32       4: 12           0   X   12   0[2s     0 X 18 0   X            2749.67 {1
     26 Conference Room
     27 Commission Chambers
                                                                   0 X 12
                                                                   4 X 32       41
                                                                                                    X            I[        X
     28 Women's Restroom                   VCT            .9       3  ..11      8                   X
                                                                                                                 t         X     X              107.92i
     29 Men's Restroom                     VCT                9    0 X 11       Si                  X                      X     X              105.00]
     30 Public Safety File Room            VCT               16    0 X 11       81
                                                                                                    X                      x.    X              18,6:67:
     31 Water Billing Office               Carpet            12    0 X 16       o:                  X                      X     X              192.00i
     32 Chamber Conference Room            Carpet         13       4 X 20       o!                  X                      X     X              266.67;

     33 Public Safety Office               Carpet         33       4 X 20       0 12            0   X   11   8             X     X              806.671'
     34 Chief Office                       Carpet        [12       8 X 12       o;                  X                      X     X              152;001
     35 Conference Room                    Carpet        [20       8 X 11       ol                  X                      X     X              227.33!
     36 Finance Office                     Carpet        120       8 X 11       o! 16           8   X   26   0             X     X              660.671
     37 Income Tax Office                  Carpet        j16       0 X 12                           X                      X     X              192.00J
     38 Income Tax Office                  VCT           !11       4 X 17 10                        X                      X     X                     !    202.11
     39 Employee Relations Office          Carpet        f10       () X 8 8'                        X                      X     X
                                                                                                                                                 86.67 1
     40 Finance File Room                  VCT           !11       4 X 17 10!                       X                      X     X                          202.11
     41 Finance Director Office            Carpet        116       0 X 12       ol                  X                      X     X              192.00•
        Corridor                           VCT           t8        0 X 76       o:          8   0   X   28   0             X     X   I
                                                                                                                                     I          832.00i
                                                         I                                                                           i 17379.641
                                                         I                                                            ..
                                                           City Hall 2nd Floor
                                                            I                                         I                           '                                           Rooms NOT
                                                                 Dilil.1    i  Dim.2          Dim.3          Dim.4                                          Total             Needing to
Room# Room Function                           Carpet or VCT IFtIn BY Ft 1nht In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In                                      Sq Ft             be cleaned
     1 Mayor/City Attorney                    Carpet        112 0 X 16 0         X              X              X                                               192,00i
     2 File Room                              Carpet        ! 8 0 X 12 oi        X              X              X                                                96,00
     3   Strategic Dev. Office                Carpet        112 0 X 12 0,        X              X              X                                               144.00i
     4   City Manager                         Carpet        (16 0 X 16 01I       X              X              X                                       ''     256.00i
     5   Comm. Neighborhood Services Office   Carpet        !12 0 X 12 o: 24 0 X 20 0 24 0 X 36 0 52 0 X 16 0                                                2320.001
     6   Comm. Neighborhood Services Office   Carpet        112 0 X 16 0j        X
                                                                                                X              X       [                                      192,001
     7 Economic Development Office
     8 City Manager Secretary Office
                                                            112 0 X     12 o'
                                                                                 X              X
                                                            \24 ,0 X 12 o 12 0 X 8 0!24 0 X 12 o'
                                                                                                               X                                                          i      144.00
     9 City Manager Restroom                  VCT           I 8 0 X 8 o'         X              X              X                                                64.ool
    10 City Manager Conference Room           Carpet        [12 0 X 12 01        X              X              X                                               144.oo:
    11 Engineering File Room                  VCT           [12         ci X               24       0:I       X              X            X                        288.oo:
    12 Engineering Blue Print Room            VCT           t12         0 X 8                        0        X        I     X            X                         96.oo;
    13 Vacant                                 Carpet        112         0 X 16                       01       X              X            X                        192.00:;
    14 Vacant                                 Carpet        I8              0 X 16                   o'       X              X            X                        128.00;
    15 Vacant                                 Carpet            !28         0 X 16                   ol       X              X            X                        448.oo:
    16 Vacant                                 Carpet            l1ti        0 X 12                   0        X              X            X                        192.00;
                                                                                                     ol                                                                  1
    17 Vacant                                 VCT           !8              0 X 12                            X              X            X                         96.oo

    18 File Room                              VCT               1s 0            12                   0'      X               X            X                         96.00i
    19 Conference Room                        Carpet            [16         0 X 20                   o;      X               X            X                        320,00:
    20 File Room                              VCT               120         0 X 16                   o'.     X               X            X                        320.ool
    21 Safebuilt Office                       Carpet            112         0   16   x               o!
                                                                                                             X         i
                                                                                                                             X            X                        192.00:
    22 Vacant                                 Carpet            136         0 X 20                   0, 12 0 X      4        X            X                     768.ooJ
    23 Handicap Restroom                      VCT
                                                                            0 X 8                    01      X               X            X                      ,64.00,
                                                                I 8
    24 Planning Department Office             Carpet            [24 ci               'xi    4       o; 28    0 X   28        X            X

                                                                                     X ,, 8 01

    25 Elevator/Stairway Platform             Carpet            [12         0                                  X             X            X                    ' 96.oo!
    26 Safebuilt Office                       Carpet            136         0 X 12                    o! 48 0 X    28 0 36 0 X 28 0       X                   2784.00:
                                                                                                                                                              , ', ,, I
    27 Men's Restroom                         VCT               116         0 X 8                   , o:I
                                                                                                              X              X            X                    128,00,
    28 Women's Restroom                       VCT               116         0 X 8                     0'      X         I,   X            X                        1~8.00i

    29 Municipality Director Office           Carpet            !12         0 X 16                    ol
                                                                                                                             X            X                        192'.001
    30 Planning Office                        Carpet            [16   0 X 12                         0      X                             X                        192.00:
                                                                                                     ol                                                                  1
                                                                                                    ', I                                                           144.00

    31 Planning Conference Room               Carpet            112 0 X 12                                  X                             X
    32 Planning Office                        Carpet            112 0 X1 12                          0,     X                             X                   144:00:
       Corridor                               Carpet            l ,'8 0 X 56                         o! 8 0 X 28                          X                   672.oo;
                                                                                                         l            o!
                                                                I               ''
                                                                                                         I                  ,'I               t             ...•             I
                                                            Public Services Building
                                                                                             f                                ----- ---                    --
                                              i                                                                                                                 Rooms NOT
                                             !i              Dim.1           l      Dim.2           Dim.3         Dim.4                    Total                Needing to
Room# Room Function             Carpet or VCT !Ft          In BY Ft       In :Ft In BY Ft In Ft In BY Ft In_ Ft In BY Ft In                 Sq Ft               be cleaned
     1 Parks - Carpenter Shop   Concrete      \ 33       4 X          43 4;           X               X             X                                               1444.44
     2 Parks - Staging Area     Concrete      I 34       0 X          43 41 68 0 X 33 4               X             X                                               3740.00
     3 Parks - Equipment        Concrete             23 4 X           38 oj           X               X             X                                                886.67
     4 Police Equipment         Concrete             38 10_ X         42 0            X               X             X                                               1631.00
     5 Weight Room              VCT                  23     4 X       26 4'           X               X             X             --              614.44
     6 Police Equipment         Concrete             38 10 X          52 4i           X               X             X                                               2032.28
     7 Lunch Rm                 VCT                  49 0 X            27 31      8 8 X 15 4          X             X                      _1488.56
     8 Men's Locker Rm          VCT                  20     8 X       23 4i 23 8 X        5 8 23 0 X 810 13 4 X 6 8                               908.391
     9 Restroom                 VCT                   9     0 X         6 8'          X               X             X                              60.Ool
    10 Water/Sewer Shop         Concrete             58     2    X     34 41 18 8 X 19 0              X             X                                           I   2351.72
    11 Office                   Concrete              8     0    X      _8 0
                                                                                      X               X             X                              64.001
    12 Highway                  VCT                  23     4 X       23 2l       8 0 X 15 2          X             X                             661.891
   13a Breakroom                VCT                  20     0 X        10 0           X               X             X                             200.00:
   13b Water/Sewer Foreman      VCT                  .12    0 X         7 0:          X               X             X                              84.ool
    14 Entryway                 VCT                  13     2 X        14 o:          X               X             X                             184.33
    15 Office                   VCT                   8      8 X      11 4i           X               xi            X                              98.22
    16 Office                   VCT                   8      8 X       11 41 j
                                                                                      X               X             X                              98.22
    17 Office                   VCT                   8      8 X       11 4'          X               X             X                              98.22
    18 Mini-Conference          Carpet                8      8   X     11 41          X               X             X                              98;22
    19 Water/Sewer Shop         Concrete             25      2   X    13 0 38 10 X 23 8               X             X                                               1246.22
    20 Office                   Carpet               11      0 X       12 4-j         X               X             X                             135.67
    21 Office                   Carpet               11      0 X       12 41          X       1--     X             X                             135,67
    22 Cubical Offices          Carpet               32      8 X       35 4! 12 0 X       6 8         x             X                        1234;22
    23 Engineering Office       Carpet               22      0   X   >20 8!           X               X     -       X                         454.67,
    24 Conference Room          VCT                  23      0 X       15 o:          X      '                      X                       . 345,ooj
    25 Women's Lockeroom        Concrete             25      6 'X      15 0           X               X             X                       ,
                                                                      .12 4j
    26 Office                   Carpet               11      0 X                      X               X             X                          _~35.67J
    27 Supply Rm                Concrete                     8 X      _5 4! 10 8 X        5 0         X             X                       ,-_ 163,56 1
    29 Traffic Shop Area        Concrete                     0 X       26   sl   25 0 X 11 4          X             X                         1350.00
    28 Office                   VCT                    8     6 X       13 4                           X             X                       ,- 113,33
    30 Mechanical Rm            Concrete             11      8 X        9 o!l         X               X             X                               105:00
    31 IT Room                  Concrete              6    X 0           9 o!         X               X             X         ...                 •. 54.00
    32 Men's Restroom           VCT                  12    X 0           9 o!j        X               X             X                           108.00
    33 Women's Restroom         VCT                    9 0 X             9 o. 15 4 X      8 0         X 3 6         X                       -'_ 236.33
   35a Warehouse                Concrete             .68 7 X           81 7i 63 4 X 62 4              X             X                                                9543.03
                                                 i.-- 6
   35b Office                   Concrete                 0 X            7 o' 8 0 X        6           X             X                               42.00
    36 Traffic Department       Concrete             36 10       x     18 oj          X               X             X         j-
    37 Traffic Equipment        Concrete             18    4 X         11 4!          X               X             X                             207.78i
    34 Office                   VCT                   3--_ 6 X         13 41          X               X             X         j                   113.33
    38 Equipment Storage        Concrete             29 4 X            22 3!          X               X             X                             664.89
    39 Equipment                Concrete      t- 51          3 X       22 8!l 66 7 X 29 8 80 1X72 4                 X                                                8929.67
    40 Equipment Offices        VCT           f 14           8 X     .29 81           X               X             X                             435.11
    41 Equipment                Concrete      i161          7 X      142 81242 4 X 124 4              X             X                      ----       --            53182.67
                                                 f     i    ,-        --_    i                    -        I                               11738.221
                      CITY OF MUSKEGON JANITORIAL SERVICES 2014-2017
                                  BID TABULATION 03/25/14
            CONTRACTOR                              Goodwill Industries of West Michigan
               ADDRESS                             217 E. Apple Ave., Muskegon, Ml 49442

ITEM OF WORK                  YEAR 1           YEAR2           YEAR3        YEAR4 (OPT)     TOTAL 3 YR CONTRACT TOTAL OPT 4 YEAR CONTRAC
PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING   $    16,553.84   $   16,680.84   $    16,835.84   $  16,835.84
CITY HALL                 $    50,549.79   $   50,954.79   $    51,423.79   $  51,423.79
PSBICOST PER MONTH        $     1,379.49                                                    $             16,553.84
CH/COST PER MONTH         $     4,212.48                                                    $             50.549.79
        ALL SITES         $    67,103.63   $   67,635.63   $    68,259.63   $   68,259.63   $            202,998.89       $     271,258.52

            CONTRACTOR                                 Reliant Professional Cleaning
               ADDRESS                              216 N 7th St., Grand Haven, Ml 49417

ITEM OF WORK                  YEAR 1           YEAR2           YEAR3        YEAR4 (OPT) TOTAL 3 YR CONTRACT
PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING   $    12,000.00   $   12,000.00   $    12,000.00   $  12,156.00 · ··•·.·
CITY HALL                 $    34,740.00   $   34,740.00   $    34,740.00   $  35,280.00
PSB/COST PER MONTH        $     1,000.00                                                    $             12,000.00
CH/COST PER MONTH         $     2,895.00                                                    $             34,740.00
        ALL SITES         $    46,740.00   $   46,740.00   $   46,740.00    $   47,436.00   $            140,220.00       $     187,656.00

            CONTRACTOR                                 Truclean Building Services, LLC
               ADDRESS                             450 W. Hackley St., Muskegon, Ml 49444
ITEM OF WORK                  YEAR 1           YEAR2           YEAR3        YEAR4 (OPT)     TOTAL 3 YR CONTRACT
PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING   $    16,800.00   $   16,800.00   $    16,800.00   $  17,800.00
CITY HALL                 $    31,104.00   $   31,104.00   $    31,104.00   $  32,000.00                              I
PSBICOST PER MONTH        $     1,400.00                                                    $             16,800.00
CH/COST PER MONTH         $     2,592.00                                                    $             31,104.00
        ALL SITES         $    47,904.00   $   47,904.00   $   47,904.00    $   49,800.00   $            143,712.00       $     193,512.00
                                                                                                 City of Muskegon
                                                                                        2020-22 Janitorial Services

                          1.2 TRANSMITTAL LETTER FOR BID PROPOSAL

                                       Bidder/Company Name          C,ood.wul "I~\.d .              oS:   WesT f'v\I
                           Name & Title of Head of Company         J eMe:t::t&... \-\ a~e (?.., £}e,,de\/'\-t... C..EO
                                                 Street Address    21 1   e App lg,,         P.t>e. .
                                                City, State, ZIP     Y'Ylu. & \4-~_f ' \· '{Y\ I 1-\ C\ '-1 '-t Z.
Date   \2- fo- \'\
MUSKEGON, MI 49443-0536

Prnject Title: 2020-2022 Janitorial Services

Dear Awarding Agent,

         Having examined the Bid Specifications and Contract Documents, including all forms and
instructions, and the site of the proposed work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding
the constrnction of the proposed project, including the availability of materials and labor, and having
received and reviewed the following Addenda:

                       '-\.L\ rLoo~ fLfh) S ~- "tl1V\\£-\'\ S \ Or\ ~ CU))n,eroeA . p d~
                        To.r-,-+or,a..o.. Ke. ~~c\ V"i\(.e..,,.._:ii;, fV\.11"'\lXl8 Add.eC\c:ll..l c: »-.,u \ •... o•.., ~       w- (-)df
                       -:ra.f'\i+oC<.\o...L C..On.+v-o.c,, ~,c.\~ p.s 'ReAD o2014 -aon . PD~
                          ':\ .-z. C'e e V\.LY"o...Q.... pcm>i s1ons Q.mM£oded- pdf
       I/We hereby propose to furnish all labor, materials and supplies, and to construct the project in
accordance with the Contract Documents and at the prices indicated in the attached Bid Proposal.
Submitted prices are to cover all expenses incurred in performing the work required under the Contract
Document, of which this letter and attached Proposal are a part.

        In accordance with the Instructions to Bidders, all appropriate documents, forms, etc., have been
properly completed and are attached hereto, along with the Bidder Certification and Agreement, List of
Subcontractors, Non-Collusion Affidavits, and the proper Bid Guaranty.

      I/We hereby respectfully submit the attached Bid Proposal for consideration by the City of
Muskegon on the above-referenced Project.

                                                                   K().¼n\.t..e.n \"\ . \-\ t>.A-R-1s
                                                                   C:,oodu.:>1\ \ :::f~+&r ~ c:...Q.]3,-°({ o,m ~'1 .
                                                                           Printed Name and Title

11/19/19                                                                                                         16
                                                                                                   City of Muskegon
                                                                                          2020-22 Janitorial Services

                             1.3 BIDDER CERTIFICATION AND AGREEMENT

       The Undersigned hereby agrees:

           That he/she has examined the Bid Specifications/Contract Documents, including specifications,
           forms and instructions;

           That he/she has received and reviewed the following Addenda:

                                     ADDENDUM NO. I (PRE-BID CONFERENCE MINUTES)

           That he/she has examined the Site of the proposed work and is familiar with all of the conditions
           surrounding the construction of the proposed project and the availability of materials and labor.

PART II.                    The Undersigned hereby agrees:

           That he/she will enter into a contract to furnish the labor, materials, tools and construction
           equipment necessary for the full and complete execution of the work at and for the prices indicated
           in his/her official Bid Proposal, if said Proposal is accepted by the City;

           That, at the time of execution of said Contract, he/she will furnish requisite bonds with such sureties
           (or letters of recommendation accompanied by a Bidder's Statement) for the faithful performance
           of the Contract, for the payment of all materials used therein, and for all labor expended thereon in
           accordance with the forms and instructions provided;

           That he/she will construct the project in accordance with the Contract Documents within the
           specified time.

PART III.                   The Undersigned hereby agrees:

           To commence work within 10 days after the date of the "Notice of Award" from the City.

           To comply with all applicable Adopted Guidelines and requirements, wage rates, labor standards,
           equal opportunity requirements, subcontract (or) requirements, and any other specifications
           indicated or referred to within these Contract Documents.

           The Undersigned herewith attaches an Affidavit in proof that he/she has not entered into a collusive
           agreement with any person in respect to this Bid or any other bid, or the submitting of bids for the
           Contract for which this Bid is submitted.

           The Undersigned is prepared to submit a Statement of Bidder's Qualifications, a financial
           statement, and/or any information requested by the City.

           However, once work has commenced the project shall be completed without interruption of normal
           working days unless authorized in writing by the Engineer.

11/19/19                                                                                                          17
                                                                                                   City of Muskegon
                                                                                          2020-22 Janitorial Services

      In regard to non-segregated facilities, the Undersigned certifies:

           That he/she does not maintain or provide for any employees any segregated facilities at any of
           his/her establishments;

           That he/she does not permit employees to perform their services at any location, under his/her
           control, where segregated facilities are maintained;

           That he/she will not maintain or provide for employees any segregated facilities at any of his/her
           establishments, and that he/she will not permit employees to perform their services at any location
           under his/her control where segregated facilities are maintained.

           The Undersigned hereby agrees:

           That a breach of this section of the Bidders Certification will be a violation of the Equal Opportunity
           clause in any contract resulting from acceptance of this Bid.

           That he/she will obtain identical certification from proposed sub-contractors prior to the
           award of subcontracts exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the
           Equal Opportunity clause (unless already obtained for specific time periods), and that he/she
           will retain such certifications on file.

           [As used in this section of this Bidder Certification, the term "segregated facilities" means any
           waiting rooms, work areas, restrooms, and washrooms, restaurants and other eating areas, time
           clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation
           or entertainment areas, transportation and housing facilities provided for employees which are
           segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, color, religion or
           national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise.]

           NOTE: The penalty for making false statements in offers is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. I 00 I.

           SIGNED:    -~---+'\_~
                               -'-~ - - -¥
                                                  ~ - -·~__DATED:
                                           ..._._-~                                           rz-1\-14

                   (Printed name)


                      C,oodv.:>J2-L ~ d......_s\v-\..Q._S       o)     We.ST      'fr\ \ c.h:5 u.V) -:f'l'LC. •

                   (Company/Biddertreet Address)

11/19/19                                                                                                           18
                                                                                            City of Muskegon
                                                                                   2020-22 Janitorial Services

                                 1.4 MANAGEMENT PLANS QUESTIONNAIRE

    A. In order to assist in evaluating the bids for this job, it will be necessary to have the following
       information about your management plans for this job:

           I. How many employees would work at this job site?

                a. Public Service Building                2...       employees
                b. City Hall                              '-4        employees
                c. All Sites Total                        (p         employees

           2. How many HOURS per DAY would each work at this job site?

                a.   Public Service Building      - -~2..,
                                                       _ _ _ hours per day
                b.   City Hall                    __S
                                                    ~ ___ hours per day
                c.   All Sites Total              - - ~ - - - houts per day

           3.   How many HOURS of Supervision would be supplied to this job?

                a.   Public Service Building      _ _ _ _ _ _ hours per day/week
                b.   City Hall                                 5 _ _ hours per day/week
                                                  _ _.2c.,__,_.-=
                c.   All Sites Total              - ~3~ . S___ hours per day/week

           4. How much would you expect to pay for cleaning supplies, equipment, rentals, and
              insurance to service this job?

                a.   Public Service Building            1 25 . oo   per month
                b.   City Hall                          2,50 . o o per month

                This does not include additional labor brought in for scrubbing-waxing-window
                cleaning, light fixtmes, etc.

           5. If you were awarded this contract, what% (Percentage) of your total business would
              this contract represent*:

                Public Service Building    1% or less      5%       10%   25%    50%      75%       ALL

                City Hall                  1% or less      5%       10%   25%    50%      75%       ALL

                ALL Sites                  1% or less      5%    @        25%    50%      75%       ALL

                *The above information is to be given in sufficient detail to show your ability to manage
                this contract work profitably for the expected life of such contract.

11/19/19                                                                                                    19
                                                                                        City of Muskegon
                                                                               2020-22 Janitorial Services

    B. If you have not done business with the City of Muskegon before, at least not in the category
       of janitorial services, there may be a special evaluation.

           BIDDERS- Please list governmental contracts currently held or held within the past two
           (2) fiscal years:

               l.   C. lY\. \-\   0\-ro..wa_    Co   U-M.~     l3~\d1~G        B    .;;lO\(o-?..-e~eY\..T

              2.     l.<.:W.Q..S'v\_oa..e   e__'n o.nA b er~   ~VV\.(¼QfC.JL      cQO)'1 - '1-e.0ff\1
              3.    NO r1 {::\     ~6v(Q,-_,:..:=LL='------' certify that 1 am the    CJ\.o-. r VV\.0-..l'I
                                                                                               1               ot t-lu...13 OA~ of the Corporation
 named as the Contractor herein;

                                                      , who signed this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor, was then

~_.,-_e:..._s~,d~e_~V"\~::t~_e_·_C,_~E~O_ __ _ of said Corporation;

 That said Agreement was duly signed for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body, and is

 within the scope of its corporate powers.


                                                                                  'µ//Y?            }),.4,t''C -       /;{),l}/L--0 CJ.//,Jtll
                                                                                  Printed Name and Title

 11/19/19                                                                                                                                           38
                                                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                    CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CHECKLIST

Project Number & Description: 2020-23 Janitorial Services Contract
Date: 2/10/2020                           Lessee/Contractor: Goodwill Industries of W. Michigan
Contract Start Dates: 3/1/2020, OR within 10 days from Notice to Proceed.
Contract End Date: To be completed within six (6) weeks or by 2/28/2023
Prepared by: Christy Cashin, City of Muskegon, Engineering Department
                IX!Insurance Carrier is acceptable to the City of Muskegon
                                A.M. Best Company Carrier Rating (Must be A(-) VII or higher)
                                                   Company A: Selective Insurance Company - A
                                                   Company B: Cincinnati Insurance Co - A+
                                                   Company C: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                   Bonding Co.: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                IX!Insured name matches name on contract or use agreement

                IX!Amount oflnsurance matches required amount on Certificate oflnsurance?

                IX!General Liability coverage's match contract/use agreement

                IX! General Liability coverage limits match contract

                IX!Automobile Liability coverage's match contract or use agreement

                 IX!Automobile Liability coverage limits match contract or use agreement

                IX!Workers' Compensation coverage's are provided

                 IX!All Coverage dates cover use dates, include setup/takedown

                 IX!Certificate holder is correct

                 IX!Additional insured wording is correct

                 IX!Cancellation provision is correct

                 IX!Employers' Liability coverage is indicated

                 □ OCP          policy is correct                           □ Property          coverage's checked (if applicable)

                 IX! Sub-Contractor Affidavits Present for all listed in Contract?

                 IX!List Sub-Contractors:

                 IX!Bonds correctly issued (if applicable)                                              Bid Proposal$ 145668.00
Copy of this form E-mailed to IBEX Insurance Agency on: 2/10/2020
Copy of this form Returned to the City of Muskegon on:2/20/2020
Certificate approved on: 2/20/2020
Approved by: Shannon Doyle                                                  Date: 2/20/2020

I l 'I '-h ,!'fr I I, I i'-
            ~                                                                                                                     GOODIND-01                                CBARRON
ACORD"                                                                                                                                                               DATE (MM/DDNYYY)

  ~                                                  CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE                                                                         I        2/14/2020
  IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed.
  If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on
  this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s).
PRODUCER                                                                                       CONTACT
BHS Insurance                                                                                  Fl)8,NJo, Ext):   (616) 531-1900                       I r..etNo):(616) 574-3317
3055 44th St SW                                                                                E-MAIL
Grandville, Ml 49418                                                                           ADDRESS:
                                                                                                                     INSURER/SI AFFORDING COVERAGE                             NAIC#

                                                                                               1NSURERA     ,Selective Insurance Comoanv                                   39926
INSURED                                                                                        INSURERS:

                     Goodwill Ind. of W. Mich., Inc                                            INSURERC:
                     271 Apple Avenue                                                          INSURER D:
                     Muskegon, Ml 49442-3490
                                                                                               INSURER E:
                                                                                               INSURER F:

COVERAGES                                           CERTIFICATE NUMBER·                                                             REVISION NUMBER·
INSR                      TYPE OF INSURANCE               ADDL   SUBR          POLICY NUMBER             POLICY EFF  POLICY EXP                             LIMITS
LTR                                                       IM~D   WVD                                    IMM/DDNYYY\ IMM/DDNYYY\
 A      X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY                                                                                               EACH OCCURRENCE                $

             D       CLAIMS-MADE      [Kl OCCUR                         S 1749526                         7/1/2019       7/1/2020    DAMAGE TO RENTED
                                                                                                                                     PREMISES /Ea occurrence\       $

        X EBL, Abuse, Prof Lia                                                                                                       MED EXP /Anv one oersonl        $            20,000
                                                                                                                                     PERSONAL & ADV INJURY           $

                                                                                                                                    GENERAL AGGREGATE               $
               POLICY      □ ~{8-f □          LOC                                                                                    PRODUCTS • COMP/OP AGG         $
               OTHER:                                                                                                                                                $
 A      AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY                                                                                                         fe~~~b~~~if1NGLE LIMIT          $
        X      ANY AUTO                                                 S 1749526                         7/1/2019       7/1/2020    BODILY INJURY /Per oersonl      $
                                  -    SCHEDULED
               AUTOS ONLY              AUTOS                                                                                         BODILY INJURY IPer accident\    $
       f--                        -
       f--     ~LRT'H's ONLY      -    ~8¥o~~Jr.~                                                                                    f'99~tc~ieh1?AMAGE              $
 A      X UMBRELLA LIAB                                                                                                              EACH OCCURRENCE                 $
               EXCESS LIAB               CLAIMS-MADE                    S 1749526                         7/1/2019       7/1/2020    AGGREGATE                       $
               OED       I X I RETENTION $            0                                                                                                              $

                                                                                                                                        I STATUTE
                                                                                                                                          PER     I I OTH-
       ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE □                                                                                            E.L. EACH ACCIDENT              $
       OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED?                           N/A
       (Mandatory In NH)                                                                                                             E.L. DISEASE· EA EMPLOYEE $
       If yes, desclibe under
       DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below                                                                                               E.L. DISEASE. POLICY LIMIT      $

 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/ LOCATIONS/ VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached If more space Is required)
The City of Muskegon and all elected and appointed officials, all employees and volunteers, all boards, commissions and/or authorities and board members,
including employees and volunteers thereof are named as additional insured on the general liability and auto liability on a primary non contributory basis per
the insured's policy form. Thirty Days Notice of Cancellation is provided.

CERTIFICATE HOLDER                                                                             CANCELLATION

                                                                                                  SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE
                                                                                                  THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN

                     City of Muskegon                                                             ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS.
                     City Hall
                     933 Terrace Street
                     Muskegon, Ml 49440                                                        AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE

ACORD 25 (2016/03)                                                                                                 © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
                                                          The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD
                                             Commercial Automobile Extension

                                                                                                            COMMERCIAL AUTO

              This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:


              With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Business Auto Coverage Form
              apply unless modified by the endorsement.

              AGE                                                              ER'S LIABILITY AMENDMENT
              A. If this policy provides Auto Liability coverage for           The following is added to SECTION II, B.4. -
                 Owned Autos, the following extensions are                     Exclusions:
                 applicable accordingly:                                       This exclusion does not apply to a "volunteer
                  NEWLY ACQUIRED OR FORMED ORGANIZA-                           worker" who is not entitled to workers compen-
                  TIONS                                                        sation, disability or unemployment compensa-
                  The following is added to SECTION II, A.1. - Who             tion benefits.
                  Is An Insured:                                               FELLOW EMPLOYEE COVERAGE
                  Any organization you newly acquire or form,                  The Fellow Employee Exclusion, SECTION II,
                  other than a partnership, joint venture or limited           B.5. - is deleted in its entirety.
                  liability company over which you maintain own-               CARE, CUSTODY OR CONTROL AMENDMENT
                  ership or majority interest, will qualify as a
                  Named Insured if there is no similar insurance               The following is added to SECTION II, B.6. -
                  available to that organization. However:                     Exclusions:
                  1.   Coverage under this provision is afforded               This exclusion does not apply to property owned
                       only until the 180th day after you acquire or           by anyone other than an "insured", subject to
                       form the organization or the end of the pol-            the following:
                       icy period, whichever is earlier;                        1.   The most we will pay under this exception
                  2.   Coverage does not apply to "bodily injury"                    for any one "accident" is the Limit of Insur-
                       or "property damage" resulting from an "ac-                   ance stated in the ElitePac Schedule; and
                       cident" that occurred before you acquired or             2.   A per "accident" deductible as stated in the
                       formed the organization.                                      Elite Pac Schedule applies to this exception.
                  No person or organization    is an "insured" with         B. If this policy provides Auto Liability coverage for
                  respect to the conduct of    any current or past              Owned Autos or Non-Owned Autos, the follow-
                  partnership, joint venture    or limited liability            ing extension is applicable accordingly:
                  company that is not shown    as a Named Insured
                                                                                LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES
                  in the Declarations.
                                                                                The following is added to SECTION II, A.1. - Who
                                                                                Is An Insured:
                                                                                If you are a limited liability company, your mem-
                  Paragraphs (2) and (4) of SECTION II, A.2.a. -                bers and managers are "insureds" while using a

                  Supplementary Payments are deleted in their                   covered "auto" you don't own, hire or borrow
iiiiiiii          entirety and replaced with the following:                     during the course of their duties for you.
                  (2) Up to the Limit of Insurance shown on the
                                                                                BLANKET ADDITIONAL           INSUREDS          As
                      ElitePac Schedule for the cost of bail bonds
==                                                                              Required By Contract

i iiiii
                      (including bonds for related traffic law viola-
                      tions) required because of an "accident"
                      covered under this policy. We do not have to
                      furnish these bonds.
                                                                                The following is added to SECTION II, A.1. - Who
                                                                                Is An Insured:

-                 (4) All reasonable expenses incurred by the

i iiiiiii
                      "insured" at our request. This includes ac-
                      tual loss of earnings because of time off
                      from work, which we will pay up to the Limit
                      of Insurance shown on the ElitePac

-                     Schedule.
              Copyright, 2017 Selective Insurance Company of America. All rights reserved.
              Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.
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   Any person or organization whom you have                   For labor charges to be eligible for reimbursement
   agreed in a written contract, written agreement            the labor must be performed at the place of disable-
   or written permit that such person or organiza-            ment.
   tion be added as an additional "insured" on your           This coverage extension does not apply to Emer-
   policy. Such person or organization is an addi-            gency Services Organizations and Governmental
   tional "insured" only with respect to liability for        Entities.
   "bodily injury" or "property damage" caused, in
   whole or in part, by your ownership, mainte-               GLASS BREAKAGE DEDUCTIBLE
   nance or use of a covered "auto". This coverage            The following is added to SECTION Ill, A.3. • Glass
   shall be primary and non-contributory with re-             Breakage - Hitting A Bird Or Animal - Falling
   spect to the additional "insured". This provision          Objects or Missiles:
   only applies if:
                                                              If damaged glass is repaired rather than replaced,
    1.   It is required in the written contract, written      no deductible will apply for such repair. This exten-
         agreement or written permit identified in            sion does not apply to Emergency Services Organi-
         this section;                                        zations and Governmental Entities.
    2.   It is permitted by law; and                          ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES SEC-
    3.   The written contract or written agreement            TION Ill, A.4.a. - Transportation Expenses is deleted
         has been executed (executed means signed              in its entirety and replaced with the following:
         by a named insured) or written permit is-             We will pay up to the maximum Limit of Insurance
         sued prior to the "bodily injury" or "property        shown on the ElitePac Schedule for temporary
         damage".                                              transportation expenses that you incur because of
C. If this policy provides Auto Liability coverage for         any "loss" to a covered "auto", but only if the cov-
     Non-Owned Autos, the following extension is               ered "auto" carries the coverages and meets the
     applicable accordingly:                                   requirements described in 1. or 2. below:
    EMPLOYEES AS INSUREDS                                      1.   We wi II pay temporary transportation expenses
                                                                    for total theft of a covered "auto". We will only
    If this policy provides Auto Liability coverage for             pay for such expenses incurred during the
    Non-Owned Autos, the following is added to                      period beginning 24 hours after the theft and
    SECTION II, A.1. • Who Is An Insured:                           ending, regardless of the policy's expiration,
    Any "employee" of yours is an "insured" while                   when the covered "auto" is returned to use or
    using a covered "auto" you don't own, hire or                   we pay for its "loss".
    borrow in your business or your personal                   2.   For "loss" other than total theft of a covered
    affairs.                                                        "auto" under Comprehensive or Specified Caus-
    An "employee" of yours is an "insured" while                    es of Loss Coverage, or for any "loss" under
    operating an "auto" hired or rented under a                     COiiision Coverage to a covered "auto", we will
    contract or agreement in that "employee's"                      only pay for those temporary transportation ex-
    name with your permission, while performing                     penses incurred during the policy period begin-
    duties related to the conduct of your business.                 ning 24 hours after the "loss" and ending, re-
AMENDMENTS TO SECTION                  Ill   •   PHYSICAL           gardless of the policy's expiration, with the less-
DAMAGE COVERAGE                                                     er of the number of days reasonably required to
                                                                    repair or replace the covered "auto" or 30 days.
If this policy provides Comprehensive, Specified
Causes of Loss or Collision coverage, the following                 Paragraph 2. of this extension does not apply
extensions are applicable for those "autos" for                     while there are spare or reserve "autos" availa-
which Comprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss or                    ble to you for your operations.
COiiision coverage is purchased:                               This coverage extension does not apply to Emer-
TOWING AND LABOR                                               gency Services Organizations and Governmental
SECTION Ill, A.2. - Towing is deleted in its entirety
and replaced with the following:                               HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE

We will pay all reasonable towing and labor costs              The following is added to SECTION Ill, A.4. -
up to the maximum Limit of Insurance shown on the              Coverage Extensions:
ElitePac Schedule per tow each time a covered                  Physical Damage coverage is hereby extended to
"Private Passenger Auto", "Social Service Van or               apply to Physical Damage "loss" to "autos" leased,
Bus" or "Light Truck" is disabled and up to the max-           hired, rented or borrowed without a driver. We will
imum Limit of Insurance per tow each time a                    provide coverage equal to the broadest coverage
covered "Medium Truck", "Heavy Truck" or "Extra                available to any covered "auto" shown in the Decla-
Heavy Truck" is disabled.                                      rations. But, the most we will pay for "loss" to each
                                                               "auto" under this coverage extension is the lesser

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                 1.   The Limit of Insurance stated in the ElitePac           AUTO LOAN/LEASE GAP COVERAGE (Not Applica-
                      Schedule; or                                            ble in New York)
                 2.   The actual cash value of the damaged or stolen          The following is added to SECTION 111, A.4. -
                      property as of the time of the "loss"; or               Coverage Extensions:
                 3.   The actual cost of repairing or replacing the           In the event of a total "loss" to a covered "auto" we
                      damaged or stolen property with other property          will pay any unpaid amount due on the lease or loan
                      of like kind and quality. A part is of like kind and    for a covered "auto", less:
                      quality when it is of equal or better condition         1. The amount paid under the Physical Damage
                      than the pre-accident part. We will use the origi-            Coverage Section of the policy; and
                      nal equipment from the manufacturer when:
                                                                              2.    Any:
                          (a) The operational safety of the vehicle
                              might otherwise be impaired;                          a.   Overdue lease/loan payments at the time of
                          (b) Reasonable and diligent efforts to locate
                              the appropriate rebuilt, aftermarket or               b.   Financial penalties imposed under a lease
                              used part have been unsuccessful; or                       for excessive use, abnormal wear and tear,
                                                                                         high mileage or similar charges;
                          (c) A new original equipment part of like
                              kind and quality is available and will                c.   Security deposits not refunded by the lessor
                              result in the lowest overall repair cost.                  or financial institution;
                 For each leased, hired, rented or borrowed "auto"                  d.   Costs for extended warranties, credit life,
                 our obligation to pay "losses" will be reduced by a                     health, accident, or disability insurance pur-
                 deductible equal to the highest deductible applica-                     chased with the loan or lease; and
                 ble to any owned "auto" for that coverage. No                      e.   Carry-over balances from previous leases
                 deductible will be applied to "losses" caused by fire                   or loans.
                 or lightning.                                                You are responsible for the deductible applicable to
                 SECTION IV, 8.5. other Insurance Condition, Para-            the "loss" for the covered "auto".
                 graph 5.b. is deleted in its entirety and replaced by
                                                                               PERSONAL EFFECTS
                 the following:
                                                                              The following is added to SECTION Ill, A.4. -
                 For Hired Auto Physical Damage Coverage, the fol-
                                                                               Coverage Extensions:
                 lowing are deemed to be covered "autos'" you own:
                                                                               If this policy provides Comprehensive Coverage for
                 1.   Any covered "auto" you lease, hire, rent, or             a covered "auto" you own and that covered "auto"
                      borrow; and                                              is stolen, we will pay up to the Limit of Insurance
                 2.   Any covered "auto" hired or rented by your               shown on the ElitePac Schedule, without application
                      "employee" under a contract or agreement in              of a deductible, for lost personal effects that were in
                      that "employee's" name, with your permission,            the covered "auto" at the time of theft. Personal
                      while performing duties related to the conduct of        effects do not include jewelry, tools, money, or
                      your business.                                           securities. This coverage is excess over any other
                 However, any "auto" that is leased, hired, rented or          collectible insurance.
                 borrowed with a driver is not a covered "auto".               AIRBAG COVERAGE
                 This coverage extension does not apply to Emer-               The following is added to SECTION Ill, 8.3.a. -
                 gency Services Organizations and Governmental                 Exclusions:
                 Entities.                                                     Mechanical breakdown does not include the acci-
                 HIRED AUTO LOSS OF USE COVERAGE                               dental discharge of an airbag.
iiiiiiii         The following is added to SECTION Ill, A.4. - Cover-          This coverage extension does not apply to Emer-
                 age Extensions:                                               gency Services Organizations and Governmental
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   We will pay expenses for which you are legally                Entities.

-==              responsible to pay up to the Limit of Insurance
                 shown on the ElitePac Schedule per "accident" for
                                                                               EXPANDED AUDIO, VISUAL, AND DATA ELECTRON-
                                                                               IC EQUIPMENT COVERAGE

                 loss of use of a leased, hired, rented or borrowed
                                                                               SECTION Ill, 8.4. - Exclusions
i iiiiii
                 "auto" if it results from an "accident".
                                                                               This exclusion does not apply to the following:
                 This coverage extension does not apply to Emer-
-                gency Services Organizations, Governmental Enti-
                 ties, and Schools.
                                                                                    Global positioning systems;
                                                                                    "Telematic devices"; or
                                                                               3.   Electronic equipment that reproduces, receives

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                      or transmits visual or data signals and accesso-
                                                                                    ries used with such equipment, provided such

-                                                                                   equipment is:
                 Copyright, 2017 Selective Insurance Company of America. All rights reserved.                        CA78091117
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     a.   Permanently installed in or upon the cov-
          ered "auto" at the time of the "loss";                  3.    An executive officer or insurance manager, if
     b.   Removable from a housing unit that is per-                    you are a corporation;
          manently installed in the covered "auto" at             4.    Your members, managers or insurance man-
          the time of the "loss";                                       ager, if you are a limited liability company;
     c.   Designed to be solely operated by use of                5.    Your elected or appointed officials, trustees,
          power from the "auto's" electrical system;                    board members or your insurance manager, if
          or                                                            you are an organization other than a partner-
     d.   Designed to be used solely in or upon the                     ship, joint venture or limited liability company.
          covered "auto".                                         But, this section does not amend the provisions
For each covered "loss" to such equipment, a                      relating to notification of police or protection or
deductible of $50 shall apply, unless the deductible              examination of the property that was subject to the
otherwise applicable to such equipment is less than               "loss".
$50, at which point the lower deductible, if any, will            WAIVER OF SUBROGATION
                                                                  SECTION IV, A.5. - Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery
COMPREHENSIVE                  DEDUCTIBLE        LOCATION         Against Others To Us is deleted in its entirety and
TRACKING DEVICE                                                    replaced with the following:
The following        is    added to SECTION       111,   D.   -   We waive any right of recovery we may have
Deductible:                                                       against any person or organization because of
Any Comprehensive Coverage Deductible shown in                    payments we make for "bodily injury" or "property
the Declarations will be reduced by 50% for any                   damage" resulting from the ownership, mainte-
"loss" caused by theft if the covered "auto" is                   nance or use of a covered "auto" but only when you
equipped . with a location tracking device and that               have assumed liability for such "bodily injury" or
device was the sole method used to recover the                    "property damage" in an "insured contract". In all
"auto".                                                           other circumstances, if a person or organization to
                                                                  or for whom we make payment under this Coverage
                                                                  Form has rights to recover damages from another,
SECTION Ill, C. - Limit Of Insurance is deleted in its            those rights are transferred to us.
entirety and replaced with the following:
                                                                   MULTIPLE DEDUCTIBLES
The most we will pay for a "loss" in any one
"accident" is the lesser of:                                       The following is added to SECTION IV, A. - Loss
1.   The actual cash value of the damaged or stolen
     property as of the time of the "loss"; or                     If a "loss" from one event involves two or more
                                                                   covered "autos" and coverage under Comprehen-
2.   The cost of repairing or replacing the damaged                sive or Specified Causes of Loss applies, only the
     or stolen property with other property of like                highest applicable deductible will be applied.
     kind and quality.
                                                                   CONCEALMENT, MISREPRESENTATION OR FRAUD
This coverage extension does not apply to Emer-
gency Services Organizations and Governmental                      The following is added to SECTION IV, B.2. - Con-
Entities.                                                          cealment, Misrepresentation Or Fraud:

                                                                   If you should unintentionally fail to disclose any
                                                                   existing hazards in your representations to us prior
                                                                   to the inception date of the policy or during the pol-
DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM, SUIT                       icy period in connection with any newly discovered
OR LOSS                                                            hazards, we will not deny coverage under this Cov-
The following is added to SECTION IV, A.2.a. -                     erage Form based upon such failure.
Duties In The Event Of Accident, Claim, Suit Or                    POLICY PERIOD, COVERAGE TERRITORY
                                                                   SECTION IV, B.7. - Policy Period, Coverage Territory
The notice requirements for reporting "accident"                   is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the fol-
claim, "suit" or "loss" information to us, including               lowing:
provisions related to the subsequent investigation of
such "accident", claim, "suit" or "loss" do not apply              Under this Coverage Form, we cover "accidents"
until the "accident", claim, "suit" or "loss" is known             and "losses" occurring:
to:                                                                a.   During the policy period shown in the Declara-
1.   You, if you are an individual;                                     tions; and
2.   A    partner,        if    you   are   a   partnership;       b.   Within the "Coverage Territory".

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                We also cover "loss" to or "accidents" involving a           EXTRA HEAVY TRUCK
                covered "auto" while being transported between               "Extra Heavy Truck" means a truck with a gross
                any of these places.                                         vehicle weight rating of 45,001 pounds or more.
                TWO OR MORE COVERAGE FORMS OR POLICIES                       HEAVY TRUCK
                ISSUED BY US - DEDUCTIBLES
                                                                             "Heavy Truck" means a truck with a gross vehicle
                The following is added to SECTION IV, B.8. - Two Or          weight rating of 20,001 pounds to 45,000 pounds.
                More Coverage Forms Or Policies Issued By Us:
                                                                             LIGHT TRUCK
                If a "loss" covered under this Coverage Form also
                involves a "loss" to other property resulting from           "Light Truck" means a truck with a gross vehicle
                the same "accident" that is covered under this pol-          weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less.
                icy or another policy issued by us or any member             MEDIUM TRUCK
                company of ours, only the highest applicable
                                                                             "Medium Truck" means a truck with a gross vehicle
                deductible will be applied.                                  weight rating of 10,001 pounds to 20,000 pounds.
                                                                             PRIVATE PASSENGER AUTO
                                                                             "Private Passenger Auto" means a four-wheel
                Applicable in New York)                                      "auto" of the private passenger or station wagon
                The definition of bodily injury is deleted in its            type. A pickup, panel truck or van not used for
                entirety and replaced by the following:                      business is included within the definition of a "pri-
                "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, sickness, or dis-       vate passenger auto".
                ease sustained by a person, including death result-          SOCIAL SERVICE VAN OR BUS
                ing from any of these. "Bodily injury" includes men-         "Social Service Van or Bus" means a van or bus
                tal anguish resulting from bodily injury, sickness or
                                                                             used by a government entity, civic, charitable or
                disease sustained by a person.                               social service organization to provide transportation
                ADDITIONS TO SECTION V - DEFINITIONS                         to clients incidental to the social services sponsored
                COVERAGE TERRITORY                                           by the organization, including special trips and out-
                "Coverage Territory" means:
                                                                             TELEMATIC DEVICE
                1. The United States of America {including its
                   territories and possessions), Canada and Puerto           "Telematic Device" includes devices designed for
                   Rico; and                                                 the collection and dissemination of data for the pur-
                                                                             pose of monitoring vehicle and/or driver perfor-
                2. Anywhere in the world, except for any country             mance. This includes Global Positioning System
                   or jurisdiction that is subject to trade or other         technology, wireless safety communications and
                   economic sanction or embargo by the United                automatic driving assistance systems, all integrated
                   States of America, if a covered "auto" is leased,         with computers and mobile communications tech-
                   hired, rented, or borrowed without a driver for a         nology in automotive navigation systems.
                   period of 30 days or less, and the insured's
                   responsibility to pay "damages" is determined             VOLUNTEER WORKER
                   in a "suit" on the merits in and under the sub-            "Volunteer worker" means a person who performs
                   stantive law of the United States of America (in-          business duties for you, for no financial or other
                   cluding its territories and possessions), Puerto           compensation.
                   Rico, or Canada, or in a settlement we agree to.
                If we are prevented by law, or otherwise, from
                defending the "insured" in a "suit" brought in a
                location described in Paragraph 2. above, the


i iiiiii
                insured will conduct a defense of that "suit". We will
                reimburse the "insured" for the reasonable and
                necessary expenses incurred for the defense of any

i iiiiii
                such "suit" seeking damages to which this insur-
                ance applies, and that we would have paid had we
                been able to exercise our right and duty to defend.



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                Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.
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                                         General Liability Extension Endorsement

                                                                                              COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY
                                                                                                            CG 73 00 01 19

               SUMMARY OF COVERAGES (including index)
               This is a summary of the various additional coverages and coverage modifications provided by this
               endorsement. No coverage is provided by this summary. Refer to the actual endorsement (Pages 3-through-9)
               for changes affecting your insurance protection.

               DESCRIPTION                                                                                   PAGE FOUND

               Additional Insureds - Primary and Non-Contributory Provision                                      Page 8
               Blanket Additional Insureds - As Required By Contract                                             Page 5
                       •   Owners, Lessees or Contractors (includes Architects, Engineers or Surveyors
                       •   Lessors of Leased Equipment
                       •   Managers or Lessors of Premises
                       •   Mortgagees, Assignees and Receivers
                       •   Any other person or organization other than a joint venture
                       •   Granters of Permits
               Broad Form Vendors Coverage                                                                       Page 7
               Damage To Premises Rented To You (Including Fire, Lightning or Explosion)                         Page 3
               Electronic Data Liability ($100,000)                                                              Page 4
               Employee Definition Amended                                                                       Page 9
               Employees As Insureds Modified                                                                    Page 5
               Employer's Liability Exclusion Amended (Not applicable in New York)                               Page 3
               Incidental Malpractice Exclusion modified                                                         Page 7
               Knowledge of Occurrence, Claim, Suit or Loss                                                      Page 7
               Liberalization Clause                                                                             Page 8
               Mental Anguish Amendment (Not applicable to New York)                                             Page 9

               Newly Formed or Acquired Organizations                                                            Page 5
               Non-Owned Aircraft                                                                                Page 3
               Non-Owned Watercraft (under 60 feet)                                                              Page 3
               Not-for-profit Members - as additional insureds                                                   Page 5
               Personal And Advertising Injury- Discrimination Amendment (Not applicable in New York)            Page 8

-              Products Amendment (Medical Payments)                                                             Page 4

               Supplementary Payments Amended - Bail Bonds ($5,000) and Loss of Earnings ($1,000)                Page 4

i iiaii
               Two or More Coverage Parts or Policies Issued By Us
               Unintentional Failure to Disclose Hazards
                                                                                                                 Page 8
                                                                                                                 Page 8
--             Waiver of Transfer of Rights of Recovery (subrogation)                                            Page 8

i iiiiiii
               When Two or More Coverage Parts of this Policy Apply to a Loss                                    Page 3

 -             Copyright, 2018 Selective Insurance Company of America. All rights reserved.
               Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.
                                                                                                            CG 73 00 01 19
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                           THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.

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                                                INSURED'S COPY
                                       General Liability Extension Endorsement
                                                                                           COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY
                                                                                                             CG 73 00 01 19

            This endorsement modifies the insurance provided under the following:


            The SECTIONS of the Commercial General Liability Coverage Form identified in this endorsement will be
            amended as shown below. However, if (a) two or more Coverage Parts of this policy, or (b) two or more forms or
            endorsements within the same Coverage Part apply to a loss, coverage provision(s) with the broadest language
            will apply, unless specifically stated otherwise within the particular amendment covering that loss.

            With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless
            modified by the endorsement.

            COVERAGES - Amendments                                       B. The following is added to Exclusion g. Aircraft,
            SECTION I - COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND                        Auto Or Watercraft under COVERAGE A BODILY
            PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY                                       INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY, 2.
                                                                              This exclusion does not apply to:
            Employer's Liability Amendment
                                                                              (6) Any aircraft, not owned or operated by any
            (This provision is not applicable in the State of New                 insured, which is hired, chartered or loaned
            York).                                                                with a paid crew. However, if the insured
            The following is added to Exclusion e. Employer's                     has any other valid and collectible insur-
            Liability under COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND                          ance for "bodily injury" or "property dam-
            PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY, 2. Exclusions:                             age" that would be covered under this
                                                                                  provision, or on any other basis, this cover-
            This exclusion also does not apply to any
                                                                                  age is then excess, and subject to Condition
            "temporary worker".
                                                                                  4. Other Insurance, b. Excess Insurance
            Non-Owned Aircraft, Auto or Watercraft                                under SECTION         IV      COMMERCIAL
            A.   Paragraph (2) of Exclusion g. Aircraft, Auto Or                  GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS.
                 Watercraft under COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY                Damage To Premises Rented to You
                 AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY, 2. Exclus-
                                                                         A.   The last paragraph of Paragraph 2. Exclusions
                 ions is deleted in its entirety and replaced with
                                                                              under COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND
                 the following:
                                                                              PROPERTY DAMAGE is deleted in its entirety
                 (2) A watercraft you do not own that is:                     and replaced with the following:
                     (a) Less than 26 feet long and not being                 Exclusions c. through n. do not apply to damage
                         used to carry persons or property for a              by fire, lightning or explosion to premises rented
                         charge; or                                           to you or temporarily occupied by you with the
                     (b) At least 26 feet, but less than 60 feet              permission of the owner. A separate limit of
                         long, and not being used to carry per-               insurance applies to this coverage as described
                         sons or property for a charge. Any                   in SECTION Ill - LIMITS OF INSURANCE.
                         person is an insured who uses or is
iiiiiiii                 responsible for the use of such water-
                         craft with your expressed or implied
                         consent. However, if the insured has any
                         other valid and collectible insurance for
                         "bodily injury" or "property damage"

i iiiii
                         that would be covered under this provi-
                         sion, or on any other basis, this cover-
                         age is then excess, and subject to
                         Condition 4. Other Insurance, b. Excess
                         Insurance under SECTION IV - COM-

i iiiiiii
                         MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDI-

            Copyright, 2018 Selective Insurance Company of America. All rights reserved.                     CG 73 00 01 19
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B.   Paragraph 6. under SECTION Ill - LIMITS OF                         This exclusion applies even if damages are
     INSURANCE is deleted in its entirety and                           claimed for notification costs, credit mon-
     replaced with the following:                                       itoring expenses, forensic expenses, public
     6.   Subject to Paragraph 5. above, the most we                    relations expenses or any other loss, cost or
          will pay under COVERAGE A for damages                         expense incurred by you or others arising
          because of "property damage" to any one                       out of that which is described in Paragraph
          premises, while rented to you, or in the case                 (1) or (2) above.
          of damage caused by fire, lightning or             B. The following paragraph is added to SECTION Ill
          explosion, while rented to you or temporarily         - LIMITS OF INSURANCE:
          occupied by you with permission of the                   Subject to 5. above, the most we will pay under
          owner, for all such damage caused by fire,               COVERAGE A for "property damage" because of
          lightning or explosion proximately caused by             all loss of "electronic data" arising out of any
          the same event, whether such damage                      one "occurrence" is a sub-limit of $100,000.
          results from fire, lightning or explosion or
          any combination of the three, is the amount        SECTION I - COVERAGE C MEDICAL PAYMENTS
          shown in the Declarations for the Damage           EXCLUSIONS
          To Premises Rented To You Limit.
                                                             Any Insured Amendment
C.   Paragraph a. of Definition 9. "Insured contract"
                                                              Exclusion a. Any Insured under COVERAGE C
     under SECTION V - DEFINITIONS is deleted in its
                                                              MEDICAL PAYMENTS, 2. Exclusions is deleted in its
     entirety and replaced with the following:
                                                              entirety and replaced with the following:
     a. A contract for a lease of premises. However,
                                                              a.   Any Insured
          that portion of the contract for a lease of
          premises that indemnifies any person or                  To any insured.
          organization for damage by fire, lightning or            This exclusion does not apply to:
          explosion to premises while rented to you or
                                                                   (1) "Not-for-profit members";
          temporarily occupied by you with the per-
          mission of the owner is not an "insured                  (2) "Golfing facility" members who are not paid
          contract";                                                   a fee, salary, or other compensation; or
Electronic Data Liability                                          (3) "Volunteer workers".
A.   Exclusion p. Access or Disclosure Of Confiden-           This exclusion exception does not apply if
     tial Or Personal Information And Data-related            COVERAGE C MEDICAL PAYMENTS is excluded by
     Liability under COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY                 another endorsement to this Coverage Part.
     AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY, 2.                        Product Amendment
     Exclusions is deleted in its entirety and replaced
     by the following:                                        Exclusion f. Products-Completed Operations Hazard
                                                              under COVERAGE C MEDICAL PAYMENTS, 2.
     p.   Access or Disclosure Of Confidential Or             Exclusions is deleted in its entirety and replaced
          Personal Information And Data-related               with the following:
                                                              f.   Products-Completed Operations Hazard
          Damages arising out of:
                                                                   Included within the "products-completed opera-
          (1) Any access to or disclosure of any                   tions hazard".
              person's or organization's confidential
              or personal      information,   including            This exclusion does not apply to "your products"
              patents, trade secrets,       processing             sold for use or consumption on your premises,
              methods, customer lists, financial infor-            while such products are still on your premises.
              mation, credit card information or any          This exclusion exception, does not apply if
              other type of nonpublic information; or         COVERAGE C MEDICAL PAYMENTS is excluded by
          (2) The loss of, loss of use of, damage to,         another endorsement to this Coverage Part.
              corruption of, inability to access, or          SECTION I - SUPPLEMENTARY                 PAYMENTS -
              inability to manipulate "electronic data"       COVERAGES A AND B
              that does not result from physical injury       Expenses For Bail Bonds And Loss Of Earnings
              to tangible property.
                                                              A.   Subparagrap-h 1.b. under SUPPLEMENTARY
                                                                   PAYMENTS - COVERAGES A AND B is deleted
                                                                   in its entirety and replaced with the following:
                                                                   b.   Up to $5,000 for cost of bail bonds required
                                                                        because of accidents or traffic law violations
                                                                        arising out of the use of any vehicle to which
                                                                        Bodily Injury Liability Coverage applies. We
                                                                        do not have to furnish these bonds.

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                                                 INSURED'S COPY
                B.   Subparagraph 1.d. under SUPPLEMENTARY                          a.   Coverage under this provIsIon is afforded
                     PAYMENTS - COVERAGES A AND B is deleted                             only until the 180th day after you acquire or
                     in its entirety and replaced with the following:                    form the organization or the end of the
                     d.   All reasonable expenses incurred by the                        policy period, whichever is earlier. However,
                          insured at our request to assist us in the                     COVERAGE A does not apply to "bodily
                          investigation or defense of the claim or                       injury" or "property damage" that occurred
                          "suit", including actual loss of earnings up to                before you acquired or formed the organi-
                          $1,000 a day because of time off from work.                    zation.

                SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED - Amendments
                                                                                    B. The    following    paragraph is added to
                                                                                         SECTION II -      WHO IS AN INSURED,
                Not-for-Profit Organization Members                                      Paragraph 3:
                The following paragraph is added to SECTION II -                         If you are engaged in the business of con-
                WHO IS AN INSURED:                                                       struction of dwellings three stories or less in
                If you are an organization other than a partnership,                     height, or other buildings three stories or
                joint venture, or a limited liability company, and you                   less in height and less than 25,000 square
                are a not-for-profit organization, the following are                     feet in area, you will also be an insured with
                included as additional insureds:                                         respect to "your work" only, for the period of
                                                                                         time described above, for your liability
                     1.   Your officials;
                                                                                         arising out of the conduct of any partnership
                     2.   Your trustees;                                                 or joint venture of which you are or were a
                     3.   Your members;                                                  member, even if that partnership or joint
                                                                                         venture is not shown as a Named Insured.
                     4. Your board members;                                              However, this provision only applies if you
                     5.   Your commission members;                                       maintain or maintained an interest of at
                     6.   Your agency members;                                           least fifty percent in that partnership or joint
                                                                                         venture for the period of that partnership or
                     7.   Your insurance managers;                                       joint venture.
                     8.   Your elective or appointed officers; and             This provision does not apply to any partnership or
                     9.   Your "not-for-profit members".                       joint venture that has been dissolved or otherwise
                However only with respect to their· liability for your         ceased to function for more than thirty-six months.
                activities or activities they perform on your behalf.         With respect to the insurance provided by this
                Employees As Insureds Modified                                provision, Newly Formed or Acquired Organizations,
                                                                              the following is added to SECTION IV - COMMER-
                A.   Subparagraph 2.a.(1)(a) under SECTION II -               CIAL GENERAL LIABILITY, Paragraph 4. Other
                     WHO IS AN INSURED does not apply to "bodily              Insurance, Subparagraph b. Excess Insurance:
                     injury" to a "temporary worker" caused by a co-
                     "employee" who is not a "temporary worker".               The insurance provided by this provision, Newly
                                                                               Formed or Acquired Organizations, is excess over
                B.   Subparagraph 2.a.(2) under SECTION II - WHO               any other insurance available to the insured,
                     IS AN INSURED does not apply to "property                 whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other
                     damage" to the property of a "temporary                   basis.
                     worker" or "volunteer worker" caused by a co-
                     "employee" who is not a "temporary worker" or             (All other provisions        of   this    section   remain
                     "volunteer worker".                                       unchanged)

                C.   Subparagraph 2.a.(1)(d) under SECTION II -                Blanket Additional Insureds -            As   Required   By
                     WHO IS AN INSURED does not apply to "bodily               Contract
                     injury" caused by cardio-pulmonary resuscita-             Subject to the Primary and Non-Contributory provi-


                     tion or first aid services administered by a co-
                     "employee ".
                With respect to this provision only, Subparagraph
                                                                               sion set forth in this endorsement, SECTION II -
                                                                               WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an
                                                                               additional insured:
                (1) of Exclusion 2. e. Employer's Liability under              A.   Owners, Lessees or Contractors/Architects,
                SECTION I - COVERAGES, COVERAGE A BODILY                            Engineers and Surveyors

i iiiii
                not apply.
                                                                                    1.   Any person or organization for whom you
                                                                                         are performing operations when you and
--              Newly Formed Or Acquired Organizations
                A.   Subparagraph 3.a. under SECTION II - WHO IS
                                                                                         such person or organization have agreed in
                                                                                         a written contract, written agreement or
                                                                                         written permit that such person or organi-

i iiiiiii
                     AN INSURED is deleted in its entirety and
                     replaced with the following:                                        zation be added as an additional insured on
                                                                                         your commercial general liability policy; and

--              Copyright, 2018 Selective Insurance Company of America. All rights reserved.
                Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.
                                                                                                                        CG 73 00 01 19
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                                                                     INSURED'S COPY
     2.    Any other person or organization, including                 With respect to the insurance afforded to
           any architects, engineers or surveyors not                  these additional insureds, this insurance
           engaged by you, whom you are required to                    does not apply to any "occurrence" which
           add as an additional insured under your                     takes place after the equipment lease
           policy in the contract or agreement in                      expires.
           Paragraph 1. above:                                   2.    Managers or Lessors of Premises
     Such person or organization is an additional                      Any person or organization from whom you
     insured only with respect to liability for "bodily                lease premises, but only with respect to
     injury", "property damage" or "personal and                       liability arising out of the ownership,
     advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part,                  maintenance or use of that part of the
     by:                                                               premises leased to you.
           a.    Your acts or omissions; or                            This insurance does not apply to any
           b.    The acts of omissions of those acting on              "occurrence" which takes place after you
                 your behalf;                                          cease to be a tenant of that premises.
     in the performance of your ongoing operations                3.   Mortgagees, Assignees or Receivers
     performed for the additional insured in Para-                     Any person or organization with respect to
     graph 1., above.                                                  their liability as mortgagee, assignee or
     However, this insurance does not apply to:                        receiver and arising out of the ownership,
     "Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal                   maintenance or use of your premises.
     and advertising injury" arising out of the render-                This insurance does not apply to any
     ing of, or the failure to render, any professional                "occurrence" which takes place after the
     architectural, engineering or surveying services                  mortgage is satisfied, or the assignment or
     by or for you, including:                                         receivership ends.
          · a.   The preparing, approving, or failing to          4. Any Person or Organization other Than A
                 prepare or approve, maps, shop                        Joint Venture
                 drawings, opinions, reports, surveys,                 Any person or organization (other than a
                 field orders, change orders or drawings               joint venture of which you are a member),
                 and specifications; and                               but only with respect to liability for "bodily
            b.   Supervisory, inspection, architectural or             injury", "property damage" or "personal and
                 engineering activities.                               advertising injury" caused, in whole or in
     Professional services do not include services                     part, by your acts or omissions or the acts of
     within construction means, methods, tech-                         omissions of those acting on your behalf in
     niques, sequences and procedures employed by                      the performance of your ongoing operations
     you in connection with your operations in your                    or in connection with property owned by
     capacity as a construction contractor.                            you.
     A person or organization's status as an                      5.   State or Governmental Agency or Political
     additional insured under this endorsement ends                    Subdivision - Permits or Authorizations
     when your operations for the person or organi-                    Any state or governmental agency or
     zation described in Paragraph 1. above are                        subdivision or political subdivision, but only
     completed.                                                        with respect to:
8.   Other Additional Insureds                                         a. Operations performed by you or on your
     Any of the following persons or organizations                          behalf for which the state or govern-
     with whom you have agreed in a written                                 mental agency or subdivision or political
     contract, written agreement or written permit                          subdivision has issued a permit or
     that such persons or organizations be added as                         authorization; or
     an additional insured on your commercial                          b.   The following hazards for which the
     general liability policy:                                              state or governmental agency or sub-
     1.    Lessors of Leased Equipment                                      division or political subdivision has
                                                                            issued a permit or authorization in
           Any person or organization from whom you                         connection with premises you own, rent
           lease equipment, but only with respect to                        or control and to which this insurance
           liability for "bodily injury", "property dam-                    applies:
           age" or "personal and advertising injury"
           caused, in whole or in part, by your
           maintenance, operation or use of equipment
           leased to you by such person or organi-

Copyright, 2018 Selective Insurance Company of America. All rights reserved.                       CG 73 00 01 19
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                                                    INSURED'S COPY
                           (1) The existence, maintenance, repair,                c.   Any physical or chemical change in the
                               construction, erection or removal of                    product made intentionally by the vendor;
                               advertising signs, awnings, cano-                  d.   Repackaging, unless unpacked solely for
                               pies, cellar entrances, coal holes,                     the purpose of inspection, demonstration,
                               driveways, manholes, marquees,                          testing, or the substitution of parts under
                               hoist away openings, sidewalk                           instructions from the manufacturer, and then
                               vaults, street banners or decora-                       repackaged in the original container;
                               tions and similar exposures;
                                                                                  e.   Any failure to make such inspections,
                           (2) The construction, erection or re-                       adjustments, tests or servicing as the
                               moval of elevators; or                                  vendor has agreed to make or normally
                           (3) The ownership, maintenance or use                       undertakes to make in the usual course of
                               of any elevators covered by this                        business in connection with the sale of the
                               insurance.                                              product; or
                               This insurance does not apply to:                  f.   Products which, after distribution or sale by
                                                                                       you, have been labeled or re-labeled or
                               (a) "Bodily injury" or "property
                                                                                       used as a container, part of ingredient of
                                   damage" arising out of opera-
                                                                                       any other thing or substance by or for the
                                   tions performed for the federal
                                                                                       vendor; however this insurance does not
                                   government, state or munici-                        apply to any insured person or organization,
                                   pality; or                                          from who you have acquired such products,
                                 (b) "Bodily injury" or "property                      or any ingredient, part or container, entering
                                     damage" included within the                       into, accompanying or containing such
                                     "products-completed operations                    products.
                                     hazard".                               The provisions of this coverage extension do not
                        With respect to Paragraphs 2. through 4.,           apply unless the written contract or written agree-
                        this insurance does not apply to structural         ment has been signed by the Named Insured prior
                        alterations, new construction or demolition         to the "bodily injury" or "property damage".
                        operations performed by or on behalf of              Incidental Malpractice
                        such person or organization.
                                                                            Subparagraph 2.a.(1Xd) under SECTION II - WHO IS
               The provisions of this coverage extension do not             AN INSURED is deleted in its entirety and replaced
               apply unless the written contract or written agree-          with the following:
               ment has been signed by the Named Insured or
               written permit issued prior to the "bodily injury" or         (d) Arising out of his or her providing or failing to
               "property damage" or "personal and advertising                    provide professional health care services.
               injury".                                                           This does not apply to nurses, emergency
               Broad Form Vendors Coverage                                        medical technicians or paramedics if you are not
                                                                                  in the business or occupation of providing any
               Subject to the Primary and Non-Contributory                        such professional services.
               provision set forth in this endorsement, SECTION II -
               WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an                      This also does not apply to "bodily injury"
               additional insured any person or organization                      caused by cardio-pulmonary resuscitation or
               (referred to below as vendor) for whom you have                    first aid services administered by a co-
               agreed in a written contract or written agreement to               "employee".
               provide coverage as an additional insured under               This provision does not apply if you are a Social
               your policy. Such person or organization is an                Service or Senior Living risk.
               additional insured only with respect to "bodily
                                                                             SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY
               injury" or "property damage" arising out of "your
iiiiiiiii                                                                    CONDITIONS - Amendments
               products" which are distributed or sold in the
               regular course of the vendor's business. However,
               the insurance afforded the vendor does not apply to:
                                                                             Knowledge Of Occurrence, Claim, Suit Or Loss
                                                                             The following is added to Paragraph 2. Duties in the
                   a.   "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for             Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or Suit under
i iiiii
                        which the vendor is obligated to pay
                        damages by reason of the assumption of
                                                                             SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY
                        liability in a contract or agreement; however        The requirements under this paragraph do not apply
-                       this exclusion does not apply to liability for
                        damages that the vendor would have in the
                                                                             until after the "occurrence" or offense is known to:
                                                                             1.   You, if you are an individual;

i iiiiiiii
                        absence of the contract or agreement;
                        Any express warranty unauthorized by you;
                                                                             2.   A partner, if you are a partnership;

-              Copyright, 2018 Selective Insurance Company of America. All rights reserved.                        CG 73 00 01 19
               Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.                  Page 7 of 9
                                                                INSURED'S COPY
3.   An "executive officer" or insurance manager, if         3.   You have assumed the liability of that person or
     you are a corporation;                                       organization in that same contract, and it is an
4.   Your members,          managers or insurance                 "insured contract".
     manager, if you are a limited liability company;        The section above only applies to that person or
     or                                                      organization identified above, and only if the "bodily
5.   Your elected or appointed officials, officers,          injury" or "property damage" occurs subsequent to
     members, trustees, board members, commis-               the execution of the written contract or written
     sion members, agency members, or your                   agreement.
     administrator or your insurance manager if you          Liberalization
     are an organization other than a partnership,           The following condition is added to SECTION IV_
     joint venture, or limited liability company.
                                                             COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS:
Primary and Non-Contributory Provision                       If we revise this Coverage Part to provide more
The following is added to Paragraph 4. Other Insur-          coverage without additional premium charge, sub-
ance, b. Excess Insurance under SECTION IV -                 ject to our filed company rules, your policy will
COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS:                     automatically provide the additional coverage as of
This insurance is primary to and we will not seek            the day the revision is effective in your state.
contribution from any other insurance available to           Two or More Coverage Parts or Policies Issued By
an additional insured under this policy provided             Us
that:                                                        (This provision is not Applicable in the state of New
(1) The additional insured is a Named Insured                York or Wisconsin).
    under such other insurance; and                          The following condition is added to SECTION IV •
(2) You have agreed in a written contract, written           COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS:
    agreement or written permit that this insurance          It is our intention that the various coverage parts or
    would be primary and would not seek contri-              policies issued to you by us, or any company
    bution from any other insurance available to the
                                                             affiliated with us, do not provide any duplication or
    additional insured.                                      overlap of coverage. We have exercised diligence to
Unintentional Failure To Disclose Hazards                    draft our coverage parts and policies to reflect this
The following     is  added to      Paragraph 6.             intention. However, if the facts and circumstances
Representations under SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL                that will respond to any claim or "suit" give rise to
GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS:                                actual or claimed duplication or overlap of coverage
                                                             between the various coverage parts or policies
However, if you should unintentionally fail to               issued to you by us or any company affiliated with
disclose any existing hazards in your representa-            us, the limit of insurance under all such coverage
tions to us at the inception date of the policy, or          parts or policies combined shall not exceed the
during the policy period in connection with any              highest applicable limit under this coverage, or any
additional hazards, we shall not deny coverage               one of the other coverage forms or policies.
under this Coverage Part based upon such failure to
disclose hazards.                                            This condition does not apply to any Excess or
                                                             Umbrella policy issued by us specifically to apply as
Waiver Of Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery                     excess insurance over this coverage part or policy
The following is added to Paragraph 8. Transfer of           to which this coverage part is attached.
Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us under                SECTION V- DEFINITIONS
CONDITIONS:                                                  Discrimination
We will waive any right of recovery we may have              (This provision does not apply in New York).
against a person or organization because of pay-             A. The following is added to Definition 14. "Per-
ments we make for "bodily injury" or "property                  sonal and advertising injury":
damage" arising out of your ongoing operations or
                                                                  "Personal and advertising injury" also means
"your work" done under a written contract or written              "discrimination" that results in injury to the
agreement and included in the "products-completed                 feelings or reputation of a natural person, how-
operations hazard", if:                                           ever only if such "discrimination" or humiliation
1. You have agreed to waive any right of recovery                 is:
    against that person or organization in a written              1.   Not done by or at the direction of:
    contract or written agreement;
                                                                       a.   The insured; or
2.   Such person or organization is an additional
     insured on your policy; or

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                                                INSURED'S COPY
                          b.   Anyone considered an insured under                 b.   Loss of, loss of use of, damage to,
                               SECTION II· WHO IS AN INSURED;                          corruption of, inability to access, or inability
                     2.   Not done intentionally to cause harm to                      to properly manipulate "electronic data", re-
                          another person.                                              sulting from physical injury to tangible
                                                                                       property. All such loss of "electronic data"
                     3.   Not directly or indirectly related to the em-                shall be deemed to occur at the time of the
                          ployment, prospective employment or termi-                    "occurrence" that caused it.
                          nation of employment of any person or
                          persons by any insured.                            For the purpose of the Electronic Data Liability
                                                                             coverage provided by this endorsement, "electronic
                     4.   Not arising out of any "advertisement" by          data" is not tangible property.
                          the insured.
                                                                             Employee Amendment
                B.   The following definition is added to SECTION V •
                                                                             Definition 5. "Employee" under SECTION V - DEFINI-
                                                                             TIONS is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the
                     "Discrimination" means:                                 following:
                     a. Any act or conduct that would be considered          5.   "Employee" includes a "leased worker", or a
                          discrimination under any applicable federal,            "temporary worker". If you are a School,
                          state, or local statute, ordinance or law;              "Employee" also includes a student teacher.
                     b.   Any act or conduct that results in disparate       Golfing Facility
                          treatment of, or has disparate impact on, a
                          person, because of that person's race,             The following definition is added to SECTION V •
                          religion, gender, sexual orientation, age,
                          disability or physical impairment; or              "Golfing facility" means a golf course, golf club,
                                                                             driving range, or miniature golf course.
l':1                 c.   Any act or conduct characterized or inter-
                          preted as discrimination by a person based         Mental Anguish Amendment
                          on that person's race, religion, gender,
                          sexual orientation, age, disability or physi-
                                                                             {This provision does not apply in New York).
                                                                             Definition 3. "Bodily injury" under SECTION V.
                          cal impairment.
                     It does not include acts or conduct character-
                                                                             DEFINITIONS is deleted in its entirety and replaced
                                                                             with the following:
                     ized or interpreted as sexual intimidation or
                                                                             3. "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, sickness or
                     sexual harassment, or intimidation or harass-
                                                                                 disease sustained by a person, including death
                     ment based on a person's gender.
                                                                                 resulting from any of these at any time. This
                Electronic Data                                                  includes mental anguish resulting from any
                The following definition is added to SECTION V -                 bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a
                DEFINITIONS:                                                     person. (In New York, mental anguish has been
                                                                                 determined to be "bodily injury").
                "Electronic data" means information, facts or
                programs stored as or on, created or used on, or             Not-for-profit Member
                transmitted to or from computer software, including          The following definition is added to SECTION V -
                systems and applications software, hard or floppy            DEFINITIONS:
                disks, CD-ROMS, tapes, drives, cell, data pro-
                cessing devices or any other media which are used            "Not-for-profit member" means a person who is a
                                                                             member of a not-for-profit organization, including
                with electronically controlled equipment. For the
                                                                             clubs and churches, who receives no financial or
                purpose of the Electronic Data Liability coverage
                                                                             other compensation.
                provided by this endorsement, Definition 17. "Prop-
                erty damage" is deleted in its entirety and replaced
                by the following:
                17. "Property damage" means:
 !!!!!!!!!!!!        a.   Physical injury to tangible property, includ-

 ; ;;;;;
                          ing all resulting loss of use of that property.
                          All such loss of use shall be deemed to

 i iiiii
                          occur at the time of the physical injury that
                          caused it; or



 ---            Copyright, 2018 Selective Insurance Company of America. All rights reserved.                        CG 73 00 01 19
                Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.                   Page 9 of 9
                                                                   INSURED'S COPY
Coverage Provided By:

                     lncompass Michigan Workers' Compensation Fund
     A Michigan Bureau of Workers' Disability Compensation Approved Self-Insurers Group

Group Member:

GoodTemps, Inc.
271 Apple Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49442

Attn: Rick Snellenberger

This is to certify that the coverage listed below has been issued by the Named Above for the Group Member and period referenced on the
certificate. Coverage provided is subject to the terms and conditions of the Group's by-laws, operating procedures, indemnity agreement
and other governing documents. Should this coverage be canceled before its indicated expiration date, we will endeavor to mail thirty
days written notice to the named certificate holdei, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation of liability of any kind upon
the group, its agents or representatives.

Coverage Period:                                             January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020

Coverage Provided:                                           Those obligations required by Public Act 317 of 1969, as
                                                             Amended, otherwise known as the State of Michigan Workers'
                                                             Disability Act of 1969.

Excess Insurance Provided By:                                Midwest Employers Casualty Company

Policy#:                                                     EWC005229

Terms:                                                       Specific Excess: Statutory excess of $500,000 SIR
                                                             Aggregate: $5,000,000 excess of 67.06% of Normal Premium
                                                             Employers Liability: $1,000,000 per occunence excess of
                                                             $500,000 SIR.

Certificate Holder:

City of Muskegon
Engineering Department
PO Box 0536
Muskegon, MI49443-0536

                                                      Date                                      Authorized Representative
Coverage Provided By:

                     Incompass Michigan Workers' Compensation Fund
     A Michigan Bureau of Workers' Disability Compensation Approved Self-Insurers Group

Group Member:

Goodwill Industries of West Michigan
271 E. Apple Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49442

Attn: Rick Snellenberger

This is to certify that the coverage listed below has been issued by the Named Above for the Group Member and period referenced on the
certificate. Coverage provided is subject to the terms and conditions of the Group's by-laws, operating procedures, indemnity agreement
and other governing documents. Should this coverage be canceled before its indicated expiration date, we will endeavor to mail thirty
days written notice to the named certificate holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation of liability of any kind upon
the grot1p, its agents or representatives.

Coverage Period:                                             January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020

Coverage Provided:                                           Those obligations required by Public Act 317 of 1969, as
                                                             Amended, otherwise known as the State of Michigan Workers'
                                                             Disability Act of 1969.

Excess Insurance Provided By:                                Midwest Employers Casualty Company

Policy#:                                                     EWC005229

Terms:                                                       Specific Excess: Statutory excess of $500,000 SIR
                                                             Aggregate: $5,000,000 excess of 67.06% of Normal Premium
                                                             Employers Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence excess of
                                                             $500,000 SIR.

Certificate Holder:

City of Muskegon
Engineering Department
PO Box 0536

                                                      Date                                      Authorized Representative
                                           Visit60I Terrace Street, Muskegon, Ml 49440

            PARMENTER                      Mnll PO Box 786, Muskeaon, Ml 49443-0786

February 26, 2020

Christy Cashin
Engineering Department
1350 E. Keating
Muskegon, Ml 49442

Re:   Janitorial Services 2020-2023 Contract

Dear Ms. Cashin:

The contract with Goodwill Industries of West Michigan appears to be complete,
subject to execution by the City of Muskegon. I did not see approval of insurance
coverage by the City's insurance carrier.

The original of the agreement is being returned to you with this letter.

          Direct P: (231) 722-5401
          Direct F: (231) 722-5501

                                                                                                    City of Muskegon
                                                                                           2020-22 Janitorial Services

                                          2.3 PERFORMANCE BOND

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we                        Goodwill Industries of West Michigan
                                                 '        '------------------

as Principal, and      Selective Insurance Company
as SU!'ety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Muskegon, its certain attorney, successors or assigns
(hereinafter called the Obligee), in the full and just sum of One Hundred Forty Five Thousand
 Six Hundred and Sixty Eight                              dollars($ 145,668                      ) lawful money
of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs,
administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents:

WHEREAS, said Principal has entered into a certain contract with Obligee,
Dated _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 20_ _, (hereinafter called the Contract) for: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

and the specifications for said work shall be deemed a pa1t hereof as fully as if set out herein:

(a)        If the Principal shall faithfully perform the Contract on his/her part, as of the time and in the manner
           therein provided; shall satisfy all claims and demands incmred in or for the same, or growing out
           of the same, or for it~ury or damages to persons or property in the performance thereof; shall fully
           indemnify and save harmless said Obligee from any and all cost and damage which the Obligee
           may suffer by reason of the Principal's failure to do so; and shall fully reimburse and par the
           Obligee any and all outlay and expense which it may occur by reason of such default; and

(b)        If, after completion and acceptance of the work by the Obligee, the Principal shall promptly remedy
           any defects in the work due to faulty materials or workmanship which shall appear within the period
           of one year from the date of completion and final acceptance of the work, and pay for any damage
           to said Obligee, to the State of Michigan, orto any municipal subdivision or local authority thereof
           to which the rights and privileges of said Obligee have passed or been assigned, then this obligation
           shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and virtue.

The said Smety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration
or addition to the terms of the Contract to the work to be performed thereunder, or to the specifications
accompanying the same, shall in any wise affect its obligations on this Bond; and it does thereby waive
notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to the
work or specifications.

It is hereby further stipulated and agreed that, if the Principal is a non-Michigan Corporation, neither the
Principal nor the Surety shall be discharged from liability on this Bond, nor the bond sul'J'endered, until
such Principal files with the Obligee a certificate from the Michigan Department of Revenue evidencing
the payment in full of all taxes, penalties and/or interest, and a certificate from the Unemployment
Compensation Commission evidencing the payment of all unemployment compensation contributions,
penalties and/or interest, due the State of Michigan from said Principal, or any non-Michigan corporation,
subcontractor thereunder, or for which liability has accmed but the time for payment has not arrived.

11/19/19                                                                                                           39
                                                                                    City of Muskegon
                                                                           2020-22 Janitorial Services


THIS _ _ _ _ _ _.DAY OF _ _ _ _ _ __, 20 _ _ .

Individual Principals Sign Here:                In the Presence of:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (SEAL)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (SEAL)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (SEAL)

Corporate Principals Sign Here:                 Attest:

  Jeanette Hoyer President & CEO
(Printed Name and Title)                                  (Printed Name)

Surety Sign Here:                               Attest:

(Printed Name and Title)                                  (Printed Name)

The rate of premium charge is $_______________ per thousand,

The total amount of premium charged is$____________________
                                          (to be filled in by the Corporate Surety)

11/19/19                                                                                           40
                                                      Selective Insurance Company of America
                                                      40 Wantage Avenue, Bond SBU
                                                      Branchville, New Jersey 07890
                                                      973-948-3000                                                    Bond No. B 1226453

                                                             PERFORMANCE BOND

 KNOW ALL :MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS, that (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Contractor)
 Goodwill Industries of West Michigan, Inc.
 of 271 E Apple Ave Muskegon, MI 49442
 as Principal, hereinafter called Contractor, and, (Here insert full name and address of legal title of Surety)
 SELECTIVE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, Wantage Avenue, Branchville, NJ 07890
 as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Owner)
 City of Muskegon
 933 Terrace Street Muskegon, MI 49440
 as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, in the amount of One Hundred Forty Five Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Eight Dollars ($145,668.00)

 for the payment whereof Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and
 assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
 Contractor has by written agreement dated                       February        6th       2020        entered into a contract with Owner for
 Ja..,itorial and Carpet Cleaning Services
 in accordance with Drawings and specifications prepared by (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Architect)

 which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract.

      NOW, TIIEREFORE, TIIE CONDffiON OF TIIlS OBLIGATION                          Owner, and make available as Work progresses (even though there
 is such that, if Contractor shall promptly and faithfully perform said            should he a default or a succession
 Contract then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall          of defaults under the contract or contracts of completion arranged
 remain in full force and effect.                                                  under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion
      The Surety hereby waives notice of any alteration or extension of            less the balance of the contract price; but not exceeding, including other
 time made by the Owner.                                                           costs and damages for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the
      Whenever Contractor shall be, aud declared by owner to be in                 amount set forth in the first paragraph, hereof. The term "balance of
 default under the Contract, the Owner having performed Owner's                    the contract price," as used in tbls paragraph, shall mean the total
 obligations thereunder and having provided Surety with notice of said             amount payable by owner to Contractor Wlder the Contract and any
 default, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly            amendments thereto, less the amount properly paid by Owner to
      1) Complete the Contract in accordance with its tenns and                    Contractor.
 conditions, or
                                                                                   Any suit Wlder this bond must be instituted before the expiration of
      2) Obtain a bid or bids for completing the Contract in
                                                                                   two (2) years from the date on which final payment under the Contract
 accordance with its terms and conditions, and upon determination by
                                                                                   falls due.
 Surety of lhe lowest responsible bidder, or, if the Owner elects,
 upon determination by the Owner and the Surety jointly of the lowest              No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for the use of any
 responsible bidder, arrange for n contract bel\vcen such bidder and               person or corporation other than the Owner named herein or the heirs,
                                                                                   executors, administrators or successors of the Owner.

 Signed and Sealed this          6th       day of            February                         , 2020

                                                                                           Goodwill Industries of West Michigan, Inc.

(Witness)          ---.,__ _ _ ,                   f
            ~ ffe
                                                                                            Selective Insurance Company of America
                                                                                                (Surety) ·                                          (Seal)
0¥im~,>                                                                                     ~_/LA_
                                                                                            (Title)Atto           -Fact
                                                                                                                Laurie J Parker

B207 (09/04)                                                                1.
                                                                                                  City of Muskegon
                                                                                         2020-22 Janitorial Services

                                  2.4 LABOR & MA TERIALMAN' S BOND

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

as Principal, a n d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Muskegon, its certain attorney, successors or assigns
(hereinafter called the Obligee) in the penal sum of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
dollars($_ _ _ _ _ _~ lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and
trnly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns,jointly and
severally, firmly by these presents:

WHEREAS, said Principal has entered into a certain contract with said Obligee, dated_ _ _ _ _ _ _.
20_ _ _, (hereinafter called the Contract) for: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

and the specifications for said work shall be deemed a part hereof as fully as if set out herein:

subcontractors to whom any portion of the work provided for in said Contt·act is sublet, and all assignees
of said Principal and of such subcontractors, shall promptly make payment for all material furnished, labor
supplied or performed, rental for equipment employed and services rendered by public utilities in or in
connection with the prosecution of the work, whether or not said material, labor, equipment or services
entered into become component parts of the work or improvement contemplated in said Contract, in any
amendment, extension of, or addition to said Contract, then the above obligation shall be void; otherwise,
it shall remain in full force and effect; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this Bond is subject to the following
conditions and limitations:

(a)        All persons who have performed labor, rendered services or furnished materials or equipment, shall
           have a direct right of action against the Principal and Surety on this Bond, which right of action
           shall be asse1ied in proceedings instituted in the State in which such labor was performed, services
           rendered or materials furnished ( or where labor has been performed, services rendered or materials
           furnished under said Contract in more than one state, then in any such states). Insofar as permitted
           by the laws of such State, such right of action shall be asserted in a proceeding instituted in the
           name of the Obligee to the use and benefit of the persons instituting such action and any or all other
           persons having claims hereunder; and any other person having a claim hereunder shall have the
           right to be made a patiy to such proceedings, but not later than one yeat' after the complete
           perfot'mance of said Contract and final settlement thereof, and to have such claim adjudicated in
           such action and judgment rendered thereon; PROVIDED HOWEVER, that the Obligee shall not
           be liable for the payment of any costs or expenses of any such suit.
(b)        The Surety shall not be liable hereunder for any damages or compensation recoverable under any
           workmen's compensation or employer's liability statute,
(c)        In no event shall the Surety be liable for a greater sum than the penalty of this Bond, or subject to
           any suit, action or proceeding thereon, that is instituted later than one year after the complete
           performance of said Contract and final settlement thereof,
(d)        As used herein: The term "Person" refers to any individual, firm or corporation which has furnished
           materials, equipment or public utility services to be used on or incorporated in the work, or the
           prosecution thereof, provided for in said Contract or any amendment, extension of, or addition to
           said Contract; and/or to any person engaged in the prosecution of the work provided for in said

11/19/19                                                                                                          41
                                                                                                    City of Muskegon
                                                                                           2020-22 Janitorial Services

           Contract or any, extensions of, or addition to said Contract, who is an agent, servant or employee
           of the Principal or of any subcontractor, or any assignee of said Principal or any subcontractor; and
           also anyone so engaged who performs the work of a laborer or mechanic, regardless of any
           contractual relationship between the Principal or any subcontractor, or any assignee of said
           Principal or subcontractor and such laborer or mechanic; BUT shall not include office employees
           not regularly stationed at the site of the work.
(e)        It is hereby further stipulated and agreed that, if the Principal is a non-Michigan corporation, neither
           the Principal nor the Surety shall be discharged from liability on this Bond, nor the Bond
           smrendered, until such Principal files with the Obligee a certificate from the Michigan Department
           of Revenue evidencing the payment in full of all taxes, penalties and/or interest due the State of
           Michigan from the Principal, or any non-Michigan corporation, subcontractor thereunder, or for
           which liability has accrued but the time for payment has not arrived.

The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or
addition to the terms of the Contract, to the work to be performed thereunder, or to the specifications
accompanying the same, shall in any wise affect the obligations of this Bond, and it does hereby waive
notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract, the work
thereunder, or the specifications.


THIS ----"~~-k....-------'DA Y OF       Fb6rva.£:'1 ,20 to .
Individual Principals Sign Here:

(Printed Nnme and Address)

(Printed Name and Address)

Corporate Principals Sign Here:                               Attest:

(Printed Name and Tille)                                                (Printed Name)

Surety Sign Here:                                             Attest:

(Printed Name and Title)                                                (Printed Name)

11/19/19                                                                                                            42
                                                    Selective Insurance Company of America
                                                    40 Wantage .Avenue, Bond SBU
                                                    Branchville, New Jersey 07890
                                                    973-948-3000                                                       Bond No. B 1226453

                                              LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND
KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIBSE PRESENTS, that (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Contractor)
Goodwill Industries of West Michigan, Inc.
of 271 E Apple Ave Muskegon, MI 49442
as Principal, hereinafter called Principal, and, (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Surety)
 SELECTIVE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, Wantage Avenue, Branchville, NJ 07890
as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Owner)
City of Muskegon
933 Terrace Street Muskegon, MI 49440                                                        .
as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, for the use and benefit of claimants as hereinhelow defined, in the amount of
One Hundred Forty Five Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Eight Dollar& (S145,668.00)
for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,
jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
Principal has by written agreement dated                      Februa1·y         6th    2020                  entered into a contract with Owner for
Janitorial and Carpet Cleaning Services
in accordance with Drawings and specifications prepared by (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Architect)

which contract is by reference made a pa11 hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract.
 NOW, TIIEREFORE, TIIE CONDIDON OF nns OBUOATION is                                   (90) days after such claimant did or performed the last of the work or
 such that, if Principal shall promptly make payment to all claimants as              labor, or furnished the last of the materials for which said claim is made,
 hereinafter defined, for all labor and material used or reasonably                   stating with substantial accuracy the amount claimed and the name of the
 required for use in the performance of the contract, then this                       party to whom the materials were furnished, or for whom the work or
 obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and                labor was done or performed, such notice shall be served by mailing the
 effect, subject, however, to the following conditions:                               same by registered mail or certified mail, postage.prepaid, in an envelope
   1. A claimant is defined as one having a direct contract with the                  addressed to the Principal, Owner or Surety, at any place where an
 Principal or with a Subcontractor of the Principal for labor, material,              office is regularly maintained for the transaction of business or served
 or both, used or reasonably required for use in the performance of                   In any manner in which legal process may be served in the state in which
 the Contract, labor and material being construed to include that part                the aforesaid project is located, save that such service need not be made
 of water, gas, power, light, beat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or               by a public officer.
 rental of equipment directly applicable to the Contract.                                   b) After the expiration of one (I) year after the day ou which the
     2. The above named Principal and Surety hereby jointly and                       last of the labor was performed or material was supplied by claimant, it
 severally agree with the Owner that every claimant as herein                         being understood, however, that if any limitation embodied in this bond
 defined, who has not been paid in full before the expiration of a                    is prohibited by any law controlling the construction hereof such
 period of ninety (90) days after the date on which the last of such                  limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal to the
 claimant's work or labor was done or performed, or materials were                    minimum period of limitation permitted by such law:
 furnished by such claimant, may sue on this bond for the use of                            c) Other than in a state court of competent jurisdiction in 11nd for
 such claimant, prosecute the suit to final judgment for such sum or                  the county or other political subdivision of the state in which the Project,
 sums as may be justly due claimant, and have execution thereon, The                  or any part thereof, is situated, or in the United States District Court
 owner shall not be liable for the payment of any costs or expenses of                for the district in which the project, or any part thereof, Is situated, and
 any such suit.                                                                       not elsewhere.
  3. No suit or action shall be commenced hereunder by any claimant:                        4. The amount of this bond shall be reduced by and to the extent
  a) Unless claimant, other than one having a direct contract with the                of any payment or payments made in good faith hereunder, inclusive of
 Principal, shall have given wiitten notice to any two of the following:              the payment by Surely of mechanics' liens which may be filed of record
 the Principal, the Owner, or the Surety above named, within ninety                   against said Improvement, whether or not claim for the amount of such
                                                                                      lien be presented under and against this bond.

 Signed and Sealed this         6th        day of             February                         , 2020

             ft.➔ J-A=J.___,. ~117.C--
                                                                                            Goodwill Industries of West Michigan, Inc.
                                                                                                   (Principal)                                          (Seal)

 (WR,=)                                                                                 {
                                                                                            -~            ~~ n_~ .

B207 (09/04)                                                               2.
                                                              Selective Insurance Company of America
SELECTIVE                                                     40 Wantage Avenue
                                                              Branchville, New Jersey 07890      BondNo.B 1226453

                                              POWER OF ATTORNEY
SELECTIVE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, a New Jersey corporation having its principal office at 40
Wantage Avenue, in Branchville, State of New Jersey ("SICA"), pursuant to Article VII, Section 1 of its By-Laws, which
state in pertinent part:
              The Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer, any Executive Vice President,
              any Senior Vice President or any Corporate Secretary may, from time to time, appoint attorneys
              in fact, and agents to act for and on behalf of the Corporation and they may give such appointee
              such authority, as his/her certificate of authority may prescribe, to sign with the Corporation's
              name and seal with the Corporation's seal, bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and
              other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance or conditional undertaking, and
              any of said Officers may, at any time, remove any such appointee and revoke the power and
              authority given him/her.
does hereby appoint Laurie J Parker

, its true and lawful attorney(s)-in:fact, full authority to execute on SICA's behalf fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings
and other documents ofa similar character issued by SICA in the course of its business, and to bind SICA thereby as fully
as if such instruments had been duly executed by SICA's regularly elected officers at its principal office, in amounts or
penalties not exceeding the sum of: One Hundred Forty Five Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Eight Dollars ($145,668.00)
Signed this     6th   day of        February,~
                                                                 SELECTIVE INSURANCE COMPANY OF A

                                                                     Brian C. Sarisky
                                                                     Its SVP, Sh·ategic Business Units, Comm
                    :ss, Branchville
On this 61h day of February, 2020           before me, the undersigned officer, personally appeared Brian q11 Sa1isk8, who
acknowledged himself to be the Sr. Vice President of SICA, and that he, as such Sr. Vice President, bei~Ml-6.;etf@'jR,.,
do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained, by signing the name of the c~\W!f>~. ~
as Sr. Vice President and that the same was his free act and deed a the free act and deed of SICA. ffo_.· ~oTAty;- -._~~
                               Charlene Kimble                                                           ~ :                                : :
                          Notary Public of New Je~y                          .                           -;.~ \ ..ous\.f' / }
                       Mv, Comml»ion Explres 612/2021            Notary Public                             ....    •. •
                                                                                                                                     •,}4.    ,.:-
                                                                                                                                 • 'h'=>'°''','
                                                                                                                      ._ l'I' JC:P ,,,,
The power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolutl6iH1dupted by
the Board of Directors of SICA at a meeting duly called and held on the 6th of February 1987, to wit:
"RESOLVED, the Board of Directors of Selective Insurance Company of America authorizes and approves the use of a
facsimile corporate seal, facsimile signatures ofcorporate officers and notarial acknowledgements thereof on powers of
attorney for the execution of bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writing obligatory in the nature of a
bond, recognizance or conditional undertaking."
I do hereby certify as SICA's Corporate Secretary that the foregoing extract of SICA's By-Laws and Reso
force and effect and this Power of Attorney issued pursuant to and in accordance with the By-Laws is val' .:::,;;

Signed this    6th    day of        February ,   ~                                    ~~tt~~-7...J.               i
        Impo1tant Notice: If the bond number embedded within the Notary Seal does not match the number in the upper
        right-hand comer of this Power of Attorney, contact us at 973-948-3000.
                                                              Selective Insurance Company of America
SELECTIVE                                                     40 Wantage Avenue
       BE UNIQUELY INSURED'"                                  Branchville, New Jersey 07890      BondNo.B 1226453

                                               POWER OF ATTORNEY
SELECTIVE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, a New Jersey corporation having its principal office at 40
Wantage Avenue, in Branchville, State of New Jersey ("SICA"), pursuant to Article VII, Section 1 of its By-Laws, which
state in pertinent part:
              The Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer, any Executive Vice President,
              any Senior Vice President or any Corporate Secretary may, from time to time, appoint attorneys
              in fact, and agents to act for and on behalf of the Corporation and they may give such appointee
              such authority, as his/her certificate of authority may prescribe, to sign with the Corporation's
              name and seal with the Corporation's seal, bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and
              other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance or conditional undertaking, and
              any of said Officers may, at any time, remove any such appointee and revoke the power and
              authority given him/her.
does hereby appoint Laurie J Parker

, its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact, full authority to execute on SICA's behalf fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings
and other documents ofa similar character issued by SICA in the course of its business, and to bind SICA thereby as fully
as if such instruments had been duly executed by SICA's regularly elected officers at its principal office, in amounts or
penalties not exceeding the sum of: One Hundred Forty Five Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Eight Dollars (S145,668.00)
Signed this    6th    day of     February     .~
                                                                  SELECTIVE INSURANCE COMP ANY OF A

                                                                  By:_,,___ _ ____,_,_,_..___ _ _ _ _ _--,--_..,
                                                                      Bnan . ans
                                                                      Its SVP, Strategic Business Units, Comm
                    :ss. Branchville
On this 6th day of February, 2020           before me, the undersigned officer, personally appeared Brian ~ 1,~ris~ 1 who
acknowledged himself to be the Sr. Vice President of SICA, and that he, as such Sr. Vice President, bei~~§.;~~1?~~
do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained, by signing the name of the c ~ ~ ® ~
as Sr. Vice President and that the same was his free act and deed a the free act and deed of SICA. f o.: ~oTAf?;- \\1\ ~
                              Charlene Kimble                                               ,             :: :        - ,-              :       =
                         Notary Public of New Jersey                          .                           \ \.       '°Us\., /              }
                       My CommlJSion Expires 612/2021            Notary Pubhc                               ',     •·,
                                                                                                             ,,,,,,1\1,c:-;;:     • .:.1.. ,'
                                                                                                                     ~ ~l' J~P \,,
The power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolutf6H 'illlt!pte'c! by
the Board of Directors of SICA at a meeting duly called and held on the 6th ofFebruary 1987, to wit:
"RESOLVED, the Board of Directors of Selective Insurance Company of America authorizes and approves the use of a
facsimile corporate seal, facsimile signatures of corporate officers and notarial acknowledgements thereof on powers of
attorney for the execution of bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writing obligatory in the nature of a
bond, recognizance or conditional undertaking."
I do hereby ce11ify as SICA's Corporate Secretary that the foregoing extract of SICA's By-Laws and R
force and effect and this Power of Attorney issued pursuant to and in accordance with the By-Laws i

Signed this   6th    day of      Febrnary     ,   2020 .

        Important Notice: If the bond nwnber embedded within the Notary Seal does not match the number in the upper
        right-hand comer of this Power of Attorney, contact us at 973-948-3000.
                                                            Selective Insurance Company of America BondNo.B 1226453
                                                            40 Wantage Avenue
                                                            Branchville, New Jersey 07890

                                     STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION                                   Class B Performance Bond

I hereby certify that the following information is contained in the Annual Statement of Selective Insurance Company of
America ("SICA") to the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance as of December 31, 2018:
    ADMITTED ASSETS (in thousands)                               LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS (in thousands)
    Bonds                                         $1,645,203     Reserve for losses and loss expenses $1,067,538
    Preferred stocks at convention value               15,958 Reserve for unearned premiums                     407,747
                                                              Provision for unauthorized
    Common stocks at convention values                108,870 reinsurance                                           613
    Subsidiary common stock at                                Commissions payable and
     convention values                                      0 contingent commissions                             28,217
    Short-term investments                            118,739    Other accrued expenses                          27,209
    Mortgage loans on real estate
     (including collateral loans)                      32,517    Other liabilities                              375,544
    Other invested assets                             104,132 Total liabilities
    Interest and dividends due or accrued              13,554
    Premiums receivable                               378,538    Surplus as regards policyholders
    Other admitted assets                             122,160
                                                                 Total liabilities and surplus as
    Total admitted assets                           2,532 611    regards policyholders                        2.532.671

I further certify that the following is a true and exact excerpt from Article VII, Section 1 of the By-Laws of SICA, which is
still valid and existing.
         The Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer, any Executive Vice President,
         any Senior Vice President or any Corporate Secretary may, from time to time, appoint attorneys
         in fact, and agents to act for and on behalf of the Corporation and they may give such appointee ·
         such authority, as his/her certificate of authority may prescribe, to sign with the Corporation's
         name and seal with the Corporation's seal, bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and
         other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance or conditional undertaking, and
         any of said Officers may, at any time, remove any such appointee and revoke the power and
         authority given him/her.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto subscribe my name and a

                             :ss, Branchville
                                      Selective Insurance Company of America
                                      40 Wantage Avenue                                        BondNumberB 1226453
                                      Branchville, New Jersey 07890


Selective Insurance Company of America, surety on the attached bond, hereby certifies the following:

      (]) The surety meets the applicable capital and surplus requirements ofR.S. 17: 17-6 or R.S. 17: 17-7 as
of the surety's most current annual filing with the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance.

      (2) The capital and surplus, as determined in accordance with the applicable laws of the State of New
Jersey, of the surety issuing the attached bond are in the following amounts as of the calendar year ended
December 31, 2018, which amounts have been certified by certified public accountants:

                  Company               Capital            Surplus                        CPA

              Selective Inslll'ance    $4,400,000       $632,803,000                 KPMGLLP
              Company of America                                                     345 Park Avenue
                                                                                     New York, NY 10154

      (3) With respect to the surety issuing the attached bond that has received from the United States Secretary
of the Treasury a certificate of authority pursuant to 31 U.S.C. sec 9305, the underwriting limitation established
therein and the date as of which the limitation was effective is as follows:

                        Company                   Underwriting Limitation              Effective Date

                    Selective Insurance                $63,280,000                     July 1, 2019
                    Company of America

      (4)     The amount ofthe bond to which this statement and certification is attached is
              $ 145,668.00

              (To be completed by an authorized certifying agent/officer for each surety on the bond)

I, Timothy A. Marchio, as Vice President, Bond SBU for Selective Insurance Company of America, a corporation
domiciled in New Jersey, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that, to the best ofmy knowledge, the foregoing statements
made by me are true, and ACKNOWLEDGE that, if any of those statements are false, this bond is VOIDABLE.

Timothy A. Marchio
(Printed name of certifying agent/officer)

 Vice President Bond SBU
(Title of certifying agent/officer)

Dated:      February 6th 2020
              (month, day, year)

B-98 (7/19)
                             Muskegon Police Department
      Security Awareness Acknowledgment for Personnel with only Physical Access to
                             Physically Secure Locations

I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , have read the following, or have had it read and explained to me, and
understand and agree that:

My duties require me to work or be present in areas where Criminal Justice Information (Cn)
may be seen. I realize that this information is sensitive in nature and will not discuss or reveal
any en to anyone.

en refers to state and federal criminal justice data, which may include case/incident information,
identity information (including fingerprints and other forms of biometric data), and prope1ty
(such as vehicle or firearm) data.

Access to or use of CJI (such as viewing, reading, copying, sharing) is strictly limited to official
purposes, specifically the administration of criminal justice.

The term "administration of criminal justice" is defined in the CJIS Security Policy as:

         "Administration of criminal justice" means the detection, apprehension,
         detention, pretrial release, post-trial release, prosecution, adjudication,
         conectional supervision, or rehabilitation of accused persons or criminal
         offenders. It also includes criminal identification activities; the collection,
         storage, and dissemination of criminal history record inf01mation; and criminal
         justice employment. In addition, administration of criminal justice includes
         "crime preventions programs" to the extent access to criminal history record
         information is limited to law enforcement agencies for law enforcement
         programs (e.g. record checks of individuals who pmticipate in Neighborhood
         Watch or "safe house" programs) and results of such checks will not be
         disseminated outside the law enforcement agency.

My work-related duties, as defined by my employer and understood by me, do not in any way
involve the administration of criminal justice, as defined above.

In the course of my work-related duties, I may see or learn of (as by hearing mention of) en.
Because I have no responsibility or authority for handling CJI, I will not access, use, view, copy,
disseminate, or disclose (in writing or in conversation) en, nor will I take pa1t in the physical
destruction of en. I am aware that doing so would be considered misuse of en.

I further understand that misuse of en is not limited to situations in which the CJI is used by me
or others for purposes or in a manner that could be punished under the criminal laws of the state
or of the United States.

I acknowledge that misuse of CJI may subject me to administrative action (such as termination
of employment or contract), civil penalties and/or criminal penalties.

I agree and conunit that if I hear, see, or otherwise become aware of actual or potential misuse of
CJI, or of a situation that may cause or contribute to the misuse of en, I will promptly rep01t
same to the Muskegon Police Department.

I agree and commit that I will not allow, by action or inaction, the unescorted entry into any
secme (protected) area by anyone who is not known to me to be authorized to enter such area.

I have read and understand the info1mation above regarding the importance of protecting CJI,
and have asked and received a satisfactory answer to any questions I had concerning the duties
and restrictions imposed on me with respect to CJI.

(Signature ofNon-CnS Employee)                                              (Date)

I hereby confirm that the above signed individual has read the above document ( or had it read to
him or her), and been given the opp01tunity to ask questions. I have answered any questions
and/or clarified any issues he or she posed regarding information security requirements.

(Signature of Criminal Justice Agency Representative)                       (Date)

Muskegon Police Depa1tment                                                MI6160300
(Criminal Justice Agency)                                                   (ORI)

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