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Received & Sealed for Record MARK F. FAIRCHILD REGISTER OF DEEDS Muskegon County Michigan 06/01/2023 08:36:12 AM Uber: 4331 Page: 142 MARK F. FAIRCHILD Uber: 4331 Page: 142 REGISTER OF DEEDS Page: 1 of 6 Muskegon County Michigan 06/01/2023 08:36:12 AM 5796736 034 MEMORANDUM OF EASEMENT This Memorandum of Easement is made effective as of M,Q,1 \. 8() , QDFJ!l by and between Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC of 1204 W. Western Avenue, Muskegon; Michigan 49441 ("APQ"), and The Qty of Muskegon of933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49440 ("City"). This Memorandum is being executed for recording purposes, to give public notice of the existence of the Easement. Background APQ & the City entered into a certain Cooperative Development and Use Agreement, effective September 13, 2022 (''Agreement''), wherein the parties agree to provide access to certain property, described on Exhibit A ("Easement Property") to each other. All of the terms, covenants and conditions contained in the Agreement are incorporated into this Memorandum by reference with like effect as if set forth in this Memorandum verbatim. In addition, an Easement Agreement, which was described in and attached to the Cooperative Development and Use Agreement ("Easement Agreement''), will be executed contemporaneously with this Memorandum. All of the terms, covenants and conditions contained in the Agreement are incorporated into this Memorandum by reference with like effect as if set forth in this Memorandum verbatim. For good and valuable considention, the parties agree to the following: 1. Use of Easement Property. The Easement Property shall be used to provide the public access to, and enjoyment of, the entire Easement Property. Functions of public access and enjoyment include, but are not limited, access to Muskegon Lake for recreational activities including fishing, park activities, and quiet use and enjoyment. Conditions surrounding use of the Easement Property are defined within the Agreement and Easement Agreement. 2. Ingress, Egi;ess and Crossings. City and APQ agree that the benefit and uses described in the Agreement necessitates reasonable use and crossing of both public and private property. Neither party shall interfere with transitory access and use of the public or private property required to access the property for the uses and benefits provided by the Agreement. 3. Amendments. Both the Agreement and Easement Agreement shall not be amended or modified except in a writing signed by both parties. [Signatures to appear on the following page] 1 Grantor- Adclaide Pointe A Michigw;1..&9Mfft~+a8Jrw;J~ By: -~,aL---=----:l=-~~~=------ Name: Date: Date: STATE OF MICHIGAN ) COUNTY OF MUSKEGON ) On this if day of ~ , 2023, before me personally appeared Ryan Lccstma, Member of Adelaide Pointe QOZll,LC, a Michigmi l i m i ~ ~ ~ ~«: Muskegon County, Michigan My Commission Expires: Ja J1/~ .~o~aryPublic ~ . r I 2 MARK F. FAIRCHILD Liber: 4331 Page: 142 REGISTER OF DEEDS Page: 2 of 6 Muskegon County Michigan 06/01/2023 08:36:12 AM 5796736 034 City- City of Muskegon A Michigan municipal corporation By:~ Name:KenJohon Date: Mar Date: ~d:, -~8-.5 STATE OF MICHIGAN ) COUNTY OF MUSKEGON ) On this ~ day of ~~~~--' 2023, before me personally appeared Ken Johnson, Mayor of the City of Muskegon, a Mi igan municipal corporation ~ MuskegonConty,Mkfugan 3?o-tmyPublic My Commission Expires: 5/ g' /9.,,ft City- City of Muskegon A Michigan municipal corporation Name:" By: ' 'Meisch Aiifi "'-~~~~ Title: City Clerk Date: <:" -· :1 0 -:',2..7 STATE OF MICHIGAN ) CO~OF MUSKEGON ) On t h ~--fay of nd Y 20'23, before me personally appeared Ann Meisch, City Clerk for the City of Muskegon, a Michigan municipal corporation &~v : Muskegon County, Michigan My Commission Expires: Nmary Public i I P.J wa..'1. Prepared by and When Recorded Return to: John Schrier Parmenter Law P.O. Box786 Muskegon,MI 49443-0786 3 MARK F. FAIRCHILD Liber: 4331 Page: 142 REGISTER OF DEEDS Page: 3 of 6 Muskegon County Michigan 06/01/2023 08:36:12 AM 5796736 034 Exhibit A Easement Property 4 MARK F. FAIRCHILD Liber: 4331 Page: 142 REGISTER OF DEEDS Page: 4 of 6 Muskegon County Michigan 06/01/2023 08:36:12 AM 5796736 034 FOR: CITY OF MUSKEGON ■ WESTSHORE ENGINEERING & SURVEYING 0£.SCRIPTION: ENVIRONMENTAL ALL THOSE LANDS BEING PART OF BLOCK 574, EASEMENT EXHIBIT REV/SW PLAT {OF 1903) OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON, MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN, LYING NORTH OF THE FOLLOWING OE.SCRIBED LINE AND THE SHOR£ OF MUSKEGON LAJDIMfNSION 574; A FOUND PK NAIL THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREE 55 MINUTES JO • FOUND IRON SECONDS WEST. A 0/STANCE OF 16.00 FtF:T; THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 31 Sa:DNDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF 8.35 FEET; THENCE NORTH J2 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 59 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 608..33 FEET: THENCE NORTH 48 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF 16.19 FEET: THENCE NORTH 32 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 59 SECONDS WE"ST, A DISTANCE OF 127.55 FEET: THENCE NORTH 4J DEGREES 57 MINUTES 59 SECONDS KES'T, A 0/STANCE OF 800. FEET, MORE OR LESS. TO THE WATER'S EOG£ OF MUSKEGON LAKE; RECOMMENCE AT REFERF:NCE POINT A, THENCE FILE: NO: 00023-0063 NORTH 01 DEGREE 37 MINU'TES 51 SF:CONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 160 FEET, MORE OF LESS TO SA/0 SCA!.£: 1 "==300' WATER'S EDGE OF MUSKEGON LAKE. SURVEYED BY: DRN BY: NSS @ COPVRIGKT 2022 SHEE:T 1 OF I • "',F MARK F. FAIRCHILD Uber: 4331 Page: 142 REGISTER OF DEEDS Page: 5 of6 Muskegon County Michigan 06/01/2023 08:36:12 AM 5796736 034 ..,..... C\I :!: <( .. a, ~ ....N.. Cl) .... (0 ~ 0 <') ..... ..a, ~ CX) \ ' ,.. M 0 ' ' -. ~;-' ..,.. M Cl) N t'II 0 <') £ost~Accnc. I ...a, D. ....0t! 1hot ..-,t of ~ S7t Olld 580 of lhof Re110ffd Prat (Clf t9C.3) of thtl Cll1 of lfupqotl, Mu$1.f9D"I '~ -::;:,..--l' '\ ,, .c :J - (0 0 taunt,. 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Sai.nb ,c,,w Mal !tl.&t tNI to~ N13"01'27'E 258.97.--;Ji Pemt of a.,;....,, o1 a <::111\t«lnc 01 11 terwidr occ:o NHtnC11t: u,e..c.e tkll'th s . 2 ~ 1 t!,0.91 iHI dQll9 Mi., eatlG'line ,o i!ftd ol .,,,, «a~t arrd to a lifte ol 4tffl«Cotlcn ffll"' ~ te hnchl t)ll'MJ Ncw'tt-fll«rip of sdd hr ~ flGII o Ncr'hg of twth st•crur COIL 10'Easemenl~ IJ MUSKEGON LAKE- • ,, f:; -·- -r ,. ,. . ly., ---·- EOOEOFWATER~ / .... .., 'l, ,::::-/-=--=-~ / ,1 --- ,,\i \\\ = S50"44'04'W - ., //x-:;~_ ..,,,.,.--;;,. l , , .~, /' 335_70•~ _ . S20"19'09"W / // \~~ Demaroalion Line \ ' 59.41 • ,, , / 'f • '-4 N59°49'18" E \ \-.. V: ., _,,.~/ ~\ // l II ~ \ / '->.. ' - ,; /' /' _,,// \ \ / / .,./ 1' "'-' ., ,. V I ~~ 1 10' Easement / / \ I N52"58'28"W 150.88'~--t~~ , 1 ' • y I \ II I .~ ! ADEI.AlDE P0fflE CONOOMIIIIUM #1 ~\ .. I INGRl!SS. EGRESSEASBt!Elff Pl.AN --- .tl.ANK.IIM!l.m -'llll-lLC . EDGEWATER RESOIJRCES,U.C 511 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, IIICHIGAN 4111185 (289)932--45112 SHEET 1 OF 1
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