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LAKESIDE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT- CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 15, 2023 MEETING MINUTES Meeting called to order at 9:08am by M. Flermoen. I. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Flermoen, K. Fearnley, L. Hopson, M. Lyonnais, R. Jenkins, D. Ghezzi MEMBERS ABSENT: D. Ghezzi, J. Seyferth (excused), A. Serio, A. Chambers OTHERS PRESENT: D. Alexander, C. Alexander, S. Green, W. Webster II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by K. Fearnley, second by R. Jenkins to approve the Lakeside BID Meeting Minutes from 11-16-22. Vote: 6 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions MOTION PASSES III. ACTION ITEM: REVIEW OF FINANCES The Lakeside BID ended 2022 with fund balance of $33,057 and after two months of 2023 a fund balance of $17,778. All winter obligations for snow removal and Christmas decorations have been met. The BID anticipates receiving $24,000 in late spring for its last special assessments. In addition, the Lakeside CIA will receive $7,473 for the first-year tax increment revenue. In total, Lakeside will have $49,251 in available fund in 2023. The only standing obligation is the $26,880 for next season’s sidewalk snow removal, leaving $22,271 for discretionary spending. Motion by L. Hopson, second by K. Fearnley to accept the Lakeside Business Improvement District financial statement as of 2-28-23. Vote: 6 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions MOTION PASSES IV. REVIEW OF WINTER SERVICES-SNOW REMOVAL AND HOLIDAY DECORATIONS A discussion on the acceptance and approval of the services and holiday decorations was made. Lighting issues were addressed due to electrical issues and sparse decorations throughout. Design approval for local made 46” stars for the poles (66). There is power on every pole and would be white and blue LED lights to be used during other holidays as well. Agreement to have a demo model star for final approval. 6 yeas, 0 nays V. DISCUSSION OF UPCOMING SPRING AND SUMMER There was discussion on the upcoming spring and summer seasons. A City sponsored event was previously agreed to when the roads reopened was cancelled due to Covid. D. Alexander to follow up with the Clerk’s office and a proposal will be submitted. Various options for neighborhood events i.e. seed packets, artists for bike path or district, official fall festival, etc. Another discussion for an event organizer. D. Alexander to talk to Carla and other options to be discussed at next meeting. All were in favor, 0 nays VI. LAKESIDE BID RENEWAL AND OPTIONS Staff is looking at a consensus from the BID board on the question of renewal, for how long and at what rate. Staff will begin working on documentation and process for renewal. A proposal at $.04 and $.02 will be presented. Staff gave the process for public hearings and commission meetings where the people can weigh in and what the assessments will be for the property owners. This is discussion only. VII. LAKESIDE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Staff gave update on new pizza location. New coffee shop and donut shop will be coming into the old Pierogi Shack location on Lakeshore for mid April opening. Tiki Boyz is back in town and planning on mid to late April. Tiny Houses are in the final stages. Plumbing and electric have been installed. Currently looking for someone to takeover the “hot dog” place. VIII. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned by M. Flermoen at 10:29 am.
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