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LAKESIDE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT- CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR BOARD MEETING May 17, 2023 MEETING MINUTES Meeting called to order at 9:02am by M. Flermoen. I. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Flermoen, K. Fearnley, L. Hopson, D. Ghezzi, J. Seyferth, R. Jenkins, M. Lyonnais MEMBERS ABSENT: A. Serio, A. Chambers OTHERS PRESENT: D. Alexander, C. Alexander II. BID FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, 4-30-23 Confirmation that the Elite Pest Management is for the sidewalk and snow removal. Preferred Lawn Care is the Christmas lights. Discussion on the city contributing a portion of the snow removal from the sidewalks as they have in the past. J. Seyferth agreed and that the city should be invoiced for 14-17% for fund transfer. Motion to support the financial statement by K. Fearnley, supported by M. Lyonnais. All in favor, 0 nays III. LAKESIDE BID RENEWAL – OVERVIEW OF FINAL DOCUMENTS 1. District boundaries: As shown on map 2. Special assessment timeframe: Three years 2024-2026 3. Special assessment rates: 4 cents/sf and 2 cents/sf capped at $1,600 4. Specific special assessments: Per the assessment roll 5. How to be assessed: Winter property tax bills 6. A recommendation of this being the final three years of the BID Discussion only IV. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS – LIGHT POLES A discussion on whether we wanted trees or stars on every other light pole. It was agreed that we will use both. Tree decor on every other, and the star decor on the other. The estimated cost for all is $1200. Motion to accept the proposal and spend up to $1500.00 for Christmas décor by L. Hopson, supported by R. Jenkins. Vote: 7 yeas, 0 nays MOTION PASSES V. REPORT FROM THE LAKESIDE DISTRICT ASSOCIATION L. Hobson presented that the brochures are being created. There are several empty properties that should be included on the map. A key will be added and they will be identified as “business opportunity”. Discussion only VI. LAKESIDE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Staff gave update on new pizza location. New coffee shop and donut shop will be coming into the old Pierogi Shack location on Lakeshore for mid-April opening. Tiki Boyz is back in town and planning on mid to late April. Tiny Houses are in the final stages. Plumbing and electric have been installed. Currently looking for someone to takeover the “hot dog” place. VII. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned by M. Flermoen at 10:29 am.
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