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LAKESIDE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT- CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR BOARD MEETING June 14, 2023 MEETING MINUTES Meeting called to order at 9:02am by M. Flermoen. I. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Lyonnais, A. Serio, K. Fearnley, L. Hopson, M. Flermoen, J. Seyferth MEMBERS ABSENT: A. Chambers, R. Jenkins, D. Ghezzi OTHERS PRESENT: D. Alexander, C. Alexander II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MAY 17 a. L. Hopson motioned to approve the minutes and supported by M. Lyonnais III. BID FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, 5-31-23 C. Alexander reviewed the statement. Confirmation of snow removal reimbursement will be made Motion to support the financial statement by L. Hopson, supported by M. Lyonnais. All in favor, 0 nays IV. LAKESIDE BID RENEWAL – OVERVIEW OF FINAL DOCUMENTS Renewal packet will go to the August worksession then the commission meeting the following day. Then final meeting. Letters will be sent out as soon as the final packet is approved. V. FALL EVENT A discussion on updates for the fall events. A committee has been established. Estimated costs for the fall event will be approximately $9300 to be rounded up to $10,000. Sponsors for the actual events are being looked into. Events will be held along Lakeshore i.e. McCracken to Lakeside Center. Non profit sales are not allowed. Potential date is October 7. Hayrides, Octoberfest, ax throwing, food trucks, scarecrow competition, chili cookoff, etc. Further discussion on side roads for more events was talked about. J. Seyferth agreed to a minimum of $5,000. He will take a look at the budget for any additional funds. Motion to accept the proposal and spend up to $1500.00 for Christmas décor by L. Hopson, supported by R. Jenkins. J. Seyferth suggested to ask Melonie and/or Holly join the meeting next month for further suggestions. Volunteer coordinator is recommended Vote: 7 yeas, 0 nays MOTION PASSES VI. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned by L. Hopson at 10:04 am.
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