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LAKESIDE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT- CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR BOARD MEETING August 16, 2023 MEETING MINUTES Meeting called to order at 9:02am by M. Flermoen. I. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Lyonnais, K. Fearnley, L. Hopson, M. Flermoen, J. Seyferth, R. Jenkins MEMBERS ABSENT: A. Chambers, D. Ghezzi, A. Serio OTHERS PRESENT: C. Alexander, D. Alexander II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM, June 14, 2023 a. J. Seyferth motioned to approve the minutes and supported by R. Jenkins. III. BID FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, July 31, 2023 C. Alexander reviewed the financial statement for July 31, 2023. On July 27th, $7,633.92 was added for snow removal from the City. The MML Bridge Builders Grant of $5,000 was also added to pay out the four selected artists for the crosswalks project. In June, the 2022 settlement of $2,880.19 was added. Also, the costs for Christmas decorations created by Mark were reflected on June 23, as well as mulch for the Lakeside on 6/14/23. Total expenses as of July 31st is $16,625.68. Motion to support the financial statement by R. Jenkins, supported by J. Seyferth. All in favor, 0 nays IV. FALL EVENT A discussion on updates for the fall event and budget. The event committee has come up with various actives and a budget for this event. Estimated costs will be approximately $9300 to be rounded up to $10,000. Businesses will have the opportunity to donate a portion of sales to three different non profits which will include Heaven Can Wait, The Clippers, and The Light House. The events will include the following: Face Painting & Chalk Drawing Adult Games Hay Rides Live Music Harvest Photo Booth Street Entertainers Pumpkin Patch & Decorating Scarecrow Business Contest-Judged Donuts and Cider Bounce House & Yard Games Kids Games Basketball Tournament The committee will look into event insurance, signage, volunteers and publicity for this evet. Motion to accept the Fall Event Budget of up to $10,000 motion by L. Hopson, supported by K. Fearnley. All in favor, 0 nays MOTION PASSES V. LAKESIDE CROSSWALK ART PROJECT UPDATE Contessa gave an overview of the process after receiving the MML Bridge Builders Grant. The call for artists was highly publicized and there were 64 total applicants. Out of the 64 applicants, the judges that were made up of Mark, Kathy, Louise, and Contessa, selected the top 4 artists who will be notified on Friday, August 16th. VI. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned by R. Jenkins at 9:49am.
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