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LAKESIDE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT- CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR BOARD MEETING November 7, 2023 MEETING MINUTES Meeting called to order at 9:02am by M. Flermoen. I. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Lyonnais, A. Serio, K. Fearnley, L. Hopson, M. Flermoen MEMBERS ABSENT: A. Chambers, D. Ghezzi, R. Jenkins, J. Seyferth OTHERS PRESENT: C. Alexander, D. Alexander II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM, August 16, 2023 - L. Hopson motioned to approve the minutes and supported by M. Lyonnais. Fall Event was corrected to Milwaukee Clipper and South Pierhead Light House. All in favor. III. BID FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, September 30, 2023 – October 31, 2023 J. Hines reviewed the financial statement for September 30, 2023 – October 31, 2023. New format was approved. Motion to support the financial statement for September, 2023 by A. Serio and supported by L. Hopson. All in favor, 0 nays Motion to support the financial statement for October, 2023 by A. Serio and supported by L. Hopson. All in favor, 0 nays IV. HOLIDAYS IN LAKESIDE-MARK Who will do the lights? Trees will be lit from bridge to McCracken. Contessa will verify with Preferred the amount budgeted and paid. Still need bids but is short notice. Discussion on contributing and donating. Possible QR code. Lakeside businesses are already contributing, how can we get more donations? Motion to approve/hold $7500 for Holidays in Lakeside by L. Hopson and supported by M. Lyonnais Mark to talk to Tiny Diggs about contributing. Discussion on tree. Possibility to post on Facebook page if anyone has one to donate. V. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 9:29am.
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