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LAKESIDE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT- CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR BOARD MEETING April 17, 2024 MEETING MINUTES Meeting called to order at 9:00 am by M. Flermoen. I. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Lyonnais, R. Jenkins. M. Flermoen, D. Ghezzi, M. Smith MEMBERS ABSENT: D. Edlund, L. Hopson, S. Wilson OTHERS PRESENT: J. Hines and Wendy Webster of Development Services II. Approval of minutes – April 17, 2024 Approval of minutes from April 17, 2024 was made by M. Smith and supported by R. Jenkins. All in favor. III. CIA Agenda Items – Jocelyn Hines A. Approval of Budget - At the March 20, 2024 meeting, the BID/CIA approved the 2024 budget outlining a transfer of up to $19,355.95. The CIA has generated $29,750. We are not able to make that transfer without the approval of a CIA budget R. Jenkins made a motion to approve the 2024 CIA budget. Supported by M. Smith. All in favor IV. BID Agenda Items – Jocelyn Hines A. BID financial statements – April 30, 2024, May 31, 2024, and June 30, 2024 Staff comments: As of April 30, 2024, your fund balance is $23,256.10. The total amount for expenditures was $4,859.61. These expenditures account for the quarterly invoice from My Social NetWorth LLC in the amount of $525.00. There was a beginning balance of $9,232.58. As of May 31, 2024, your fund balance is $22,063.31. The total amount for expenditures was $6,059.61. These expenditures account for the invoice from Rocket Marketing for social media classes in the amount of $1,200. There was a beginning balance of $9,232.58. As of June 30, 2024, your fund balance is $22,848,45. The additional revenue in the amount of $2,766.44 accounts for the final tax capture. The expenditures account for reimbursement to Mark Flermoen for landscaping expenses in the amount of $825.90 and Lawson Printers for brochure and rack card expenses in the amount of $1,155.40. There was a beginning balance of $9,232.58. M. Smith made a motion to accept the Lakeside BID financial statement as of February 29, 2024. Supported by M. Lyonnais. All in favor. B. Reimbursement for expenses - Discussion Only. Staff would like to clarify the process for submitting reimbursements for expenses. City staff want to ensure that all boards and commissions are aware of the reimbursement and expense process. Members of the various boards and commissions should consult with their staff liaison before making any purchases on behalf of the BID. Whenever possible, expenses should be paid using a City credit card. If this is not feasible, individuals seeking reimbursement must complete a W9 form. To receive tax-exempt reimbursement, all receipts, invoices, and vouchers must be submitted. Without proper documentation, you may receive a 1099 form at the end of the year. C. Board Member Recommendations - Outline of Request: Staff is requesting the fulfillment of a board member vacancy from January 2024-2027. Staff comments: There is one current vacancy on the Lakeside BID/CIA due to Kathy Fearnley’s resignation. We received an application from Jackie Knowlton, CEO of Lakeshore Federal Credit Union. We must make a recommendation to the Community Relations Commission regarding acceptance of Jackie’s application. R. Jenkins made a motion to recommend Jackie Knowlton for the Lakeside BID/CIA to the Community Relations Commission. Supported by M. Smith. All in favor. D. Holidays in the City – Discussion Only. Staff comments: Staff recently met to discuss ways to improve the "Holidays in the City" event, which starts on the last Saturday in November and ends on New Year’s Eve, coinciding with Small Business Saturday. Staff are proposing a potential punch card system where visitors receive punches for making purchases. These punch cards can then be submitted for a chance to win various gift bags or baskets provided by businesses located in Downtown and/or Lakeside. We aim to make these events family- friendly while also catering to older adults. To enhance the experience for all residents, we are considering offering activities such as Christmas cocktail classes, wreath-making, and holiday planter workshops. "Holidays in the City" is open to exploring additional options to better integrate Lakeside into the festivities and to promote all holiday activities in Lakeside. If the Lakeside BID/CIA decides to participate, we would request their contribution to the gift baskets as well as a small contribution towards punch card expenses. V. Adjourn – M. Smith motioned to adjourn at 9:52 AM. R. Jenkins supported. All in favor.
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