Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes 12-20-2023

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                                 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee
                             Wednesday, December 20th, 2023 at 5:30pm
                                     City Hall Commission Chambers

  Present: Burt, King, De La Rosa, Ross-Furse, Olshansky, Brown, Ruck, Long, Heywood, Bodbyl-Mast,
                                            Marks, Johnson
                                             Absent: None

 I.    Introductions (Olshansky, Brown)
           a. Olshansky and Brown were absent from November’s inaugural meeting. They gave
               introductions about themselves and the rest of the Committee reintroduced
 II.   Selection of Vice Chair
           a. Motion by Ruck, second by Ross-Furse to select Roberta King as the Vice Chair.
                                            Motion Passes
III.   Charter Parks discussion
           a. Karczewski explained what a Charter Park is and which parks are chartered. The
               Committee discussed why parks are chartered and if there is a need to charter more.
IV.    Presentation - Master Plan Survey Data
           a. Survey data was shared by Staff Liaison Kyle Karczewski regarding the 9 Community
               Parks that were included on the survey. The remaining Neighborhood Parks results will
               be presented at the next committee meeting. Due to time constraints, it was suggested
               to split the Neighborhood Park presentations into multiple meetings. Karczewski
               explained to the committee that the presentation was just to show the preliminary
               results, and we would request a more formal presentation from the Community
               Engagement team. Mayor Johnson requested that the information on the graphs be put
               in descending order.
V.     Recap of capital conversation
           a. Possible additions from survey data
           b. Kruse Steps
VI.    Finalize Individual Parks Master Plans selections
           a. Motion by Olshansky, second by King to pursue individual Master Plans for the following
               four parks: Campbell Field, Kruse Park, Richards Park and McGraft Park (with special
               consideration by request of Bodbyl-Mast to include the lagoon-area on the North side of
               McGraft Park Rd.). The committee voted unanimously to pass.
                                             Motion Passes
VII.    Programs Update and Outlooks – if time
           a. Karczewski gave an update to the committee about the current and future programs the
               Recreation department has been putting on. The seniors’ program (Shoreline City
               WAVES) was mentioned as well as the Park Parties, open ice skating, summer camps &
               events. In the future, the department intends to start a youth soccer league as well as
               assist with the local Little League by reviving the field at McCrea park.
           b. He also mentioned that in connection with our EOE department we would be
               purchasing a Track Chair. These are currently in use at State Parks around the area, and
               the department is excited to get one running in our community. They have the ability to
               travel on rough terrain or sand, and they can even be submerged up to 8 inches in the
VIII.   Any other business
           a. Ruck inquired about staff’s marketing efforts for Parks & Recreation activities and
               information sharing. Karczewski explained that Parks & Recreation shares the same
               social media as the general City accounts and one days hopes to have their own
               designated platforms. Ruck mentioned that he would be willing to assist with the
               marketing and promotion and asked to add this on as an agenda item for a future
           b. It was discussed that minutes from the November meeting were not included or
               approved at this meeting. In the future, the committee and Mayor Johnson request that
               detailed minutes are taken from the meetings and included/approved at the following
                    i. Bobdyl-Mast also requested to have agendas and minutes uploaded to the
                        Documents section of the City of Muskegon website. They were being uploaded
                        to the Connect Muskegon page previously. Staff intends to fulfil this request.

Adjourned at 7:24pm

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