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Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 5:30pm City Hall, Room 204 MINUTES Present: Anthony Olshansky, Roberta King, John Burt, Sarah De La Rosa, Mayor Ken Johnson, Lynette Marks, Leann Heywood, Aaron Bodbyl-Mast, David Ruck, Absent: Jequan Brown, Sidney Long, Hillery Ross-Furse Meeting called to order at 5:33 pm I) Approval of 1/17/2024 Minutes a. Motion to approve by Burt, supported by De La Rosa, unanimously voted to approve the 1/17/24 PRAC meeting minutes. II) Updated Code of Ethics a. If you have a conflict of interest on a matter, you should to recuse yourself. III) Hartshorn Park Overview a. Committee looked at an overview of Hartshorn Park on the map. b. Olshansky asked about a current bathroom facility there which Mayor Johnson says is not currently open. Heywood asked about a kayak launch which the Mayor Johnson says could be launched from the small boat basin since the gas dock has been moved. Resident Jamie Cross mention a storm water outfall that is now in the small boat basin that is very large. c. Bobdyl-Mast brought up the new plan for Adelaide Pointe to raise the current bike path. He proposes that we ask for a monthly update from Adelaide Pointe on things that affect the public such as the bike path. d. Bodbyl-Mast makes a motion that we request periodic reports on the status of the public amenities on Hartshorn and the bike path and that staff looks at opinions of an individual master plan for Hartshorn. Motion seconded by Olshansky. Motion passes with unanimous vote. e. Bodbyl-Mast proposes making processes overtimes that developers have to go through the advisory committee before it goes to planning when parks are involved. Burt agrees with having a standard of care. Mayor Johnson agrees we do need clearly defined expectations and timelines. IV) MDNRTF Grant Opportunity a. Kyle explained concepts and budgets are need to apply for grant. Windward won’t be ready by grant deadline. Kyle proposed Grand Truck Boat Launch for $650,000 ($250,000 put in by the City with DNR putting in $400,000). He believes we would be successful in receiving this. Mayor Johnson asks if we are limited to one grant application and can we do simultaneous applications for another property. Bodbyl-Mast says there is no limit you can ask for in acquisition like there is in development and he also encourages dual grants. Marks asks about what properties would be up for purchase between now and April. Bodbyl-Mast agrees to help with grant as long as it okay with the committee and the City. b. Olshansky would like to make a motion to support this MDNRTF grant opportunity around Grand Trunk park and encourage the Parks department and Parks committee to pursue the possible land acquisition for the current grant cycle. Seconded by Marks. Motion passes with unanimous vote. V) Capital Improvement Plan Draft a. Kyle goes over the numbers for the Capital Improvements in the Master Plan that comes out to a total of 6.1 million.. b. WMSRDC putting in $55,000 and Muskegon Bike Coalition $5,000 to greatly improve our bike non-motorized path. If we don’t spend it that money will not be here next year. c. Motion by King to recommend the City to do a $50,000 match of WMSRDC for the GreenWay study, support by Burt. Motion passes with unanimous vote. d. Marks would like to have Parks and Recreation partner with the school to do recreation activities like swimming, exercise classes, etc. We cannot use Hackley Field. It must be supervised activities. When the new middle school is open weight room will not be available but the cardio room will be usable. Mayor Johnson would like to reprise the high school agreement day to evening activities. Motion to adjourn by Bodbyl-Mast, supported by Olshansky. Meeting Adjourned at 7:20 pm.
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