Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes 03-20-2024

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                               Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee
                                Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 5:30pm
                                          City Hall Room 204
   Present: Aaron Bodbyl-Mast, John Burt, Sidney Long, Sarah De La Rosa, Hillery Ross Furse, Leann
               Heywood, Lynette Marks, David Ruck, Mayor Ken Johnson, Roberta King
                              Absent: Jequan Brown, Anthony Olshansky
Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm
   I)      Approval of 2/21/2024 minutes
           a. Motion to approve by Burt, second by Long, unanimously approved
   II)     Draft survey discussion
           a. The group reviews the Parks & Recreation Master Plan survey summary. Recreation
               coordinator Holly joins the meeting via zoom to answer questions regarding the survey
               summary. Discussions about changes we can make and limitation via our reporting
           b. The group wonders the weight of what the master plan survey feedback has on
               decisions. The survey is a tool to help with decisions regarding our parks.
           c. Kyle wants to know from the advisory committee if they feel the survey public ready in
               terms of content and format. Ruck suggest adding a map to page one of all the parks. De
               La Rosa thinks we should speak on more context on how we are going to use it however
               it much easier to read than previously. Mayor Johnson says that we took extra steps of
               pop-up parties with neighborhoods with low feedback and that should be added to
   III)    Capital Improvement plan draft
           a. Kyle asks should rolling out the draft survey summary and capital improvement plan be
               an engagement. De La Rosa suggests it should just be a ‘next step’. Mayor Johnson says
               it should be presented at work session and the commission could recommend an
               engagement before it the advisory votes to make a recommendation for commission to
               vote on. Marks asks what timeline Kyle needs for the 4 coming 2024 projects. Kyle
               explains some fiscal year 2025 projects could be in this year July 2024. Some things have
               already been bought. Rangers are already in motion and trucks has been approved for
          b. Kyle asks the committee to look through the improvement plan. Bodbyl-Mast says with
               the trust grant there is a 18 month waiting period. Kruse has plans for a natural
               playscape for its playground. Mayor Johnson suggest signage is placed when something
               is taken out to give more information.
          c. Ruck asks about new park signs and what the timeline of the new city rebrand is. Mayor
               asks why the parks new signage is pushed out to 2027 when the new city branding will
               be ready in 2025. Kyle explains it is because of the ARPA funding allocation.
          d. Mayor Johnson brings up Individual masterplan for Hartshorn Marina & Park.
          e. Motioned by Ruck, supported by Heywood, to make an individual masterplan for
               Hartshorn Marina & Park.
          f.   Mayor Johnson asks why only wifi for 3 parks and which 3 parks? Kyle doesn’t see why
               we can’t do more than 3. Kyle says it doesn’t need to be a capital purchase. Bodbyl-Mast
               asks about staffing. Kyle says he says staff and capital improvement as separate. Marks
               asks about Greenway. Kyle says Greenway was approved and that the survey backs up
               that citizens do want greenway improvements. More than 6.1 million is needed.
          g. Formal committee recommendations to move Hartshorn Marina accessibility
               improvements from 2024 to 2025 and moving up the All parks signs project from 2027
               to 2025. Motion to accept the formal committee recommendations to the capital
               improvement draft plan by bodyl-mast, supported by Ross-Furse, unanimously
   IV)    V) Swim buoys at Harbour Towne Beach
          a. Kyle will research and come back to see if there are any negative or additional liabilities.
               Mayor suggests conferring with parks supervisor Matt who may have already done
               some of this research prior. Kyle also wants to look into permits. Marks talks about the
               significant drop off that is a safety issue.
   V)     VI) FY25 Budget Discussion – Priorities
          a. Tabling the until next month. Committee think about what programming and events you
               would like to see.
   VI)    a. Staff announced that we now have 2 vacancies in Ward II with the departure of Jequan
          Brown and Anthony Olshansky.
Motioned by De La Rosa, seconded by Heywood, Adjourned at 7:27 pm

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