Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes 08-21-2024

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                          Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee
                           Wednesday August 21th 2024 at 5:30 PM
                                    City Hall Room 204


   Present: Evelyn Hough, Hillery Ross, Sidney Long, John Burt, Aaron Bodbyl-Mast, Leann
                          Heywood, Lynette Marks, Roberta King
                          Absent: Sarah De La Rosa, David Ruck

I) Call to order at 5:30 pm
II) Approval of 6/26/2024 minutes
     a) Motion by Marks, second by Ross to approve the June 2024 meeting minutes;
         unanimously approved.
                                              Motion passes
III) Action Item:
         i) PRAC Bylaws
             (1) Mayor Johnson took the committee through the PRAC Bylaws to see if any
                 changes were wanted by the group.
             (2) Committee agreed to add clarifying statement speaking to the purview of the
                 ward member under “name and purpose”.
             (3) Committee would like to add absence policy. We will need to clarify with the
                 Clerks office the exact verbiage for the absences.
             (4) Committee would like to add that commenters should share their name and
                 address, whether in person or written, and comments shall be limited to 3
             (5) Mayor Ken asks the committee if they would like virtual attendance to be an
                 option. Committee members attending virtually cannot participate in voting and
                 does not count toward quorum unless it is a disability issue.
IV) Discussion:
         i) Park Rules
             (1) Bodbyl-Mast asks about citations and what the enforcement is for breaking park
                 rules. Kyle explains park rangers will have citation powers. Marks asks about
                 having a warning before the citation.
             (2) The committee agrees to add vaping to the No Smoking park rule.
             (3) Kyle brings up fishing in the Marina. Currently the public is allowed during
                 business hours and after hours your must be a boat owner or guest of boat
                 owner. The committee feels that no fishing should be allowed at the marina.
             (4) Kyle brings up STR’s in Hartshorn Marina. Heywood asks if it says in the
                 ordinance, you are not allowed to run a private business. Mayor Ken looks up the
                 private mooring buoy ordinance. He concludes that the City can revoke permit if
                 operating STR.
             (5) Kyle talks about beach safety audit. He also informed the committee the swim
                 buoys are now in. Trinity Health is interested in partnering with beach safety.
              Marks wants to know if we have any facts about the events that have happened
              so that we can get data from these incidents. Kyle is unaware of if this data
              collection is out there but it is possible somewhere.
          (6) Kyle informs the group we have hired a new harbor master and give a brief
              background on him.
          (7) Kyle asks the committee if the trolley tour should be in place of our next meeting
              or an addition. The group agrees to make the trolley ride in place of the
              September meeting.
V) Public Comment
   a) No public comment

   Motion by Heywood to adjourn, second by King. Meeting adjourned at 7:26 pm

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