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City of Muskegon Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Wednesday December 18th 5:30 pm City Hall Conference Room 204 MINUTES Present: Yancy Weaver, Aaron, Bodbyl-Mast, Roberta King, David Ruck, Sidney Long, Hillery Ross, Lynnette Marks, Mayor Johnson, Leann Heywood, Sarah De La Rosa Absent: Evelyn Hough I. Meeting called to order at 5:32 PM II. Action Item: A. Approval of 10/16/24 Minutes i. Motion by King, supported by Marks by approve the 10-16-24 minutes. 1. Change 2025 date to 2024 on the minutes date. 2. Change Rucks statement in section C, part 1 to “Ruck wants clarification on allowing camping in parks and compares the rule to other municipalities”. Motion Passes III. Discussion Items: A. Beach Parking Fees i. Mayor Johnson confirms what did get adopted with the beach parking fees. He acknowledges that beach parking fees should have gone through the Parks & Rec Advisory Committee. ii. Ruck wants to clarify where the money goes and the percentage that goes to Parks vs Public Safety. Kyle says roughly $300,000 net of the 1.1 million gross goes to park after parking enforcement costs. iii. De La Rosa feels there should be a percentage put on where the money goes for the public to be able to see because it is perceived that all the money goes directly to parks. iv. Heywood feels there should be a breakdown of the revenue and costs. Mayor Johnson feels that is should be broken down in the budget of the parking. v. Ruck asks what is the final breakdown of the parking fee structure. Mayor Johnson breaks done the sequence of events that led to the current beach parking fees and informs the group of what fee structure has been settled on. B. Wayfinding Signs i. Ruck asks how the wayfinding sign points were selected. Director Karczewski explains points were selected by City employee Jamie Pesch. Director Karczewski goes over the potential sign locations. ii. King mentions Richards Park needing wayfinding signs. Burt feels the signage should be tabled for Richards Park planning since it is hard to access and the layout is discombobulated. iii. Heywood feels that the map is confusing because there is a lot going on with the map. She points out Kruse and Beachwood aren’t indicated they should be included for trail access. iv. Mayor Johnson says we need to make sure Adelaide Pointe is included. C. 2025 Grant Outlook & Identify Priorities i. WMSRDC is helping us inventory our trees, with the main focus right now being terrace trees and discussed possibly adding parks trees. Director Karczewski goes over upcoming grant opportunities for Outdoor Recreation Legacy, MDNR Recreation Passport, Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant. ii. Marks thinks we should consider having a restroom added. iii. Director Karczewski gives an overall scope of how a grant timeline would look. iv. Bodbyl-Mast asks how much ARPA grant money will have left. Director Karczewski gives a breakdown and shows the capital project allocations and an overview on what has been spent per Ward. D. Final Park Plans & Estimates i. Review Plans – ii. Discuss Phases & Priorities 1. Heywood feels the McGraft Park pedestrian bridge is a big safety hazard. 2. The committee engages in an activity putting stickers on the amenities that they like the on the McGraft Park, Kruse Park, Campbell Field, Richards Park, Hartshorn Marina conceptual plans located on the walls of the meeting room. E. Public Comment – no public comment F. Adjournment i. Motion by King, seconded by Ruck Motion Passes Meeting adjourned at 7:14 PM
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