Approved Agreements and Contracts

Group: City Commission

Document Name View Format
PDF Text Google Docs Video
1601 Beach Lease Agreement 02-11-20 PDF Text Google Docs
1601 Beach Lease Amendment 09-22-20 PDF Text Google Docs
20-21 School Resource Officer Agreement 11-24-20 PDF Text Google Docs
2020-2023 Janitorial Services Contract 01-14-2020 PDF Text Google Docs
2022-02-22 Development Agreement LRS Enterprises PDF Text Google Docs
2022-12-13 Adelaide Pointe Amendment Agreement PDF Text Google Docs
2022-12-13 FOP Labor Council Command Officer Agreement 01012023-12312027 PDF Text Google Docs
2022-12-28 Water Filtration Agreement PDF Text Google Docs
2023-01-10 Extension of Partnership Agreement with Boys and Girls Club PDF Text Google Docs
2023-01-10 Extension of Partnership Agreement with Community enCompass PDF Text Google Docs
2023-01-10 Lakeshore Creative Services Agreement PDF Text Google Docs
2023-01-24 Resolution Approving a Deficit Elimination Plan for Brownfield PDF Text Google Docs
2023-01-24 Resolution Approving Deficit Elimination Plan for Marina Fund PDF Text Google Docs
2023-01-24 Resolution Authorizing Jonathan Seyferth and Leighann Mikesell to Sign Purchase Agreements PDF Text Google Docs
2023-02-14 MERS - Police Command DB employee contribution rate PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-02-14 MERS - Police Command DC employee contribution rate PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-02-14 MERS - Police Command HCSP employee and employer contribution rates PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-02-28 1194 Pine Lease Agreement PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-02-28 Financing a Fire Pumper Truck PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-03-14 2nd Amendment Brownfield Development & Reimbursement Agreement Adelaide Pointe PDF Text Google Docs
2023-03-14 Water Agreement with Muskegon Heights 1st Amendment PDF Text Google Docs
2023-03-28 Sunwealth LLC Power Purchase Agreement PDF Text Google Docs
2023-04-25 Anchor Insurance Parking Lot Lease for City Employee Parking PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-04-25 Sale of Lots for Residential Construction to LRS Enterprises PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-05-09 Sale of 909 Washington Ave Purchase and Development Agreement PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-05-23 3rd Amendment, Brownfield Development & Reimbursement Agreement, Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-05-23 Brownfield Development & Reimbursement Agreement, The Meadows at Harbor 31 LLC 170 Viridian Dr. PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-05-23 Lumberjacks Renovations Arena PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-05-25 Adelaide Pointe 12M3164 Memorandum of Easement PDF Text Google Docs
2023-05-25 Adelaide Pointe 15L8069-Easement Agreement PDF Text Google Docs
2023-06-13 BGCML Summer Camp Park Use Agreement PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-06-13 Placement of Public Benches PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-06-13 Purchase of DMDC Parking Lots at 387 and 401 Morris PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-06-13 Third Amendment to agreement between city and county Human Resources PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-06-27 Approval of contract for Mediation & Restorative Services PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-07-11 Easement for Electric Facilities at 159 McLaughlin Ave. PDF n/a Google Docs
2023-08-22 First Amendment to Cost Sharing Agreement - 30 inch water main PDF Text Google Docs
2023-09-26 BSA Cloud Signed Agreement PDF Text Google Docs
2023-09-26 Executed Purchase Agreement Amended Splash Pad DMDC2 PDF Text Google Docs
2023-11-14 City Hall Office Remodel_Second Floor PDF Text Google Docs
2023-11-14 Mac Kite Concessionaire 050124-043029 PDF Text Google Docs
2023-11-28 Cellular Tower Lease Consultant Contract PDF Text Google Docs
2024-01-09 Arena Solar Interconnect Agreement PDF Text Google Docs
2024-01-09 Comcast Franchise Agreement expires 123133 PDF n/a Google Docs
2024-01-09 Gus Benches Encroachment Agreement exp 013029 PDF Text Google Docs
2024-01-09 Tower Lease Agreement Cellco Partnership dba Verizon expires 040134 PDF Text Google Docs
2024-01-23 1278 Pine Street Purchase and Development Agreement PDF Text Google Docs
2024-01-23 DEI Policy Audit Phase 1 Executed Agreement MGT 3.4.24 PDF Text Google Docs
2024-01-23 DEI Policy Audit Phase 2 Executed Agreement MGT 3.4.24 PDF Text Google Docs
2024-02-13 Employee Assistance Agreement Ulliance PDF Text Google Docs
2024-02-13 Employee Assistance Program UFirst PDF Text Google Docs
2024-03-12 Contingent Assignment Agreement Adelaide Pointe PDF Text Google Docs
2024-03-12 Contract for Tree Removal Monarch Tree Service PDF Text Google Docs
2024-03-12 Purchase and Development Agreement 1311 Marquette Lawaun Cunningham PDF Text Google Docs
2024-03-12 Purchase and Development Agreement 1328 James APL Homes PDF Text Google Docs
2024-03-12 Purchase and Development Agreement 438 502 510 Isabella Robert Muusse PDF Text Google Docs
2725 Olthoff NBR Purchase and Sale Agreement 1-25-22 PDF Text Google Docs
425 Agreement Business Park North Removal 05-11-21 PDF Text Google Docs
425 Agreement Business Park North Removal/Acquisition of 902 Pine St. 04-13-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Amendment to the Ride Muskegon Agreement 04-26-22 PDF Text Google Docs
Arena Lease - Carlisle 11-07-22 PDF Text Google Docs
Arena Participation Agreements 03-08-22 PDF Text Google Docs
ARP Agreement Amendment West Urban 06-14-22 PDF Text Google Docs
Assessing Contract Muskegon County 06-22-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Brownfield Development & Reimbursement Agreement Adelaide Pointe 11-23-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Brownfield Development & Reimbursement Agreement Ryerson Creek Land Co. 11-23-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Brownfield Development &Reimbursement Agreement Viridian Land Shores 11-23-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Brownfield Development and Reimbursement Agreement The Docks 03-24-20 PDF Text Google Docs
Brownfield Development and Reimbursement Agreement, Harbor West 08-11-20 PDF Text Google Docs
City Manager Employment Contract 10-5-22 PDF Text Google Docs
City of Muskegon/Muskegon Public Schools Cost Sharing Agreement 6-22-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Community enCompass Development Agreement Amendment 05-11-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Easement Agreement 01-14-20 PDF Text Google Docs
Extension of Temporary Employment Services Agreement 01-12-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Extension of the CDBG Program Administration Agreement between Norton Shores and City for fiscal year 2021 11-23-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Grant of Conservation Easement Agreement 12-13-22 PDF Text Google Docs
Hartford Terrace Development Agreement 01-12-21 PDF Text Google Docs
LRS ASP Updated Construction Agreement 11-07-22 PDF Text Google Docs
LRS PRI Act 99 Installment Purchase Agreement 11-07-22 PDF Text Google Docs
MANA Sports, LLC Revolving Loan 02-25-20 PDF Text Google Docs
MDOT Agreement for Musketawa Trail Connector 06-22-21 PDF Text Google Docs
MDOT Agreement for Terrace St. 06-14-22 PDF Text Google Docs
Muskegon Area Sports Hall of Fame Lease 10-12-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Muskegon Central Dispatch Lease Agreement & Exhibits 03-09-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Muskegon Public Schools 04-13-21 PDF Text Google Docs
NBR Labs Development Purchase Agreement Amendment 10-25-22 PDF Text Google Docs
NEZ 460 Langley St PDF n/a Google Docs
Parkland Properties Marina Agreement 12-08-20 PDF Text Google Docs
PILOT Agreement Amendment West Urban 06-14-22 PDF Text Google Docs
POLC Contract 2022 11-23-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Ramos Towing Agreement 11-24-20 PDF Text Google Docs
Risers Indoor Soccer Club Contract 10-13-20 PDF Text Google Docs
Roberts Street MDOT Agreement 11-07-22 PDF Text Google Docs
School Resource Officer Agreement 2021-2022 01-11-22 PDF Text Google Docs
Shoreline Drive Engineering Services 05-10-22 PDF Text Google Docs
Staffing Services Agreement Boys and Girls Club 04-12-22 PDF Text Google Docs
Staffing Services Agreement EnCompass 04-12-22 PDF Text Google Docs
Televising Commission Meetings 04-14-20 PDF Text Google Docs
Title: MDOT Agreement for Peck Street 03-09-21 PDF Text Google Docs
Unruly Brewing Revolving Fund Application 02-10-20 PDF Text Google Docs
US Army Corps of Engineers Lease 09-13-22 PDF Text Google Docs
West Urban Properties Agreement 07-28-20 PDF Text Google Docs
YEP Partnership 06-22-2021 PDF Text Google Docs

103 documents

Approved Agreements and Contracts

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